Am I a bad christian because I deffend hommosexuals' rights?
2016-06-13 01:14:31 UTC
Basically, I was shocked when I saw some people on social media saying that they are happy that Orlando shooting happenned because people who died were gays. They explained their opinion by pure christianity. But I don't think christianity is about hating hommosexuals. I am so sad that there are people who think that gays do not have a right to live and deffend themselves by saying they are christians. I am christian myself. And I deffend gay rights. And I am so sorry for the people whose close ones where in that night club. Does that make me a bad christian?
148 answers:
2016-06-13 01:18:02 UTC
Christianity should be about love, understanding, kindness and peace.

Sadly, there will always be some bigots who can't see past their own unreasonable hate.

You're the good sort of Christian - and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Those people were just having a fun night out with their friends. What's wrong with that? Being gay isn't a choice - it's just the way some people were born.
2016-06-13 15:43:59 UTC
"Am I a bad christian because I deffend hommosexuals' rights?"

Defending the rights of homosexuals may make you a bad Christian, but it also makes you a good person.

You don't need God or any other god to be good and do good.
2016-06-13 11:24:32 UTC
It is a real shame when people use Christianity to back up their own hateful views. I think things like that make God grieve more than anything else. The type of attack that was perpetrated against these people was completely ANTI Christian. It had nothing to do with love and nothing to do with God. It was an act of hatred, cowardice and ultimately an act that pleased the devil.

Every human being on the face of the earth, no matter who they are or what they believe deserves to be treated fairly and with the same respect and dignity that they show toward others. You don't have to agree with a person or side with their beliefs in order to recognize those basic human rights. As Christians we are called to LOVE above all else. Love is what sums up every command in the Bible.
2016-06-13 01:25:48 UTC
Of course you're not a bad Christian. Matthew 22:36-40- Jesus says what the two most important commandments are. 1) Love God. 2) Love your neighbor as yourself.

I'd just ignore the people who are happy about this. No one with a heart is genuinely happy when 50 people die.
2016-06-15 09:43:11 UTC
Of course not! Defending homosexuals' rights actually makes you a good Christian.

Why? Because the 'golden rule' is "Do unto others as you want them to do unto you".

Would you want people discriminating against you because you were born with a slightly different brain structure?

Would you want to be hated because of the way you developed in your mother's womb?

The obvious answer to both of these is no. Anyone who does not want to be hated, does not hate.

And any Christian who uses their religion as an excuse to discriminate against others is not a true Christian.
2016-06-14 19:37:18 UTC
No you're not.

We can disagree but we can't take away other people's rights.

I'm upset too. I don't agree with gay marriage but we don't have the right to kill anyone period. People may get on me for standing up for the people who's lives were lost at Pulse but at this point idrc because more lives were lost and that's not right.

Who told you you were a bad Christian? I mean yes, God did condemn it but you shouldn't be cheering on someone's death like dang. Offer condolences & be there when they need you the most. Cry with them. Hug with them. They need love too. In this kind of world, all of us need love.
Dr. D
2016-06-13 12:46:59 UTC
A good Christian will treat all people with love, respect, and dignity, not because they are wealthy, beautiful, or popular, but just because they are humans. Humans are created in the image of God, and God loves them, and so do I.

Homosexuals, transgender, and cross-dressers all have a right to be happy. However, that does not mean that we should embrace their political agenda. You need to determine what is consistent with your Christian beliefs. For instance, is gay marriage really the same thing as traditional marriage? The gay culture includes flamboyant female impersonators, weird orgies, making fists up partner's anus, putting gerbils up their rectum, and other creative sexual turn-ons. You don't have to support everything homosexuals do, and claim as a civil right.
2016-06-13 13:02:19 UTC
Well you see, this is where the rules inmosed on a religious sect, (in this case Christianity) are wrong. Whilst not a dogmatic follower of all the rubbish imposed on Christianity by those in the past with a vested interest, I don't think that Christianity is about hating anyone. Its not that sort of religion. There are those of course who would wish it to be so, for the more exclusive it becomes, the better they feel about themselves having a bigoted outlook.

Bigots are very dangerous people with little knowledge of the subject they say that they support.

They would find it impossible to follow the original general principles of Christianity, (we all would,) and so the rules they adhere to are influenced by their own restrictive point of view, and their reasoning is suspect.
2016-06-14 20:31:36 UTC
First off I would like to point out that your heart is in the right place, as Christians we are commanded to love one another John 13:34. While the act of homosexuality 1Corinthians 6:9,10 is explained to be a sin in the Bible along with other sins, we are in no way permitted to hate the people who practice it. One can hate the act because God hates it, and love the person because God loves them. It is actually a sin on your part to hate and wish calamity and death on someone who is sinning- because aren't we all sinning? So no, you are not a bad Christian for defending homosexuals rights to be treated as humans. Our view of the practice of homosexuality however, need not be mistaken for our love for the people. If we are interested in pleasing God, then our view on the act should be the same as his. But first we would need to learn what his view is and why.Here is a Bible based article I found that you may enjoy reading, hope this helps
2016-06-13 05:55:43 UTC
A true Christian is a follower of Jesus Christ and his teachings. Jesus came to do the will of his Father and followed the scriptures to the letter (John 6:35-40). For a true Christian, what the Bible says is more important than any human opinion. God's thoughts are clearly stated in the Bible. That is what is most important.
2016-06-13 06:55:23 UTC
It's bad lack of prudence that makes you publicize hate but you should stop it nonetheless. Jesus said to not curse the darkness but to light a candle. you just curse and curse and curse.

The Catechism on Homosexuality

358 The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God's will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord's Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.
2016-06-13 13:06:45 UTC
Bad Christian? You're a true Christian. No religion is about hatred or anything like that. Not everyone has the guts to accept that people can be gay and we need to accept that because of society and pressure. If everyone could be like you, the world would be a better place.
2016-06-13 02:24:12 UTC
No. You're a better Christian than those people on your social media. True Christians should never judge and should love all of God's creatures, regardless of race, gender identity, religion, or sexual orientation.
2016-06-13 06:43:36 UTC
It is unfortunate that people professing to be Christians could attempt to justify such a hateful act. Yes, the Bible does disapprove of homosexual acts, but it does not condone hatred of homosexuals or homophobia. At 1 Peter chapter 2 verse 17 we're told to “Honor men of all sorts”.
2016-06-15 18:51:56 UTC
You are not a christian at all. You are either with God and stand behind what He is for and against what He is against or you are with satan. No sitting on the fence with God here. Many people think they are christians just because they go to church. But unless you are born again by accepting Jesus free gift of salvation and have confessed. Your sins to Him vocally in front of witnesses and invite Him into your heart and giave Him control of your life, unless you can do that and feel the Holy ghost lift you up to where you feel like you are floating when walking, Unless you have done that and felt that, then you are not born again and not a christian. You cannot serve God and satan. And anyone who supports sin and iniquity is with satan and not God.
2016-06-13 17:07:30 UTC
No, that makes you a true Christian. You show the love of God. You show compassion like Jesus does. Your social media friends are false Christians. They justify hatred in the name of God. They turn people away from the church. They judge and demean others who are different. Jesus said "Love one another". Being happy that 50 of God's children were murdered by a horrible massacre is not loving one another.

Don't ever think that you need to be like them to be a better Christian, they should learn from you.
Kynan Mitchell
2016-06-13 05:32:12 UTC
No. You're a great civilian. If we all could learn to understand that there's things in the world we don't understand and that they won't change. Everyone has the right to be happy.
2016-06-13 01:26:50 UTC
You're right to speak out.

It is wrong that these people were selflessly murdered no matter how it's looked at, and there is nothing in this world that can justify it.

Stick to your guns and be loving and kind and caring.

A athiest
2016-06-13 04:13:34 UTC
There should be more concern about meeting God's requirements, principle, and standard rather than man's. I would not condone brutality of any kind. The Bible condemns homosexuality, but it is the acts that are condemned.

John 17:1-3

17 Jesus spoke these things, and raising his eyes to heaven, he said: “Father, the hour has come. Glorify your son so that your son may glorify you,+ 2 just as you have given him authority over all flesh,*+ so that he may give everlasting life+ to all those whom you have given to him.+ 3 This means everlasting life,+ their coming to know you,* the only true God,+ and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ.
Rolando C I
2016-06-13 09:33:30 UTC
You can defend gay people in the sense that it is wrong for people to physically hurt them or kill them. But if you defend their rights you are going against Jehovah's laws and you are not helping them find the road to salvation. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 John 4:24
2016-06-13 01:30:11 UTC
Not a bad Christian, because you aren't a Christian at all.

As Christians, we do not advocating breaking God's laws in any regard. We do not condemn, or attack...however infallibly we do cite the law. And the law does not provide for homosexual behaviors in any form.
2016-06-15 06:14:45 UTC
I'm pretty sure that John 13:34 answers your question. It automatically defeats Leviticus 18:22.
Say No to Castor Oil!
2016-06-13 09:24:47 UTC
No. You're a normal human being that believes in basic human rights and whose mind has evolved away from the dark ages and into a new era of enlightenment.
2016-06-13 07:14:24 UTC
There were people who opposed the abolition of slavery, emancipation for women, the banning of discrimination of women, the attempts to eradicate racism and now the need to eradicate homophobia!

Taking one sin to indulge in intolerance, hatred, bigotry, homophobia and persecution will never be acceptable in the eyes of God!

Christian leaders from around the world have clearly stated their opposition to the "victimization or diminishment" of gays and lesbians, saying demonizing and persecuting them was "totally against Christian charity and basic principles of pastoral care".

"We say that no one should have to live in fear because of the bigotry of others."

The Supreme court found that the bans and discrimination violated equality laws to target a minority group and withdraw a right that it possessed, without a legitimate reason for doing so. Proposition 8 serves no purpose, and has no effect, other than to lessen the status and human dignity of gays and lesbians in California. The constitution simply does not allow for laws of this sort.

The Supreme Court has now stated that gay marriage is legal in ALL STATES! Thus gay marriage is legal and anyone who shows intolerance, hatred, bigotry, homophobia and persecution towards them faces the CRIMINAL LAW and the charges are rated as HATE CRIME with severe sentences!

Sadly Christianity is being destroyed and criminalized by people who use the bible as their excuse for totally unchristian behaviour.

The loving god works in mysterious ways.
2016-06-15 03:06:42 UTC
Homosexuals are not bad criminals. Killing them is sin. The killers will face the consequences. But homosexual activities must not be encouraged. Homosexual feelings are caused by a type of spirits. These spirits collapse the living system of the human beings. Homosexuals must be treated as patients. First of all homosexuals must understand themselves that they have become like that because of some undesirable spirits and they have to wake up immediately. Only their thoughts and will power can eliminate such spirits.
2016-06-13 01:31:10 UTC
A true Christian is one who follows the teachings of Jesus - to love one another; be kind, loving, forgiving, compassionate, etc to all of creation. That's it. Nothing else. That is all that Jesus ever really taught. You don't have to do anything else to be a true Christian.

Jesus never advocated dogma, rituals or worship. And he was very against the dogmatic ritualistic priests of his time.
2016-06-15 21:02:45 UTC
I am a Greek Orthodox Christian and I believe that everyone has the right to live how they want. But what I do not like is how some people go to the extreme and bring hate between both of them!
2016-06-14 19:49:31 UTC
Many churches/people will take views of every religion and change them over time to keep memberships high. While i am proud of you and happy to hear you support gay rights, you have to remember a sizeable portion of the community you identify with quotes the same books you do for its reasons of hatred. Just food for thought when it comes to life choices. It goes the same for all the muslims i have known in my life. Most disagree with homosexual rights based on religion, very (and i mean very, look at the numbers involved) kill over it, and a few progressive, take the word as a nonliteral text but guideline support it. It really is no different.

(Straight atheist take on it)
2016-06-16 11:22:04 UTC
I don't hate homosexuals. I DO hate the sin. They can still repent. Where there is life there is hope. As far as I'm concerned what happened in ORLANDO goes beyond being against gays. It was an act of war against this country just as 9ll was.
2016-06-13 08:39:28 UTC
Do you defend homosexual rights to be homosexuals or do you defend a person's rights to be equal to others' in the world? Only you can determine if you're supporting what God calls sin. If you are doing that than you cannot claim to be a Christian or "like Christ" because Christ defends HIS Father's Laws. The very fact that you stated "defending "homosexual rights" says you defend "homosexual actions" . If you had said, "I defend those who were in that building enjoying the night when they were massacred and slaughtered, THAT would identify that you are defending all peoples rights. But the fact that you only stated "homosexual rights" or "the right to be a homosexual" is not aligned with God's Laws.

God says, "Homosexual acts are sin" you are saying you support "Sin". God does not support sin.
2016-06-13 13:30:53 UTC
Christianity is NOT about hating homosexuality but homosexuality is one of many things which God tells us we must not be or do. It also mentions adultery, rape, incest, theft, lying, hatred, anger, murder, worshipping false Gods and much, much more. We either live by GOD'S rules or we don't and, if we choose not to do so, we will be punished.

God did not send this killer, he followed a false teaching and then did it all by himself. He, and others, who disobey God's Word to man will be punished if they don't repent. There are many ways to disobey God's Word, one of them is being a murderer and another is being a sexual deviant (and there are many, many more).
2016-06-13 10:37:45 UTC
You doing right. Follow your heart and pray. God will tell you if you are a bad Christian, don't listen to man.
2016-06-17 03:39:53 UTC
A good Hindu's loves all life no matter what there not to be discriminate but you have right to protect against who is against hate all other religion
2016-06-13 01:19:15 UTC
While the Bible disapproves of homosexual acts, it does not condone hatred of homosexuals or homophobia. Instead, Christians are directed to “respect everyone.” 1 Peter 2:17

Even though they do not condone homosexual relations, true Christians show kindness to all people. Matthew 7:12

God wants us to honor men of all sorts.

Therefore, genuine Christians are not homophobic.
2016-06-15 03:51:29 UTC
People misunderstand what the term Christian means. It means to be Christ like. To live as Christ did. So would Jesus approve of homosexual acts. The Bible clearly says that such unclean acts is displeasing to God. In Gods due time he will judge. But no human has the right to judge or take another life.
2016-06-13 13:58:55 UTC
No, not at all. What /would/ make you a bad Christian is if you twisted your religion into an excuse for bigotry, or if you were a disgusting psychopath like the people you mentioned being happy about the shooting.

You seem like a great, actual Christian.
Christian Sinner
2016-06-13 01:20:31 UTC
As a bisexual Christian I know that Jesus made his covenant about trusting (pisteuo) in "the one God sent". It wasn't about modern sociopolitical opinions. So it seems to me that the Christians who cannot separate LGBT matters from the Gospel are probably not Christian.

Quasi-Christians think that being saved is about whether a person is LGBT or not.
2016-06-13 13:10:30 UTC
No not at all. Those people who are happy about 50 people dying aren't true Christians they're just sick hateful bigots.
2016-06-13 07:22:22 UTC
Christians have an obligation to love their neighbours.

Homosexuality is just an arrested state of development.

They still have the same human rights as everyone.

Jesus was criticised for being friendly with sinners.
2016-06-14 19:59:56 UTC
If you're a Christian who believes in salvation alone, then no. If you're a Christian who believes in salvation and good deeds, then yes.
2016-06-15 08:02:22 UTC
According to Jesus, things done wrong are things done wrong. There is no score card or point system. You either do right or you don't. I dont think any of us are perfect (unless we are lying to ourselves).

So, people professing to be Christians while at the same time hating gay people for being gay (while also being sinners themselves) are according to Jesus hypocrites.

Sermon on the Mount "You hypocrite! First remove the beam out of your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck out of your brothers eye."

People who twist Christianity to spread hate disgust me.
2016-06-13 10:34:26 UTC
Personally I'm not religious, but I feel that if you support such tragedies then SHAME ON YOU. If this is your way of showing loyalty and faith then you don't support a loving god but rather a sadist.

I don't mean to attack religious people, but from what I know it says LOVE THY NEIGHBOUR, it doesn't say love them if..

Shame that we have these kind of people in our world.
2016-06-15 22:59:58 UTC
Sin is the ultimate weapon against humanity because it originates in darkness. It gains its power by capturing souls and deceiving the mind of people through a false sense of security. Many Christians profess their uniqueness to love but fail to have self control. Sin is lawlessness but we are not to judge. Instead we are to love one another because when we love one another there is no law. In fact the bible says lead a quiet life, mind your own business and to work with your own hands, as we command you. That you may walk properly toward those who are outside and that you may lack nothing. It means let us walk properly as in the day not in revelry, drunkenness nor lewdness or lust not in strife or envy.
2016-06-13 17:13:24 UTC
Who you kidding? For starters you are not a real Christians by what I've read in your question, you are fake.

What social media are you claiming that Christians are saying we hate homosexual therefore gays do not have the right to live? Where?

A true God fearing Christian would never agree to murder! Oh by the way the ACLU lesbians are blaming Christians for what that RADICAL ISLAMIC did to those people. Are you one of them?

Christians had nothing to do with their murder!!!

If you heard or read that there were people who were glad that the gays were murdered, those comments were NOT coming from Christians.

In actuality, we are sadden for those lives that were stolen from them, not happy with what happened, 'cause believe it or not, some of us Christians have had a family member who is gay, but loved very much. All we can do is pray that the Lord will protect them and that one day, will come to repentence and turn away from their sins before it is too late for them. Yes they are in danger because the devil has deceived their minds and after he has them snared, he will come out to rob them of their lives, by suicide, murders, and drag them down to where he is going.

Being gay is a sin like any other sin. So what are we Christians going to do...kill all sinners? (sarcasm)

We carry the testimony of Jesus Christ in our hearts and minds; that he came to forgive all manner of sins because he truly loves people.

Like him, we do not want anyone to perish so we share what Christ has put in out hearts with all who will listen to his words through our testimony.

Jesus is about eternal life, light, & love.

satan is loose in the world; he's out to deceive, kill and destroy. Islamic are minions of the devil. They are a demonic weapon of hate, destruction, oppression, murdering as many lives as they can, sent by the devil/satan.

If you were a genuine Christian you would have known these things.
2016-06-13 01:28:00 UTC
Nah, you're just "not a true Christian". So other Christians would love to claim.
2016-06-13 14:40:39 UTC
You're the type of Christian the world needs more of.
2016-06-13 15:27:11 UTC
Bad Christian, good person. Although Jesus would agree that those homosexuals deserved to die for being homosexuals, he'd prefer it if the shooter had waited for Jesus to come back so HE could kill them.
2016-06-13 07:40:15 UTC
You are a bad person for being a Christian, simple but at least you are doing some good.
2016-06-13 01:24:24 UTC
You're better than the cult of Christianity - said cult supports slavery and stoning, for example... why pander to such a disgusting cult when you free yourself of this man-made delusion?
Michel Verheughe
2016-06-13 01:22:35 UTC
If I see two men kissing each other, it makes me feel ... uneasy. But then, if they love each other as I love my wife, I think it is great and in the true meaning of Jesus' love for our neighbour and forgiveness for our enemies.

But then, some religious leaders try to dictate what we shall and shall not do, according to their own opinion. In my humble opinion, religion is like a penis. It is nice to have one and to be proud of it. But you shall not show it in public, impose it on children nor write laws with it. Amen!
2016-06-13 02:02:11 UTC
Actually it makes you a better Christian than most, and FAR better than the one's you saw on social media. Kudos to you.
2016-06-14 21:52:41 UTC
No, it doesn't.

Matthew 7:1
2016-06-13 01:28:23 UTC
If you are pushing for homosexuality, and give approval to those who do it, and if you defend the rhetoric of the left in regards to homosexuality, and more, then you are a bad Christian. If you are against what happened in Orlando, then good, it is wrong to fight evil with evil, that makes you a good Christian being against such evil acts. But if you play along with the rhetoric and give approval to homosexuality and push for it and use their rhetoric knowingly even though it is nonsense then you are a bad Christian.
2016-06-13 11:38:10 UTC
Yes. Defending homosexual rights is defending sin. We should be taking a stand against perversion, not siding with them. Read Romans 1:18-32...those who condone such debased behavior is as guilty as those who do it!
2016-06-15 16:19:46 UTC
You would be a bad Christian if you didn't.
2016-06-15 18:58:39 UTC
you can disagree with people without turning them into pariah...

i'm so sick of this traditional sense that Jesus was railing against the sinners instead of hanging out with them. He came to the worst of the worst of us to minister to us. why should we do any less? stop getting hung up on labels, God created all life and we are all living beings who deserve that much respect and in that respect we can openly reason together our concerns and views.
Steve Amato
2016-06-13 06:17:38 UTC
Homosexuals have rights, just like the rights of other sexually immoral people, and drunkards, slanderers, the covetous and the like. Defending their rights doesn't mean Christians condone their behavior.
2016-06-13 11:23:12 UTC
Yes! however you are right to be shocked! No one deserves to be murdered in any such manner, this event was planned and staged covertly for garnering a more rigorous anti gun agenda I believe, but the point is we whom profess to follow Christ must accept his ruling on this behaviour.
2016-06-15 06:52:13 UTC
THOU SHALL NOT JUDGE, you are not a bad christian,

you are a true christian who is willing to accept people of different gender, with that love that you recognize them as fellow humans, really means a lot to them. One vote changes everything..
2016-06-16 09:56:47 UTC
You're a misguided Christian.

Homosexuality is just as sinful as murder and rape and theft.
Jan C
2016-06-15 12:13:31 UTC
A Christian never hates anyone. Your opinion of their rights is a personal one.
2016-06-13 08:59:59 UTC
They don't need any special rights just because they have a queer view of life.
2016-06-16 01:00:14 UTC
No as a christian you must stand on what is right so other people will know what is right and wrong, democracy has gone so far in our generation that they forgot what happen in SODOM and GOMORRAH. dude how can explain having sex with the same sex so wrong, some animals know whos HE or SHE. sadly even the pope of the vatican supports the LGBT.
2016-06-13 02:10:20 UTC
You may be a bad Christian but you sound like a decent human being.
2016-06-15 03:42:04 UTC
Sometimes bigoted Christians try to protect themselves from criticism by pretending that criticizing their bigotry is criticizing their Christianity. And then decent Christians like you come along and ruin their pretense.
2016-06-13 01:26:15 UTC
If you actually read your bible you will find bible god/jesus is petty and unjust, unforgiving, a control freak, ethnic cleanser, misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal lunatic.

Don't be surprised that these things happen, from both Christian and Muslim.
2016-06-13 07:59:22 UTC
IGNORANT ... what rights do you think they have? their lifestyle is destructive to them Marriage is between a man and a woman... so Christian, stick with what the bible says not politicians who would support evil things for votes... we need to help the "sick" among us not support and defend them in their destruction... Would Jesus defend their rights to live a depraved life or would He instruct them on how to be free and live a productive and Godly life??
2016-06-13 02:52:09 UTC
It is good and proper to defend other peoples rights, even if you personally do not agree with their actions.

Atheists like myself are very vocal about defending these groups even though we are not gay ourselves. The rights and freedoms of all must be protected.
2016-06-13 06:29:24 UTC
There are those of your faith who will say that you are but there are also many christians who believe as you do. Be happy for having a good heart and not descending into bigotry.
2016-06-15 00:15:01 UTC
That depends, because christianity says to not judge and to love everyone, but also to stone homosexuals.
2016-06-13 01:23:50 UTC
Only with religion do you even have to think about that and work something out. Without religion there is no confusion about how wrong it is to discriminate in any way against gays.
2016-06-13 03:56:46 UTC
No, you aren't. My Two Teachers even said that you aren't.
2016-06-14 19:27:38 UTC
Yes because homosexuality is incompatible with Christianity. The 50 fags who were killed in Orlando are now burning in hell along with the infidel who shot them
2016-06-15 09:39:13 UTC
The question that should be asked is what is God's (The Creator) view of homosexual behavior? (There many text in the Bible that discusses this matter.
2016-06-13 03:43:17 UTC
God is against sexuality yea its wrong as a christian but those people have no right to judge them or be rude. Only God can do that. you didnt do anything wrong
2016-06-13 11:42:13 UTC
No it makes you a good Christian as Jesus and God accepts everyone for who they are and would never speak down to them
2016-06-13 09:42:47 UTC
homosexuality is the most shameful and disgraceful sin that human ever commited, as a good believer i hope for you to keep away of them..."And incline not to those who do wrong, or the Fire will seize you; and ye have no protectors other than Allah, nor shall ye be helped." (Koran)
2016-06-13 01:18:20 UTC
Christians pray for peace yet promote multiculturalism which leads to racial tension and conflict.

2016-06-13 14:01:15 UTC
No because you are actually closer to Christ. Jesus remember did not cast stones. So many people calling themselves "Christians" act just like Hebrews from the Old Covenant, like the Jews who cried, "Crucify Him!"
2016-06-14 18:49:58 UTC
I too support gay rights. It is man that says being gay is a sin, not God.
2016-06-14 18:16:24 UTC
It's akin to saying you aren't a true American if you believe this or that. Everyone who becomes an American citizen represents America. Likewise, everyone who becomes a Christian represents Christianity. Doesn't matter if that person reflects your beliefs or not. Besides, Christianity is all about bad people to begin with. Hospitals don't concentrate on healthy people, religion isn't necessarily about people with the best of intentions.

And Christianity, in particular, revolves around kindness towards unkind people. Purging Christianity of its worst offenders is akin to a soup kitchen turning away the homeless. People assume Mary was supposed to be the head of Jesus' church but there is a reason why Peter is called the rock. He's not the rock of fidelity and honor, he is the foundation of Jesus' entire gospel: "Give to those who cannot repay you... If someone takes your cloak, offer him your shoes."

Peter the coarse fisherman. Peter the braggart. Peter the jealous. Peter the obstinate. Peter the doubter. Peter the denier. Peter the remorseful. Peter the preacher. Peter the one who, in the end, refused to be crucified right-side up. Peter the Redeemed."You are Peter and upon this rock I will build my church."

You are the Christian you want to be. And like Tolkein said, "Not all who wander are lost."
2016-06-14 15:54:10 UTC
NO I LOVE YOU! see, people like you are amazing. Dont let people change your mind about how you feel for defending homosexuality. Its sad that people are probably telling you it's wrong. We need more people like you in our world. So i thank you.
2016-06-14 13:08:39 UTC
Being Christian is following what Christ taught us, not specifics in the bible. Being Christian is loving everyone and understanding that just because someone was born (yes people are BORN lgbtqi, it is NOT a choice) lgbtqi that does not in any way make them a sinner or less deserving of love and happiness than a straight or cis-gendered person. It's sad that you have to actually think about whether supporting lgbtqi rights makes you a "good Christian." It's 2016 and considering anyone lgbtqi as undeserving of love, life, and happiness is literally a direct action against Christian teachings. It's literally scientifically studied and proven that people are born gay and can be born with all the inner makings of a male or female and the other makings of the opposite gender. If you can't see how wrong it is to condemn or not support lgbtqi rights in 2016 then you need a reeducation in your religion and clearly science and being a good human.
2016-06-14 04:28:49 UTC
Not at all...! See no one is a boy, girl, gay or anything. Jesus is not a man or woman. He is beyond gender. And we are ourselves genderless. It's only the body that makes us gender.

Even though Homosexuality was condemned in bible. But I don't think it is a complete restriction. I believe that God only wants to teach us that 'Why do a fruitless thing'. Like, you can't have babies with a gay sex. And earlier people only had sex to have babies( more than they did for pleasure). So this was the main thing.

Think over it. Now you are a boy, you have sex with a male and you did a sin. Next life you will be girl(suppose) and then you have sex with male and do you become sinister? No. Just remember., until you fulfill your desires you cannot get Jesus either. To be one with Him, you've to be satisfied fully. Then slowly learn to give up desires and this is what life is meant for.

Feel free. There is nothing wrong in it.
2016-06-14 00:22:05 UTC
How about straight rights?
2016-06-13 22:21:26 UTC
No you are not a bad Christian - there are a lot of people scared witless of life and throw out hate instead of love. As Christians, we are commanded by Jesus Christ to love and that's exactly what you do.

Being a Christian is not easy, I know, I've been working at it since I was born here in London in 1941. But we must not give up and like the Christian in John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, we must carry on to the Celestial City and try not to fall into sin along the way.

I hope you'll visit us here in London one day.

Messiah - Music by George F Handel of London, Words from the King James English Bible.

Mister Handel wrote Messiah in just twenty four days - a magnificent oratorio - originally for the Theatre, but then seen by Johnathan Swift as a great religious work.

Sermon on the Mount - hope you like.

Jesus with you always.
2016-06-13 20:21:34 UTC
i am a christian.

i know the bible v well ... homosexuality is a sin.

God also says everyone is a sinner.

God says He is the Judge ... not man.

so who gives that muslim a right to kill ?

also, what is shocking is ...

there are at least 50 young MEN in that club.

when ONE gunman walks in n starts shooting, can't the others figure out how to get him ???

i think someone should start a business ... Self Defence vs armed men.

you are MEN ... what happened to you ?

why cower ???

one bullet cannot take down 10 men at once, can it ...

if 10 men make a go at him, one or two will die but they'll save the rest.

what the hell ...

i thought american men make a great army ?
2016-06-13 19:16:50 UTC
No. In fact you arw far better than most Christians.
2016-06-13 18:23:41 UTC
It doesn't make bad it makes you human.
2016-06-13 18:19:05 UTC
You're a much better Christian than they are.
2016-06-14 19:22:41 UTC

We need to protect everyone's human rights.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, …

- The Declaration of Independence, 1776

Christians believe that human rights are granted by our Creator, not by governments, and the Declaration of Independence only scratches the surface.

The Catholic Church teaches that the basic Human Rights are:

• The right to life, from conception to natural death

• The right to live in a united family

• The right to develop oneself in a moral environment

• The right to develop one's intelligence

• The right to seek and know the truth

• The right to share in the work which makes wise use of the earth's resources

• The right to support one's family

• The right to establish a family

• The right to religious freedom

For more information see the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church:

With love in Christ.
2016-06-14 18:48:19 UTC
No you are a truly good Christian.

Christianity is about love and kindness, controversial to the bigoted ideas and messages that are spread by many Christians. Continues to defend the rights of every single person in this world, and hopefully other Christians will follow.
2016-06-14 18:28:45 UTC
what do you mean by homosexual rights honestly it is not Christ like to hate people for there sine ultra fundamentalist churches and hyper Calvinist churches like the westboro Baptist church preach a level of hate that is contrary to everything Christianity stands for of course homosexuals have rights as individuals to live there own lives it is the action of homosexual sex that is a sin not nessicarrily having such attractions nor are gay people any more evil than you or me they are people that deserve love and respect for just being human beings to hate someone because there sins may be more grave than your own as some protestant churches teach is nothing more than blatent hypocrisy
2016-06-14 18:28:40 UTC
First off I'm agnostic, but I was raised evangelical christian, and technically speaking from the god of Moses, and Paul, and Timothy...yes it technically does.

That is if you interpret the Bible literally.

Either way I think that if people call you a bad Christian understand that you are the better person because if there is a god then that is all he really cares about.

Good job.
2016-06-14 18:18:55 UTC
No, it makes you one of the good ones.
2016-06-14 16:40:47 UTC
No you are a decent human being who accepts all into your heart as Christianity teaches us god's ultimate message is about using the free will we were given to choose to accept and care for all those that we meet and we do not discriminate think of the good samaritain did he discriminate against those who needed his help? Just because they were on a different 'side'? No? Then neither should you. The minute I seen this post I was inspired many more should strive to be like you.
2016-06-14 16:09:49 UTC

Source (s):

2016-06-14 10:34:04 UTC
No, you're one of the good ones, and shouldn't hide behind the anonymous avatar.
2016-06-14 09:59:06 UTC
It's not wrong to be right. Let's pretend we didn't know they were gay. That's closer to how you feel right? Like you aren't judging them?
2016-06-14 09:45:42 UTC
No, it makes you a good person.
Ubuntu User
2016-06-14 09:28:54 UTC
No,but it would classify you as an infidel if you were a muslim
2016-06-14 07:06:09 UTC
If you approve of homosexuality, then you are not a true Christian. Either you are a false convert, or you've backslidden.
2016-06-14 05:10:16 UTC
Homosexuality is a sin, such as fornication and adultery. As Christians, we don't hate the person for that we be in direct opposition to Jesus command to love your neighbor as yourself. Therefore, like other sins, we hate the sin and not the person.
2016-06-14 05:01:55 UTC
you condemn
2016-06-14 01:05:27 UTC
No you are not. Only you have to understand the reality.

Christianity should be about love, understanding, kindness and peace.

To be gay is not a sin, but to boost it as normal is a sin.

Like a flu virus, it is not healthy to say to everyone, I got a flu let enjoy it.
2016-06-13 23:33:43 UTC
1 Corinthians: 6. 9. Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men 10. nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. - Bible Offline
2016-06-13 19:37:55 UTC
Well I'm a Christian, I believe homosexuality to be a sin, and there was nothing of any of it I was happy about, I don't know where this stupid notion comes from.
2016-06-13 19:10:04 UTC
I like you all it's just that your all going to hell an we are just trying to keep you from the fire pit and fart,

I know we should all love you but when I try being nice to you then yous try and hug me and fart, you all start acting like fags and stuff. fudge.
2016-06-13 18:14:43 UTC
You are a kind and merciful person to care for gay people. Even though their lifestyle is one contrary to nature and Gods expressed purpose to populate the earth it isnt wrong to care for them so. We should love the person not what they practise 1 Cor 6:9, 10 Such like persons have repented and will rule as kings in heaven with Jesus in his Kingdom. Where there's life there's hope.
2016-06-13 17:40:03 UTC
No such thing as a "bad Christian"

Either you're Christian or you're not.

Christians cannot and do not defend sinful lifestyles

That rules you out. .
2016-06-14 19:26:06 UTC
No one likes to see people killed for any reason. Actually the Bible assures us that God’s will is that “all sorts of men should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth.” (1 Timothy 2:4) Though the Bible disapproves of homosexual acts, it does not encourage hatred of homosexuals.

But at the same time God’s view of homosexuality cannot be watered down. At 1 Corinthians 6:9, 10, the Bible clearly states that “men who lie with men” are included in those who “will not inherit God’s kingdom.” God gave people free will. That means people can worship Christianity, Judaism, Islam or any other religion. But through God's Word the Bible he tells us there is only life or death. Deuteronomy 30:15, 16 "See, I do put before you today life and good, and death and bad." 16 in part: "...listen to the commandments of walking in his ways, and by keeping his commandments and his statues and his judicial decisions, then you will live..." Right now this world is ruled by satan the devil. (2 Corinthians 4:4) Ephesians 2:2 "in which you at one time walked according to the system of things of this world, according to the ruler of the authority of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience." Yes, all those that do the works of the sons of disobedience are not on God's side but on satan's side. We must be careful cause if we say we are Christian and doing things contrary to God's word then what really are we? We are not to take arms or anything like that but if we call ourselves Christian we should be on God's side. If we call ourselves Christian would we be involved in anything contrary to God's Word. No ifs, buts or ands! Again, though the Bible disapproves of homosexual acts, it does not encourage hatred of homosexuals it is the act because God knows people can change.

Do we really believe God? God foretold that at the time of the end we would witness unprecedented happenings. 2 Timothy 3:1-5 This prophecy has come true and we are witnessing it. But at the same time God still holds open the invitation for people to search for him. As mentioned above at 1 Timothy 2:4 God is merciful. Also John 17:3 tells us "This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ." True Christians should be following Jesus' lead when he said "And this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come." (Matthew 24:14) "And then the end will come" is not just a statement it is a prophecy of what is soon to take place. Matthew 24:6-8; Zephaniah 2:2,3. Do we pray the Lord's prayer for nothing? Matthew 6:9, 10 “You must pray, then, this way: “‘Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. 10 Let your Kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also on earth.'" We are actually praying for God's Kingdom to come. Will it come amongst this mess? No! What does light have to do with darkness. God will rid the earth of this badness and the righteous will have peace and a good relationship with God and Christ Jesus. Revelation 16:16 "And they gathered them together to the place that is called in Hebrew Armageddon."
2016-06-14 18:39:48 UTC
2016-06-14 17:56:39 UTC
The thing that those bigots never understand is that the more extreme their hate and their hateful actions, the more disgusting they make themselves appear. And the more embarrassing it is for their religion. Just as Muslims are embarrassed by their extremists, so are Christians. More and more religious people are coming around to realizing how sick and twisted it is to use their holy book to justify hatred or even murder.
2016-06-14 17:54:20 UTC
"He will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.'
2016-06-14 14:19:46 UTC
Those people are sick. The Christian god doesn't want people to murder homosexuals- or anyone for that matter. (Thou shall not kill ring a bell?) You're being a good Christian in my opinion
2016-06-14 11:14:42 UTC
I agree.
2016-06-14 10:14:55 UTC
2016-06-14 05:38:37 UTC
If as a christian you believe god created man, he must have created the homosexual man too, I find it odd that people who profess to follow God would presume to know his mind, the commandments talking of loving thy neighbour as thyself, thus not to feel for these people shows a distinct lack of humanity on a par with the misdirected man that committed this astrocity

To follow God regardless of religion is to love thy neighbour.
2016-06-14 05:38:23 UTC
Yes, and it's not about rights, it's about morality, of which, certain people have none.
2016-06-14 04:43:52 UTC
hashspacetag: when you wear a disguise.
great knight
2016-06-13 23:54:19 UTC
Jesus Christ is the truth, the way, and the life! Jesus loves you. Get a king James bible and believe. "For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it.

For what is a man advantaged, if he gain the whole world, and lose himself, or be cast away?

For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he shall come in his own glory, and in his Father's, and of the holy angels."-the Word of God. Jesus loves you. Read John chapter 1 and 3. Read Romans chapter 1, 5,8,10. Read 1 Corinthians chapter 1 and 15. "Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God."- the Word of God. You shouldn't be happy about tragedies but you should not call sin good because television tells you to. and, Jesus loves you.
2016-06-13 21:02:58 UTC
Christianity supposed to be a religion of compassion
The Football God
2016-06-13 10:40:16 UTC
Consenting adults. And I am a Christian.
2016-06-13 13:48:23 UTC
No, you're a good person.
Doug Freyburger
2016-06-13 13:37:47 UTC
One is a bad Christin if one does NOT defend equal treatment.
2016-06-14 21:29:05 UTC
Ever heard of Pope Francis? He supports gay rights too.
2016-06-13 14:58:02 UTC
If we call the killing of those by Isis "Gods justice on the wicked" then we support Isis -

If we support killing in the name of Justice then the work of Jesus is nil and void in our life and the love of God is not within us.

Clearly those who hate gays are not followers of Christ and the love of God is not within them. The law is to love and these people are acting lawlessly
2016-06-15 11:13:32 UTC
Hate the sin, love the sinner. May seem hard to do, but it is possible. Plus, God tells us to love our neighbors. It is sickening when those who say they are "Christians" say that they are glad the homosexuals died for their sin.
2016-07-01 12:04:12 UTC
No because God gives free will in my beliefs, so I agree with you along with gay, lebsian, etc. Really religous people should love one another period so that makes us good.
2016-06-13 14:07:35 UTC
The OP is demonstrating how easy it is to troll libshit morons. You know why? Their preconceived stereotypes of everything. All of them are wrong.
2016-06-15 23:46:02 UTC
Jesus treated everyone like a human being, prostitutes, etc. Nobody back then was openly gay, but had they have been, Jesus would have treated them like humans too.
2016-06-13 12:56:53 UTC
Am I a bad Muslim? This attack sickens me too. Nobody has any right to attack people like this.
old dude
2016-06-13 01:23:38 UTC
Actually I think we need a lot more people like you
2016-06-13 04:24:12 UTC
No you Like me know that Gays are Born that way
2016-06-13 01:20:50 UTC
It's an unavoidable byproduct of an ideology that tends to make it unnecessary for adherents to think for themselves - being unable to sympathise with those the bible tells them are evil.

They are commanded to distance themselves from such people and punish them, heaven forbid you manage to empathise with them.
2016-06-13 09:48:56 UTC
Yes, you are not a true Christian, piss off.
2016-06-13 14:37:27 UTC
As long as you defend and love them, not their homosexual lifestyle.
2016-06-13 03:36:17 UTC
Yes. You are defending what God has condemned..
2016-06-13 09:00:07 UTC
Of course not...Jesus would approve..
2016-06-13 16:51:12 UTC
Jesus would not have shot all of those people. Jesus would not have judged people for being homosexual. :)
2016-06-13 14:58:57 UTC
2016-06-13 08:25:02 UTC
2016-06-13 08:11:03 UTC
2016-06-13 01:18:11 UTC
Yes it does. Read your Bible.
2016-06-13 10:44:02 UTC
People are people. Period.
2016-06-13 09:33:40 UTC
do you love God or the world
2016-06-13 15:08:25 UTC
2016-06-14 19:31:37 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.