subject entirely upon the perceive -I
even with a brick on a toe, the instantaneous thoughts that will spring to mind in each, the judgments, the sensations themselves -will all be experienced totally differently. Don't care what you say, it just doesn't line up exactly the same EVER.
My personal reality exists within a framework of the larger collective - I believe. Because, really, all that I am sure of is that I exist, and even that seems subject to question, on a regular basis. I seem to come and go, and I shift, I transmute. Nothing is "stable" nothing remains the same. All is mutable, in flux
that being said, "reality" surely responds to my focused intent. At least, in my world it does. I can effect my perceptions, and shift what exists before me. People disappear, things disappear.. Time stands still, or even runs backwards. What is real, if I can shift my perceptions to the literal sense cognition of being One with my lover? My friend? Where do they end and I begin? I will never know the all that is them, but my reality has been changed forever to merge with theirs.
Limitations exist only because the experience has not yet been discovered, been felt by the individual. Once those "boundaries" are crossed, it is a whole new ball game.
Open minded readiness creates the opportunity, awareness gives you the window through which to jump...