Is this MOVIE "ZEITGEIST" true?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Is this MOVIE "ZEITGEIST" true?
Sixteen answers:
Rick in the Santa hat
2008-05-09 23:15:47 UTC
That whole movie is poorly researched, and cannot hold itself up to a little bit of scrutiny.

Be skeptical, damn it. Don't just accept their version of the events over the government's, but rather, actually look into it yourself.
2008-05-09 23:16:07 UTC
yes it is true, it shows evidence on 9/11 ... evidence that government never shown... coincidence uh?
2008-05-12 01:47:46 UTC
I think that any documentary that causes people to think critically and question the government is good.

Zeitgiest will get you off to a good start on your search for truth.

Here's a website that addresses many of the 9/11 questions and tries to debunk the silly theories and focus on real facts.

And here's another website that presents the physical aspects of the 9/11 attacks and the questions that many professionals are raising yet to be addressed. Over 300 Architects and Engineers for 911 truth have petitioned Congress for a truly independent investigation.

Patriots Question 911 is another great source of information. Listed are hundreds of professionals who question the official 911 story. These professionals consist of Pilots and Aviation Professionals, Physics Professors/ & other professors, Senior Military , Intelligence Service, Law Enforcement, Government Officials, Engineers, Architects, Media Professionals. Also 911 Survivors and Family Members.

Keep in mind that for every single view in the world there is an opposing view. Just because there are debunkers of 911 truth doesn't mean that there's no credibility to the truth Movement.
2008-05-09 23:17:01 UTC
Most if it is right on the button... including the first part... Christianity is a fake religion just like those before it, and the bible is nothing more than a book on astrology... you'll find a lot more solace in eastern religions like sikhism and hinduism...
ethereal spirit
2008-05-09 23:16:20 UTC
No, but it is interesting to watch and will truly make you think harder about your faith. :)
2008-05-10 06:57:55 UTC
Zeitgeist is a MOVIE, designed to entertain. The film certainly wasn't aimed at entertaining the majority of Americans because its Part 1 should be completely offensive to anyone calling themselves a Christian!

It does, though, serve to warn and inspire critical thinking about important REAL issues, and that is a good thing.

There are better choices in film to watch for the purpose critical thinking.

As for Part 1, I don't have links but can source for you a recent Yahoo Answers question where the best answer provided some links addressing Part 1, this question

As to the remainder of the movie, there are better choices available for the purpose of inspiring critical thinking about those important issues, including these ones:

The Ultimate Con

911 Mysteries Part 1 - Demolitions (Full - 1 ed,)

911 Blueprint for Truth: The Architecture of Destruction

Fiat Empire – Why The Federal Reserve Violates the Constitution

Endgame: Blueprint for global enslavement

Globalization: New Rulers Of The World

I recommend you watch those clips then do your own research to become more informed.

The challenge you face in that research quest is to know WHO TO believe.

Not only will you find a great number of inaccurate sites on the internet (with varying degrees of accuracy), there is also the problem that the corporate elites who have hijacked our government & media have also hijacked many of our UNIVERSITIES. Here are a couple of links to show you how that happens:

Yahoo News "Harvard gets record $100 million gift from Rockefeller"

Ford foundation

Carnegie foundation in the news

Because of that, one cannot always trust the word of the academics, as so many of them have been "bought" by special interest groups. The best you can do is read from all sides, then compare what you read with the events happening now in America and around the world.

(And don't rely on the corporate main stream media for information. The media is controlled by a hand full of large corporate conglomerates. That is a topic for another discussion. If you fish through my Yahoo Answers, you will find much discussion about the main stream media brainwashing that has been happening for decades.


There is a great book about the Federal Reserve that may interest you, "The Creature from Jekyll Island", by G. Edward Griffin.

See this link where Griffin takes on his critics:

"Meet Edward Flaherty, Conspiracy Poo-Pooist"

Some further links you may find useful for inspiring critical thinking about the Federal Reserve.

Gold Digest - "Vipers and Thieves

Dollar Creator, Wealth Destroyer

The National Debt - Who is the Creditor?

You might also wish to look up the information from the Ron Paul campaign web site to read about Ron Paul's platform about money, tax and the Federal Reserve.

and if you would prefer, here are couple You Tube clips of Dr. Paul discussing those topics:

Ron Paul on Federal Reserve, banking and economy

Ron Paul on the Economic Collapse!

Ron Paul On A North American Union

If you seek a SOLUTION to the issues discussed in Parts 2 and 3, the only hope at present is to get Ron Paul elected as President. The three top candidates (Obama, Clinton, McCain are all members of the globalist organization, the Council of Foreign Relations), and you certainly won't hear that in the corporate controlled main stream media.

Ron Paul is the only candidate proposing to govern America by the Constitution. The Constitution is a major impediment for the globalist elites who have hijacked the government and the media. The Constitution itself is a major impediment to the NEW WORLD ORDER.

For that reason, the corporate-controlled media protects their globalist interests by blocking Ron Paul's message and painting him as a fringe candidate.

Media Caught Lying, Version 2

Support for Ron Paul is extensive and growing by the day as more and more people wake up to see what is really going on.

And the Ron Paul Revolution will not in November of 2008. It will continue until the American people have taken back their tyrannical government from the multinational corporations and wealthy global bankers that have hijacked it.

Ron Paul: A New Hope
Bostonian In MO
2008-05-10 18:38:33 UTC
"Zeitgeist" is about as true and factual as "Snow White" and "The Wizard of Oz" are.

It's ENTERTAINMENT only, and not very good entertainment at that since many people choose to treat it as fact when it is not.
2008-05-09 23:24:01 UTC
huge lies.
2008-05-09 23:15:43 UTC
I think most of it is propaganda.
2008-05-10 22:03:57 UTC
Here's what I find most interesting about Zeitgeist and the 9/11 Truth Movement, and its not the Documentaries, but the so called "Debunkers."

Let's sit down and think about this wisely and reasonably for just a moment. Are you sitting? OK. Now ask yourself this;

If the facts and ideas presented in movies like Zeitgeist are so "ridiculous," and so "Crazy," why do people like Gray Shadow troll Yahoo Answers desperately trying to refute them?

I mean, think about it! If Zeitgeist is obviously a sham, then why are they so threatened by it? So threatened that they'll spend days on end posting on EVERY SINGLE QUESTION THAT MENTIONS ZEITGEIST. If the people in the 9/11 Truth movement are so crazy and "on the fringe," why don't they just leave the "wackos" to do their thing? Nobody's going to listen to the "conspiracy theories" anyway, right?

Unless, perhaps there is Truth to these movies.............

Here's what I think is happening here;

Gray Shadow and company have lived most of their lives thinking they have it all figured out. Many of them are probably college graduates, and some may even be college professors, and spent a very large portion of time being TAUGHT what to believe, instead of searching out the truth for themselves. In fact, they've spent so much time and effort integrating themselves into the establishment that when they're finally confronted with ideas that countermand what they have been TAUGHT, they are actually personally insulted.

"How dare they question my decades of academic brainwashing!" they say to themselves. "I've spent years reading textbooks, and textbooks are never wrong!" They cry out in fury.

And so, poor Gray shadow and his buddies like bostonianinmo come onto Yahoo Answers to "Vaccinate" people against the ideas of the 9/11 Truth movement. By Vaccinate, I mean they find innocent people with honest questions, then try to fill them with doubt, so that they give up before they ever begin their journey.

They will claim that they are doing you a FAVOR. But in reality, they are so FRIGHTENED of being WRONG about everything they have been TAUGHT, that they will actually try to disuade you from the FACTS so that they do not end up in a minority of stubborn stupid sheeple.

They use psychobabble terms like "confirmation bias" out of context and try to apply them in such broad strokes it is laughable. I have a another term for you Gray Shadow; its called "Projection." Sometimes when a person is confronted with a situation or idea that their mind is not capable of grasping, they come to realize that their knowledge of themselves and the world is INCOMPLETE. They come to realize that they may have serious failings.

Some of these people, who are mature and honest, will admit to their lack of knowledge and attempt to rectify their own failings. But certain others will ignore or refuse to accept their failings, and in an effort to protect their fragile ego, will even "Project" these failings onto others who threaten their dubious views.

Notice how Gray Shadow accuses others of "Confirmation Bias" while blindly dismissing any view or fact that refutes his preconceived notions of the World. This is Projection, or "The pot calling the kettle black."

They will claim constantly that the facts presented in Zeitgeist and other films are easily "debunked," however, when taken to task on these claims they inevitably fail to present any concrete evidence other than the shaky CLAIMS of the Government itself. Fascinating!

What I'm saying is, don't take anything at face value, especially not what the Government or people like Gray Shadow tell you. If you come to find the TRUTH in your personal search, and the TRUTH goes against what the Main Stream believes, this does not mean you have a "Confirmation Bias." It simply means you are a little wiser than the rest of them. The truth is like that. Throughout history, its always been the "loonies" that come to find it first.

Consider yourself blessed.
gray shadow
2008-05-10 14:23:32 UTC
You will probably notice that you'll get firm but opposite opinions as to the relative "truth" of this movie.

That's due to what psychologists call "confirmation bias". Essentially this means that we are more likely to judge evidence based on our personal view the world rather than objectively consider it. So we, as human beings, tend to accept evidence that backs our personal views, and reject evidence that contradicts it. And we all have it to some degree. We couldn't function as human beings if we didn't have some trust in our preconceived conclusions.

So having preconceived notions is not necessarily bad -- unless it is so ingrained that it acts as blinders to new truths. If we accept that none of us are omniscience and could possibly have a monopoly on truth, then we are open to considering opposing views. The other option is 'ignorance by choice' by immersing ourselves in one-side arguments that only mimic our views. (kinda like Rush Limbaugh listeners or other cult-like followings).

A side product of this kind of thinking is diverting attention from actually discussing the issues and conducting personal attacks on those that might take opposing views. It is very sad indeed when people try to suppress open dialog through intimidation, whether it is a government, a media source, or personal interaction. (And when it reaches the level of "cyber-stalking', it makes you wonder about the person's mental state.) Fortunately the vast majority of Yahoo answerers refrain from such personal attacks even while expressing stong opinions, and stay within the community guidelines.


When I watched the movie, it was very clear the filmmaker had made it with a crusade-like 'confirmation bias'; not for entertainment but to persuade others of his opinion. Which is not bad in itself if the filmmaker demonstrates a healthier regard for truth than his own agenda. However, this "schlocumentary" never doubts itself, never presents opposing view.

I consider it a intellectually dishonest film, not because of the filmmakers personal bias, but because of its disregard for the truth. There is so much questionable statements that can easily be refuted, or controversial points that have legitimate opposing views that should have been presented.

My take on the film:

Part 1 is a mixture of alleged facts, fiction and astrology intended to directly challenge to the foundations of Christianity to the point of being anti-Christian.

If you're a Christian, you'll hate it and find it threatening.

If you are anti-Christian, you may enjoy it.

Part 2 is a collection of 9/11 government conspiracy allegations.

If you believe that sort of thing, you'll feel validated.

If you're looking for something objective and adding insight, you won't find it here.

Part 3 is a collection of anti-Fed conspiracy theory rhetoric.

If you revel in that sort of thing, you'll love it.

If you are learned person in economics or history, you'll be appalled at the lack of regard for factual information.

BTW, I am a Ron Paul supporter. In fact I voted for him in the primary (first time this independent ever ask for a primary ballot). However, I don't agree with all his positions; in fact, I flat out reject some. But I do appreciate the diversive-thinking he brings to the table. (Frankly, I question the intellect of anyone who pre-believes any source of information. Just remember; everyone has an agenda.)

In summary:

If you like one-sided diatribes on the above topics with little regard for facts, you might enjoy it.

If you're looking for objective scholarly insights, you won't find it here.

Here is a web site (under construction) that is collecting rebuttals to the movie:
2008-05-09 23:21:08 UTC
yes and no

some of the parts of it were just so farfetched...especially towards the end with the micro chips in peoples brains and stuff.

but the things about Christianity are true, and have been discovered before by all kinds of different people. It's just not until recently when someone decided to put it all together and make a movie of it.
2008-05-09 23:15:31 UTC
NO! It's the biggest bunch of errors on film. The sad thing is people believe it!
2008-05-09 23:14:26 UTC
No, it perpetuates a lot of misinformation... in all three parts.
2008-05-09 23:18:42 UTC
It is crap from beginning to end.
2008-05-09 23:14:48 UTC
Most of it isn't, actually.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.