How old were you when you began to seek spiritual truth?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
How old were you when you began to seek spiritual truth?
41 answers:
Indya M
2007-11-18 19:51:37 UTC
Well, I must say, I was practically born and raised in the church. Being Christian is all I have ever known or practiced, BUT I did not embrace this way until I was 23. I am kicking myself now because of all of the things that happened to me that might not have if I had been walking with the Lord. This is not to say that we don't have problems, but that the spirit leads us into all truth.

I am glad that I allow the Lord to lead me now. Still have struggles, but I am sure they would be much worse if the Lord was not carrying me through the tough times!
Little Miss Sunshine
2007-11-18 19:52:28 UTC
When I was 11 years old my family was having money problems, 2 close family members had un-curable dieseses, and my friends weren't there for me. But God was. He always was, and I looked to Him to get me through the day. Thats when I really started to love being a christian.
2007-11-18 19:52:55 UTC

I used to be an atheist. Searched for Truth. Found Christ.


2007-11-18 19:52:36 UTC
I had miracles happen through me and in front of me... thus I will always continue on the path of Christ. I was around 14 when i really started to think about it. Deep down I knew that Christianity had a lot of things that hardly anyone ever knew about:

1) predictions from Jesus that has happened in present time

2) miracles in the middle east and within my family

I have a relationship with God. And if that's called Christianity then I'm a Christian =]
2007-11-18 19:51:10 UTC
jesus loves you
paula r
2007-11-18 20:02:37 UTC
I was raised in the Church Of Christ. I remember being out of synch,forever. I just can't explain it!!! When I was 5 I announced in front of the class @ church I disagreed w/ something very minor the teacher said. I had learned to read the yr before @ pre-school.That turned out to be my parents worst nightmare. By 9-10 I was very concerned my family was all going to Hell. I was reading the Bible like it was a comic book! My family insisted we had the only "truth". I had to stay put til marriage. But my mind was set on what I truly believed. I married a Baptist. I didn't believe baptist was for me, but closer to what I was seeking. I didn't like our tiny, boring church. Found my own church and went alone. I'm Apostolic now(oneness pentecostal). It makes total sense to me through/through. I just sought out where I felt God was leading me. My,now ex-husband and whole family, think I'm crazy! But I believe it w/ every pore of my being. It makes total sense to me. It fills in all the questions I had as a kid. Well, that's my story.
2007-11-18 19:59:01 UTC
I think I was about 11 or 12... I was raised strict atheist, and began to question why it was that my father seemed so faith driven in his atheistic beliefs he seemed to talk the same way that all of the Christian fundamentalists did about their beliefs. So I started questioning science in general, (the more I did this the more it became clear that pure theoretical science is absolutely faith based and it seems to work in the same cluster concepts that organized religion does, so one person has a theory, eventually lots of other people base their theories on that theory, and eventually the progenating theory is seen as fact, if you start getting deep into physics the writings become more like philosophical writings then any attempt to explain the empirical, etc.), and then started consuming as much spiritual and religious information as I could, for several years, finally I came to the conclusion that I could not know what was right or wrong that all beliefs were based upon someone else's revelations, their interpretations of them, and then further interpretations of that by others, (in most cases over 1000's of years), kind of like a cosmic game of telephone, (the further you get from the actual initial experience the further you get from the truth)... So I've just been in a kind of spiritual agnostic limbo since then, hoping for some kind of personal revelation or personal relationship with the divine not clouded by the middle men, and I'm honestly very happy for anyone who believes they really know what is going on in the universe.
2007-11-18 19:54:59 UTC
Jesus M
2007-11-18 19:51:47 UTC
It depends. It is upon the call of God.
2007-11-18 19:50:34 UTC
I was 4. I heard a guy on tv tell me I didn't have a soul and it was shocking. Then he said I was a soul and I had a body. That made me go "Hmmmm".
Katie Short, Atheati Princess
2007-11-18 19:59:20 UTC
I"m the daughter of two pastors. I was "saved' at the age of 5, and truly believed well into my early twenties. I began to become interested in learning about other spiritual paths when I was about 24. I met a girl who was reading all kinds of books, and I love to learn, so we would talk and read and learn. I studied Buddhism, Wicca, Hunduism (a little) and read as much as I could. But still went to an Evangelical Christian Church.

When I was 29, I was drugged in a bar and brutally raped. I can't (to this day) remember what he looked like. I wouldn't know him if he were sitting next to me. So, I didn't like being in a crowd with people I didn't know. My church had about 300 people in attendance on Sundays. I didn't know them all.

It took me a couple of months before I was ready to go to church. I took the kids to Sunday School, and walked into the Sanctuary. I made it through about the first hymn and realized I really wasn't ready. I walked quietly out into the foyer, where I could listen to the service on speakers, but not be in the crowd.

About 5 minutes later, one of the pastors walked over and asked why I wasn't in the service. I told him what had happened to me, though not in any detail. I was reaching out for the comfort and support the church is said to offer. His response to me?

"What were you doing in a bar where that could happen in the first place?"!!!!!!!

Astonished, and completely speechless, I simply cried. He suggested I talk to the church secretary - she might have some information I could use. My heart was broken. I got my children and left - never looked back.

I can now look back and be thankful that he acted as the launching board for my spiritual quest. I've found my path, and I'm raising my children in a UU church as well. They know that they are welcome to study, to ask, and to learn - and to believe what they are most comfortable with believing.

May All That Is Bless You!
Chantal G
2007-11-18 20:01:43 UTC
I was 12 or so when I decided that the Bible made no sense to me at all, and I began to think that God couldn't be real, because if he were real, he'd surely have written a coherent Bible.

I wondered if I was an atheist for a long time but decided eventually that I must be an agnostic, because I really didn't know if there was a God or not.

Gradually, though, I refound faith--I figured, I pray to _something,_ so I must believe. Also, I read Zenna Henderson's SF stories about The People, and their deity, the Presence. That deity seemed completely right to me, but there was no religion that worshipped anything like the Presence, that I knew of.

In college I looked at two religions--Bahai'ism and Wicca. I liked both of them, but neither truly satisfied me. Bahai'ism had too Muslim a flavor for my taste, and the deities of Wicca just didn't seem 'real' to me; they always seemed more like legends or mythis.

At last, I found a copy of a book called 'The Cloud of Unknowing.' I read it, and it was like coming home. God in 'The Cloud' was exactly like the Presence.

I have considered myself a Catholic on the mystic path, ever since.
Rev Debi Brady
2007-11-19 07:46:43 UTC
I was baptized Catholic...changed to Lutheran when I was 20, I wasn't sure there was unsure what I believed. I liked to question people about their spirituality...test their resolve...for about 10 years. I was married to an agnostic for awhile. Then there was about 6 years that I didn't do much more than consider various possibilities...not really 'seeking', but studying various faiths, more academic. Then, mid-way through my 40th year, I was attuned to Reiki...then everything began shifting. By the end of the year, I had embraced metaphysics as a spiritual philosophy and accepted my ministry as an ordained metaphysical minister. Over the last eight years, that's grown to a full understanding and faith in the Divine presence as part of each of us...regardless of your particular belief system. I've experienced 'strange and mysterious' things which cannot be readily explained through conventional wisdom and understanding. Once you've 'found' the source of your faith, you are no longer a 'seeker'...the 'quest' is over..:)
2007-11-18 22:08:33 UTC
I was baptized and raised a Roman Catholic, even went to parochial school. When I decided get married at 24 the Church would not marry us because my husband to be had been divorced and they required an annulment we couldn't afford. So we married Presbyterian, and went to church for a few years then just drifted away. At age 51 I started studying Wicca...until I learn more I just call myself pagan for now.

As to what led me there...I can't really say, something was missing and I feel now that I found have found it.

Blessed Be!
2007-11-18 20:18:39 UTC
11 I went to Church my Mom was not active in Church then

I had been raised in Church and stopped going

then around 11 I just started reading Revelations over and over

it was fascinating, the Nazarene Church was having a revial and I went every night for a couple of weeks I found many friends not like the Church I had gone to Church of God

they were young and I enjoyed going I gave my life to Jesus the last night, I held onto the pew I thought it would keep me from running down the isle then all of a sudden I just flew down there

got on my knees and stayed, until I felt a release on the inside like a heavy weight go straight up to what I thought was Heaven

I had so much Joy I seem to stay in the clouds for weeks

then I went to a Baptist Church with my aunt for a few years

visited a Lutheran Church with my best friend she liked it there so did I

then I went to a revial with some friends it was a Holiness Convention and a friend of mine was preaching there, when they clapped their hands it seemed they quivers as they went out that was scary, I didn't understand a lot of things

something kept drawing me back there

Later I moved to Florida, out of Church for many years

when I was there I visited non-denonminal Churches and the Church of God

moved to Ohio

God knew right where I was, and I went back to church

I said I was an Atheist I was so cold inside

I found that God was the only way and his son Jesus

I had known all my life no matter what church I was in

Been serving Jesus since that time

now more than 50 years

hope I didn't bore you

Prayers for you

and Gods Best Blessings

2007-11-18 19:56:30 UTC
I would have to say about 6 or so. I wanted to go to church...even though my parents didn't. I wanted to learn. I wanted to know more about God. So if anyone invited me to matter the denomination...I went. I was loosely raised Lutheran...but I went everywhere. Dabbled in some pagan as well as other things like astrology, numerology (which I really liked by the way) and a few other "new age" things. But finally found my place...I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Took all the other paths and discarding them, to help me find this one. I know this is exactly where I'm meant to be.
2007-11-18 20:05:21 UTC
I guess I was always searching. Grew up loosely knowing about Christianity. My Grandparents were Christian. My mom is Christian, but didn't force it on her kids.

Sometimes I resented that I didn't grow up in a "religious" house. It made the search seem harder for what I believed in.

Around 18 I started seriously reading anything about spirituality.

At 24, I was at work one day, (I worked at a very small metaphysical/religious bookstore), and picked up a Christian Bible, read the entire book of Luke. It was like a light went on in my soul, and the words were speaking directly to me.

At 28-ish I started really being pulled towards worshipping in a Messianic way. Now I feel settled and truly locked into my belief. No questions asked, No doubts. :) Just happiness, contentment and complete faith in G-d and Yeshua.
2007-11-18 19:49:02 UTC
2007-11-18 20:03:00 UTC
Four years old. I wanted to die and go live with Jesus instead of my uncle. (I heard that Jesus loved little children)

Nuff said about that.

But my spiritual journey has been very diverse. Like your story, there has been Pagan and Wiccan influence, which makes a bit more sense than the "mythical sky Daddy."

Now, I really don't know if I'm an Atheist or just a really suspicious Agnostic.

All "God" is to me is LOVE. A power greater than myself. Available to all who seek and it is everywhere. (sound familar)

All the "bad" in the world is teaching us the ultimate lesson. Unconditional love. For when you can forgive the most heinous of acts, whether it be on your person or on your financial district, you can LOVE. What you put out is returned to you. A Wiccan told me that 25 years ago You wouldn't BELIEVE what I put myself through to learn it.


Good question. Good story. I am sorry for your loss though.
2007-11-18 19:56:05 UTC
Really little. Probably around 4-6ish. I remember when I was around 6 my dad used to make me go to church and all that stuff and even at that age I knew It was all bull. It just didn't feel right to me. The whole concept just seemed so fake and contrived. And the people... so hypocritical. I really don't think any religion is the answer to spirital growth. I mean you can be religious and have spiritual growth but I think a lot of times religion is more of a hindrance and a crutch than anything else. Many people just don't understand...
2007-11-18 20:05:22 UTC
Hmm...around age 12, when i was getting ready for my Bat Mitzvah as a reform Jew, i got more religious and really loved going to synagogue and learning more from the old testament. I stopped eating pork and shellfish, even though no other Jew in my family followed any Jewish laws at all (and my Mom and her side of the family are Catholic). I thought i had found God, but when i turned 16 (this year) i felt an emptiness and realized that Judaism was not for me. I realized the truth of Islam and began searching outside and deep within me to see if it was what was right...and i found that it was, and i have been Muslim ever since, and I intend to keep it that way. I have never ever felt more fulfilled =D
Rev. Kaldea
2007-11-18 19:57:09 UTC
Born into a Catholic family, raised Catholic, still respect them for their progress and beliefs, but are no longer the same ones I have! Began studying world religions 30+ years ago, converted to Wicca in '94 (Druid, Celtic, American Indian mix) then began studying Correllian path in ernest over a year ago. An now 1st degree Correllian priestess and working on the 2nd degree.
Scott the duckling
2007-11-18 19:53:42 UTC
I think that I was probably 14 when I finally started gaining my own testimony.

I've grown up in the LDS church my whole life, but I just went along with it and never really gained my own testimony. But when I was 14 I think I finally decided I needed help. REAL help. That's when I prayed about it a lot, and I finally got my answer. I've never turned back. NOTHING can make me doubt the LDS church ever, not even people's silly made-up contradictions.
2007-11-18 20:05:39 UTC
30 about?

I lived my life and went to many different churches and was not a very good person. One day a person knocked on my door and ask me if I believed the bible, which I said yes. He then ask me who I thought Jesus was? I replied God. that's what I was taught in church. He showed me Psalms 83:18 in my bible the King James version. I did not argue with him, but I thought to my self, How could I live for thirty years in the heart of Christianity and not know who God really was? That's what started me on a life long investigation of what the bible really teaches. That was in 1971.
2007-11-18 20:02:59 UTC
A portion of my life was going to Sunday School at a Presbyterian church. I heard about Jesus, His birth and how He died and rose again. I could not understand the significance of His birth, death and resurrection, though.

When I was fourteen, I attended another church after over a year of no interest in church, at all. My grandmother kept inviting me, but I really had no interest in it. But, one Sunday, I came downstairs dressed and ready to go. I cannot recall any reason except that morning, something inside me said I should go.

After some time, I was invited to a small group where I heard about the reason for Jesus' death and resurrection. Then, I heard how He wanted to be a part of my life. One night, at home, by myself in the dark of my room, I asked Him to take my life. I told Him that I "opened the door of my heart" for Him to come in (I even remember reaching up in the dark, as if to open a door). It was soon that my life began to change from the inside out. Jesus truly made me into a new person.

I never sought Him. He sought me. He softened my heart and revealed Himself to me, through the truth of the Bible, using the leader of that group. No one convinced me. No one conned me. No one sold it to me. Jesus revealed the truth of Himself to me.

That was over 31 years ago and He continues to show me more of Himself.
2007-11-18 20:11:10 UTC
All power and glory to the most high GOD . I was three years old when my very wise Native Grandmother saw gifts in me ,she was one of many who told me I could heal people by laying hands on people just as or even greater than Jesus... I believed her ... follow GOD not man!!!
2007-11-18 19:55:16 UTC
We by very nature are spiritual in constitution and therefore are always seeking to revive our original position. it is eternal consciousness. Some have forgotton at time some point but can at any time be on the proper track by good association.
2007-11-18 19:58:12 UTC
the beggining of this summer.. i've been raised catholic my whole life, but i started ahving my doubts once i started having religious discussion amongst friend of other religious views.. it open my eyes to seek for the real, true church.. which i have yet to find.
2007-11-19 09:55:22 UTC
I was 10, ....I wanted to die @ 15, nothing happend, I lost myself in the darkness, then @ 17 I found him, and @ 22 I saw the light!! I'm awake now ^_^
2007-11-18 19:59:11 UTC
i was brought up as one of Jehovahs Witnesses and i followed my parents basically. but i decided to get baptized at the age of 12-13 because to me i couldn't see myself doing anything else. Finished
2007-11-18 20:05:12 UTC
Age 27, 44 years ago and I have enjoyed every minute of the bible.
Joe F
2007-11-18 19:59:29 UTC
19, it was my older sisters daeth.The LORD lead me to what the ORIGINAL church(not the catholics who came 325 yrs later) taught and believed.This has POWER, REAL POWER!Like the apostles had.

I worship the Creator, not the created.
Saint Nearly
2007-11-18 19:53:59 UTC
I was sixteen, not when I began to seek it -- but when it hit me on the head.

Suddenly I realized the whole Jesus thing is a hoax.

Hold on, what was your question again? Pagans?? Oh hell no, that's too close to Christianity for my comfort --
Luv2no is in the house
2007-11-18 19:59:18 UTC
When my parents took me to church
2007-11-18 19:52:28 UTC
started around 7. went full-time.
2007-11-18 19:49:23 UTC
Around 4 or 5. It wasn't 'til I was 17 that I figured out all religions are false.
~Heathen Princess~
2007-11-18 19:52:16 UTC
I am Heathen first, Pagan second, UU third. :) And yeah the pagans at our UU church rock too. Though I am a bit biased.

to answer your question, I ALWAYS questioned faith. Nothing "fit" right until the gods called me.
2007-11-18 19:52:10 UTC
i was 14

Herman Hesse's novel Siddhartha really affected me and got me thinking about my life, my existence and my spirituality

its a great read
2007-11-18 19:56:33 UTC
I knew the call of God at age7
Near of DN
2007-11-18 19:52:19 UTC
Around twenty four yrs old.
2007-11-18 19:49:17 UTC
at 10 i was already asking questions that my mom couldnt answer..

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.