In the books of Isaiah and Psalms... for a start.
~ "The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth"
An Inheritance You Can Count On
The Bible speaks approvingly of those who provide an inheritance when it says:
“One who is good will leave an inheritance to sons of sons.” (Proverbs 13:22)
As a matter of fact, none other than Jesus Christ himself made this well-known and much-loved statement in his Sermon on the Mount: “Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.”—Matthew 5:5, King James Version.
Jesus’ words bring to mind what King David of ancient Israel
was inspired to write centuries earlier: “The meek shall inherit the earth;
and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.”—Psalm 37:11, KJ.
(Isaiah 55:11)
8“For the thoughts of YOU people are not my thoughts,
nor are my ways YOUR ways,” is the utterance of Jehovah.
9“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than YOUR ways,
and my thoughts than YOUR thoughts.
10For just as the pouring rain descends, and the snow, from the heavens
and does not return to that place, unless it actually saturates the earth
and makes it produce and sprout, and seed is actually given to the sower and bread to the eater,
11so my word that goes forth from my mouth will prove to be.
It will not return to me without results, but it will certainly do that in which I have delighted,
and it will have certain success in that for which I have sent it.
What did God originally purpose for mankind, and how will it all work out?
~"The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth----HOW?
God’s Eternal Purpose for the Earth
Jehovah God created the earth for a specific purpose. “This is what Jehovah has said,
the Creator of the heavens, He the true God, the Former of the earth and the Maker of it,
He the One who firmly established it, who did not create it simply for nothing,
who formed it even to be inhabited: ‘I am Jehovah, and there is no one else.’” (Isaiah 45:18)
Thus, the earth was created specifically for human habitation.
Furthermore, it is God’s purpose for the earth to be an eternal home for mankind.
“He has founded the earth upon its established places; it will not be made to totter to time indefinite, or forever.”—Psalm 104:5; 119:90.