I don't believe in God..Please help..?
2014-02-09 18:54:27 UTC
I'm 19. I don't believe in God. My mom passed away when I was 9 from kidney failure. Before she passed away, my family (me, my Dad, & my brother) went to church every Sunday. I believed in God then and really enjoyed going. When she passed away, all of that changed. My family stopped going to church and I decided to stop believing in God. I didn't have it easy in school because I got bullied a lot. Most of my friends were Christians and I was kind of left in the dark with no God by my side. I haven't believed in God in 10 years and I still don't. I started going back to church 4 years ago, not because of God. It was because of my friends. I still attend today but it's mainly to see my friends. I'm afraid to tell my friends that I don't believe in God because they've all thought that I have for years now. I've only been going through the motions .. I don't believe in God and I always feel like a fake because everyone else believes in Him and I don't.. My brother tells me that I'm going to go straight to Hell when I die because I don't believe in God. I don't think that's true but whatever...I attended Winter Jam last night in ATL and it was pretty nice. I don't understand why people say they can feel God's proneness all around them and also they can hear Him speak to them. I don't understand that because it hasn't happened to me...I don't know. Also, my friend committed suicide almost 2 years ago...If there was a God, he wouldn't have taken her so soon....I hate when people say that when people commit suicide, they go to Hell and not Heaven. No body can prove that so nobody really knows...My friend was a good person so I don't think that would happen. I don't know anymore. I'm just tired of going to church and being a faker.... && I've tried believing in God but it always turns out to me NOT believing in him in the end...I just don't know...
Fifteen answers:
2014-02-09 19:08:46 UTC
I'm sorry for the pain you have experienced in life. It's hard to lose someone you love, and it must be even harder to believe that your mom and your friend are gone forever and you will never see them again. : (

You are right that attending church isn't enough to make anyone a believer, anymore than me standing in a garage makes me a car.

I can't tell from your question if you would like to believe, but haven't really made that decision yet, or if you are hoping God isn't there?

If you have any interest in learning more about why people do put their trust for life and death in God, there are two really good books that you might find interesting.

One is Mere Christianity, by C.S. Lewis who was an atheist before his life was forever changed for the better by God:

and the other is The Reason for God by Tim Keller:

Wishing you well.
Happy Peanut
2014-02-10 03:42:16 UTC
First and foremost, you did NOT "Decide to stop believing in god". That's NOT how that works. If god's probable existence was clear to you beyond a reasonable doubt, you couldn't possibly have stopped believing. You can do things to foster a belief, you can do things that make it easier to stop believing, but belief itself is not a choice.

Second, the only thing you can and should do is educate yourself. Biblegod is demonstrably not real, but you won't know that for yourself till you learn about things like, how the bible came to be, the history surrounding it, and things like how the bible contradicts itself, and tells straight up nonsense. Right now you seem to have emotionally distanced yourself from a belief you may actually still hold.

You either need to crap or get off the pot. Crap in this case being going back to church, getting off the pot being to do as I said, and get your learn on. If you learn and understand what the bible and christianity is really all about, you'll probably have no moral qualms about walking away for good. But if not, then you clearly still hold a shred of your former belief, and should probably go with that, until something gives.
2014-02-10 03:12:26 UTC
The reason why you keep feeling that you don't believe in God is actually the Holy Spirit working in you because you wouldn't mention it so often. It wouldn't bother you and the Holy Spirit who is God is leading you to ask for help. Just keep going to church and even if it seems that God isn't there He is and ask Him for help through prayer and in the Bible. As far as feeling like a fake, there are strong believers and Christians who at times, also feel like fakes because Satan temps everyone to feel unworthy. Faith is not a feeling or emotion, but it's a believe that God is there no matter how you feel and that's the ultimate truth. We don't always understand God's purpose and plans regarding suicide. It's doesn't mean that He doesn't care or that He's not there, He has a plan that we don't always understand. Nothing can separate you from His love for you. Just talk to your Christian friends and Pastor because they're there for you and they'll help you. Don't worry about whether or not they'll judge you or get mad at you. Getting this off you're chest will feel good and the fact that you want help, shows that you still care about you're eternal well being, and that's good. God is probably testing you to see how faithful you are. Just because you haven't experienced God's presence doesn't mean He's not there. He is there. Philippians 4:13 says, "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." Just trust in Christ (Jesus) and He will lead you and give you the strength to overcome your feelings right now. John 3:16 says that Jesus came to this world to save everyone which He did. Faith in Jesus will get you to heaven. Start paying attention in church and just let the Holy Spirit do His job.
2014-02-10 06:05:31 UTC
You are too honest with yourself to be able to convince yourself that you "believe" something just because all your friends do.

Brainwashing techniques include being put into a different place (like a church, school, or boot camp), and surrounded with people who already believe. If it doesn't work on you. congratulations.

As for the discomfort of your situation, dealing with all these "True Believers", I wish I could help. It can be awful.
2014-02-10 06:42:40 UTC
Gods existence can not be proved or disproved. Otherwise the worship wont be in faith. God wants ur beleive in him to be in faith not anything else, meaning that u believe without a shadow of a doubt that God exists without having concrete evidence to prove it even though the signs of his existence are many. For one we were all once a drop of sperm that made its way to the moon, for those who realize, it will be evidense but for those who dont they will claim its evolution

The universe is far more complicated place than our mind can understand. Thats not a sign which disproves god but the opposite yet somehow non-believers used that to there side. In the end the ones who dont believe in God got something to lose not the opposite. And those who do believe in him will be forgiven for there sins as stated in the Quran (translation):

That he may bring the believing men and the believing women into Gardens underneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide, and may remit from them their evil deeds - That, in the sight of Allah, is the supreme triumph (Pickthal trasnlation) verse 5 Al-Fath

And lo! they surely turn them from the way of Allah, and yet they deem that they are rightly guided (Pickthal trasnlation) Verse:037 Az-Zukhruf

Remind them of) the Day when We will say to Jahannam (Hell), “Are you filled up?” and it will say, “Are there some more?” (30)And the Jannah (Paradise) will be brought close for the God-fearing, no longer distant.(31) And it will be said,) “This is what you were promised for everyone who was oft-returning to Allah, vigilant (against sins), The one who feared the Rahman (The All-Merciful Allah), without seeing Him, and came up with a heart oriented towards Him. (33) Enter it in peace. That is the Day of Eternity.(34) (Usmani translation)Qaf verse 30-34

Say, “Shall We tell you about the greatest losers in respect of (their) deeds? (103) Those are the ones whose effort in the worldly life has gone in vain, while they think they are doing well. (104) ((Usmani translation) Al-Kahf verse 103-104
2014-02-10 03:22:16 UTC
Remember this, you only have one life to get it right. And who knows if you will be alive 6 months from now or not.

God will never force anyone to accept salvation; that is your choice. And who knows when or if God will come to you again. Now is the time to find God, or to prove to yourself who he is and what his purpose is for you.

When I was very young, when I was single and unmarried, I decided to seek God and his righteousness and I repented of my wrongs; Jesus came into my heart and sanctified me. My life has been blessed. I am so glad Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. My name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life. When I die, I will go to be with my Jesus. I am at peace with God.

Oh by the way, there IS a devil and his name is Satan. Soon King Jesus will return to earth to deal with him. He will be cast into the Lake of Fire that burns forever and ever. Then there will be peace.
A B2
2014-02-10 03:38:24 UTC
Romans 10.:9

Acts 3:19
2014-02-10 03:04:08 UTC
God says to seek and you shall find. Pour your heart into finding Him. Read the scriptures, pray, fast, and get sin out of your life. And most importantly listen. Don't look for a big show. Remember this from 1 Kings 19:

9 And he came thither unto a cave, and lodged there; and, behold, the word of the Lord came to him, and he said unto him, What doest thou here, Elijah?

10 And he said, I have been very jealous for the Lord God of hosts: for the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thine altars, and slain thy prophets with the sword; and I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away.

11 And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the Lord. And, behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the Lord; but the Lord was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the Lord was not in the earthquake:

12 And after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.

13 And it was so, when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped his face in his mantle, and went out, and stood in the entering in of the cave. And, behold, there came a voice unto him, and said, What doest thou here, Elijah?

God speaks in very small ways most of the time.
2014-02-10 03:00:58 UTC
No matter what you may feel, God is real. Its just the human nature to doubt him. I see that you have gone through many challenges, but I believe that this is all God's plan. It's like the winter. It's very cold, and there's no food, but soon after this is over, its gonna be beautiful. Please. PLEASE don't lose your faith. I am a christian, and I have heard people say that they heard god speak to them and they may be tellling the truth or they may be saying to look cool. Nobody knows. But just remember. God is real. Just look at the things around you. Look at the trees. Everything needs a creator. What could have made these beautiful things?

It has to be god.

I know everything's hard on you right now, but hang on. It'll get better

If something works out, please send me a response. I would love to hear good news from you.
2014-02-10 03:10:35 UTC
God is everything and nobody knows why He does things but we just have to keep believing and wait till the end to ask him our questions.Don't hmm try to understand God's stuff.because you wouldn't understand but God is good,He forgives and He loves us
2014-02-10 03:00:47 UTC
Your mother is with God because she never gave up hope. It wasn't her fault that she died. Now she's in Heaven with Him.

Sadly, you never understood that death is part of life, that all living beings belong to God and that He decides who lives and who dies.

You were so hurt with her departure than, instead of accepting it, you just decided to throw it all away. Such is the weakness of your faith.

Can I ask you to be at least honest to yourself? Stop lying to your friends, stop deceiving you into thinking that you're like them. If you think all I said is nonsense, at least think about this paragraph.

Your friend? He rejected the gift of life. He refused to keep struggling. He gave up. He's a loser.
2014-02-10 03:36:39 UTC
If you seek God, you will find him
2014-02-10 03:08:37 UTC
You answered your own dilemma - you decided to not believe in God. And that is true of all atheists - they don't believe in God because they don't WANT to believe in God, and for no other reason, except (as Jesus stated) they love their sins and immorality and they hate Truth.

For you it's different, because you felt betrayed by God because He didn't spare your mom. That's not atheism, that's just anger at God.

But God isn't responsible for what happened to your mom. Jesus said that "satan comes to kill, steal and destroy, but I have come that you might have life, and that more abundantly."

Sin started with Adam and Eve, and it's been a continuous progression, and sin is so extremely wicked, that it hurts even innocent people, and even good and righteous people, so if your mom believed in God, sin in this world caused her premature death through the damaged and failed kidney.

You need to put your trust in God more now than ever, to see you through the pain, because God knows what it's like - His Son died a cruel death on a cross, at the hands of wicked men, and if you think it was tough watching your mom die, how do you think God felt about it?

But Jesus conquered death, hell and the grave, and those who put their trust in Him, as He said, though they may die, yet shall they live again.

One of Jesus' friends, Lazarus, died, and Jesus wasn't there to heal him. One of Lazarus' sisters told Jesus, "If you had been there, he would not have died!" Jesus told her, "I am the resurrection and the life. All those who believe in me shall live again." Jesus asked the two sisters (Mary and Martha), "If you believe, you shall see your brother live again."

I'm telling you the same thing - if you believe in Jesus, you shall see your mother again.

But the choice is yours, but because you've been blaming God (you turned your back on Him, after all), you need to repent, and ask Him to forgive you for that attitude, and return to God, and ask Him to forgive you for ALL the sins you've committed, and then fully commit your heart and life to Jesus.

There is no other way, because only Jesus can heal your heart of the pain of your mother's death, but if you push Him away, He can't do anything to help your heart. Again, I tell you, the choice is yours - and yours alone.

He is ready, willing and able to forgive you, but He won't force Himself on you. He said, "Behold, I stand at the door (of your heart) and knock. Any one who opens up to me, I will come in and live with him, and sup with him, and him with me."

2014-02-10 03:01:19 UTC
Stop going to church just because your friends do. There are no gods, you know that. So, don't pretend to worship one. You are an Atheist. You don't need to publicize it. If your friends pick on you for not believing in their god, just tell them "I grew out of believing in Santa, the Easter Bunny & gods".
2014-02-10 03:02:57 UTC
Hope this helps :) Islam point of view

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.