What happens after we die?
2015-01-29 14:59:04 UTC
I feel like people invented the afterlife so they'd get over death better. But what's the science behind it, are we re-incarnated or do we go to heaven/hell?
144 answers:
Mr. Smartypants
2015-01-29 15:04:02 UTC
There is no real evidence of an afterlife. EVERYTHING people 'know' about the afterlife, Heaven or Hell or any of that, is based completely on religious beliefs. Eastern religions believe the universe is eternal and we all come back again and again. Western religions believe the universe was designed as part of a plan and will be destroyed when the plan is completed, and we all get only one life here and then go on to the next thing. But in both cases, these are religious beliefs, not scientific theories or based on actual known facts.
2015-01-31 20:15:43 UTC
The scriptures say the following:

Ezekiel 18:4-6 - "There is hope for whoever is among the living, because a live dog is better off than a dead lion. For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing at all, nor do they have any more reward, because all memory of them is forgotten. Also, their love and their hate and their jealousy have already perished and they no longer have any share in what is done under the sun."

Ezekiel 18:4 - "Look! All the souls - to me they belong. As the soul of the father so also the soul of the son - to me they belong. The soul who sins in the one who will die"

Sounds a bit final and fatalistic - HOWEVER - the Bible also extends a hope. As to the people who said that no one has ever come back form the dead....They are wrong. Jesus in fact DID rise from the dead. It was witnessed to by over 500 people - including his enemies. And guess what? Even his enemies couldn't DENY his resurrection! Same with Jesus resurrecting Lazarus. In this case however, Jesus enemies tried to BRIBE people so that they would deny Lazarus' resurrection. Well, that didn't work so well either.

And so Jesus words found at John 5:28, 29 - "Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life and those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment."
2015-01-30 21:43:24 UTC
How would anybody know for sure? There's plenty of reason to wonder about near death experiences, which

occur before the brain cells have had a chance to die completely,although measurable brain waves may have stopped.T hey can be duplicated under controlled conditions in the laboratory by stimulating the same parts of the brain responsible for religious & transcendental experiences. Besides, if you listen to what everyone says, then this world would be full of vampires,

ghosts, bigfoots, and other creatures, since people are "seeing" all these things. I don't know how anyone

on here could give a definitive answer to what happens after death, at least not one that would reassure me.
2015-01-30 22:49:00 UTC
Take time and think about what are you?

Are you just a body? If so there will be nothing after death.

But, it seems something more involved in this issue. Such as consciousness.

Just listen to yourself.

If you put "science" glasses you can't see clearly, its smoky, if you put "religion" glasses it probably bend and distort your vision.

Our science is not so advanced to solve all kind of problems and define what we are experiencing and how in this reality, Just an example:

So you can't throw away one theory or phenomena it is just because "can't proven by the science" or not fits what mainstream scientists thinks. Because our science is not complete yet. It is advancing, it is a process.

The answer is vary if you refer to one religion or the other. They have mixed symbolism in contents and sometimes outright false information to shape the crowds beliefs.

Again, there are good material out there one can evaluate (books, studies, testimonies etc). Unfortunately there are misinformation and scraps too.

Being open for all possibilities and realizing that there are signs that there are much much more beyond our perception is could be a good start I think.

I believe there is more exists than what we see.

I have no tangible evidence if you ask but how logical to looking for a tangible evidence to prove intangible realms?

Have a good day all.
2015-01-31 08:57:07 UTC
Good Question! What happens after we die well people think different about what happens after we die some people might disagree on what I say please visit the tab below

Life is a test so make sure you do good in your life because you'll either go to hell or heaven and if you wanna go to heaven you have to make good deeds and respect if you wanna go to hell i'm sure you dont want to be mean and disrespectful and nobody likes mean people I hope this helps you.Peace! In Islam, the deceased will be resting in their grave. They can hear what would be going on in life around them, but they will not be able to respond. The deceased will rest in their grave until they are called forth from their graves in a resurrection. Every last son and daughter of the first man, Adam(P.B.U.H), will first die and then be called forth in resurrection and gathered together to be held accountable for all of the deeds that they performed in their life of the world. During this time, the Earth will be changed into a new Earth and the Paradise and Hellfire will be brought into view for all to see. Yes, these places are real! The Paradise is a reward and the Hellfire is a punishment. This is what happens after we die as told in Islam!
2015-12-10 06:57:04 UTC
Our science is not so advanced to solve all kind of problems and define what we are experiencing and how in this reality, Just an example:

So you can't throw away one theory or phenomena it is just because "can't proven by the science" or not fits what mainstream scientists thinks. Because our science is not complete yet. It is advancing, it is a process.

The answer is vary if you refer to one religion or the other. They have mixed symbolism in contents and sometimes outright false information to shape the crowds beliefs.

Again, there are good material out there one can evaluate (books, studies, testimonies etc). Unfortunately there are misinformation and scraps too.

Being open for all possibilities and realizing that there are signs that there are much much more beyond our perception is could be a good start I think.

I believe there is more exists than what we see.

I have no tangible evidence if you ask but how logical to looking for a tangible evidence to prove intangible realms?

Have a good day all.
2015-01-30 18:14:01 UTC
Peace! In Islam, the deceased will be resting in their grave. They can hear what would be going on in life around them, but they will not be able to respond. The deceased will rest in their grave until they are called forth from their graves in a resurrection. Every last son and daughter of the first man, Adam(P.B.U.H), will first die and then be called forth in resurrection and gathered together to be held accountable for all of the deeds that they performed in their life of the world. During this time, the Earth will be changed into a new Earth and the Paradise and Hellfire will be brought into view for all to see. Yes, these places are real! The Paradise is a reward and the Hellfire is a punishment. This is what happens after we die as told in Islam!
2015-01-30 22:58:03 UTC
It is called "coming to terms" Death, forever, unending (as in unending universe) all are hard to grasp for our minds. We like to see the edges of things. When you look out at the ocean you tend to think of the far shore (though you can't see it & may never have been there ) you mind likes it to exist.

When you look at the sky you think of it as a thing between you and space, and space as a place, somewhere you can go. Now think (really think) about how big the universe is, try to grasp its enormity ,but there is something beyond that & beyond that & beyond what ever you can grasp there is, was, and will always be more & more.......... So it is with time, we have this short time on earth, in 40 years (most likely much less) my time here is over..... ,but there is time beyond that & beyond that & beyond what ever you can grasp there is, was, and will always be more & more... Maybe people invented the afterlife so they'd get over being alive better. If I am and then I am not.... within a universe that ever was & ever will be, that stretches beyond beyond for ever & ever....then with no beginning or end how could here have a place? How could now be a time, a spot within that witch neither began nor ends? So if here isn't within a framework & now is neither past present nor what is to come. And I am of the here & I at all? See you need a god or good whisky.
2015-01-30 05:33:57 UTC
As far as science is concerned that's it. The end! Your body will decompose; I shall refrain from giving your the gory details. In science there is no such thing as a soul or concepts such as heaven, hell, purgatory or reincarnation, nirvana or anything. You were a very complex collection or mainly organic molecules and at death the systems that enabled all your cells to function and be provided with energy have ceased. Of course many religions believe that there is some form of afterlife but to achieve the nice bits you have to be good. To be frank I don't think there is any need for religion for a person to live a good, honest and moral life.
2015-01-30 06:32:59 UTC
It is probably best described by what happens before you are conceived. In the many billions of years before you were born, simply nothing. I dont think there is any science behind heaven or hell, and alot of the people who claim they say some afterlife in a near death experience might very well be hallucinating, since these are the kinds of things that appear in them.

However something interesting about our brains is that in microtubules in our brain cells, quantum processes are at work, such as particles being quantumly entangled with different parts of the brain. And also quantum entanglement can work over VERY large distances and particles in your brain may be entangled with particles in different people, animals, even in space, and maybe some of that quantum information of your brain lives on after you die.

There has been people who claim they have lived past lives, and can accuratey remember and describe it. You should google this one, and it may be something related to the quantum stuff
2015-01-31 03:24:38 UTC
What Happens after We die ? What ever you want , if you want to believe you will go to Hell or heaven or no where that is what will happen because that will be in your mind when you die. When the blood stops pumping and your brain waves are extinguished thats where your mind thinks you are going .... It does not matter for that is the last thought you will ever have . period . . Now Why you believe in these various scenarios is a different issue . that is related to religions and doctrines and its teaching . but those teachings are not about Death itself . Death is used as a TOOL because we all know we will die just by observation . Many people fear death , not because it is a finality but because of the "IF" or I am "CHEATED" thinking that "missing out" thinking There were so many things i wanted to do ..That thought I am not ready yet , Religion uses Death as a tool . and give a concept that if you follow our rules we can give you something you fear never having to die , a after life a concept of never missing out on anything .... Its a interesting concept . Never demonstrated to exist , not even well defined , I have heard many people describe it differently .. but those who describe it can not have possibly been there , to describe what they have never seen . therefore it is all IMAGINED or what they wish or hope or what religion has taught them to believe but never validated . thoughts are not reality they do not exist outside the mind .. thank you for your question
2015-01-31 09:48:29 UTC
I agree with Yesmar, science shows that after death, the body, soul, life is over. This matches what the bible says at Ecclesiastes 9:10 which states that “there is no work nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom in the Grave, where you are going.” The Bible also explains what happens to both humans and animals at death. It says: “All are going to the same place. They all come from the dust, and they all are returning to the dust. (Ecclesiastes 3:20/. However, we can find comfort in knowing that we can have the hope of resurrection. After resting in death, the dead will be resurrected, or brought back to life, on earth by God’s Son. The Bible says: “Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out.” (John 5:26, 28, 29) According to the bible, a person’s conduct thereafter will determine whether he is granted everlasting life. (source
Happy Peanut
2015-01-29 21:35:10 UTC
What you said in your question is essentially the case, as far as we can tell. To elaborate, the fear of death grew alongside our uniquely adapted sense of self. The more aware we became, the more we understood death and its inevitability.

The science suggests that the part of the brain that makes us conceive of things unseen, the ignorant call it the 'god part' or some such, developed alongside our increasing awareness of death. As our sense of self broadened, the need to distract the mind from the inevitable caused the advent of the notion that the mind, if not the body, continues after death, even if we can't directly see it. From that, the soul, then eventually the afterlife and god(s) arose, possibly in that order.

It was necessary, for minds capable of our levels of inference and introspection, to be able to put aside the fact that they will eventually fail in their most primal task-- not dying, so that they didn't die by being too afraid to live. The invisible world, however you view it, has been very strong as a mental construct to keep us able live well. It is, however, just that, a mental construct. Once the mind dies, so too does the soul and afterlife.

That's not to say that you can never exist again, who knows? Just that you don't go to some ephemeral fairy land in between bouts of life as a flesh and blood creature.
2015-01-30 19:33:47 UTC
The truth about your own immortality is evident should you comprehend your true essence. This is ultimately not something that others can give you or something that can be bought. Through conscious awareness one is able to discern correctly the difference between mind and matter, spirit and flesh, or god and man if you like. Consciousness (spirit) is not a physical entity so therefore it is not subject to the laws of physics such as birth and death. Of course science fails to comprehend this obvious fact because science is primarily focused on analyzing the physical universe. The brain and body do not manufacture consciousness any more than a computer manufactures electricity. Both the body and a computer are merely vehicles that energy can utilize and bring to life. If meat made thoughts then a T-bone should be able to bring itself to life. The ONLY sure way to understand is to comprehend your true essence and nature, and the ultimate means of doing this is through proper meditation (i.e. mind inside matter) No telescope, microscope, or religious dogma can ever do that for you...
2015-01-30 19:31:47 UTC
There's isn't a science behind it. That's why God and science don't tend to mix well. We won't know what truly happens until we die. It's not something worth worrying about because if nothing happens, well we won't know it and if something does happen, you will get your answers then.

I do have faith and believe there is something after this life. I like having that belief. It helps me to feel comfortable with death and with those I have lost.
2015-01-30 23:08:17 UTC
Simply explained, it is a belief. There is no definite. It's not what others say, believe or feel. It is simply up to the individual. This is my belief, I believe once we die...we crossover...sometimes to eternal rest...sometimes to eternal hell...and I also believe there are several "gray area" realms where we can get stuck, before we crossover voluntarily. We won't comfortably cross over until our hearts, minds, and bodies are ready. I'm a "ghost hunter", a medium, and a intuitive individual, I can't explain everything...I just know there is more to a spirit than simply...The End. Copyright JW. 1984 SpiritRealmParanormal 2002 Interview
2015-02-02 03:08:37 UTC
Answer: there are Two Deaths available to Mankind! this is Becaue we are Made in the image of Almighty God, and are Both Spirit! and we are also physical Flesh!

The First Death, when it takes place we each find ourselves immediately taken to one of two places, one called Paradise or Abrahams Bosom! and the Other known as Hell, these are Both in Hades( the descriptions of Hades on the internet have purposly steered people toward Greek Mythology rather that the Place called Hades) both Paradise and Hell are in the Grave here in the Earth, and we are concious Spirits with a Spirit Body here.

Hell is very real and just as terrifying as some prechers deny! it is where every kind of person Goes that rejects Almighty God, or whom believe but resist Obedience to Him! the purpose of this place is to make any and all know that Almighty God is and ever was Lord, and there is none other than he, it is unlike what many preachers have said, in that it is the last place where People can Repent, the last Classroom! one where no one can be distracted from understanding the Truth and reality of every wrong deed, and every harsh spoken word ever uttered by themselves, this place has many levels which cater for the very many different kinds of people from the least offensive denyers to the completely wicked and evil former persons, Torture here shall be of the nature of any wickedness that anyone indulged in, and in proportions that are inescapable, But one can Repent and Salvation can he had at great and terrible cost here! and those that do not and will Not repent shall be cast along with Hell into the Everlasting lake of fire!

However: for those that were faithful and Obedient to Almighty God in Life! they shall go to Paradise (Abrahams Bosom) this place is for the Purification of Mankind, it is a place of Comfort, and they are completely unnaware of anything that is Going on among the Living souls that are upon Earth, just as are those in Hell!, from this wonderful place those in Torments can be seen, just as those in great Torment can see those in Paradise which increaces their missery of their currant condition, there is a Great Gulf between them that cannot be passed through from one place to the other, Both of these places are Temporary and serve a purpose untill all things are made good, whereupon mankind shall dwell upon a peaceful Earth and have new flesh, and once again become a Living "Soul".

No one is Going to Heaven! this is Not Scriptural but rather is a perpetuated Lie, anyway what would be the purpose of going to Heaven when the Earth is and ever was the intended place for the throne of Almighty God!!!.
2015-02-02 09:15:23 UTC
There is something else to look forward to after death. The Bible's author YHWH , meaning Jehovah, says at Acts 24:15, "And I have hope toward God, which hope these men also look forward to, that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous." This means that both the righteous and unrighteous will be resurrected and have a hope of living in God's new system or Paradise on earth. This paradise will be fear of violence, not any death, etc as mention in Revelation 21:3,4.

I hope that this information helps.
2015-01-30 21:42:04 UTC
While it is true that an afterlife can't be proven, just because we humans want to know how everything works doesn't mean we are capable of understanding everything.Many people who don't believe in an afterlife seem to do so out of arrogance.Why assume that if they can't verify it, it can't be real.Their are way too many massive coincidences (such as life beginning at all, life automatically having the ability to reproduce,etc) for their not to be some sort of superior intentions at play.
2015-01-31 11:23:11 UTC
After we die, our body will decay and this organic matter will go back to the state of chemicals, that living species, such as plants, use to live grow and feed herbivorous that feed carnivorous, both of which die again and the cycle starts over. But this is the physical aspect of death, explained by science. But what happen to our spirit?

Well the Bible explains that we either go to heaven or hell, depending on how good we were on earth. I believe it's true because the Bible has never said anything false to not be trustful on this point.

2015-01-31 14:12:11 UTC
I have a theory that if reincarnation was real that we are all part of a pool of collected essence that recycles the essence of every living thing that has ever lived. Upon death, your essence is then collected somehow and brought back to the pool, where it joins the collective and is allowed to rejuvenate lost energy by resonating with the essence that is already there, until it's time to place your essence into another living thing to experience life all over again. That would explain the past life theory, I think. But, feel free to poke holes in my theory, as that is the only way we can discover the truth and debunk myth.
2015-01-31 18:21:08 UTC
To get the right answer you need to ask the right question. A better question is: What is consciousness? There's no actual place in the human brain where our sense of 'self' resides, at least on some cellular level. A possible place to start then to find out what this is could be at the quantum level. While the 'mind' at the cellular level goes blank at death, it's 'possible' that at the quantum level it still goes on... that is even 'dead', you know that you're you. I suspect that knowing that and knowing how isolation tends to produce a 'reality' of its own... it's possible that this quantum 'you' finds a place for itself that this 'new you' finds pleasing. Of course we don't know, nor can we know, but what do we know about the quantum level anyway? Give it a think...I'd love some feedback!
2015-01-30 04:48:28 UTC
Well I really don't believe in hell or heavens. But when we die we are over and even though there are no one that had been to death and came back alive. So we can't tell. But some proofs are there about becoming ghost ..

In my point of view. Don't think about death. We have to live happy and make our life beautiful till we get to the end.

2015-02-01 14:55:07 UTC
Is there an afterlife? no, and there is no before life either, because in order for life to begin there would have to be a condition of existence before life from which life could come for us to enter life and there would have to be a condition of life before that, we would therefore have an infinite series extending back into infinity which is logically impossible. After our body expires we just go on living the good life, which is a life in conformity to God's will that we always have lived, unless we have been living a bad life. A life that is contrary to God's will. Which has to be a life in conformity to the Devils will.
2015-02-01 17:54:06 UTC
This is like trying to explain fire to a fish.

Our senses are well adapted to the world where we grew up, but post-mortem, they are are of little value. Anything we think we know about afterlife is the product of hope and imagination. Every religion has an admonishment against buying a one-way ticket to paradise, before you have lived a long natural life.

All it would take is a busload of folks that have a round ticket, to come back and set themselves up as travel agents for "eternity". We had a local chapter that packed up and moved to the comet Hale-Bopp, and all of their living relatives were annoyed that they decided to leave. Envy or pity, who knows.

If your theology is such that when you understand something, it is science at work, but when you fail to grasp something, it is God's mystery. That should scare you into not learning anything more, as it moves those things into the relm of "understood-therefore-science", and worst of all, out of the relm of God.

Eleven fairies can stand on the head of a pin, the twelfth stands on one foot.
2015-02-01 07:45:06 UTC
We die, we either have eternal life or eternal death, which means we still exist as a being. Not in matter, like having arms legs etc. Our spirit still lives on. Jesus said He was the way the truth and the life, that He was the way to eternal life. take the test

if you pass, then you would only be the only person in the world that doesn't need Jesus, everyone needs to be cleaned out of their sinful nature before being with a Holy God. Bless you.
2015-01-30 12:54:52 UTC
IT is a BELIEF SYSTEM, but it IS Possible Scientifically--- IF there are "parallel universes", AND our "Soul" is a being from one of them that "controls" our BODY in THIS universe.

Then when the "earth universe" body dies, the "Soul's" awareness reverts back to that of his native universe. and / or he gets a NEW "Earth body" to inhabit and control.

Thus physics theory provides a way for this to happen --and a place for "Heaven" (the home universe of the soul) it would also support reincarnation philosophy.

HELL, could be another parallel universe, as is heaven, but a closer look at scripture tells us HELL is "the realm of the DEAD" and figuratively, may mean Actual "Soul death".

THEREFORE while the afterlife IS a belief system, it is possible, theoretically, an reincarnation is ALSO a theoretical---and more logical possibility than a simple "one time around" in such a set up.

We have NO evidence for an afterlife, unless one is willing to accept the validity of some "Past life memories" "visits from spirits", Astral Projection or NDE's. which suggest an afterlife. But then again, we have no evidence against it either as there are not even "suggestions" for the opposing position. .
2015-01-31 09:43:55 UTC
3 days within the time of your death to the estimate time your brain completely dies out, you're pre-conscience which is also dying with the brain goes through a stage in which begins to choose based on how you've acted your life and what you believe in what will happen to you now that you are dead, so even though the nervous system has become inactive now that you are dead. Your mind still has time to choose an imaginary 'heaven' or 'hell'. but then after the mind dies out, you begin to not think anything and so people believe you'll be laying there in darkness but truth is your mind isn't on to know anything, and so you wouldn't care in the end. although it would be nice if one sort of heaven or hell is out there. Who honestly knows. not even near death survivors can convince me.
2015-02-01 01:57:08 UTC
In a more scientific perspective, Energy is neither created or destroyed but only changes forms. This is called the law of entropy so that all of the matter and energy in the universes is theoretically suppose to never change so the energy that controls your mind and thoughts continues and become disembodied and runs into ...the universe in a domino cause and affect and ...I believe can eventually bounce off of the universe back into another form. This is what is known as re-incarnation. What is your mind without you?
2015-01-31 18:07:23 UTC
This is really serious question because people looking for that answer all live(such as why we here). We come for this question to the holy bible such as no more similar witness is have any another book. If you believe to word of God then all people after they die go ether to evil place or to God place it all depending what you did when you been a live. To know that you did right or bad to this day you have to compering your live with bible.
2015-01-31 16:13:38 UTC
im a firm believer in more dimensions than just 3, just as objects in a 2 dimensional world cannot enter into a 3 dimensional world. but we in a 3 dimensional world can enter and look down in a 2 dimensional world. what if there was a fourth dimension. we cannot see it and we cannot enter it but if there is objects or people in a 4 dimensional world they can enter our world. maybe when we die our soul is the part of us that is able to enter that 4th dimension. people dont believe that because most people only will ever believe what they can see with their own two eyes. that is where faith comes in. you need to have faith in stuff that is impossible for us to see or even comprehend. maybe if you have faith in something maybe one day you will be in a better place and dimension. that is a reflection of what you believe
2015-02-01 20:33:57 UTC
I look at it this way. You had no life before you were born, so I assume it'll be like that. You'll have no life after you die. I don't believe in a God or anything. Im an atheist.
2015-02-01 11:34:23 UTC
You really have 2 different sets of beliefs you can fall under. Either there is no afterlife (eternal oblivion, etc) and when we die it won't matter what we believe, or there is an afterlife, and if you're right about it, you'll either be reeeeeaaaally glad you chose to believe in it or you'll really regret not believing in it just because you didn't want to change your beliefs.
2015-02-02 12:19:31 UTC
Ecclesiastes 3:19-20

New King James Version (NKJV)

For what happens to the sons of men also happens to animals; one thing befalls them: as one dies, so dies the other. Surely, they all have one breath; man has no advantage over animals, for all is vanity. All go to one place: all are from the dust, and all return to dust.

Humans who die have the hope of a future resurrection.
2015-02-01 12:22:12 UTC
Well, if your body is left untreated then you will be eaten by decomposers and scavengers like mushrooms, bacteria, maggots, etc. Hopefully you have loved ones to bury you in the ground and give you a funeral. As for spirit-wise, reincarnation and all that stuff, I have no idea and there is no evidence. You'll have to die to find out.
2015-02-01 11:06:13 UTC
Well there is not one answer to that, there are alot of religions which say other things. For many atheists, they say its like when you werent alive. You ceased to exsist. It was all oblivion and will be the same after you die. I however am a muslim and my belief is that we will be held accountable for our good or bad deeds in this world. There will be an after life for us.
2015-02-01 16:37:47 UTC
it isn't a matter of Biology, when God created the earth and human beings God told them that since the sinned and made it possible that they would eventually die, that was not the end of it for them but that He had prepared a place for them to live eternally

you can't nor can biology prove there is a place such as that but there are too many people who have actually died and came back to tell there is a place they would rather be
2015-01-31 09:39:06 UTC
After you die youll get put to ground in wooden box or as ashes if you choose to be crematoried. Then your life as a nutrniment for plans and insects tarts. So basically youll never fade a away totally but become part of everything around you.
2015-01-30 18:36:20 UTC
Believe what you want depending on if you have religion or not. However, there have been various cases and proof that there is God and Heaven, there has been proof of someone dying and coming back to Earth. A boy's appendix exploded and he died, he went off of life support. Then he came back to life. He was a little boy that knew nothing of his great grandfather and yet he told his dad about him! He saw him in heaven! Also, his mother's first child died in her tummy and she never told the son, yet he proved he knew about it when God told him. The dad yelled to God, he was angry he let his young son die. Then God returned his son, and his son was able to prove it. Read more about it:
2015-02-02 05:23:17 UTC
Is Death Really the End?

PROBABLY no other issue has been as perplexing and persistent as the question of what happens after death. For thousands of years, brilliant minds in every civilization have pondered this question. But human philosophy and scientific research have merely yielded a jumble of theories and myths.

The Bible compares death to sleep. It speaks of ‘falling asleep in death.’ (Psalm 13:3) Prior to resurrecting his friend Lazarus, Jesus explained to his apostles: “Lazarus our friend has gone to rest, but I am journeying there to awaken him from sleep.” And Jesus did just that! The Bible says that when he called, “the man [Lazarus] that had been dead came out” from the “memorial tomb”—fully alive once again!—John 11:11, 38-44.

No Need for Morbid Fear

Admittedly, the hope that the Bible offers does not necessarily remove all fear of death. It is natural to be apprehensive about the pain and distress that sometimes precede death. Understandably, you may fear the loss of a loved one. And if you fear the sad consequences that your own death might have on your loved ones, that is also natural.

Still, by revealing the true condition of the dead, the Bible helps us to dispel any morbid fear of death. There is no need to fear an afterlife of torture by demons in a burning hell. No need to fear a dark ghostly realm where souls wander restlessly forever. And you need not fear that all the future has to offer is an eternal state of nonexistence. Why? Because God has a limitless memory, and he promises to bring all the dead who are in his memory back to life here on earth. The Bible guarantees this with the words: “The true God is for us a God of saving acts; and to Jehovah the Sovereign Lord belong the ways out from death.”—Psalm 68:20.

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2015-02-01 16:40:00 UTC
Your spirit lives forever. The physical body will die because of the sin nature we inherited from Adam as a result of his disobedience to God (Genesis 3:1-7). The wages of sin is death. (Romans 6:23.) But God is love and He made a way for our sin to be forgiven in the way of His son, Jesus Christ and His finished work on the cross (John 3:16.) So, by grace, through faith in Christ alone, we are made right in our relationship with God and thus will live forever with Him in heaven - not by doing good works on earth. No one can ever be good enough to appease a righteous and holy God. So He did it for us. For those who reject God's gracious offer, hell is their eternal home. It is a choice each one of us is presented. Read the New Testament, it explains everything :)

Science is the study of God's creation. Not everything can be explained with a scientific explanation - that's where faith comes in. Everyone has faith. It may be as simple as having faith you will have hot water in the morning. But all of creation points to a Creator (Romans 1:20), and His gift of faith and repentance leads you to Him, through His son Christ Jesus (Acts 4:12.) 2 Corinthians 6:2.
2015-01-29 15:00:46 UTC
It's all in the Bible. Your spirit is you, looks just like your body. When your body dies your spirit continues on into the next life and retains everything you have learned.
2015-02-01 17:22:13 UTC
It is true that an afterlife can't be proven however it also cant be dis-proved. We wont know until we die to put it simply. Maths and science cant dissprove of a god. I believe however in evolution myself.
2015-01-30 20:45:35 UTC
I believe something happens after death but I don't know what. I believe in spirits and I think we all go on, and as long as we're good people, who don't kill people or do other horrible things, we're all in for the best. But I could be wrong, who knows until they're dead as door nail?
clay j
2015-02-01 05:39:31 UTC
After life is a lot like time travel.It's great for writers and story tellers,because you can write anything,

and you can't be proven wrong.Some theories and tales sound more plausible,scientific than others

but no one knows.
2015-01-31 06:39:02 UTC
no one knows. the problem is that you have to die to find out, and people that die do not come back and tell us, at least as far as I can tell-this suggests to me that there is nothing afterward.

Of course, some people claim and believe that they have interacted with the dead, so the question is still open.
2015-02-01 17:24:11 UTC
I like this question. Many people have many different beliefs. I personally believe we just die. I am atheist, but think about it. I dont judge other people's religions but I feel god is only for the few. I think he is only real to certtain people he chooses. I have not seen god, i hvae not been saved by him, etc.. I think that your life is either hell or its great. But once you die..youre just dead. It may be weird now, but I was suicidal. I was thinking about a friend who told me her cousin was saved by god and he showed himself to her cousin. I asked god if he was real, to show himself. Nothing happened. I asked for a sign. Nothing happened. I again think her cousin was one of the few people God is actually real to. It's just my personal belief, thought I'd share.
2015-01-31 15:36:37 UTC
What happens to our souls or body? If you are talking about our souls then there is no answer to that. You only know what happens when you experience it. So, you can believe anything and come up with hypothesis, but you will never know what actually happens.
2015-02-02 19:10:25 UTC
The body (flesh) turns back to dust. We know this to be true by the evidence left after many years. Our bones, hair and teeth takes much longer to decay. Our souls go into a deep sleep to be awaken at the resurrection of the dead, either at the first or at the second by the voice of Jesus who has power to give life to the dead as he did Lazarus.
2015-01-30 07:49:54 UTC
Why can no one understand that we don't know what happens after death? This isn't a video game or a movie, it's life's mystery.
2015-02-02 01:07:13 UTC
Decomposition. What happened before you were conceived? Nothing for you. Same goes for post-death as far as anybody knows. Any claims to the contrary are a lie fabricated by religious nutters.
2015-02-03 01:55:25 UTC
there is a life after this life and the point is to belive that there is a great and huge thing well happen because the only explanation is ido good ,you do good we are not the same with an other do bad for that there is a hill and havens
2015-01-29 14:59:40 UTC
There is no science behind it, I'm afraid. As far as science can determine, death is the end.
2015-01-30 11:20:45 UTC
well, our body goes into the ground, but I believe our souls go to heavens gates and if we were evil in this world, we go to hell. if we have un-finished business you come back to earth as a ghost. if you were good (not perfect, no one can be perfect), you will go into the gates. after that I believe you have two choices:

1- live a second life in heaven waiting for your loved ones.

2- or get re-incarnated as a different person with no memories.

This is just what I believe; NO hating on me please.
2015-02-01 12:27:38 UTC
After death, you should get a newly deceased book left on your table. You have to follow the instructions to move around in the afterlife since you do not have a body will have to learn how to move as energy through vibrational wavelengths.
2015-02-02 02:00:47 UTC
Nobody lives in any form after death.

A human being is always living with a group of spirits which have joined one by one since birth. Between creatures (including human beings) and God there are millions of invisible elements. There are divisions too. We are just robots made of different materials (flesh, bones, nerves etc.,) created by scientist God or eternal beings to entertain God. Each of us have memories like computers have RAM. The fed things (data= knowledge=several spirits or invisible elements) are in contact with the mind since childhood. A brain is a media to connect spirits to a human mind. In fact, all stuff related to a human being lives with a human being in the form spirits. Even thoughts are not our own. One after another the spirits think and we choose (accept) or reject based on the knowledge we have possessed. If current (electricity) stopped the memory loses all data. This is with the computer. The same thing occurs to all of us. Computers are functioning by electric power but human beings are functioning by natural power. We call this as soul. This soul is nothing but simply the functionality of body. If this is stopped our memories lose all data (all spirits or invisible elements). These spirits leave the body and go to different places. No one lives in the form of spirit or anything after death. We are simply our bodies, the toys made for spirits for their games.

There is no hell or heaven for human beings. They are only for spirits. Spirits are separate elements. We are like other creatures except that we have an additional sense (sixth sense). This sense had changed only the living conditions of the human beings but not the fate. The fate is almost same to all creatures including human beings.


Reincarnation is a rare phenomena which is not possible to all. To form a reincarnation all spirits which lived with a body must possess another person together. Then only he/she can feel same thing of the demised person. But this is not happening because the spirits never stay together to haunt or possess another. They go to different bodies. Rarely there might have been certain cases but I think it had changed after some time. Spirits in their life time live with many bodies (one after another). Their memories sometimes affects the person. This is natural. This is not enough to believe that there is rebirth. No one returns after death. A human's life ends with a single body.
Hot Trent
2015-01-30 08:58:28 UTC
Hey all you guys who keep thumbing down answers that talk about God, quit it! That's what people believe, it doesn't mean that it is wrong or that it's right. You shouldn't put down people for stating what they think and believe. Yes, it isn't "proved" that there's an afterlife, but it also hasn't been "proved" that there isn't.
2015-01-31 09:31:08 UTC
Check out this video... it's only 10 minutes long, and Alan Watts is always a great listen. He makes Eastern religions, philosophy, and spirituality accessible to anyone. He breaks things down into layman's terms, but his talks are still profound and always make me think.

Alan Watts explores the idea of death.

"I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it." ― Mark Twain
2015-02-02 10:40:20 UTC
I know we have eternal souls! God has given me grace to experience 2 souls already and we are exactly the same except that we have no worries or burdens. Just like the old timers used to tell us! Read Maria Sims interview, "The Amazing Souls in Purgatory" on line.
2015-02-01 00:07:46 UTC
remember the time before you were born,for example in world war one?like that you never were here ,and like that after you die you return to this state of not being here anymore.
2015-01-31 07:02:08 UTC
I think after we die our soul will be trapped in the place where we died & that's why there're haunted places...& btw there're no heaven & hell becoz if there's then why there're so many haunted places on earth & it's becoz the person who died in a house (for eg) has his spirit around that place..
2015-01-30 07:04:22 UTC
I really believe it all just ends. Once the brain shuts down its game over. Would you really want it to continue? Living is exhausting! In the final moments I'm sure its very peaceful.
2015-01-31 11:33:01 UTC
There is after life...

This is the truth!because there are many muslims whose bodies dont decay after they die and you can find many videos of them on youtube..there must be some power who want them to be preserved..without any treatment.we will be held accountable for what wrong and right we do!see picture of a muslim aalim after 3 years of death!
Wise Ole Owl
2015-01-30 10:48:57 UTC
I don't know how to answer this question in the general "we" sense. However, I know for sure that when I die, the universe will cease to exist
2015-01-31 00:14:37 UTC
Check out Bill Wiese's story.

It's true and life changing.
Billy Butthead
2015-01-31 12:21:05 UTC
Nothing,imagine trying to react after a quintillion years then starting over again.
Evolving Squid
2015-01-30 19:35:49 UTC
The scientific evidence is pretty clear: you die and you decay to nothingness. Your life ceases to be, and you live on only in the memories of those who knew you or in the creations you left behind.
2015-01-31 03:11:29 UTC
2015-01-30 11:35:28 UTC
Would you like me to Die and then come back to life again to tell you ?

Or .. How would you suggest I find out ?
2015-01-31 21:43:27 UTC
We float out to a nearby nebula that is just starting to develope and become stars for another bunch of planets to see if it is suitable for life in that particular solar system.
2015-02-01 02:40:04 UTC
After you die you go to the fields of asphoedel, Elyzium or the fields of punishment.
2015-02-01 08:26:05 UTC
in response to your update: that is exactly why religion was created. It was someone coming up with an explanation that is not based on facts because the truth is too much and honestly pretty hard to grasp that concept
2015-01-30 12:59:09 UTC
if you believe what the bible says look at Eccl. 9:5: and Psalms 146:4 if you do not believe then please just ignore me. science is a very good thing but scientists did not create the earth and the heavens and stars and above all life. creation is just too complex to just happen.
2015-02-01 15:17:51 UTC
I died when i was 18 in a car wreck. I floated into the stars and god explained everything to me. None of it which I remember. I then was asked if i want to go to heaven or back to life. In that moment I was sent back into my crippled now paralyzed body. Thank you god!!!! You the tops!!
2015-01-30 04:17:46 UTC
After we die, our body mixes with soil and stone.
2015-02-02 10:12:56 UTC
you die

Religions talk about the "soul" and the "consciousness"

by these they mean the thoughts and character that comprises "you"

But these are only electrical impulses traveling around your brain

When you die- the brain dies - so these impulses stop

and THAT means those thoughts and your character end

(you want to believe something else - then believe it if it makes you feel better)
2015-02-01 14:59:34 UTC
It's a surprise!
2015-02-01 16:47:56 UTC
Our physical machine breaks down and decays. Then our soul transcends to another dimension. A glorious dimension.
2015-02-01 09:53:08 UTC
Don't wait til you die to find out
2015-02-02 18:39:44 UTC
The way, the truth, and the life says life happens last after deaths
US Terrorism
2015-01-30 13:31:07 UTC
Life after death begins.

Spirituality begins where science is ended.
2015-01-31 20:47:40 UTC
After we die, we go to the "grave" and decompose, which is observable both by the "layman" and the "professional". No "science" degree is required.

ALL go to the GRAVE after death, from the destitutely poor to the ludicrously rich. There is NOTHING left of you except dust. You cannot see, hear, taste, talk, or smell; you cannot think nor KNOW anything. That is why it is called DEATH, cessation of LIFE, of any kind.

Just examine yourself. Is there some kind of IMMORTAL substance in yourself? I'm not asking for your "thoughts" or "imaginings", rather I'm asking if you KNOW absolutely that there is some kind of ETERNAL substance within you?

Personally, I have examined myself and I cannot find any indication that I have anything EVERLASTING in me. I have a body, but it is MORTAL; I have a LIFE, but it also is MORTAL. I have a suspicion that everyone else in the world is EXACTLY like me, a mere MORTAL, a man subject to DEATH.

When I die I expect to "return to dust", as has happened to billions of souls. Get in your car some day, drive around and you will eventually come across some acreage that has what people call "tombstones". Guess what? ALL those people are STILL in their GRAVES; they have not come out because they are ALL still quite DEAD.

They haven't gone anywhere, which is a provable "scientific" fact. Guess what? It is also a "biblical" fact. The belief - people dying and their so called immortal "souls" going to a "heavenly paradise", or an "underground hell fire" - is NOT a Christian biblical doctrine.

Those teachings are "superstitious/religious" imaginations of so called "spiritual" leaders, which are used to engender "fear" into the minds and hearts of the adherents, which "fear" coincidentally, can only be assuaged by the "shamans", for a price of course.

However, having said all of that, my personal belief is that there WLL BE LIFE, for those who have died, in the future. I believe in the RESURRECTION that will occur when Jesus Christ physically returns to earth to establish his kingdom.

Prior to his return, ALL that have died are still in the GRAVE, dead as ever. First, he will call out (from the grave) his own, and change the ones still alive,1 Thessalonians 4:15-18 Then, and only then will a person have EVERLASTING LIFE, no more DEATH.

Unlike the "shamans", God the father does not ask for any payment in return, Romans 3:24; 6:23. There is a lie out there which says that Jesus Christ was sent to CONDEMN people to "eternal torment" if they don't believe in him; the truth is that he was sent to offer EVERLASTING LIFE to "whosoever" believes in him, Romans 10:8-13.

Now if someone REFUSES the "offer" and the "one offering" it, then he will remain in the GRAVE, DEAD, NO LIFE, NADA, ZILCH. In other words that is what the scriptures call "perishing", cessation of life for all eternity.

That person will no longer exist ANYWHERE, neither will there be any "memory" of him/her. The only hope after death, in the FUTURE, is Christ, and not some kind of "metaphysical", "Hollywood", "ghost" type experience now, or immediately after dying.

I hope this helps.
2015-01-30 14:43:13 UTC
After you die you become one with the earth !!!!
2015-02-01 09:32:10 UTC
I want nothingness and to cease to exist. I have been pestered my whole life, and I don't want to be pestered for an eternity by the same annoying people. So there you have it, nothingness, and you cease to exist. Case solved.
2015-02-01 00:54:34 UTC
your brain stops, you basically feel nothing hear nothing see nothing, smell nothing, etc... aka you don't "exist" in your mind. Since im not dead we can only theorize, im atheist, but it does not mean I'm right (confusing) "heaven could exist for all i know, just live your life and make it a good one.
2015-01-31 15:20:35 UTC
Do you ever remember saying to yourself "Here we go again" but you can't remember when it was or why you thought that.. .. Did it happen jut before you were born?
2015-01-30 20:30:34 UTC
A euphoric release of pleasure chemicals in the brain and a return to the unknown.
2015-02-02 11:16:58 UTC
genisis 2.17

 And to Adam he said: “Because you listened to your wife’s voice and ate from the tree concerning which I gave you this command, ‘You must not eat from it,’ cursed is the ground on your account. In pain you will eat its produce all the days of your life. 18 It will grow thorns and thistles for you, and you must eat the vegetation of the field. 19 In the sweat of your face you will eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken. For dust you are and to dust you will return
2015-01-31 16:21:39 UTC
Psalm 146:4 "His spirit goes out, he returns to the ground; on that very day his thoughts perish" For further reference JW.ORG.
2015-01-31 10:09:49 UTC
there is judgement after death dat is why as a human u need 2 live for God before u die
2015-01-30 16:43:11 UTC
Literally : Your body will decay naturally and generally turn into dust again... It says in the Bible (summarizing) From dust you came so to dust you will return.
2015-01-29 15:07:13 UTC
You get eaten by the enzymes used for digestion
2015-01-30 07:28:32 UTC
Your body decomposes and you come back as a brand new person. On and On it goes forever.
2015-02-01 07:44:04 UTC
Ultimatly its up to God what will happen after a person dies.
2015-01-31 14:03:13 UTC
It depends. Usually our loved ones mourn for us as we slowly decompose. Apart from that not much happens.
2015-01-31 19:54:09 UTC
I hope nothing. no way I want everlasting life. human life is much toooooo looong as it is. I hope I do not have to live to much longer
2015-01-30 19:23:49 UTC
Read the Book of Mormon, it will tell you everything you need to know about life and death, then pray about it and you will receive your answers.
Jon J
2015-01-30 11:50:24 UTC
You should feel good about your life here on earth. If you are scared of death then you should join a church.
2015-01-30 08:14:53 UTC
We go back to the life in the soil, from dust to dust. Ancient humans knew this.
Dorothy B
2015-02-02 09:10:27 UTC
Hell is mankind's common grave. We await to be resurrected.
2015-01-30 13:01:12 UTC
no one really knows !! there are million of theories though , i personally found ''the spirits'' book by ''Allan Kardec'' interesting :-)
2015-01-29 15:00:04 UTC
Generally we are buried or cremated. That is all and the world goes on but it does so without us.
2015-02-01 15:45:55 UTC
Who knows.
2015-01-31 08:10:54 UTC
Surely this is not all there is. There are things in the universe that we cannot even begin to comprehend.
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2015-01-31 01:22:24 UTC
We slowly rot into the ground, if you do not believe me dig up a dead person
2015-01-30 05:04:26 UTC
Alas, there is no science behind it. Just think how interesting it would be if there were!
2015-01-31 21:54:46 UTC
Nothing, when we die, we die!
2015-01-31 01:30:31 UTC
decompose and possibly reincarnation?

i dont know what to believe and i dont really care since i prefer to live in the "now", rather then in the future
2015-02-04 19:12:19 UTC
We cant breathe, and later on nothing. Pitch dark.
2015-02-01 02:39:08 UTC
Would start to come alive again
2015-02-01 05:02:47 UTC
The usual options are decay or cremation
2015-02-01 08:35:07 UTC
I believe you go to heaven
2015-01-30 10:34:13 UTC
Heaven, Purgatory, or Hell
2015-02-01 20:40:40 UTC
no one actually knows cause we are alive right now and to see the afterlife you'd have to be dead... dumb question
Tom S
2015-01-30 11:29:16 UTC
Somebody gets your stuff.
2015-01-31 10:59:11 UTC
If you're a born- again Christian you go to heaven, if you're not you go to hell.
2015-01-30 14:33:20 UTC
Your Soul is an electrical spark/current when something disrupts this energy it goes where.......HEAVEN?
2015-02-01 08:40:36 UTC
Their shall be rebirth
2015-01-31 08:31:53 UTC
the body rots if buried; or is turned to ashes if cremated. if the dead body is left to lie around the house, eventually someone calls the authorities.
Common Sense
2015-01-31 10:33:17 UTC
You're dead, until the resurrection and judgment.
2015-02-01 04:49:00 UTC
as we know,enegry cant not be created or destroy.som it converts from one into othe human has enegrgy....
2015-02-01 16:47:09 UTC
the undertaker buries us in the ground so our dead rotting body does not stink up the place
2015-02-02 11:14:02 UTC
well i don't know yet because i am still live and i haven't yet died
2015-01-31 00:43:15 UTC
hasorer maidan
2015-01-30 16:10:44 UTC
lets wait and see
2015-01-31 10:47:51 UTC
Willie G
2015-01-31 07:33:44 UTC
In due time you are forgotten.
2015-01-31 07:04:04 UTC
who knows
2015-01-31 14:47:35 UTC
I hope we are recarnated
2015-01-31 18:40:59 UTC
We go to the light.
2015-01-30 17:16:44 UTC
something called decomposing.
2015-02-05 06:28:20 UTC
The scriptures say I hAVE NO IDEa.
josh b
2015-01-31 15:59:44 UTC
we go to heavon
2015-02-01 01:20:50 UTC
God may or may not help you.
2015-02-01 21:41:29 UTC
we decay and turn to dirt. that is it.
2015-02-01 16:18:53 UTC
we go to heaven
2015-01-31 13:00:28 UTC
2015-01-31 16:29:37 UTC
we dont know
2015-01-30 16:40:34 UTC
no idea
2015-02-01 13:27:45 UTC
Hell. We all go to hell.
2015-01-31 23:34:51 UTC
2015-01-31 10:32:45 UTC
2015-02-01 23:29:48 UTC
Jake W
2015-02-01 18:02:09 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.