After we die, we go to the "grave" and decompose, which is observable both by the "layman" and the "professional". No "science" degree is required.
ALL go to the GRAVE after death, from the destitutely poor to the ludicrously rich. There is NOTHING left of you except dust. You cannot see, hear, taste, talk, or smell; you cannot think nor KNOW anything. That is why it is called DEATH, cessation of LIFE, of any kind.
Just examine yourself. Is there some kind of IMMORTAL substance in yourself? I'm not asking for your "thoughts" or "imaginings", rather I'm asking if you KNOW absolutely that there is some kind of ETERNAL substance within you?
Personally, I have examined myself and I cannot find any indication that I have anything EVERLASTING in me. I have a body, but it is MORTAL; I have a LIFE, but it also is MORTAL. I have a suspicion that everyone else in the world is EXACTLY like me, a mere MORTAL, a man subject to DEATH.
When I die I expect to "return to dust", as has happened to billions of souls. Get in your car some day, drive around and you will eventually come across some acreage that has what people call "tombstones". Guess what? ALL those people are STILL in their GRAVES; they have not come out because they are ALL still quite DEAD.
They haven't gone anywhere, which is a provable "scientific" fact. Guess what? It is also a "biblical" fact. The belief - people dying and their so called immortal "souls" going to a "heavenly paradise", or an "underground hell fire" - is NOT a Christian biblical doctrine.
Those teachings are "superstitious/religious" imaginations of so called "spiritual" leaders, which are used to engender "fear" into the minds and hearts of the adherents, which "fear" coincidentally, can only be assuaged by the "shamans", for a price of course.
However, having said all of that, my personal belief is that there WLL BE LIFE, for those who have died, in the future. I believe in the RESURRECTION that will occur when Jesus Christ physically returns to earth to establish his kingdom.
Prior to his return, ALL that have died are still in the GRAVE, dead as ever. First, he will call out (from the grave) his own, and change the ones still alive,1 Thessalonians 4:15-18 Then, and only then will a person have EVERLASTING LIFE, no more DEATH.
Unlike the "shamans", God the father does not ask for any payment in return, Romans 3:24; 6:23. There is a lie out there which says that Jesus Christ was sent to CONDEMN people to "eternal torment" if they don't believe in him; the truth is that he was sent to offer EVERLASTING LIFE to "whosoever" believes in him, Romans 10:8-13.
Now if someone REFUSES the "offer" and the "one offering" it, then he will remain in the GRAVE, DEAD, NO LIFE, NADA, ZILCH. In other words that is what the scriptures call "perishing", cessation of life for all eternity.
That person will no longer exist ANYWHERE, neither will there be any "memory" of him/her. The only hope after death, in the FUTURE, is Christ, and not some kind of "metaphysical", "Hollywood", "ghost" type experience now, or immediately after dying.
I hope this helps.