answer: The Torah are the five books of Moses.
The Tanakh is the Jewish bible which contains the Torah and the books that Christians call the OT. They seem to need the OT to base their religion in history and not the rampant paganism within Christian beliefs.
The OT is not the Jewish Tanakh. The OT is usually translated with a bit of bias towards the Christian belief that there are hundred of prophecies in the Tanakh that predict the life and death of Jesus.
It doesn't.
There are 23 prophecies of the Jewish Messiah and no one has fulfilled them.
Zechariah 12:10 − The Hebrew Tanakh: “and they shall look upon me whom they have stabbed/ thrust through [with swords”) The King James Version of Zechariah changes one word [stabbed] to “pierced.”
Isaiah 7:14 − The Hebrew Tanakh says “Therefore, the Lord, of His own, shall give you a sign; behold, the young woman (alma) is with child, and she will bear a son and she shall call his name Immanuel.” **Take note, this was written in the present tense.
Isaiah 9:5 − The Hebrew Tanakh reads: “For a child has been born to us, a son has been given us and authority has settled on his shoulders. He has been named “The Mighty God” Isaiah was referring to King Hezekiah, son of Ahaz. Again, in an attempt to insert a Jesus prophecy, the KJV changed the tense from the present to the future, making it, “A child is born, a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, the Mighty God”. [In Hebrew Hezekiah means “the mighty God.”]
Psalms 34:20 refers to David saying no one becomes truly righteous and great without his share of mishaps, He guards all his bones, even one of them was not broken.” Nothing ever shows that this Psalm was intended as prophetic, certainly not applying to Jesus.
Using Isaiah 59:20, Christians again misquote Hebrew Scripture. The New Testament in Romans 11:26, has Paul supposedly saying, “And so all Israel shall be saved; as it is written. There shall come out of Zion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob.” The Tanakh recorded a different event. Isaiah:“ A redeemer will come to Zion, and to those of Jacob who repent from willful sin. Is it in or out of Jerusalem? Just change “to Zion” to “out of Zion.”
(and more)