Does anyone else respect the achievements of George W. Bush? Please read before you answer.?
2007-01-13 16:09:36 UTC
In this era of instant gratification, it seems Sept 11, 2001 is too long ago to remember.

April 18, 1983: Suicide bombing of the United States Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon. It was the deadliest attack on a U.S.building up to that time, and is seen by some as marking the beginning of anti-U.S. attacks by Islamist groups.
DEMOCRAT response: none

1998 U.S. Embassy bombings (August 7, 1998), 257 people were killed and over 4,000 wounded in simultaneous car bomb explosions at the United States embassies in the East African capital.
DEMOCRAT RESPONSE: launched 2 missiles into a sand dune.

Democrats sent a clear message to terrorists..."we will not fight you" as Clinton cut military to the bone.

Sept 11, 2001: 19 terrorists using commercial airplanes as guided missiles flew into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. Killing thousands in a firery inferno of burning jet fuel until the buildings imploded.

TEXICAN G.W.BUSH responds with a surprising war.

No attacks on US soil since.
34 answers:
2007-01-13 16:16:23 UTC
Right On!!! I'm glad someone out there has a brain!! Thanks for pointing out the blatant facts to head-in-the-sand Americans that can't see past the fact that President Bush is a Christian. I didn't agree with Clinton's beliefs, but you didn't hear me whining and moaning about it. We have a system of voting in our leaders. Deal with it. He won - twice. The country chose him, next time you can choose the poor leader of your choice Dems.
atheist jesus
2007-01-13 16:18:33 UTC
Bush is the darling of the religious right because of his religious views. He is a total idiot when it comes to foreign affairs. He took his eyes off the prize, which was Bin Laden, and started an ill-advised war in Iraq. With no post-war plan! Then, he insists we're winning the war all the up until the voters said enough is enough with the last election.

When he gets the chance to actually save some lives by signing the stem cell research bill, he uses the veto for the first time in his presidency. It clearly shows he doesn't care a bit about the health and well-being of the American people.

I don't think there are any achievements of President Bush to respect.
2016-05-24 02:17:27 UTC
So the ends justify the means? Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden are not Iraqi and did not train in Iraq. Iraq DID NOT attack the United States!!! GW bush invading Iraq had nothing to do with the war on terrorism!!! To start the ending of terrorism and terrorist activity we first and foremost need to apprehend Bin Laden and as many Al Qaeda generals we can and bring them to justice. Since 9/11 they haven't attacked the USA but they have attacked other countries.
2007-01-13 16:22:00 UTC
You are entitled to your own opinion and simplistic naiive approach. I disagree that a president should use the population grief and disgust over Sept. 11 as an excuse to lie and drag the whole country into an unnecessary war, where thousands of American lives are lost and more than 10 times that many wounded or crippled and more than 300 billion dollars wasted.....till now, not to mention the tens of thousands of Iraqis that are killed and the total destruction of a whole country. If you want to call that "achievement", that's your business.
2007-01-13 16:37:04 UTC
No - and I hope you will think more on this.

The only "achievement" you list is his war in Iraq. Let's review the history on this... he had troops closing in on the actual master-mind of the 9/11 plot, but then he called it off to attack Iraq. The attack on Iraq was based on intelligence that he knew to be weak, and we have subsequently determined that our suspicions of WMD were false. His only achievement in Iraq was to remove Saddam, an admittedly bad guy. But now, it is not even clear that this was a good thing, because the resulting situation in Iraq may actually turn out to be worse! The situation in the middle east is possibly more chaotic than before the invasion.

In the process of conducting this dubious war, untold thousands have died, including 3000+ US. Bush has authorized torture and the whole world knows it, he holds prisoners without charges or trials, he has spurred a civil war in Iraq, and he is hurting the US economy by continuing to finance this lost cause.

Almost all experts now agree that the war in Iraq has STRENGTHENED terrorist organizations, including al qaeda!

How can anyone respect these "achievements"?
2007-01-13 16:30:07 UTC
I have a lot of respect for George W. Bush because unlike other politicians he stands by what he believes in without flip-flopping.

Is there anyone out there who cried over Sadaam's death?

I supported going into Iraq, but now I feel that G.W. took advice from some bad advisors and didn't carry out the mission well.

I do not support his idea of sending more troops in now. I think we need to think of a more creative way to leave, yet not let the silly Arabs kill one another in a bloody civil war.

I think that the best thing that could come out of this whole thing is if the Kurds could finally get an independent state of their own.

Why doesn't anyone care about the Kurds?

Anyway, I think G.W. should get an A for effort - at least he tried to deal with a nasty dictator and mass-murderer who happened to be sitting on 20% of the worlds oil supply.
David G
2007-01-13 16:41:01 UTC

I have a great deal of respect for ANYONE who stands for what is right.

As a people, Americans have isolated themselves from the realities of the world.

We refuse to acknowledge those parts of human nature which we find distasteful. Sadly enough, denial does not alter reality (except that denial of threat often results in a reality devoid of the "denyer" (sic).

Formulation of opinions seems to be a lost art as well. Much easier to just turn on the tube and let "them" tell you what to think.

If folks actually looked around and evaluated what they saw based on what life has taught them, then things might be different.

Until we lose the attitude that "I am all that matters", we will continue do irrational things.

just my thoughts on the matter...

BTW, If you are logging achievements, how about the economy?

Although the "media" seems to think that we are in dire economic straits, I an in my mid 40s, I have been all over the world, and NEVER seen a hotter marketplace!

What's that all about?

The people also seem to be unaware that current democrat leadership has plotted a sure and steady course to socialism.

And yet we plod along behind, cokin' n jokin'.
The Pope
2007-01-13 16:17:33 UTC
Take a look at the dates from those attacks. 1983, 1998, 2001 - 83 to 98 to 01 - that's a long time. Surprisingly few attacks. I know that as an American, I do not respect Bush's achievements. I think he is insane and needs to be removed from office. Think of the countless innocent lives his war is taken. we are involved in something we never should have messed with. Now we pay the price. We will soon be all alone over there.
2007-01-13 16:18:39 UTC
The reasoning is post hoc, and hence flawed, but nevertheless much of what Bush is done is defendable. The tax cuts improved business so much that tax collections INCREASED by over $1,000,000,000,000 more than they would otherwise have been in the subsequent five years. The response to 9/11 was appropriate. The Iraq invasion was appropriate also, notwithstanding the morass that exists there now. I cannot defend the veto of the stem cell bill, the partial-abortion law, or his meddling in the Schiavo case.
2007-01-13 16:21:00 UTC
I think it is too early to say Bush stopped terrorists, or even delayed them. There attacks seem to take place years apart. I would need a couple more years of no attacks before I would say he did anything relevant to stop the terrorists from attacking America. Also outside of America, terrorist attacks are happening at a higher rate than at any other point in our history.
2007-01-13 16:28:21 UTC
You make a very good point.

My neice served a year in Iraq with the army. Her husband did as well.

Do you know the enemy we are fighting drill holes in people...yes, an electric torture...or in their children to keep them in fear? They have pictures!

My nephew is in Bahgdad now.

I had a friend whose son was killed by a roadside bomb.

Why don't you other children ask the soldiers what their take is? Both my relatives say the news isn't telling you everything and they are proud to serve and I am DAMN proud of them and everyone over there.

They give the ultimate sacrifice so we can sit at our cozy computers and bash away the president. Yes, the economy sucks, and the little"W" is not the greatest, but in the middle of a war, you support your government and its soldiers. I grew up during Viet Nam....I hope this country never makes that mistake again. But, I was always proud of our guys and gals in uniforms.

If we don't stick it out now, those deaths will have been in vain. Don't do that to the vets and their families.

I remember 9-11 well. I still cannot find the words to describe my feelings on that day. And, as I recall, the entire country was saying...go get 'em Georgie!

Thanks for the reminder!
Purdey EP
2007-01-13 16:21:10 UTC
News flash. The REPUBLICANS were in charge in 1983. I'd have no problem with Bush's war if we were just chasing after Ossama Bin Laden. However, it has been proven that Bush was wanting to start something with Iraq from almost day 1 of his presidency. There really weren't any before Bush with the exception of the first WTC bombing which was just shortly after his father left office. Did you notice there were no attacks while Clinton was president?
2007-01-13 16:27:10 UTC
Cut our military, make us weak, and see what happens....Sept. 11 happened. If Clinton had responded to some of the above items listed, Sept 11 probably never would have occurred. Any one who does not acknowledge the great threat of the Middle East is lacking a real understanding of their culture, religion and their level of hatred for "infidels". They consider the United States "The Great Satan" (seriously, that is what they call us) Also, I think it is very blind to believe there aren't WMD in the Middle East - those weapons may have crossed borders into Iran or Syria, but you can be sure they do exist. You may not agree with Pres. Bush, or Republicans, I don't always either, but don't be blind to the issues that really do exist.
2007-01-13 16:43:01 UTC
David T, I'm glad that you brought this subject up. I for one do not get into politcal discussions however I would like to add further to your statement by reminding Christians who live in America and who " hate" their president to read Romans 13: 1- 8 and refresh themselves on the Word of God concerning Who establishes governing authorities( verse 1) and what the consequences are of opposing the authority. (verse 2 ) Why so many believe to put thier political views and preferences before God's word is to me an example of those who just pic and choose parts of scriptures that sound good to thier way of thinking.

We may not always like the man in the oval office but he is there for a purpose and a reason according to the Word of God, Romans 13.

If we would just trust in the Lord and not lean unto our own understanding... there would be far less to argue and more time to be an example of Christ.
Ronald S
2007-01-13 17:06:52 UTC
Weather you believe me or not ,The race for president when he ran , was the only presidential race I had ever even been interested in ,And the facts you bring forth are the truth weather anyone else believes it or not. I truly believe that GOD! put him in the presidential position to do exactly what he has done. I truly believe that history will prove to record president BUSH as one of the greatest presidents who ever occupied the white house! I know GOD raises up whom he will. And believe me he is a servant of GOD! by the way i remember everything you stated about all the others. To them i believe only that they were interested in popularity.
2007-01-13 16:15:19 UTC
I might be more impressed if he didn't chose to attack a country that even HE admits had nothing to do with the attacks on 9/11.

Is your argumement that any response, no matter how misguided, is better than none?
2007-01-13 16:17:04 UTC
you make a good point, but i still dont think he has personally achieved a dam thing... we have protected sites now, and it would be extremely difficult for a terrorist to do any damage, but hell, its only been 6 years since 9-11, above, you skipped from 83-98, so give it 5 more years, then talk...
2007-01-13 16:15:30 UTC
No, I don't respect his acheivements. I'm sorry I voted for him. He's managed in the time he's been in office to offshore our jobs and economy overseas, to stand against those trying to stop global warming and to make the entire eastern world hate us. There will be a next time for a terrorist attack on US soil and it will be much worse than 9/11. Thank-you George W. for your acheivements.
2007-01-13 16:58:38 UTC
The war is very expensive. Too expensive, say its detractors. And, we haven't accomplished our "goals" in Iraq. I'll be a lot more admiring when we figure out what we're doing in Iraq and then go do it.
2007-01-13 16:25:56 UTC
Thank you very intelligent !!!!!!!!!! you are so right.Clinton had

bin laden but was afriad and let Him go.He is the cause of this and so much more.I lost a 26 year old this year in Iraq, you know what , He was so proud, He always told us the truth, the new freedom, the amazing accomplishments.And yes we took down "the deck of cards" George W. Bush is a great leader.

Also the tribute the military gave would get tears from a stone.
2007-01-13 16:13:08 UTC
But 3000 Americans dead and 22,000 wounded. Somehow I'm not sure we're better off.

Plus we've killed somewhere between 100,000 and 600,000 Iraqis, lost status in the community of nations, stretched our military so thin we don't have enough soldiers to protect ourselves from Iran and North Korea, we're about to lose 2 wars (Iraq and Afghanistan), and the national debt is bigger than at any time in history.

You, sir, have such a limited vision of the globe, the only thing you notice is that no terrorist has shown up on your doorstep. Never mind that your neighbors here and around the globe are dying because of one man:


^v^v^v^v^v^ ^v^v^v^v^v^ ^v^v^v^v^v^ ^v^v^v^v^v^
2007-01-13 16:13:06 UTC
No need for any. You're going to them instead. Must save a fortune on Al Kaiida's travel budget.
2007-01-13 16:15:57 UTC
"Ask families in New york if they agree."

Ask them what? If we attacked the wrong country?

Edit: No, I'm fairly positive that we were promised that Iraq had ACTUAL weapons of mass destruction... but whatever.
steven m
2007-01-13 16:16:32 UTC
They don't need to attack us soil,

loads US men and women are dying in that surprising war.

how is that for an achievement in the name of oil, sugar coated in the name of peace and democracy
2007-01-13 16:19:57 UTC
George W. Bush is stupid man

too many US soldier killed in Iraq(sure more than what media say) for what for some oil ?!

where are nuclear weapon Bush looking for ?!
2007-01-13 16:12:49 UTC
Sept 11, 2001: The U.S. government set up a plan for an excuse to go to Iraq and also to get money from the gold underground.\

Um...they did take the gold, and there is no evidence that hijackers actually flew the planes and that planes hit the pentagon or in pennsalvania
2007-01-13 16:15:02 UTC
If they wanted the gold in the ground they would have it already. Use your brain.
2007-01-13 16:20:32 UTC
I said this earlier brother, It seems like we have gotten soft. My father was in WWII and they did what they had to to keep their country safe. I hate to see men and women die also, but one should never go into the military unless they are prepared to fight for this country. I am sure these men and women are prepared, but it seem like the people of our nation have forgotten what a military is for. God Bless GWB his job has not been an easy one and I am tired of the arm chair presidents we have in this country.
2007-01-13 16:15:05 UTC
why not starting a III world war?? It doesnt matter how many innocent people dies as long as you have your revenge, isnt it?
2007-01-13 16:14:57 UTC
I'm still waiting on the evidence that there is an Al-Quaida-Saddam link.
2007-01-13 16:16:40 UTC
You should not wear your IQ so largely on your sleeve.
2007-01-13 16:17:35 UTC
I feel Safer. I was watching the View the other day, and the conservative one.. what's her name.. she said ..."I would rather feel safe than be liked by other countries."
2007-01-13 16:13:47 UTC
What achievements?
2007-01-13 16:13:21 UTC
AMEN !!!!!!! ... Couldn't have said it better myself.

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