Hi, you are asking the question that does not have an answer in this temporal world. Some have answered the question that does not have an answer and obviously it must be the wrong answer. When they find it is wrong they work out another answer but it's wrong too, Thus they go on and on getting wrong answers, That's evolution. A definition for evolution letter by letter is: Evil Very Often Leads Us To Imagine Organised Nonsence. nev r below is my article to give some thoughts to this issue BEGINNINGS ARE IMPOSSIBLE.
You have a brain vastly ahead of any computer, you can think up things that were not programmed into
you.Your recall may not be so efficient but your vast memory is still there. So you can use simple logic.Here is
a test. All elephants are animals. All animals are not elephants.
You can do that, that’s logic, you have it.
In the very beginning ---way back before bangs or creation or evolution what was there?
There are only two possibilities.
1. Something : that is anything you like, from dust to God.
2. Nothing : that is no dust, no space, no thoughts, no energy --- a blank, not even emptiness.
1. The Something ----How did it get there? This is before bangs or evolution or creation, honestly by
logic there is no answer to us, for matter or God to be eternal is unreasonable.
Really think now, how could anything be there before the beginning, it is beyond us, but how could the
beginning start if there wasn’t anything there? Impossible again!! Even Christians idea about God already being
there is impossible to our minds. We cannot help asking, where did He come from and if He didn’t come from
somewhere how could He be there?
Blows your mind doesn’t it? But we are here, so existence either started from nothing or it was always there.
Both are impossible to us in this material, temporal world.
2. The Nothing possibility would still be the same, with no substance, no space, no energy nothing could
start. But we are here, the impossible has happened, existence is real, and that’s a miracle. So there was never a
time when there was Nothing or there would still be nothing. So Something had to be always there. Maybe
you could call it the best of two impossibilities. Chance doesn’t come into this. If something is impossible it
can never never never NEVER happen no matter how long you give it, even forever. So whatever was already
there had to have the potential to provide the source of the systems we see operating now. That is vast (maybe
infinite amounts of energy), designing ability or intelligence (phenomenal design is everywhere from atoms to
highly complex single cells, birds that fly and a moon that stays there balanced on gravity), as well as be the
source of LIFE. By logic both these are impossibilities. What do you call a powerful intelligent designing life
giver that was already there? Could it be Creator or God?
What happens when you try to work out the impossible?
You get the wrong answer! because there is no answer.
What happens when you realise it is wrong? You get another answer! But it’s wrong too.
Whatever answer you get must be wrong.THAT’S EVOLUTION.
BEGINNINGS are impossible to us.
Honestly if there ever was nothing, really nothing, no space, no gas, no energy, no substance, no thought or
ideas, a complete non existence, there would still be no existence,
for us mortals (dying ones) the thought of anything already being there is just as impossible.
We have to ask the impossible question.
Again there is no answer.
The IMPOSSIBLE has happened.
That is what we call a miracle. (not just an unusual happening)
Once you accept one miracle others are not impossible.
All we can do is examine present systems which show that whatever was already there had to be the
source of vast energy, be an intelligent designer and be a life provider. What is a word for that? Could it be
Creator or God. If you are seeking the truth read the Gospel of John, The book of Acts and Genesis. To be saved
you need to believe Jesus died on the cross for your sin and ask Him into your life. Be willing to turn from sin
with His help. Now live for Him by worshipping God, learning of Him in His word and owning Him before
others. May God bless you as you seek the TRUTH.(Two articles combined so some thought repetition) email me anytime