Why is the earth not in a fixed position like the bible says?
atheist jesus
2007-02-02 16:10:07 UTC
It is generally agreed that the Bible describes an immovable earth. At the 1984 National Bible-Science Conference in Cleveland, geocentrist James N. Hanson said there are hundreds of scriptures that suggest the earth is immovable. I suspect some must be a bit vague, but here are a few obvious texts:

1 Chronicles 16:30: “He has fixed the earth firm, immovable.”

Psalm 93:1: “Thou hast fixed the earth immovable and firm ...”

Psalm 96:10: “He has fixed the earth firm, immovable ...”

Psalm 104:5: “Thou didst fix the earth on its foundation so that it never can be shaken.”

Isaiah 45:18: “...who made the earth and fashioned it, and himself fixed it fast...”

If the bible is god's word, and god's word is truth, why is our planet moving in orbit at 18.5 miles/sec, instead of standing still like the bible says?
49 answers:
Dave P
2007-02-02 16:16:04 UTC
And to add to that, the bible also clearly states that the firmament is a physical thing separating the fixed earth from heaven and the sun, moon, planets, and stars are merely lights placed by god in the firmament. This is why he can do things like stop the sun for a day and why the tower of Babel was a threat to reach the frimament.
Glory to God
2007-02-02 16:31:46 UTC
You are right...good question..... Some twenty years of investigating claims that the the Earth rotates on an axis and orbits the Sun, and that the universe began evolving 15 billion years ago and is 15 billion light years thick, have left me without the slightest doubt:

a) That The Earth Is Not Moving;

b) That the Bible’s repeated declarations that it is the Sun that moves and not the Earth are absolutely accurate;

c) That the Big Bang Model ruling today’s cosmology is handcuffed to the Copernican Heliocentricity Model;

d) That both of these Models are built solely on contra-scientific assumptions held together by occult mathematics and fraudulent use of computerized technology

e) That those deceptive and vulnerable assumptions now undergird the entirety of modern man’s "knowledge"

f) That both the Heliocentricity and the Big Bang Models represent the fulfillment of a "creation scenario" of Kabbalic Judaism masquerading as "science"

g) That the purpose of this hidden religious agenda has been to destroy the "creation scenario" of the Bible and thereby destroy the credibility of the rest of the Bible right on through Jesus and the New Testament....

h) That the time for all who love truth over deception to give this issue their most careful and prayerful attention is now. This is especially true for all Christians who realize that their religion stands or falls on the the restoration of the absolute credibility of the Bible. This Biblical non-moving Earth issue alone can force that restoration and expose all the lies now connected with evolution-based false science (I Tim. 6:20,21).

Note this well: a) If moving Earth Copernicanism is shown to be a colossal deception, the Bible is automatically proven to be right on this major aspect of Creation. The Earth is either moving or it isn't! b) Anyone jolted into recognizing that the whole world could be utterly fooled by the Copernican deception will have little trouble seeing Darwinism as fruit off of the same tree. c) Recognizing that the physical and biological sciences have been used to make these mega- deceptions as successful as they are, no strain will be required to see how the teachings of Marxism, Freudianism, Einsteinism, Zionism, NASA's Saganism and Goldinism, Zionist-supporting Christian Fundamentalism, AND KABBALISM have been used to bring that Bible-bashing mystic religion to the verge of pulling it all off and establishing the long-planned New World Order which is already programmed to quickly rid the world of Bible-based Christianity.
Bobby Jim
2007-02-02 17:18:18 UTC
Looking at your quotes tells me that they are not from the most accurate translation of the Bible. (King James Version)

Psalm 93:1 reads, " The LORD reigneth, he is clothed with majesty; the LORD is clothed with strength, wherewith he hath girded himself: the world also is stablished, that it cannot be moved."

There is a slight difference between "immovable" and "cannot be moved." You may argue with me, but "immovable" means stationary. "Cannot be moved" can mean that it is not going to deterred from it's given path. Like a train is not generally going to be moved from it's tracks, even though it may be moving along the tracks.

Perhaps it's better to understand that the Ordinances of the Earth (its physical laws that govern the movement of the earth.) are fixed.

Having created the heavens and the earth, God certainly would have known about its movement around the sun.
2016-05-24 10:28:15 UTC
We haven't moved off of our rotation have we, We are still in the same orbit as we were when this earth was created. So the earth is immovable and firm in our orbit. You have to remember when the bible was wrote and at what level of understanding the original readers and writers had at the time. So the bible left out orbit but when the bible was wrote orbit wasn't in the dictionary yet.
2007-02-02 16:39:27 UTC
The earth rotates on its axis and revolves around the sun. These movements are responsible for the seasons, night and day etc. Look at it this way, even though the earth has these movements, which make life possible for us, but it still maintains its position in the solar system (I think 3rd in planets right after Venus). Meaning you've never heard a situation where like the earth swapped spots with Jupiter, so there you go
2007-02-02 16:39:00 UTC
It says in Revelations Jesus second cumming is to destroy those who destroy the earth. Maybe they try to move it out of its planned orbit with nuclear blasts. Its fixed in the motions that the lord has placed it. Don't try to discredit creation try to marvel in it. Were still learning things every day about earth. But, don't forget the simple also. the air we breath the fluids that give life the eyelids which moisten and clean our eyes. Who despises the day of "small things" let him rejoice when he See's the plumb line in the hand of zurbabel. Do you no what that means? Don't take the small things for granted because soon they will be destroyed.
2007-02-02 16:45:10 UTC
The word fixed in these passages means established or founded. After looking these verses up in my bible, and reading them, It seems clear that God is saying is that the earth he established or founded will not be destroyed by man. Thank you for asking this question and bringing these verses to mind. They give a wonderful illustration that this whole global warming scam in just that...a scam. It's not science....It's all about money. God said man cannot move or shake what God has established. Thanks again.
2007-02-02 16:29:25 UTC
While I am sympathize with what you are attempting to do this is not the example to use.

Speaking as an engineer rather than a biblical scholar, what you fail to mention is what reference point you are calculating velocities(speed). In your case you are assuming the sun is fixed when you say the earth rotates around it. As there is no fixed reference point in space we normally use the earth surface as one.


A train can be said to be approaching me at 60km/h. (this assumes that I am fixed - a simplification that ignores the rotation around the sun etc).

If you pick a different reference point it could said that I am approaching the train at 60km/h.

Both are correct statements but both are wrong -if you consider some other point as the reference (and thus considered rotations around the sun, galaxy etc).

That is the earth is fixed and the sun and rest of the universe are rotating around it :-) The choice of reference plane is arbitrary.

BTW With your quotes I would have gone the earthquake angle :-)
Vogon Poet
2007-02-02 16:26:21 UTC
The bible is mans interpretation, which has in itself been re-written and re-interpreted many times.

The people who did the writing and interpreting had no idea of Galaxy's, planets, stars and orbits. In the same manner that they don't talk an awful lot about nuclear physics. They ha not the slightest idea what you'd be talking about.

Try describing the colour blue to a man who has been blind since birth. Same principle apply. There is no common frame of reference.

You either choose to believe in a set of principles and values or you don't, regardless of the religious overtones. Atheists can still be nice and honest people. By the same argument Religious clerics and leaders can still be ruthless killers.
2007-02-02 16:17:12 UTC
The Bible was written in a cultural setting. God reveals himself through culture. Culture is the only means God has to communicate his character. So he takes their present understanding and reveals himself.

This is the same reason that creation is told in a 7 day format. Almost every culture surrounding the Hebrews when Genesis was written or at least when the Oral Tradition began believed that the world had been created in 7 days. Therefore the story is changed, God Almighty, Elohim is put at the center and he reveals to the peopel who he is.

This is the same with the afterlife. The understanding of the Ancient Near Eastern culture was that everyone decesended into the Sheol or the grave. Wheter good or bad. Therefore in the OT the Bible reflects this cultural understanding.

Culture does not limit us UNDERSTANDIING God it gues us the ability to not only understand WHO he is but also WHAT he desires from us.

God still using our contemporary culture to reveal certain aspects of his character and will.
2007-02-02 16:23:32 UTC
Because the charlatans that wrote the bible didn't know anything about science. If you think that's stupid, read the part that says the stars are going to fall to earth! Not to mention the sun going around the earth like an athelete running.
2007-02-02 16:15:26 UTC
thats right were spinning off into space at 18.5 mps...oh wait were in a fixed orbit around the sun.

Its contents are scientifically sound on matters that human researchers discovered only at a later date

Origin of the Universe: Gen. 1:1: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." In 1978, astronomer Robert Jastrow wrote: "Now we see how the astronomical evidence leads to a biblical view of the origin of the world. The details differ, but the essential elements in the astronomical and biblical accounts of Genesis are the same: the chain of events leading to man commenced suddenly and sharply at a definite moment in time, in a flash of light and energy."-God and the Astronomers (New York, 1978), p. 14.

Shape of Planet Earth: Isa. 40:22: "There is One who is dwelling above the circle of the earth." In ancient times the general opinion was that the earth was flat. It was not until over 200 years after this Bible text had been written that a school of Greek philosophers reasoned that the earth likely was spherical, and in about another 300 years a Greek astronomer calculated the approximate radius of the earth. But the idea of a spherical earth was not the general view even then. Only in the 20th century has it been possible for humans to travel by airplane, and later into outer space and even to the moon, thus giving them a clear view of "the circle" of earth's horizon.

Animal Life: Lev. 11:6: "The hare . . . is a chewer of the cud." Though this was long attacked by some critics, the rabbit's cud chewing was finally observed by Englishman William Cowper in the 18th century. The unusual way in which it is done was described in 1940 in Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, Vol. 110, Series A, pp. 159-163.

Its internal harmony is significant

This is especially so in view of the fact that the books of the Bible were recorded by some 40 men as diverse as king, prophet, herdsman, tax collector, and physician. They did the writing over a period of 1,610 years; so there was no opportunity for collusion. Yet their writings agree, even in the smallest detail. To appreciate the extent to which the various portions of the Bible are harmoniously intertwined, you must read and study it personally.
2007-02-02 16:22:09 UTC
The earth 'is' in a fixed position. It spins at the fixed rate of 1 revolution per day. It revolves around the sun at a fixed rate of 365.25 days per revolution. It tilts on its axis at a fixed rate of 6 months per tilt. It is flawless in its fixed orbit and has been since its creation. C'mon even the best scientists cant explain any of those 3 phenomena.

Oh yeah and I forgot about the part about how gravity from the sun should be pulling our planet ever closer to the sun every year, but somehow it doesn't? Sounds pretty 'fixed' to me.
2007-02-02 16:12:41 UTC
you are 500 years too late - Copernicus (Polish name: Mikolaj Kopernik). Polish astronomer and mathematician whom, as a student, studied canon law, mathematics, and medicine at Cracow, Bologna, Rome, Padua, and Ferrara. Copernicus became interested in astronomy and published an early description of his "heliocentric" model of the solar system in Commentariolus (1512). In this model, the sun was actually not exactly the centre of the solar system, but was slightly offset from the centre using a device invented by Ptolemy known as the equant point. The idea that the Sun was the centre of the solar system was not new (similar theories had been proposed by Aristarchus and Nicholas of Cusa), but Copernicus also worked out his system in full mathematical detail. Even though the mathematics in his description was not any simpler than Ptolemy's, it required fewer basic assumptions. By postulating only the rotation of the Earth, revolution about the sun, and tilt of Earth’s rotational axis, Copernicus could explain the observed motion of the heavens. However, because Copernicus retained circular orbits, his system required the inclusion of epicycles. Unfortunately, out of fear that his ideas might get him into trouble with the church, Copernicus delayed publication of them.

The church banned his work for 200 years, because it contradicted the Bible! In 1757 Copernicus's book was removed from the Index Librorum Prohibitorum, the list of books which were banned by the Catholic Church. Ever since, Poles claimed that Copernicus was a Pole and Germans that he was a German.

It took the accurate observational work of Brahe, the exhaustive mathematics of Kepler, and the mathematical genius of Newton to take Copernicus's theory as a starting point, and glean from it the underlying truths and laws governing celestial mechanics. Copernicus was an important player in the development of these theories, but his work would likely have likely remained in relative obscurity without the observational work of Brahe. It would have been discarded by the wayside, until subsequent investigation brought it back to light. It is likely, in fact, that given Kepler would have independently arrived at a heliocentric theory just in the process of interpreting Brahe's data, and the scientific revolution would have been born anyway. To a large extent, then, Copernicus has achieved his prominent place in history through what amounted to a lucky, albeit shrewd, guess. It is therefore more appropriate to view Copernicus's achievements as a preliminary step towards scientific revolution, rather than a revolution in itself.

To most atheists, this is no great revelation, its old hat, it is why we sit with astonishment at the Christians waking up 200 years to late on this site. lol
Jennifer D
2007-02-02 16:40:43 UTC
I don't follow the Koran....and I don't bother looking through it for my version of "errors"...I realize that I am not versed enough in their faith to fully understand the writing.

You do not understand the intentions of these writings. They are written to enrich Christians and you obviously do not want to be a part of that group.
2007-02-02 16:16:46 UTC
Uh, the tilt of the earths axis changes from 22-24 no, it isnt constant either... Our orbit is not fixed either. It changes as the earth slowly moves away from the sun. Inches per year - but that is NOT FIXED.
steven m
2007-02-02 16:20:20 UTC
because the bible was not written by god, but by Christan scholars around 75ad for the new testament , who had no idea about planetary movement, they didn't even know the world is roundish and Jesus who they followed had been dead for a life time or more.

they believed what the power hungry top priests told them, they would not admit to the illiterate masses that they did not know everything
2007-02-02 16:15:20 UTC
You are taking the scripture out of context. The earth is immovable to a person who is standing on it. Or it could mean that due to the gravity of the sun, the earth would never "wander off" into space.
2007-02-02 16:24:42 UTC
You are misunderstanding what is being said. What the verse is saying is that the earth is firmly established, by the decree of God, and is not going to be dissolved or moved out of its place until the purposes of God are accomplished. It has nothing whatever to do with the earth in the context of its relationship to the rest of the cosmos.
2007-02-02 16:13:18 UTC
Either god is wrong, or the bible is written by man.


You must be new to this planet. Earth's axis isn't fixed; it swings a total of 23.5 degrees.
2007-02-02 16:15:29 UTC
I would suggest that our entire solar system is moving as a star around yet another solar system that is moving as a start around yet another, etc, etc, etc. The earth, though moving within our solar system is, as a whole, fixed within the solar system that contains it which in turn orbits another star solar system.

In short, we are fixed in our orbit of orbits.

If you take everything literally you cannot believe in anything. I am learning this and your question helped me.
2007-02-02 16:15:44 UTC
fixed it's place. It doesn't wander around willy nilly. It isn't like a meteor rock with no specific course. we don't wander away from the sun. Nice Bible study though!
2007-02-02 16:23:40 UTC
Physical systems are not in the business of complying with works of fiction.
2007-02-02 16:13:14 UTC
It is, everything just appears to move in a heliocentric way from are point of view.
Shellular Kellular
2007-02-02 16:12:59 UTC
because when the bible was written, the mere mortals who wrote it hadn't discovered the true workings of science
2007-02-02 16:23:40 UTC
Could it be talking about Dimensions? The earth is fixed in the 3rd dimension. Sounds good to me! :)
2007-02-02 16:13:53 UTC
'cause the bible was written centuries before man understood astronomy.
2007-02-02 16:13:09 UTC
What the bible is wrong? Ohhh my whole life is ruined whatever will I do? Runs in room slams door
2007-02-02 16:12:50 UTC
I don't put much stock in the bible, but I'd assume that you would translate "earth" to mean "the ground".
2 days after my B day :)
2007-02-02 16:12:21 UTC
I know right?

Why are the beliefs of Christians not in a fixed position like they say they are?
2007-02-02 16:15:37 UTC
First, why do people feel the need to endlessly deny the existence of something they claim doesn't exist? Do you spend that much time arguing that Santa Claus doesn't exist?..well, I maybe that's all - whether you don't understand the Bible or don't want to, you will either not understand me or refuse to.
2007-02-02 16:12:41 UTC
The bible was written before people were educated.
Bad Liberal
2007-02-02 16:12:05 UTC
The Bible is wrong about most things, but then, it's an old book.

Killing. They're right about killing being wrong. But most of the other stuff, no, how could they have known?
2007-02-02 16:12:33 UTC
The Bible is literature not science.
2007-02-02 16:17:48 UTC
*That is just one of the errors in the bible, but the bible is supposd to be inspired of God. I guess God doens't know any better.*
2007-02-02 16:12:15 UTC
When the bible was written it was believed that the earth was fixed
Dutch Dolly
2007-02-02 16:14:47 UTC

I think I can already hear some Christians stammering...
great gig in the sky
2007-02-02 16:17:33 UTC
When you wake up in the morning it's still here right?
2007-02-02 16:13:19 UTC
The bible is a bunch of BS; that's why.
2007-02-02 16:11:43 UTC
Because the whole Bile is a lie.
2007-02-02 16:15:56 UTC
I'm starting my own religion tomorrow. Anyone wants to join?
David H
2007-02-02 16:15:11 UTC
Give Jesus a break, man, he tried, instead of hateful doubting everything.
2007-02-02 16:13:10 UTC
Isn't the earth fixed on its axis. Why quibble over words?
Salt Flakes
2007-02-02 16:13:25 UTC
Because morons wrote that book.
2007-02-02 16:15:33 UTC
Don't be a fool to misinterpretation.
2007-02-02 16:13:10 UTC
Because they are talking about the soil, not the planet.
2007-02-02 16:13:53 UTC
Youll go straight to hell for that one LOL!!
2007-02-02 16:12:03 UTC
the bible is full of nonsense
2007-02-02 16:11:44 UTC
probobally because the bible is B.S.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.