The belief in the existence of either Extraterrestrial or homo superior powers does not necessarily require the same kind of leap that the leap of faith requires.
The problem I have always had with the belief in god is two-fold.
One, the problem of evil. Its an existential problem that I have always had with the belief of god. If god is the Omni-god I.E. Omnipotent, Omniscient etc. shouldn't our world be populated with nothing but good and everything that is pure and righteous? The answer to that is, well god is testing you. The rebuttal is rather flip but still valid. "Bully to him. I believe therefore bad things shouldn't happen to me."
Second, is the nature of belief in the first place. There is a philosopher by name of Anselm of Canterbury who wrote a really compelling dissection of the nature of belief in three parts.
1. god is, by definition, a being greater than which nothing can be conceived (imagined).
2. Existence in reality is greater than existence in the mind.
3. god must exist in reality; if god did not, then god would not be that than which nothing greater can be conceived (imagined).
The only problem with that is in the case of someone who has no concept of god at all. A person who has no idea of what god is or should be Judeo-Christian or otherwise. That argument would make no sense and be of little use to that person.
There is just one more problem with your concept and the apparent question. The question belies a problem with the definition of god and the nature of faith. It lies in two words.
Free Will.
If you define god as all knowing. A being that knows the entirety of everything, period, then every decision has been made for me (presupposing that you are correct and god exists). I have no free will. i have been created this way, and I have no choice in the matter of belief. When you sat and wrote this question it had already been written for you eons and eons ago by a disembodied spirit that guides us to something which I have no "real" control over.
Then comes the nature of faith. The second defintion of the word on defines it as
belief that is not based on proof
If this is the case, and I had no choice in the matter, it was decided for me since the beginning and hence the end of time, faith is not possible. Because belief imply s that you had the free will to give your faith, hence, the absence of Free Will creates an Absence of Faith.
So while I might accept the possibility of Extra-terrestrial life, or the possibility of Homo-superior. I can not under these circumstances accept the possibility of god's existence. You however are free to believe what ever you want. Because my beliefs do not require yours.