Did God Command Church Attendance on the Sabbath?
2014-03-10 19:17:35 UTC
Can anyone show me at least one command from God in the Bible that says we should attend church or gather or assemble on the Sabbath or Seventh Day?

The only thing I find is it says to rest. But everyone wants me to wake up extra early and exhaust myself going to church on the Sabbath. It doesn't make sense to me. Best answer will be an actual scripture from the bible without interpretation that is a command from God that can be literally taken as wake up and attend church on the seventh day of the week or wake up join with everyone on the sabbath and sing a bunch of songs and worship me on this day.
Seven answers:
2014-03-10 19:34:23 UTC
Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. (Hebrews 10:25 KJV)

He did not specify attendance on that day but what better way to observe the Sabbath.
2014-03-11 02:35:42 UTC
The scripture says, "On the Sabbath day He went into the Synagogue

,as was His custom" where He taught from the scroll of Isaiah.

If we are followers of Jesus, then we too need to be in the Lord's

House every Lord's Day. The scriptures also say to "let us not give

up meeting together" in regard to your question about attending

church. The meeting house was then called the synagogue. We

started attending church on Sunday after the Lord arose on that

day displacing the Sabbath worship by Jews.
2014-03-11 02:29:00 UTC
Wow, If waking up early is exhausting perhaps you should go to bed a little earlier. As far as attending church on the Sabbath there is no scripture that says that specifically.
2014-03-11 02:37:45 UTC
The bible says to not forget to assemble yourselves together especially as you see the day approaching, it doesn't give a certain day, in Jesus time they gathered everyday. I think when ever the church has services you should be there. I think everyone has trouble getting up for church, but that is what is meant by dying out to your will and doing his will.
2014-03-11 02:51:15 UTC
The Bible does admonishes us to fail not to assemble ourselves with other believers, period. It was Paul that stated that but you have to remember that the Bible was God-inspired so, when Paul said that, you can basically say that it was God saying. He just used him to say. There are benefits with going to church. We go to lift up the name of God with each other, encourage one another. Also, there are blessing that we receive, spiritually from one another. Going to church should not be a "chore". It should be looked at as a blessing. If you are struggling with this, don't worry a lot of Christians do. Pray and ask God to help you with that. Eventually, it will become simpler for you. Read Hebrews 10:25 for reference to this that I just said. God bless you.
2014-03-11 02:56:32 UTC
Psalms 150:1-6

Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens! Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his excellent greatness! Praise him with trumpet sound; praise him with lute and harp! Praise him with tambourine and dance; praise him with strings and pipe! Praise him with sounding cymbals; praise him with loud clashing cymbals!

As you can see without any interpretation, these verses from the Old Testament clearly say that we should: praise God in His sanctuary (for Christians that's a church), praise Him with music and dancing (singing naturally goes with music, I suppose)
2014-03-11 13:30:05 UTC
You are correct in your assessment. Those who insist we do that which is not commanded in Scripture actually violate Scripture.


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.