The Bible is the word of God. God's word does not contradict itself, man's interpretations, translations and transliterations does.
Judas was killed by those who sent him out to betray Christ. There is no way he could have disemboweled himself and hung himself to die. Think about it.
The geneology of Christ is Never incorrect. You will find it complete and lacking nothing in the book of Luke chapters 1 through 3.
Man can dispute anything he wishes, it never changes the word of God whose truth is the same today, yesterday and tommorow. The heavens and earth shall pass away, but His word will never pass away.
The bible speaks of the leviathan, that is a whale. when Christ tells the disciples he will make them FISHER'S OF MEN, He is speaking of fish, not whales.
There is only one account of the Creation and you will find it in the KJV vs. 1611, the Hebrew Manuscripts and the Dead Sea Scrolls give the same account. It is God's account.
We see in the Bible what happens when God gives His account and Man gives his in Chronicles and Kings. (The accounts of man are distorted and misconstrued. timing for man is not of the essence.)
You can know this by knowing that the word of God is not superficial, that you must go deeper, know the original tongues to be able to translate for yourself accurately from Aramaic, Chaldee, Greek and Hebrew to English or whatever your natural tongue is.
When you become edified, you are able to discern truth. Many do not study past what they see, and that is what happens when we walk by sight and not by faith. We are to walk by faith and not by sight.
There is nothing wrong with having questions, but you must know how to find the answers and it takes time to know that is why people come here to ask from those who are scholars and have been in the word deeper.
The word of God is TRUE, COMPLETE AND INERRANT. Tell us of one prophecy of God or found in the bible that has not come to pass just as it was written. It is so true and non contradictory that even today it is coming to pass and unfolding before our very eyes, but if one does not have spiritual eyes, they cannot see spiritual truths.
Even the prophets of old wanted to live in these times. That is how you can rest assured that there are no contradictions large or small in the word of God. There may be contradictions in one's interpretation, and mistranslations from the Original Texts as I have said earlier, but when you have studied the word of God with focus, you will find only truth and you will find it to be non errant.
Traditions, interpretations, dogma's, doctrines, pontifications, philosophies, disciplines and orders from a sucession of church commanders are contradictory, but there is no contradictions or lying in the Heavenly Father or His word. In order to avoid being decieved as Jesus advised us, we must study to show ourselves approved in the sight of God workmen that need not be ashamed. We do that by studying and having the seal of God in our foreheads so that we can give truth and be convicted, to finding, knowing, sharing and giving truth.
You obviously have bible knowledge, but deeper studies bring about bible wisdoms. Now the account in Luke is MARY'S GENEOLOGY, and we establish her the kinship of mary and elizabeth who are first cousins and daughters of the levitcal priest, this is where the priest line is established, the king line comes from David. Go back to Luke and focus this time on what I just said to you, find also the exact date of the birth date of Christ here too, as it begins with the time that Zechariah began his duties for his course of abiyah and when he slept with his wife and when Christ began to dwell with man on earth in His mothers womb on December 25th when she visited her cousin elizabeth and john the baptist lept from joy in his mothers womb who was 6 months pregnant at the time of mary's visitation with her.
You must rightly divide and then you can over ride what is in your mind to be what you call small contradictions.
Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and give you wisdom knowledge and understanding of the truth of God's word when you study. I applauad your knowledge and that you have taken time to grow in knowledge, so many don't even bother, but I would encourage you to go deeper, learn the original tongues and the scrolls and manuscripts so that you will not be deceived.