2011-02-25 16:11:41 UTC
Is there biblical support for the folding of hands during prayer like they way you depict these Jehovah's Witnesses on your web site?
The Bible gives us examples of men of God who, when they prayed, fell prostrate on the ground, knelt on their knees, lifted up their hands and beat their chests. Is there a reason why you think we should pray with our hands folded?
Shouldn't our body language depict what we're feeling when we're praying? that's exactly what we see in the Bible, so why don't we see on your web site people lying prostrate on the ground or beating their chests?
It also seems like a mechanical act. According to your web site you frown upon mechanical prayers and unnecessary aids during prayer.
"Accordingly, the Bible does not contain a single reference to a faithful servant of the true God ever using rosaries, prayer wheels, or other such objects in worship."
Also, did you know most religions around the world fold or clasp their hands when they pray? For example, take the prayer of Ardas of the Sika religion. They believe that if you fold your hands when you pray you'll be able to pray correctly from your heart. According to Islamic scholars folding hands during prayer is the correct way for Sunnis to pray. In Japan the correct way for people of the Shinto religion to pray is to clasp the hands together in front of the chest.
So, these pagan religions cling to folding or clasping hands during prayer. Why do you still do it if you believe in shunning that which has pagan or "christendom" influences? Pagans used to decorate pine trees right? Well, you shun that act, so why don't you shun the folding of hands during prayer even when multiple pagan religions do the exact same act?
"Do you find it acceptable that a religious leader would give a seemingly Christian meaning to events and symbols whose roots go back to ancient paganism? As to the proper course, the Scriptures admonish true Christians: “What fellowship do righteousness and lawlessness have? Or what sharing does light have with darkness?”—2 Corinthians 6:14-17."
So, in conclusion...
I wish to know what biblical support you have for SPECIFICALLY folding hands during prayer.
Also, despite all the examples of emotion in body language of the men in the Bible during prayer, why do you depict people having to fold their hands during prayer instead?
Are you aware of all the religions around the world that believe folding or clasping or doing hand gestures during prayer actually has a literal "mystical" meaning?
After reviewing these questions why then do you shun other pagan traditions and still cling to folding hands during prayer?