Creationist FAIL. I asked to give me evidence of against evolution. Can you do better?
2011-05-17 13:18:04 UTC
This was the best creationist evidence I got but it didn't disprove evolution and I explain why.

1.Formation of Life - Evolution doesn't explain the origins of life but rather the variety of life.

2.Design of Living Things - There are many quirks on how organisms develop that actually maintains throughout a variety of species. This is what is called poor design, it isn't fatal to the organism so it wasn't modified to make better. Examples of this is the blind spot in the eye, laryngeal nerve, pancreas, shortening of telomeres during cell devision, etc

3.Irreducible Complexity - There is in fact reducible complexity. Flat worms have photo sensitive cells or very primitive eyes but they do NOT have a brain just a cluster of neural networks. Also if you remove many proteins from the bacterium flagellum it still functions as a pump. Insects have a heart but open circulatory system and cniderians (jellyfish etc) have no brain or heart yet they do have neural networks and do eat.

4.Second Law of Thermodynamics - This is a complicated topic stating: the concept of energy in the first law does not account for the observation that natural processes have a preferred direction of progress. For example, spontaneously, heat always flows to regions of lower temperature, never to regions of higher temperature without external work being performed on the system. The first law is completely symmetrical with respect to the initial and final states of an evolving system. The key concept for the explanation of this phenomenon through the second law of thermodynamics is the definition of a new physical property, the entropy.
A change in the entropy of a system is the infinitesimal transfer of heat to a closed system driving a reversible process, divided by the equilibrium temperature of the system. --SO ALL IN ALL in a CLOSED system the amount of entropy will increase. The earth isn't a closed system. This law doesn't talk about what happens when you have a constant rate of energy coming into the system.

5.Existence of the Universe -- There are many mathematical system that support the possibility that the universe did come from nothing: google "A UNIVERSE FROM NOTHING

6.Fine-tuning of Earth for Life - Yes Earth is in the prime area for life but let me say this: if someone threw a pile of clothes at your feet with 10,000 pants and 10,000 shirts etc you are bound to find several outfits that fit you perfectly. There are billions of galaxies in universe and trillions and trillions of stars with X amount of planets...the probability that you will have planets in a goldie locks zone is pretty high.

7.Fine-tuning of Physics -- just because there are the laws of physics doesn't mean someone had to write them...but I am not a physicist so some else will have to take this one.

8.Abrupt Appearance in the Fossil Record - There are soooo many fossils showing feathered dinosaurs and transitional species. Plus the cambrian explosion lasted for 55 million years...which is a loooong time

9.Human Consciousness - yes this is unique to humans but just because we have a complex brain (which has been tweaked by evolution for 7 million years) doesn't give evidence of a creator. Emotions are the production of biochemical reactions in our brain, hence with the flow is amiss then you get depression, schizophrenia, etc

10.Human Language - Evolution of language is an anthropologic topic not biological. If you talk to an anthropologist they will give you many theories on the origins of lang. In addition animals have many many ways to communicate with each's so advanced that itself is it's own topic/section within biology

11.Sexual Reproduction - The genetic advantages of sexual reproduction greatly out way asexual reproduction so it's a no brainer that particular mechanism was favored. Did you KNOW that bacteria also have sexual reproduction...this is termed male and female needed but bacteria get together and "swap" or inject their dna to the other bacterium.

12.The Bible's Witness - I have nothing to say about this one.

Thirteen answers:
2011-05-17 13:25:27 UTC
Add to 9. and 10. the fact that chimps and other great apes are demonstrably conscious. "Next of Kin" by Roger Fouts being a prime example.
Susanna LIVES
2011-05-17 13:44:32 UTC
On May 26, 1967, Professor Wilder Smith of Illinois University, asked a similar question. He said: "Does contemporary scientific thought . . tend to substantiate the Darwinian postulates, or do the discoveries of the past 100 years actually weaken the case of organic evolution?" And then he answered the question in these words: "Several factors call for a severe modification of the Darwinian system, and compel a return to Creationism, as an increasingly valid scientific stance." (Christianity Today, P.4, May 26, 1967).

As he, and many others are ably pointing out, recent and current research is verifying the accuracy of the Genesis account of origins. It is telling us that modern man can believe the Bible.

In 1955 the American Scientist published an article entitled: Perspective in Evolution. lt said: "The second law of thermodynamics says, that left to itself (that means chance) any isolated system will go toward greater entropy, which also means towards greater randomization" End of quote. Now this is just a law of the universe. If you leave a system, or an organism, to itself to develop by chance, it won't become more organized. It won't develop. Rather, its organization will become more and more random. It will deteriorate. This fact is observable throughout the world.

Now it is true that scientists can't explain this great law any more than they can explain the law of gravity. No one knows why it is true, but its outworking is seen in every part of nature.

As Morris says: "Everything left to itself tends to grow old, and to run down and finally die." (Page 36). You see, although evolution is accepted by many people, it is still only a theory. Never in history has anybody ever observed evolution from kind to kind in action, in spite of claims to that effect. Supposed, yes; but observed, never. And now, with the discovery in recent years of the two laws of thermodynamics, we find the whole concept of evolution is flatly contradicted by known and established laws of the universe

Now what does the Bible say? The Bible says "the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is." This is an inspired and reasonable explanation. God made all things in a consciously planned creation. They did not, and could not, come into existence by chance. The Bible says, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." And again, "In six day the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is." Nowhere does it hint or suggest that long periods of time were required to bring our world into existence. Again the Scripture says, "Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them, and on the seventh day God ended His work which He had made." Again the Scripture says, Hebrews 4:3, "The works were finished from the foundation of the world."

The whole Bible makes it very plain that all creation was the work of God and executed and finished at the end of the first six days of this world's history. Creation is over. Today God is not creating, He is preserving, sustaining.

If evolution were right, then in the infinite future, man would evolve into a being of such superior intellectual prowess that no problems would be beyond him. We could overlook all the present iniquity as gene deficiency, as environmental or psychological imbalance. Man as some evolving creature could be excused because of his incomplete evolution. But listen, the Bible says we were made in God's image, perfect creatures; then because man rejected God, this world was turned into chaos. Sin is no environmental problem, it is man opposing God. The Bible says degeneration, not evolution, has been taking place since sin entered the world. And for this, there is only one possible solution, it is Christ, the Sinbearer, who can take sinful man, and restore him into the Divine image again.

Darwin doubted his own "theory" in his book Origin of Species Friend...
2011-05-17 13:32:50 UTC
It still amazes me to see how will Satan has done to divert man's thinking away from the Creator and focus it on this mindless theory. This thought says that man has come from a man with little knowledge and has come to where he is today. So this is the best man has ever been. Truly ridiculous. We can not even figure out how man built the pyramids. We use the excuse that it must have been aliens from outer space. Man was created perfect and because of sin we are getting further away, each generation, from that perfection. That is why we are about to ruin everything we need to survive on this planet. Thankfully we have a Creator who has a wonderful future for this planet and all who will live on it. Soon we will see this under the rulership of the Kingdom of God with Jesus as King.
2011-05-17 13:27:07 UTC
O please grow up already the whole evolution debate has been over for years, even the so called scientists have said its an assumption of science to actually believe everything came from nothing and all the intricate details of the Universe and its substance came about by random chance......and science has even shown we did not evolve from another species, but indeed had a beginning of our own just as the Universe had a beginning and not formulated over grand periods of time on its own through nothing.....Grow up already...and get over the fact evolution was and will always be a speculation and assumption of science and those who desire the denial of truth.
2011-05-17 13:35:02 UTC
here is one.

Carbon-14 in the atmosphere will reach equilibrium in about 30,000 years.

Evolutionists claim that it reached equilibrium millions of years ago.

In FACT, the amount was measured in the 1950's, again in the 1980's, and again in early 2,000's.

It was found to still be increasing, and only about 1/4 to 1/3 to equilibrium.

This proves that the Earth is less then 10,000 years old. Since Darwinian evolution requires millions of years, the fact that the Earth is young proves that life could not have evolved.
2011-05-17 13:28:08 UTC
If you have a watch who do you think made it? Naturally you would answer "a watchmaker". What about a building, where did it come from? Naturally you would answer "a builder". You know that there is no possible way that the building just came together perfectly one day. Now I would ask you, where do you think that the universe came from? All it takes to say "A Creator" is eyes that can see and a brain that works. Think of all the intracate and perfect life around you and then you can clearly see that there is a creator.

For more answers to questions like this visit and click on "get answers"

Now, can you provide one evidence of evolution? Just one?
2011-05-17 13:43:37 UTC
Evolution is a theory NOT fact!

Evolution teaches survival of the fittest!

Evolution teaches that species evolve

to survive in their current climate or


Evolution teaches there is No "Intelligent" creator.

Therefore, all evolutionists have to agree that evolution

CANNOT HAVE intelligence itself or evolve it?!

So how do you explain then, why "we" have intelligence rather

than a survival instinct? We don't need it to survive?

How did evolution without having intelligence itself create

such intellectual things as music, art,mathematics & science

in us?
2011-05-17 23:46:11 UTC
Time has two properties.

Progress(related to evolution) and Event(related to Creation) by turns.

and Probability exist between two properties.

Mobius strip explains it very well. (one progress, one event, one probability)

Look at this!

Chicken (event) Egg (progress) & Egg (event) Chicken (progress)

Schrodinger's cat was placed between one properties, just event. So, probability can not exist.

The reason, Wave-particle duality of light. I think so...

Progress / Event / Probability is a time. This is my trinity.


Does time have the shape? Does soul have the shape?

Everything has the shape but these two in the world.

So, I made an assumption "Time is soul(thinking, knowledge, memory, etc.)".

It was the beginning of my UNIONTERA.

We know...

To our great discouragement, these doesn't have one way by us.

Time walked to science way. Soul walked to religion way.

Light up candle for a second. A second of light exist permanently or not?


Einstein deceive our world. Where is our common sense?

I mean, why he didn't tell us this so easy common sense.

The only base which can be the cause of Einstein's assumption...

[Assumption] "principle of constancy of light velocity".

[The only base] "Time of light is different from the starting point time."

This base is not an assumption but a common sense. Can you see?

In my opinion, he already knew this base.

This common sense is a certain evidence for me.

This is my uniontera.

Existing is the time expressed by light itself.

- Key Point -

1. Arrow A is the laser work. (Same time work)

2. Arrow B is the reason of gravity. (also, Higgs boson individually / Different time work)

3. The rose line is the beginning light. (result from Bible)

4. The existing of different time. (result from relativity of light)

5. 2 dimension is not a space. (result from 2-axis, math)

6. Universe came from nothing. (result from No.5 / cf. Playing with bubbles)

6-1. A barrier[posititon] exist between the inner and outer bubbles. But universe do not have that barrier. (Cause of Inertia)

7. Progress / Event / Probability is a time.

8. Wave-particle duality of light (result from No.7)

9. Coalescing of different time (Cause of Rotation)

10. Your so-called black hole is a wholly condensed time. (cf. Kerr spacetime, math)

11. The reason of "your so-called magnetic field" (result from step3 and 4)

12. The reason of "your so-called electric field" (result from the crack of time / Same time's crack is a different time's coalescing. / Cause of Static electricity)

13. Your so-called "space" is a crack of time. (result from No.12 / Cause of Lightning)

14. Boundary is a crack of space. (result from No.13 / Same space's crack is a different time's contact. / cf. Fractal)

15. Boundary is nothing. Your so-called hole is a boundary itself. Also, nothing is K=0 temperature. (result from No.14 / cf. Calabi-Yau Space, math)

16. This is a wall of your so-called fire. (result from No.15) - copyright ⓒ uniontera

Our nonsense came from one time. Uniontera is a KEY.

English is not my first language, sorry!

If it is difficult to understand, just remember "Hand touching everything is a time". This is the only one result of uniontera.
2011-05-17 13:32:02 UTC
MATH is just ONE of the reasons why I believe in God. Math is INTELLIGENT DESIGN. Math didn’t accidentally explode out of matter and energy. Matter and energy exploded onto the scene E=mc2. In case you're wondering, that was MATHEMATICALLY… just like EVERYTHING else that exists. Math is intelligent design no matter how you would like to deny that.

All of a sudden math and science sucks, I bet. Oh my!
Mike Grotch
2011-05-17 13:23:09 UTC
You could make things easier on yourself by no buying into their either or fallacy. What they should be doing is proving creation instead of trying to disprove evolution. There are more than one proposed explanation and disproving one of them doesn't make any of the others proposals correct.
Dreamstuff Entity
2011-05-17 13:20:23 UTC
Here's a list of pretty much all the arguments cretinists use in their anti-science claims:

Also google: project quote mine.
Voice in the Wilderness
2011-05-17 13:21:54 UTC
Evolution is very true. I ate marshmallows and they evolved into poop.
2011-05-17 13:23:04 UTC
evolution is a FAILURE...

didn't you guys know that ?

ba ha ha

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.