2009-04-15 03:50:09 UTC
Genesis 1 - God creates everything in 6 days. He creates man and women and tells them to be fruitful and multiply. He gives them rule over the fowl and the fishes etc. Which basically means they are free to roam the earth etc.
Genesis 2 - The LORD GOD, has more complicated methods in order to acheive similar results. Crops and herbs are farmed with what sounds like a sprinkler system. Adam is put to sleep, opened up and basically operated on. Adam and Eve have to live in an artificial garden made of gold and opex with rules etc.
The main difference is the name. God and the LORD God. In Genesis everything you need to know to read the rest of the book is right there.
Why would it be the same story? It doesnt make sense. Its like having an introduction to a book, then having a second introdution introducing the same thing. IT DOESNT MAKE SENSE.
Therefore it must be 2 different creation stories.
Things that support this claim - Cain is cast out to the land of nod, he asked for a mark so that he may be slain (WHO BY?) he also has a wife (HOW? Especially seeing as he is suppose to be in the land of nod alone)
The Lord God is a different being to God. God is good, the Lord God is not. These are undeniable facts clearly stated in the first book of the bible.