2009-10-28 10:44:07 UTC
something or the other always turns bad for me i dont know why people are always rude to me even though i dont hurt anyone..i have always helped people only to be forgotten ...and there are people in my area who always try to mock at me and say nasty things behind my back about me ...and i have no idea in this world why they do so i dont even know them..i wear spectacles and i can feel some ignorant people always calling me dapnya which means bespectacled in hindi..and saying other nasty things its as if they enjoy insulting and hurting me they are always on my back saying hurtful things.....all those bad people who hurt someone lead happy lives but good people have to always go thru pain...
i had a bad experince when i was a kid my father used to leave me with a women for teaching but she used to abuse me when i made some mistakes my locking me in the bathroom and turning off the lights and threatning to leave a spider on me and i wud cry all the while it scared the **** out of me.... this continued for some time but i told this to my parents only when i was a big can anyone be so inconsiderate
i have trouble getting along with people i am really shy...but once i get comfortable i like being with people...offlate i have become more indulged in melancholic stuff i listen to dark and death music ,musics been my true frined i have lonely at times with no friends around but musics been with me always actually want to ba a singer but so low on confidence ...i have been angry ...full of rage and angst lately......i feel people cant me good to anyone....and i am really pissed with god for giving me such a life...nobody likes me and i find girls are not inteersted in me they find me dumb and i have seen girls laughing at me...but i have always been a fighter and i have moved on...the only thing ill resent in my life is that i have disappointd my parents...and it makes me kill myself what was my fault anyway?...if being a good human being is a fault then i dont wanna be one.......i am living a life which i dont want...i am doing things which i dont like whats the use of such a life....i really wish i wasnt born