What religion do I belong to?
SeXy SpRiNkLeZ!
2009-01-11 16:01:02 UTC
OK, this has been nagging at me for almost a year, I've tired finding the answer, but I simply can't.

I believe in Jesus Christ, and that he was sent down to Earth to die for our sins. However, I am disgusted every time I go to church and listen to the scriptures. I simply can't stand the text of the bible. I mean, think about it;
The bible has been translated through how many different languages now? Any of the monks in the centuries B.C could have altered this little line, or that commandment.
We have no true grip on what the bible originally was. But that's a whole other thing that I'm not going into.

Also, I do not believe that any one God can have the power needed to create all things, living or dead.

I do believe(much like Ancient Rome and Greece), that there are many Gods and Goddesses, and above them, there are Titans. I also believe in the Afterlife, Heaven, Hell, the angels and demons of those realms, and reincarnation.

So, all in all, I believe in a mono-theistic version of the Catholic faith, with a little bit of possible Buddhism?

Help? Please?!
Nineteen answers:
2009-01-11 18:47:56 UTC
Ouzibillahi Mina shytan Al Rajeem

Bismillahi Al Rahman Al Raheem


Abu Hurairah (RA) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: “The Hellfire complained to its Lord, saying, ‘O my Lord, my different parts eat each other up.’ So Allah allowed it to take two breaths – one in the winter and the other in the summer. This is [the cause pf] the severe heat and the bitter cold you experience.’” (Al Bukhari)

Ibn ‘Umar (RA) narrated that the Prophet (SAW) said: “Fever is from the breath of the Hellfire; so cool it with water.” (Al-Bukhari)

Abu Dharr (RA) narrated: “While the Prophet (SAW) was on a journey, he said [regarding the performance of the thuhr prayer], ‘Wait until it gets cooler.’ He said the same thing again until the shade of the hillocks extended, and then he said, ‘Delay the [thuhr] prayer until it gets cooler, for the severity of heat is from the breath of Hell.’” (thuhr period is just before ‘asr) (Al-Bukhari).
2009-01-11 18:52:36 UTC
I am an Agnostic Theist. This means I believe there is a God, but it can be proven or disproved. Christianity and Buddhism can coexist to a certain extent, because Buddhism is more of a philosophy or a spiritual practice, rather than an organized religion. Originally there were apparently Christian writings which talked about reincarnation in what is now called the Apocrypha. Those books were deleted by the Council of Nicea around 515 AD. I think you are interested in religions and you have strong Christian inclinations. There is nothing wrong with that unless you allow other people to decide what you think and what you believe. It sounds like you believe Jesus was a "Holy Man" and perhaps you'll find you believe other people were at the same level.
2009-01-12 10:25:43 UTC
If you believed in Jesus Christ, then you would believe what he said, as recorded in Scripture.

One God could not have created all things? Then how many do you think it took? Two? Three? How many? And why do you believe this?

Both Hebrew and Greek were "frozen in time" which helps with proper translation and understanding. If one person altered a text, that same person could not have altered all copies, and so changes in one text where several others say something else is a pretty good indicator the one is an ateration.

2009-01-11 19:34:23 UTC
We can trust the original texts of the Bible.

+ The Old Testament +

The Dead Sea Scroll contain all of the books of the Old Testament (Hebrew scriptures) except Esther.

There are many duplicates. Fourteen copies of Deuteronomy have been found and two of Isaiah.

The scrolls are important because they testify to the accuracy of the people who copied and recopied the Scriptures over the centuries. Despite minor errors, they show us that the Old Testament has not changed since it was compiled.

For more information, see:

+ The New Testament +

We do have second and third century manuscripts of all the New Testament writings to which we can check our modern Bibles. Many believe that some of the bits of manuscripts are from the first century (between 50 and 100 C.E.).


Are the Biblical Documents Reliable?

New Testament Manuscripts: The Basic Facts:

Josh McDowell Answers Questions about the New Testament:

How many copes of the original New Testament documents are there?

Is the New Testament Text Reliable?


With love in Christ.
2009-01-11 17:01:23 UTC
Let me dispel your belief in JC as being mixed up with a God concept. JC is NOT God (assuming there is one) and never will be. He wasn't sent to save humanity and this is scriptural supported. Take a look around...Why are there still Jews today if Jesus was in fact Messiah? Wouldn't all the Jews of the time converted immediately to Christianity? Why didn't they?

Let me answer you as follows: Yes JC did meet some but not all the criteria laid out in the OT to be Messiah and 90% isn't good enough as assuming there is a God wouldn't he/she/it require 100% compliance with the requirements? The Jews can not and should not convert to Christianity as they are the "chosen people". God him/her/it self will forgive them first in the end of days and they'll ascend to Heaven (assuming there is one) to keep the Pearlie's. Why? Well, they are the living breathing penance for the sins of humanity.

History bears this out if you just look at it and read with an open mind...The Jews are the most persecuted/reviled people on the planet despite the Church "forgiving" them for Crucifying JC (which Herod did not have the authority to do...only a ROMAN official could condemn a man to death--something the Church knew from it's beginning yet allowed the idea that Jews Crucified JC to spread). Finally and most importantly ask yourself this about God and JC: Would God need an intermediary to be reached or asked for anything? The answer is pretty clear no he/she/it would not. PEACE!
2009-01-11 17:22:48 UTC
Don't be so eager to associate yourself with an organized religion.

You're going to get boxed in.

No single religion has ALL the single religion is right.

You sound like a very spiritual person. Why not leave it at that.

You can be spiritual without being religious.

Believing in [a] god is faith.

What you believe about that god is religion.

I could go on and on, but I won't. If you want to continue chatting about this write direct...ropaq50@yahoo

good luck
2009-01-11 19:11:10 UTC
Who Is God?

Who is the true God, and what is his name?

People worship many things. But the Bible tells us that there is only one TRUE God. He created everything in heaven and on earth. Because he gave us life, he is the only One we should worship.—1 Corinthians 8:5, 6; Revelation 4:11.

God has many titles but has only one name. That name is JEHOVAH. In most Bibles, God's name has been removed and has been replaced with the titles LORD or GOD. But when the Bible was written, the name Jehovah appeared in it some 7,000 times!—Exodus 3:15; Psalm 83:18.

What sort of body does he have?

Jehovah has a body, but it is not like ours. "God is a Spirit," says the Bible. (John 4:24) A spirit is a form of life that is much higher than ours. No human has ever seen God. Jehovah lives in heaven, but he can see all things. (Psalm 11:4, 5; John 1:18) What, though, is the holy spirit? It is not a person like God. Rather, it is God's active force.—Psalm 104:30.

We learn about God from creation and from the Bible

What are his outstanding qualities?

The Bible reveals Jehovah's personality to us. It shows that his outstanding qualities are love, justice, wisdom, and power. (Deuteronomy 32:4; Job 12:13; Isaiah 40:26; 1 John 4:8) The Bible tells us that he is also merciful, kind, forgiving, generous, and patient. We, like obedient children, should try to imitate him.—Ephesians 5:1, 2.

Should we use images and symbols in our worship of him?

Should we bow down or pray to images, pictures, or symbols in our worship? No! (Exodus 20:4, 5) Jehovah says that we must worship only him. He will not share his glory with anyone or anything else. Images have no power to help us.—Psalm 115:4-8; Isaiah 42:8.

What are two ways we can learn about God?

How can we get to know God better? One way is by observing the things he has created and thinking deeply about what they tell us. God's creations show us that he has great power and wisdom. We see his love in all that he has made. (Psalm 19:1-6; Romans 1:20) Another way we can learn about God is by studying the Bible. In it he tells us much more about the kind of God he is. He also tells us about his purpose and what he wants us to do.—Amos 3:7; 2 Timothy 3:16, 17.

**we worship jehovah by attending 5 meetings in a week and doing his will written in the bible to preach the good news to all nation and to apply in our life what we learned in the bible.. We also worship jehovah by following the footsteps of jesus christr on what he did when jesus is here in the earth...Follow Jesus footsteps!
Marc L
2009-01-11 17:53:28 UTC
As Robbie said, don't concern yourself with labels. Believe what you feel is correct for you, if you've sincerely examined it. Ask yourself this:

1) What do I believe?

2) Why do I believe it?

Don't be afraid to question your beliefs, it's how you come to the truth.

As a minor nitpick, though, there were no Christian monks in the centuries B.C. :0P
2009-01-11 16:07:29 UTC
You believe in Jesus but do not believe in the omnipotence of the God of Abraham?

You are a poytheist, perhaps you should look into Hinduism. Jesus may be viewed as an incarnation or avatar of Vishnu. Might be worth looking into.

Buddhists are not really theists =)

Hindus are!
2009-01-11 16:10:45 UTC
All Catholicism is monotheistic. You have very mixed up beliefs. To be Christian you must believe in the one God of Abraham and that Jesus Christ is our only means of Salvation.
2016-10-13 03:38:02 UTC
Which faith owns the valuables called salvation, making all different religions fake? Which faith has the only genuine God, making the adherents to all others ignorant, unholy idolators? Which faith demands that its very own wild myths are literal holy truths and that memories in different religions are in basic terms wild myths? Which faith states that peace and love for each guy or woman is the respond yet then justifies killing in its very own call? Which faith relies upon on the coaching of ineffective adult males to interpret it in the way it gets fed to us? Are we speaking approximately fact or fairy memories? the respond is all of them. evaluate what the regulation has to do with the belief of Justice in our legal systems. that's the comparable because of the fact the relationship of religions to God. they are able to´t be suited and often they are flawed yet a international with out faith would be a poorer place, i think.
John W
2009-01-11 22:13:59 UTC
To understand the Bible, you must first have FAITH..that is you must BELIEVE and TRUST what is written to be true. Only then will God speak to you personally, open your understanding and clarify your doubts to prove HIMSELF to you.

This takes time but you must first humble yourself and submit to God without wavering in your faith. KNOW that there is only ONE God in the form of Father, Son and The Holy Spirit.
Rev. Kip
2009-01-14 12:32:25 UTC
You must first settle down and decide what beliefs speak most true to you. You have a whole bunch of beliefs going on that have nothing to do with each other! I would say go Christian!

God Bless!
Royal Racer Hell=Grave ©
2009-01-11 16:04:34 UTC
2009-01-11 18:01:13 UTC
You know, I don't think anyone believes in one religion completely. Everyone has something they don't agree with. Terrorist kill in the name of their religion, even though I'm sure no religion accepts killing. Or women could be really pissed off at how women aren't considered equal in many religions. You are what religion you choose to except and follow to the best of your capabilities.
2009-01-12 13:02:59 UTC
If you would like more answers, consider asking around this site as well...
2009-01-11 17:51:17 UTC
you don't belong to any religion. maybe you should start your own religion. it's a great way to make money.
2009-01-12 03:27:20 UTC
Please believe in yourself ... YOU WILL DO WONDERS ... For knowing who you are and to know which field you ll do wonders and ultimately for knowing what is de inherent potential tat lies with in you ., you need Nichiren Diashonin's Buddhism .... Please keep in touch !

regards ., MOHAN ..
THE halF Knowing Sora
2009-01-11 16:36:09 UTC
i can say satanism =S only one god

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