what do Atheist think about being Paid By Theist for taking the Time to be in R & S ?
I am puzzled did a Theist or group of theist make a CLAIM that Atheist ARE being paid ?
. or did a Theist or Group of theist PROPOSE Atheist SHOULD be paid
..the question requires some clarification .
. Based on my understanding is this is a question and answer web site open to all 13 years or older . with community guidelines one is given , non currency or non exchangeable points to both encourage questions and answers and also rewarded for best answer and penalized for offensive answers
. My understanding is to access the website i have to have the availability of a internet provider which I KNOW i pay monthly . some may have free access by patronizing a facility or the free public library which is not actually free but is actually a fee placed upon people who own property and pay taxes on that property which i do at least were I reside
Is one talking about what i call FLIP FLOPS the story I was raised a christian abut went astray and became a ATHEIST but i have seen my failures and am again a Believer
..Yes I called out one of those the other day who said he was an Atheist for 53 years and is now a Christian then he said BUT it all changed when he jointed a Church as a LAD ( lad is a young boy 1 year to to age 13)
so I checked his profile he was 66 years old a lad is a young boy I asked if he was 120 years old because 66 - 53 = 13 the truth was he was non religious til age 13 and had been a THEIST for 53 years after joining a church in his youth not the other way around by his own statements intentional deception or distorting the ffacts