Just what is the nature of reality?
2007-07-17 21:40:30 UTC
And what of personal reality?
Seventeen answers:
2007-07-17 21:50:51 UTC
Exactly, and if our inner walls are too high or too thick or too wide (because of the Fear) we will never discover the reality of our own true nature.

-----we will say we want to find the Truth, but we will not be willing to tear down the walls. We use the walls to keep the Fear at bay. We put up an inner sign.

"Warning! Abandon all hope, ye who enter!"

And we stay out of our deepest wilderness where important truth lies...waiting to be discovered. Tear down the wall. ~hugs and sips for everyone~

-----I think someone has found the Holy Grail.. and we're drinking tea from it. lol!
2007-07-18 12:59:53 UTC
At the risk of being shouted at - this is an idiotic question and most of the answers even more so.

By definition that which exists is what it is. It is stark, plain, unadulterated, unchangeable and just that. We define that as reality. In other words, we are using the word reality as a synonym of existence.

Had you asked what is your perception of reality (which I suspect is what you actually wanted to ask - please pardon me for speaking for you) some of these answers might have had some meaning.

As individuals we might misinterpret the information we gather about existence and so have different appreciation of it, but on the whole there must be a fair amount of common understanding between us all, or else we would not be able to interact with the world and especially each other.

Should anybody doubt this, I suggest you all take part in this experiment. At 20.00 BST hours on 20 July 2007 place your naked and unprotected foot on a firm surface. From a height of just 4 inches (10 centimetres) drop a standard house brick onto your foot.

You will all immediately experience the same reality as any other person who also takes part. Start your discussion about perception from there.

Do not take part in this experiment if you have fragile bones, any other illness, intensely dislike pain or do not want to be hurt.

I will not be participating.

Michelle V

You had a point that I was prepared to respond to, until I read the rest of your answer. What on earth are you on about?
2007-07-18 14:19:29 UTC
subject entirely upon the perceive -I

even with a brick on a toe, the instantaneous thoughts that will spring to mind in each, the judgments, the sensations themselves -will all be experienced totally differently. Don't care what you say, it just doesn't line up exactly the same EVER.

My personal reality exists within a framework of the larger collective - I believe. Because, really, all that I am sure of is that I exist, and even that seems subject to question, on a regular basis. I seem to come and go, and I shift, I transmute. Nothing is "stable" nothing remains the same. All is mutable, in flux

that being said, "reality" surely responds to my focused intent. At least, in my world it does. I can effect my perceptions, and shift what exists before me. People disappear, things disappear.. Time stands still, or even runs backwards. What is real, if I can shift my perceptions to the literal sense cognition of being One with my lover? My friend? Where do they end and I begin? I will never know the all that is them, but my reality has been changed forever to merge with theirs.

Limitations exist only because the experience has not yet been discovered, been felt by the individual. Once those "boundaries" are crossed, it is a whole new ball game.

Open minded readiness creates the opportunity, awareness gives you the window through which to jump...
2016-09-30 09:51:12 UTC
From a scientific approach, i've got faith 'certainty' to be a projection of the innovations. each and every sense we adventure is processed with the help of the innovations, so who's to declare that the innovations does not create the phantasm of touch, scent, style, sight and sound? it somewhat is a warm subject count in in the present day's technology and physics. certainty has replace right into a separate philosophy itself. besides the actual incontrovertible fact that there are various theories, some even in part shown, as much as on the present time no person has been able to substantiate certainty's authentic existence. For that to ensue one would desire to first understand the entire community of the innovations. on the grounds that that may not happening any time quickly, that's suffice to declare that we will could use the easy definition of 'certainty' for a whilst.
2007-07-17 22:19:18 UTC
Have you ever been to a pantomime? these strange, Christmas stage shows, aimed at children and peculiar to the UK?

There is always a transformation scene, were the heroes are lost in a dark, dangerous place, usually a forest. Then, by a simple change in the way the stage is lit, it is transformed into a magical, sparkling fairy land.

I remember, when I saw my first one, being utterly spell-bound.

There you go! Reality. Personal and, well, real.



I can tell you what tea it is, it's One Taste Tea.

(Hehehehe, I really like that! One Taste is the name of a brill book by Ken Wilber which talks about all this wonderful 'reality', 'spirituality' stuff. I really reccomend it.

2007-07-21 11:12:46 UTC
Even a brick dropped on one's foot could be perceived differently by someone adept at tolerating or "reframing" pain. Their 'experience' of reality would be entirely different than my agonized screams.

It is our experience of reality that is malleable, inhibited only by our defensive ego beliefs - related to protecting the mind/body system in the physical world. It only takes one reality shift to convince one that reality is a multi-dimensional mirror of mind. Thus it is the 'contents' of consciousness that must be the primary concern.
Monsieur Recital Vinyliste
2007-07-17 22:36:14 UTC
Reality can be broken down into three words. BE HERE NOW. Reality is where you are right now, the moment that you read this: this moment is reality. Any other is an abstract imagining on someone else's reality, or a past or future aspect of your own.

I've also been instructed that all reality exists in LANGUAGE.

The language you think; the words you say, all give reality physical properties. If you can't think of the ideas, you can't act on them, and part of reality is LOVE IN ACTION..all of it requires LANGUAGE..Make sense?
2007-07-17 21:59:40 UTC
I see it this way, all around us is an infinite 'sea' of energy. Electrically this is called 'potential', and in my world it is the same, just infinite potential, for all that could be to be.

We are the instrument by which that energy is translated into manifestation, either individually, in groups, or collectively.

And that is what we do, we manifest through our observations, and then we observe our manifestations, and then we observe the effects of our manifestations on how we feel about it all.

It is the power of emotional feeling that both drives it all, and then puts it into a cosmic feedback loop to see what we will manifest next.

Personal reality is how we affect how we feel by all that we manifest by our feelings.

{{{{{{{{{{Cosmic Love}}}}}}}}}}

Edit :

We think we are subjective beings in an objective Universe, wrong. We are, in reality ( hehehehehe ), objective beings in a subjective omniverse.

Yes, two lumps please, Jon
2007-07-18 13:44:37 UTC
Old MacDonald had a God...

Eee Eye Eee Eye Aumm...

And, in this God he had a Reality...

Eee Eye Eee Eye Aumm...

With some Love Tea here, and some Love Tea there...

Here some Love, There some Love...

Everywhere is Much Love...

Old MacDonald had a God...

Eee Eye Eee Eye Aumm...

(Gosh, was that korny... Luckily Old Mac LOVES Korn! LOL)
2007-07-17 21:45:03 UTC
Shripathi Krishna Acharya
2007-07-19 11:27:05 UTC
Reality is fact or state of being Relative to YOU.

But it is variable.

Variable to the time and place.

Truth is ultimate reality

Which is not variable.

Truth is constant.

Not relative even.

Truth is Buddha
2007-07-17 23:00:41 UTC
does it not depend on who's reality?

each of us creates our own.

it is fulfilling when one meets others who perceive that reality in such a similar way to oneself that you can all observe it as the same, whether short or long term

will drinking another's tea enable us to view their personal reality?

not sure which brand of tea this is, but i do like its taste :)

blessed be

2007-07-17 21:56:56 UTC
The nature of reality is perception just as personal reality is perception.
2007-07-18 11:26:07 UTC
The nature of reality is that there is no reality only our own personal perception of what 'reality' is.
2007-07-17 22:10:41 UTC
Like I've said before....never judge a look by it's cover.
2007-07-17 22:06:00 UTC
Motion and Rest.
~*tigger*~ **
2007-07-18 02:17:49 UTC
reality is a subjective concept

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