Zeitgeist is a MOVIE, designed to entertain. The film certainly wasn't aimed at entertaining the majority of Americans because its Part 1 should be completely offensive to anyone calling themselves a Christian!
It does, though, serve to warn and inspire critical thinking about important REAL issues, and that is a good thing.
There are better choices in film to watch for the purpose critical thinking.
As for Part 1, I don't have links but can source for you a recent Yahoo Answers question where the best answer provided some links addressing Part 1, this question
As to the remainder of the movie, there are better choices available for the purpose of inspiring critical thinking about those important issues, including these ones:
The Ultimate Con
911 Mysteries Part 1 - Demolitions (Full - 1 ed,)
911 Blueprint for Truth: The Architecture of Destruction
Fiat Empire – Why The Federal Reserve Violates the Constitution
Endgame: Blueprint for global enslavement
Globalization: New Rulers Of The World
I recommend you watch those clips then do your own research to become more informed.
The challenge you face in that research quest is to know WHO TO believe.
Not only will you find a great number of inaccurate sites on the internet (with varying degrees of accuracy), there is also the problem that the corporate elites who have hijacked our government & media have also hijacked many of our UNIVERSITIES. Here are a couple of links to show you how that happens:
Yahoo News "Harvard gets record $100 million gift from Rockefeller"
Ford foundation
Carnegie foundation in the news
Because of that, one cannot always trust the word of the academics, as so many of them have been "bought" by special interest groups. The best you can do is read from all sides, then compare what you read with the events happening now in America and around the world.
(And don't rely on the corporate main stream media for information. The media is controlled by a hand full of large corporate conglomerates. That is a topic for another discussion. If you fish through my Yahoo Answers, you will find much discussion about the main stream media brainwashing that has been happening for decades.
There is a great book about the Federal Reserve that may interest you, "The Creature from Jekyll Island", by G. Edward Griffin.
See this link where Griffin takes on his critics:
"Meet Edward Flaherty, Conspiracy Poo-Pooist"
Some further links you may find useful for inspiring critical thinking about the Federal Reserve.
Gold Digest - "Vipers and Thieves
Dollar Creator, Wealth Destroyer
The National Debt - Who is the Creditor?
You might also wish to look up the information from the Ron Paul campaign web site to read about Ron Paul's platform about money, tax and the Federal Reserve.
and if you would prefer, here are couple You Tube clips of Dr. Paul discussing those topics:
Ron Paul on Federal Reserve, banking and economy
Ron Paul on the Economic Collapse!
Ron Paul On A North American Union
If you seek a SOLUTION to the issues discussed in Parts 2 and 3, the only hope at present is to get Ron Paul elected as President. The three top candidates (Obama, Clinton, McCain are all members of the globalist organization, the Council of Foreign Relations), and you certainly won't hear that in the corporate controlled main stream media.
Ron Paul is the only candidate proposing to govern America by the Constitution. The Constitution is a major impediment for the globalist elites who have hijacked the government and the media. The Constitution itself is a major impediment to the NEW WORLD ORDER.
For that reason, the corporate-controlled media protects their globalist interests by blocking Ron Paul's message and painting him as a fringe candidate.
Media Caught Lying, Version 2
Support for Ron Paul is extensive and growing by the day as more and more people wake up to see what is really going on.
And the Ron Paul Revolution will not in November of 2008. It will continue until the American people have taken back their tyrannical government from the multinational corporations and wealthy global bankers that have hijacked it.
Ron Paul: A New Hope