Who you kidding? For starters you are not a real Christians by what I've read in your question, you are fake.
What social media are you claiming that Christians are saying we hate homosexual therefore gays do not have the right to live? Where?
A true God fearing Christian would never agree to murder! Oh by the way the ACLU lesbians are blaming Christians for what that RADICAL ISLAMIC did to those people. Are you one of them?
Christians had nothing to do with their murder!!!
If you heard or read that there were people who were glad that the gays were murdered, those comments were NOT coming from Christians.
In actuality, we are sadden for those lives that were stolen from them, not happy with what happened, 'cause believe it or not, some of us Christians have had a family member who is gay, but loved very much. All we can do is pray that the Lord will protect them and that one day, will come to repentence and turn away from their sins before it is too late for them. Yes they are in danger because the devil has deceived their minds and after he has them snared, he will come out to rob them of their lives, by suicide, murders, and drag them down to where he is going.
Being gay is a sin like any other sin. So what are we Christians going to do...kill all sinners? (sarcasm)
We carry the testimony of Jesus Christ in our hearts and minds; that he came to forgive all manner of sins because he truly loves people.
Like him, we do not want anyone to perish so we share what Christ has put in out hearts with all who will listen to his words through our testimony.
Jesus is about eternal life, light, & love.
satan is loose in the world; he's out to deceive, kill and destroy. Islamic are minions of the devil. They are a demonic weapon of hate, destruction, oppression, murdering as many lives as they can, sent by the devil/satan.
If you were a genuine Christian you would have known these things.