Do You believe in God?
2009-03-29 17:06:53 UTC
I asked a question earlier and after re-reading it I realized I wasn't exactly clear on what I was asking.

Do you believe in a God? Or any type of higher being?

personally I have come to this realization that I do not believe in any type of God, religion, or higher being. I do realize everything had to come from somewhere, but I think everything came from something scientific, which obviously I am not educated at all about.

I guess I think of religion or a belief in a God or higher being as a security blanket for someone. A warm comfort that gives a person hope.

No one around me feels this way, and they will not talk to me about it. They all believe in God and Jesus Christ. So needless to say they all think i'm kookoo bananas and or evil. I mean no harm or disrespect to those who do believe, I respect it 100%. I just want to hear from others opinions.
67 answers:
2009-03-29 17:12:15 UTC
I completely agree with you.I think that religion came about because some "MEN" wanted power of the people and over the years people started using it as a security blanket.More people need to believe more in their selves....
neville r
2009-03-29 17:51:01 UTC
Hi, you are asking the question that does not have an answer in this temporal world. Some have answered the question that does not have an answer and obviously it must be the wrong answer. When they find it is wrong they work out another answer but it's wrong too, Thus they go on and on getting wrong answers, That's evolution. A definition for evolution letter by letter is: Evil Very Often Leads Us To Imagine Organised Nonsence. nev r below is my article to give some thoughts to this issue BEGINNINGS ARE IMPOSSIBLE.

You have a brain vastly ahead of any computer, you can think up things that were not programmed into

you.Your recall may not be so efficient but your vast memory is still there. So you can use simple logic.Here is

a test. All elephants are animals. All animals are not elephants.

You can do that, that’s logic, you have it.

In the very beginning ---way back before bangs or creation or evolution what was there?

There are only two possibilities.

1. Something : that is anything you like, from dust to God.

2. Nothing : that is no dust, no space, no thoughts, no energy --- a blank, not even emptiness.

1. The Something ----How did it get there? This is before bangs or evolution or creation, honestly by

logic there is no answer to us, for matter or God to be eternal is unreasonable.

Really think now, how could anything be there before the beginning, it is beyond us, but how could the

beginning start if there wasn’t anything there? Impossible again!! Even Christians idea about God already being

there is impossible to our minds. We cannot help asking, where did He come from and if He didn’t come from

somewhere how could He be there?

Blows your mind doesn’t it? But we are here, so existence either started from nothing or it was always there.

Both are impossible to us in this material, temporal world.

2. The Nothing possibility would still be the same, with no substance, no space, no energy nothing could

start. But we are here, the impossible has happened, existence is real, and that’s a miracle. So there was never a

time when there was Nothing or there would still be nothing. So Something had to be always there. Maybe

you could call it the best of two impossibilities. Chance doesn’t come into this. If something is impossible it

can never never never NEVER happen no matter how long you give it, even forever. So whatever was already

there had to have the potential to provide the source of the systems we see operating now. That is vast (maybe

infinite amounts of energy), designing ability or intelligence (phenomenal design is everywhere from atoms to

highly complex single cells, birds that fly and a moon that stays there balanced on gravity), as well as be the

source of LIFE. By logic both these are impossibilities. What do you call a powerful intelligent designing life

giver that was already there? Could it be Creator or God?


What happens when you try to work out the impossible?

You get the wrong answer! because there is no answer.

What happens when you realise it is wrong? You get another answer! But it’s wrong too.

Whatever answer you get must be wrong.THAT’S EVOLUTION.

BEGINNINGS are impossible to us.

Honestly if there ever was nothing, really nothing, no space, no gas, no energy, no substance, no thought or

ideas, a complete non existence, there would still be no existence,


for us mortals (dying ones) the thought of anything already being there is just as impossible.

We have to ask the impossible question.


Again there is no answer.


The IMPOSSIBLE has happened.

That is what we call a miracle. (not just an unusual happening)

Once you accept one miracle others are not impossible.

All we can do is examine present systems which show that whatever was already there had to be the

source of vast energy, be an intelligent designer and be a life provider. What is a word for that? Could it be

Creator or God. If you are seeking the truth read the Gospel of John, The book of Acts and Genesis. To be saved

you need to believe Jesus died on the cross for your sin and ask Him into your life. Be willing to turn from sin

with His help. Now live for Him by worshipping God, learning of Him in His word and owning Him before

others. May God bless you as you seek the TRUTH.(Two articles combined so some thought repetition) email me anytime
2009-03-29 17:30:19 UTC
I definitely don't think you're "kookoo bananas".

I grew up in a Lutheran household and went to church almost every Sunday - I never really liked it, but I went regardless. When I was in middle school, I was the very religious. I had a great church, great pastors, and a great faith in God. My grandmother died around this time and my last memory of her was in the hospital, blood pouring down her gown from underneath her arm, asking my sister for a hug. My sister never hugged her because she was so afraid of the blood. My grandmother died three days later. I blamed this God that I so loved. I hated him. Less than a month later came September 11, 2001. I know this sounds ridiculous and people may think I'm kookoo bananas, but I blamed myself to the whole ordeal. My scorn of God had caused him to show his true force. I became religious once again.

Then came high school biology...I was so confused and my religion and my education began to conflict. I prayed to God every night and asked him to help me understand. Overtime, with no answer from the heavens, I lost my faith. A couple years later, I had a dream that I was in Afghanistan. I met Bin Laden, kissed him on the cheeks, and told him that God loved him. Once again, I am making myself sound crazy, and I'll admit it sounds crazy, but I'm just giving you the facts. I was religious for a short time, but this passed as well.

During the next few years, when my family would drag me to church, I would not participate in the service. When the congregation would read the bold printed scripts it would make me sick. They were all mindless drones, I thought. I refused to say the Lord's Prayer or do anything but take Communion in vain. When I got to college, I was desperate for something to believe in. I joined Intervarsity and went on a retreat. I soon realized that there was no God. What I was searching for did not exist. He had abandoned me long ago and no matter how hard I tried, the relationship I once had with this spirit was never the same.

Now I have a new view on the whole situation. I consider myself spiritual. I know, and believe, that there is a power in the universe that connects everything. I have witnessed these relationships and they are sometimes simple, sometimes complex. Think about the sky. When it is dark and overcast, I feel depressed and alone, but charged with so much potential energy. It is exhilarating. When it is sunny and clear I feel happy and relieved. Interesting?

I don't know what this spirit is and I am still searching. I'm studying different religions and it is amazing how many similarities there are that no one wants to realize. Of course, it is always sobering that I cannot think of my God as a graceful, caring father, but I am so happy that I am no longer bound by the blindfolds of religion.

I have so much more to say, but I've definitely overdone it. My spirituality has taken years in the making (and it's not done yet), so this is barely scratching the surface. Keep searching for the answers!
2009-03-29 17:25:06 UTC
I feel much the same way and come from a large family of ardent Christians.

There are lots of people who feel the same way, research humanism, unitarian universalism, agnosticism and atheism, you may find something in there that reflects your feelings. Also there are a lot of books, ranging from the angry/reactionary to the tolerant/compassionate. Books I've found helpful or interesting include The Universe In A Single Atom by the Dalai Lama, His Dark Materials Trilogy by Philip Pullman, I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For by Paul Walkers, or, if you're scientifically minded, The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene. These are not all strictly about religion, but they helped affect my religious worldview. I think The God Delusion and God is Not Great are too shrill and angry.

Atheists are the most distrusted minority in the US, so be prepared to do some explaining to people, but if you can explain your feelings clearly and without making other people feel attacked, most people will accept it and forget about it.

There are still times that the religious differentiation between me and my family bothers me, like prayers before meals, people offering to pray for you, when an aunt or cousin says "God has a plan for you" or something like that. Try to just remember that they say it to be nice and that sometimes they don't even realize what they're saying is religious, its just how Christians talk. I've told all my immediate family what my feelings are about it, and they try to respect me and my beliefs.

Even at Christmas or weddings or funerals (that's the hardest, because people do talk a lot about religion then because it is comforting) when the separation is most noticeable, I still feel more comfortable being a fish out of water than a fish trying to pretend its a mouse. Take comfort in knowing that you thought these hard questions through, and followed where your heart and your head led you, even if its the most difficult and lonely path available.
2009-03-29 17:19:21 UTC
This is why you still don't believe in our God. Those around you who should be giving you hope, comfort and joy thru knowing our God is doing nothing but being hypocritical. They are not witnessing to you, they are shunning you and that really makes you want to understand more about God doesn't it?

God is not a security blanket, now he does make one feel more secure about death as we now have an afterlife to look forward to. But God is more than fear of death. He's our almighty maker, who has given us a true blessing. Life. This life we have includes family, children, marriage, fun in the sun, a mind to discover and learn, a heart to love and care and share, a knowledge of good and evil to choose from. So many things that are offered to us at will and all we need to do to repay this kindness is to believe, trust and look upon the Lord. Now, I know what the Old Testiment says and why the atheist wants us to know that our God is evil, let sin in the world and all the suffering, we live by blind faith etc etc etc. Belief in the writings of the bible leaves no room for doubt. It's there, the scrolls of Abraham have been preserved, the dead sea has at least one chariot wheel, bones of horses and men. I could go on, but the point is, unless you are willing to know that Jesus is your light, you would not listen anyway. God Bless and I'm sorry those that have contact with you are not acting in a Christian manner toward you.
Shopaholics Anonymous
2009-03-29 18:11:21 UTC
I do, and oh, do I wish you all believed in him. I could only hope you all did, too, but I guess that's too expectational, though. I just... I don't know; it's faith, I guess. It's got me tied from every which-way and I just don't understand why some people are inconsiderate jerks who are against people who do believe in him, and I know everyone has opinions but if someone is against anyone believing in him--well, then, let's just say something bad is waiting for them - most people do believe in him (notice: not saying all) and so, if you're discriminating them, then choose against; you have a very saddening future if that's how you view it, because as I just mentioned, most people have faith in him, therefore, you're never gonna find enough people to be close to you, if that's how its gonna be. This isn't supposed to be a prestigious, intellectual and convincing lecture, dedicated to my opinion and beliefs and perspective; it is, however, supposed to teach you the following: TRUE--very true--that maybe He doesn't always ANSWER you're prayers, but he does his very best to listen to them, at least--and he does. The reason he doesn't always respond to them is due to the following: everything is already planned, and he isn't gonna change what isn't meant to be changed; it is mean to happen because everything does happen for a reason and everyone eventually finds that out. Maybe if you really want to be "cool" and into the "latest trend" or need help financially in any way or whatever, he may not answer because of what I just said. I love G-d dearly and believe that I really shouldn't be so strongly opinionated but I clearly am. And no matter what, I am a Jew, and I stand by Judaism 100%. I just don't believe in every Midrash and Theory there is but that doesn't make me any less Jewish than people who do; I love G-d the same (maybe even more) than some people who do. I would die for him; I just don't believe in Jesus or whatever. However, I overall love G-d so very much and for that, I deserve some credit. Even though my great-grandma died on my 9th birthday, and I hadn't seen her since I was 3 and I was scared of her then, and I still have faith and belief in him, you should should some dignity and intergrity too. I love you all and even if you don't have faith in Hashem (I don't like writing his real name- I believe it is a real disgrace and disrespect towards his authority to do so). I may not be religious or anything of that sort; I do everything (if not, even more) that I do on School days then I do on Shabbat; but that doesn't make me any less "holier" than others.
2009-03-29 17:48:58 UTC
Personally I do...

but that is not really what matters, what matters is are you comfortable in what you believe. I do understand what its like to have the people around you think your "kookoo bananas and or evil" but that is not really about you. That is their own insecurities showing through. If a person is truly confident about what they believe they dont feel a need to force that belief on others.

Look at the Dali Lama, yes his life is a living example of his Buddhist "Faith" but he does not go about thumping people he leads by example.

You said, "I guess I think of religion or a belief in a God or higher being as a security blanket for someone. A warm comfort that gives a person hope."

I'm sure that is true for some, it is also not true for others; I believe I suggested to your previous post you read Mere Christianity, you would find C.S. Lewis's vision of God rather demanding, comforting in the end yes, but one must work through to that comforting place.

Or read the Chapter Rebellion in the Brothers Karamazov,

Ivan certainly struggles with his image of God.

It is a basic Tenet of Buddhism that "All is 'Suffering*" actually Dukkha, that the world is fundementally flawed, askew, and the only "Redemption" one can hope for is to cease the endless cycle of reincarnations.

Certainly read form Atheist and Agnostic sources, especially if they resonate with you;

but I suggest to your it is best not to base your opinions on the community of Theists stricktly from those sources. Expose yourself to the best of both points of view, then make up your own mind.

"To thy own self be true." and you'll be the happier for it.

Brightest Blessings, BB.
2009-03-29 17:36:47 UTC
Religion and God have always, and i meen always gone hand and hand with politics. They are ideals invented to install a belief system and a measure of peace in the mass public through fear,blood,self mutalation,self doubt,and the basic de-animalization of human kind by what ever goverment is in place. But you will recieve your just reward for being a good citizen and not thinking out of the box if you join the mindless faithful. You will be allowed to fit in with society, nevermind that it is a society of fat grazzing cattle never questioning commen scence or rational thought. Christianity came from war, religion came from a fear of the forest and what might dwell in the dark places. Later it was writen and re-writen to fit each generations social acceptability. I could go on, and on, and on just as many people can try and fight with what i am saying. I say to those who would try, "Your entire belief system "christianity" comes from a country that has been in a religious was for over ten thousand years murdering eachother. The bible was writen by the same third world freaks that you see on TV walking down the street beating themselves on the chest and whipping there backs with rope not to mention the thousands of other insain torture methods they use to proove there loyalty to thin air "not god". Yes this is were the original bible, "not your version, but the REAL ONE" comes from. Your bible, or the people who believe, is like comfort food compared to the original. So what are you people really beilieving in then? Its better to "believe" and get to float in a cloud, then to not and miss the ship when it comes in i guess.
2009-03-29 17:19:39 UTC
No, I don't believe in a god. I agree with you. It is just a security blanket. Something to assure people that life is meaningful, and that there is someone/something watching after us. It's great for some - and I respect them - but me, I don't buy it. If the majority of the population thought that there was no higher being, then the people that did believe in one would be looked down upon. Just like atheists are looked down upon today. And anyone who believes that unicorns are real - everyone else just thinks that they're crazy. So why is believing in some Deity that no one has ever seen called sane? Everyone simply follows the "norm". And unfortunately - or maybe fortunately (who knows what would happen if everyone simply thought that they could do whatever they wanted and there would be no consequences) - the "norm" is believing that there is a god.
2009-03-29 17:17:13 UTC
First of all thank you for you being respectful and open to constructive debate which is a rare commodity in this forum.

Let me offer a bit of advice. You will never come to the understanding of the truth by listening to those that hate God. If God is the truth you will never learn it from the atheist.

There may be events in your life that leave you down and out and in need of something Spiritual. When and if this happens simply ask Jesus into your heart with a simple prayer. My hope is that you will come to love God as I have.

God bless you.
Bre B
2009-03-29 17:24:02 UTC
Yes I do believe in jehovah god,I do not believe in hell,How could a god be the god of love if he sent people to hell when he knows that we are all imperfect,And when you think about it aren't we living in hell there's not a day that goes bye that someone didn't get murdered and go to Revelation 12:12 On this account Be glad you heavens and you who reside in them! woe for the earth and for the sea, because the devil has come down to you,having great anger,knowing he has a short period of time. Make sure to always do your homework Jehovah god and science before you come to a conclusion. Sorry so long.
2009-03-29 17:17:44 UTC
I do not believe in a christian god, but I do believe that the universe we live in is it's own entity. I wont delve further because it gets needless. I love how Christians are supposed to practice acceptance but are useless in conversing about other ideas. And how they gang up on anyone that said no with a bunch of thumbs down.

Where do you live, Arkansas? Lol no, that's unfair. Just ignore people like that, prove through example that church fed beliefs are not the only display of a happy, accepting, loving individual.
2009-03-29 17:26:50 UTC
i respect your beliefs, and i don't want to be offensive in any way. Religion is a hot topic nobody talks about which i believe is wrong. I brought it up to my atheist friend and we are complete opposites and he trusted me and he let god into his life and he is so much happier. Even if he isn't real it made him happier as a person because he believed. So what do you have to lose, what did he have to lose by believing. Nothing.

he lost nothing and gained happiness, can you try that?
2009-03-29 17:14:09 UTC
Yes i certainly do. I have doubts alot but thats all part of my walk in life and it will be in many others. Some believe in the big bang and evolution. The big bang is retarted flat out. How can somthing blow up and create life. As for evolution i believe that God and Evolution can

co-exist. Like God created it and eventualy leading to the first humans adam and eve. These beliefs are definately security blankets as well. Even saying that i believe in God 100% People who believe should talk to you about it to give opinions if they read their i believe it would encourage them to talk to you not just shun you. And not to just be stubborn and convert you but to have an in depth conversation looking at all your views to help you come to your best conclusion.
2016-10-16 09:12:51 UTC
Umm properly i've got confidence on the hours of darkness God and Goddess, they dont quite care if I make long as I dont reason injury to nature, which i will possibly never do because of the fact i'm vegetarian and that i like the Earth =)
Tired Guy
2009-03-29 17:14:29 UTC
WTF!Why the hell do you guys ask the same question every 20 minute!

about 60 % of the people will say no and the other 40% would say yes!and bout 90% of the 50% that said yes is a christian.

If you give me a thumb down,I assume you're a christian,
2009-03-29 17:12:49 UTC
A lot of people who are bible thumpers will absolutely not have conversations with you debating God's existence, once they're a believer, it's pretty set in stone, sadly.

Religion, I find, is a very sensitive subject here on Yahoo Answers. You're going to get a lot of answers with crazy people saying "God will smite you for saying that! Be a good child and surrender yourself to Jesus!" and sh*t like that. Then there's going to be mean people who tell these people that religion is just a fairy tale. (Which is true, they're all stories.)

To each their own... really... that's all I have to say.
2009-03-29 17:41:59 UTC
I decided to believe in God when I was 12 after locking myself in my room for a week except to go to the bathroom. My mom brought my food. I spent that week in silent contemplation.I came out believing. I got baptized. and have had a constant friend and companion in Jesus. We all have to suffer through the experience to really decide. Anyone who doesn't doesn't really know their personal truth and can't speak to others about it.
2009-03-29 17:16:46 UTC
It is easy for me to say that I believe 1000% in God because I do. But I also understand that others don't believe because they don't have scientific proof.

But if we all waited for scientific proof for everything in life we would be severely disappointed.

Whether or not you believe is entirely up to you. I will not be swayed in my own personal beliefs.
2009-03-29 17:20:54 UTC
i do believe in jesus and not because i was raised to or because i feel obligated to, but i believe in Jesus christ as my Lord and Savior because f what i've seen, i've seen things like someone being healed of AIDs by the power of GOD ( we have medical evidence ) and so many wonderful things.

God loves You. I dare you to seek and he will not fail you.
Michael B
2009-03-29 17:42:19 UTC
2009-03-29 17:13:15 UTC
I do not, I respect those that do believe in a higher purpose, though. I believe that religion was created to explain what we didn't have the knowledge to explain ourselves. Now we have science to explain things for us, so therefore I do not see the purpose of religion anymore. That is my view on any god or religion.
2009-03-29 17:33:45 UTC
I agree with you. But that does not mean other something else is out that, not god but something. We humans are higher than ants, and there just might be something else above us, and no i don't mean birds
2009-03-29 19:48:26 UTC
I believe in god and Santa Claus in equal measure.
2009-03-29 17:11:55 UTC
2009-03-29 17:17:18 UTC
Yes, I absolutely believe in God.
2009-03-29 17:14:26 UTC
There has to be! Everything is so perfectly created and just amazing. From the human heart beat to the endless universe, God created it.
2009-03-29 17:12:14 UTC
yeah i believe in God

having a religion is sorta like a security blanket it gives you hope in a bad world

it also gives you something to look forward to after life

God Bless you
2009-03-29 17:12:52 UTC
I am not really sure, I guess I am learning more towards no though.

It's hard for me to believe anything without evidence, although many of my friends disagree.

What annoys me the most is that people are like, "It's okay, Jesus STILL loves you!" or "Bless your soul!! You need help!!"


2009-03-29 17:11:43 UTC
Yes, I believe in God.

And no, it is not a warm security blanket. Sometimes Believing in God can be tough, and its not always easy to completely follow the rules. Believing in God can save you, but you have to make sure you stay with it. It is something to lean on when you need guidance.
2009-03-29 17:22:15 UTC
I believe in God.
2009-03-29 17:12:02 UTC
You see, everyone is a sinner no one can be truly pure enough to attain God. I am Hindu, and you are Christian am I right? Well, you see this world is a material place and heaven is also a material place. the true place that people are supposed to go is to God; they have to attain God and go to where God is, not to heaven. You see, plants animals and humans all have souls and they are all living things. Plants are the lowest rank, then are animals and humans are the luckiest because human life is given to people by God so that in that birth they can attain God and get rid of the cycle of life. people always take birth again and again as different forms, either animals plants or humans if they are lucky. everytime someone dies, or some animal or plant dies, they leave the physical body though they take with them their soul; because actually your body is just for this birth of urs. you may have been a flower in your previous life or a giraffe 10 births ago. but your soul remains forever and in this birth you are a human.

according to a person's deeds, God decides wether they need to take birth again and how they need to take birth for example if someone is really evil and they commit lots of sins then God will send them to hell after they die and then in their next birth that person would be a plant or an animal or a human who would have a lot of suffering in their life. some examples are that, when people like to show off their body like you know in movies and everything when ppl they like taking off their clothes and stuff liek shameless ppl well if they do that and if thats what they like then God will make them a tree in their next birth, because a tree has to stay bare all its life and suffer through all the changes in the climate. when ppl are gourmand, or like to eat really dirty food all the time like pork or beef then God would make them maybe a pig in their next life because pigs eat mud, and all that dirty you see, you get the fruit of your actions. if you do something good, good things may not happen to you at that moment but it will happen to you because you will get the fruit of your deed. when people do nice and good things they do go to hevaen and when they do bad things they do go to the burning fire of hell, but those are both still material places just like the earth and so the purpose of having a human life is to attain God and salvation, not to just "be good" and go to "heaven". ofcourse, you do have to be good you cannot start commiting sins, but the PURPOSE and aim of life is to get rid of all of your material desires and pay attention to God all the time, thinking only of HIM. you know God said (remember that all Gods are the same even though in different religions ppl have their "own" God but actually all Gods are the same in different forms, so God said that everyone's soul is a female and only God is a male. well the thing i want to say is that you are supposed to and you should always pray to God.

So GOD does exist. Please let go off your confusion; GOD exists. Have faith.
2009-03-29 17:18:45 UTC
I used to. Until I learned how much of a waste of time it is studying the bible and talking to yourself and never being answered by any god.
2009-03-29 17:10:05 UTC
Yes, I do.

Answer Mine Plz:
2009-03-29 17:10:43 UTC
Yes, I believe Jesus is Lord.
2009-03-29 17:12:48 UTC
2009-03-29 17:12:24 UTC
Yes, I believe in God.

BTW, I major in Physics and Applied Physics.
2009-03-29 17:09:43 UTC
Yes, I believe in a higher being
Wounded at the Core
2009-03-29 17:10:23 UTC
Yes I believe in God

I also do not look down on people who don't. Ignore them.
2009-03-29 17:10:18 UTC
I not only believe in God...I believe God.

I don't believe in religion at all.
2009-03-29 17:12:23 UTC
No I dont believe, I know there is a God, you should be glad he believes in you.
duke nukem
2009-03-29 17:09:32 UTC
I do not believe in a God or higher being.
rumors with no basis in reality
2009-03-29 17:10:43 UTC
I pretty much think the same as you...

But, I keep it pretty much to myself.

I think everyone has the right to choose their own path...
2009-03-29 17:12:39 UTC
Why does this question get asked every single day. God is imaginary and nothing more than personal opinion.
2009-03-29 17:10:05 UTC
I believe in a mechanism for creation. Whether that is a sentient being (god) or not, I have no idea.
2009-03-29 17:20:56 UTC
Yes I do.
Jim S
2009-03-29 17:13:12 UTC

also, I have a science background, and non christian.
2009-03-29 17:10:41 UTC
Of course I do
2009-03-29 17:10:09 UTC
I don't think that he is some super-jesus in a chair, but we had to all be created by something.
2009-03-29 17:10:41 UTC
Yes I believe in God!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The creature
2009-03-29 17:10:56 UTC
2009-03-29 17:10:38 UTC
Yes I do.
2009-03-29 17:09:45 UTC
Yes I do!
2009-03-29 17:11:08 UTC
Yess I believe in god.

He has answered all my prayers

and has forgiven all my sins.

so yess..
Is this hell?
2009-03-29 17:11:32 UTC
Welcome to the good side. Nope, never have believed in any higher power and never will.
2009-03-29 17:11:15 UTC
i don't believe in any "god" or higher power
2009-03-29 17:12:58 UTC
not the Christian god, or indeed any monotheist god
2009-03-29 17:13:19 UTC
i believe in God. he created me, so i must worship him. without him, i wouldn't be typing this right now. i don't believe that ape's are our cousins (wtf?). i'm also skeptical about dinosaurs.(:

2009-03-29 17:11:22 UTC
No, I have no reason to.

You're fine. If people can't accept you, forget 'em.
Ashli D
2009-03-29 17:10:08 UTC
about as much as i beleive in santa claus
2009-03-29 17:10:35 UTC
2009-03-29 17:09:11 UTC
yes i do.
2009-03-29 17:11:27 UTC
yes i doo :)
2009-03-29 17:10:09 UTC
No I don't.
donny h
2009-03-29 17:09:48 UTC
2009-03-29 17:09:12 UTC
2009-03-29 17:09:55 UTC
I'm with you on this one.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.