Question regarding faith and believe in "God"?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Question regarding faith and believe in "God"?
27 answers:
2010-08-08 02:01:31 UTC
how about the many gifts of aparations my father has been sending to his children since my assention exspecially at fatima portugal the most famous,this is whear in 1917 holy mary decended down from heaven in front of a crowd of 80,000 witnesses holding a holy rosary in one hand and a holy scapular in the other the prophesy about the russian federation concecrating their entire countries and peoples unto me came true last week,check your computer and you will find lots of other aparitions.hears a blessing,a prayer,and a our father said just for use,practice the holy rosary,practice makes perfect,we love you all,the holy family.
2010-08-08 02:27:17 UTC
Read the Bible for all it's worth. Find the "why" of things. Why did God do this? Why didn't God do that? Why did this happen? How did that happen? Read all of it and not just bits and pieces.

Try to give understanding and gain clarity to what you read.

What is impossible for man IS possible for God. God isn't limited by what He can and can't do. Evolution tells you that something came from nothing. The world came into being all by itself for no reason, without a design, without a plan or blue print, and without a higher power or greater intellect That is simply impossible.

Talk to a major denomination pastor and ask questions, make your points and ask for their aid. The pastor will make time to talk to you.

The writers of the Bible were inspired men. Inspired by God to write what they wrote. Some of the writers were eyewitnesses to what they wrote..I'd suggest that you spend your time on the New Testament primarily. It's easier to understand, contains the words of Jesus Himself, and almost all of it is written by people that were there. They saw, heard, talked to, and knew Jesus. Contemplate what John 3:16 says and means. God loves you so much that He (via Jesus) died so you could be forgiven and live forever in the grandeur of heaven.That's no small thing. Jesus is the way to forgiveness and a wonderful eternal life. Nothing and no one else can offer that. Read Ephesians 2:5-10 and let it sink in. Contemplate what it means God loves you and desires that you come to salvation.

The Bible was originally written in the Hebrew and Greek languages. Since most people can't read, write, or understand these languages the Bible naturally needed to be translated. Some translations have now tried to put the terms in a more modern day language. It's for our benefit. It's so we can gain a better understanding and not stumble over wording that seems odd to us.

As the Bible teaches-"Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God"

God hears our prayers so pray with sincerity. Pray about what's in your heart. Prayer should also say thanks and not be just "give me, give me, give me" We don't fully understand all of Gods ways. Just like a 5 year old kid can't understand and do the things that adults do, we can't understand everything God does.

Keep your chin up. God hasn't given up on you--please don't give up on Him.

God bless you.
JJ Bear
2010-08-08 02:00:17 UTC
If you actually want to know God, you can do what I tell my kids to do. Just tell God this; If you exist I want to know you. He has NEVER let anyone down who truly wants to know Him.

This is a promise God has given us;

Romans 10:17

So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Once you tell Him you want to know Him, He will begin to reveal the truth of His Word to you.

Feel free to email me, if you like.

2010-08-08 01:57:40 UTC
The things you stated are the reasons I became and atheist. I was a Christian.

The only way you can "find god" is, to use your words, suspend disbelief. And the only thing the Christians can do to help you "find god" is to tell you to pray and read their holy book, which you've done.

If the only idea of theism that appeals to you is that idea of the guardian angel or that being looking out for you you can find that in other, more believable, religions. Look into Buddhism and pantheism. There are more options out there than just Christian and Atheist, and one of them will fit what you are seeking.

Find peace in yourself, find hope in yourself and find kindness and beauty in the world, then you may find you don't need a higher being looking out for you.

Good luck.
2010-08-08 02:30:29 UTC
It's a journey. Here's something to think about while wondering about faith...

The Bible says & I was taught in church that jesus is author of faith. Uh, ok. So why don't we all believe, or fave faith? It should grow on trees and fall from the sky! If jesus is the author and provider of faith, then it should be coded in our DNA. If he is what he says he is.

"2Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Hebrews 12:2 "

Therapy for religion is as effective and unbiased as the doctor is. It can makes things much worse. A religious psych or ologist? You won't get unbiased therapy. They're required to be, morally they should be, but it slants them.

It'll all come together. And you're right, it does feel stupid to pray because it IS irrational. Andt's ok to call out nonsense when you see it, it's called intellectual honesty and emotional maturity, sounds like you've got both! You've got great critical thought skills. All former believers are reluctant atheists.

And PS, dad, should be supporting you down the this road, not ***-patting you for being on HIS team! That's just as confusing as mom with her teeny jesus theory.
2010-08-08 02:27:02 UTC
For one DON'T listen to the uneducated boobs like Ladys Man 2.0. There is NO OTHER book more validated than the Bible! Even archaeologists use it to pinpoint certain digs that no other information can be found to be as accurate!! There has been absolutely no REAL evidence that contradicts anything the Bible says.

That being said, also stop listening to the other influences in your life. If you really want the truth go to the SOURCE!! Sincerely ask God, Himself to reveal Himself to you. If you search is from the heart He WILL answer you.

Luke 11:9 And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.

Luk 11:10 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

God bless you in your search.
2010-08-08 02:07:02 UTC
It sounds like you are trying to rationalize Faith. Faith is what it is. Faith is believing when there is no proof. It is simple. Jesus instructed us to come to Him like children. Children don't think about their beliefs, they just believe. You don't have to go looking for Jesus. Have Faith and He will come looking for you. As far as your parents go, they both have it wrong.

1.Atheism is ridiculous. Everybody believes in something, no matter how hard they try to ignore it.

2.You can't let in a little bit of God. With Him it is all or nothing. Give your life over to God, and trust Him to run it. That is an act of Faith. Jesus will come to you.
2010-08-08 02:02:55 UTC
So... basically... you're asking if there's a way to stop being rational, and adopt a ridiculous delusional world-view that depends directly from the myths, superstitions, fairy-tales and fantastical delusions of an ignorant gaggle of Bronze Age fishermen and peripatetic, militant, marauding, murdering, raping, genocidal goat-herders.

Sure... just keep smacking yourself on the side of the head until your brains fall out.
2010-08-08 02:01:25 UTC
When I was younger I believed in Santa like most children did however I eventually gave up my belief in santa! I'm sure my dad was happy that I had grown up a bit but my mother i'm sure would have liked me to believe a little longer, and so would I. I mean how cool would it have been to have some guy give you presents every year. Despite trying and trying to believe in Santa, the truth of the matter was that as cool as Santa was, he wasn't real and no amount of trying would change that.

As Carl Sagan said - "It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring."

In your heart you know that God isn't real but you keep trying to believe anyway. I know the idea of an all loving, all forgiving god is comforting but somethings true and others are not. Believing in something that isn't true won't make it so.

EDIT: I don't think being an atheist makes you unhappy. I love my life and have a very good life. I mean I still young and have a lot of living to do hopefully I'm happy with my life and I think my ability to distinguish fact from fiction has helped me be a better person (i don't really know how better to word that but i'm sure it could be done).
Physics beginner
2010-08-07 19:37:37 UTC
Until you can see the Bible as the true inspired word of God (2 Timothy 3:16-17) living and full of abundance (Hebrews 4:12-13)and not a book of contradictions, you won't understand it. God's word is exactly that His words that He inspired and wrote through the hearts of His prophets. It is full of many stories about His character, His ways and judgments, His love and His plans for those who believe and for those who do not. This is not about reading a book this is about living your life according to the will of God's and if you are committed to doing that then He will reveal Himself to you, I guarantee it!

God is real and He can be real in your life if you let Him. You are the type of seeker that God looks for, you are in the exact place where you need to be to truly find God and experience Him. Where I would suggest for you to begin is to attend a thriving and passionate youth service in your area. (If I knew your area I could tell you where to go) but I will pray that God will lead you there. Now, I suggested this because you will be able to observe the passion, worship and truth of God in the eyes of other individuals your age, ask them the same questions you are asking now. Ask your peers about God and how they develop such a powerful relationship with Him. This will encourage you to explore and seek God with a open heart of understanding as you seek wisdom when you begin to read the Bible and not criticism. Because that is what the Bible is for, it is for understanding God's will and purpose for your life and it is for gaining wisdom and knowledge about the type of God He really is. He is an incredibly loving God but He is also a just God. He could not be love if He did not embrace justice.

Secondly the only prayer I would suggest that you pray for the next few weeks is to truly ask God to show you how real He is. You will "Find Christ" because He is ready to be found by you because you have a heart that is open to knowing who He really is. Ask Him to show you The Truth!

In response to your additional details:

If you do not believe that God created you and that there is no heaven then you must think that all you are is flesh and bones and that is impossible because you know you have a soul. And your soul gives you a heart and a conscious and your soul never dies even after your flesh is gone. So if you are not interested in your soul and preparing it to live in heaven for its eternal place then you have left your soul with no other alternative but hell and that is seriously sad. I truly feel sorry for you.
Mike N
2010-08-08 02:18:53 UTC
It isn't easy to have the faith you ask for, especially at your age where you're bombarded by so much material from school and friends and the entertainment industry and the so-called "media", which is entirely anti-faith. I know, at your age, you feel like you've "been around a long time", long enough to have been proven whether Jesus / God exists, etc., but you haven't. Even when you believe for a second, this culture bombards you with incredible volumes of anti-faith material to sink the "holiest" of us. My encouragement, which won't give you an easy faith, is, don't drop the ball. You may be tempted to not believe, but don't fall for that temptation. So what if you feel you're "just indulging in a human irrationality". God, Jesus our Christ, and the Guardian Angel God has provided you, all say, "Don't drop the ball. Believe in us." It makes no matter how old the guys were who "sat around writing and editing and re-phrasing for the better part of it's (the Bible) existence". Wisdom comes with age. Just get a copy of the unabridged (Roman Catholic) Bible, preferably the Revised Standard Version or the Douay-Rheims Version, and as many study books, etc., as you can to more fully understand it, and go speak to a Roman Catholic Priest about it, and you'll slowly but surely be going in the direction you say you want to go. Oh, and you might want to pray a prayer to your Guardian Angel that my wife learned long ago: "Guardian Angel, my Guardian Dear, To Whom God's love commits me here, Ever this day be at my side, to Light, to Guard, to Rule and to Guide me. Amen". You want the help to become faithful in Christ Jesus? Pray that prayer daily, as often or little as you want, and you'll be tapping into one of the greatest aids God ever made for you. And your Guardian Angel will become more "alive" and helpful to you, and you'll enjoy his / her company more and more. Just asking your question is a great beginning. Doing what I recommend can be a great help. God Bless you.
2010-08-08 02:04:20 UTC
Science cannot possibly explain what religion attempts to. Forget literal readings of the bible and unimportant things like creationism or doctrine and look for deeper meanings. Purpose, the meaning of life, or the lack thereof.

Do you believe that after death there is nothing? No memories, no thoughts, no feelings, no pain, no joy. Nothing.

Or do you believe that there is an eternal life with a God and an eternal paradise?

Something else?

Ultimately the choice to believe or not to believe is in your hands, and nothing I can say can change your mind.

After you choose one of these two then, you are ready to move on in either direction.


If you don't believe in heaven or God, then this whole question was pointless. You're an atheist.
2010-08-08 01:57:40 UTC
People are naturally skeptical. My question to you is after reading the bible and listening to the philosophy and finding no reason to believe in it, why do you feel like you must 'let god in just a teeny bit'? The evidence has been presented to you and you have decided it is null and void.

Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man -- living in the sky -- who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do.. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time! ..But he loves you.

There are many groups of passages in the bible that require a lot of speculation simply to make them non-contradictory. Joseph's father? How Judas died? Whether both or only one of the thieves on the cross mocked Jesus? Yes they can technically be explained, but it requires huge gaps in reasonable logic. When considering this in conjunction with the fact that none of it can be validated in any other way, such as words of Hebrew origin in the Egyptian language or vice-versa to validate Exodus, I think that the majority of the Bible is false.

If you can provide evidence that ONE part of the Bible is valid, I will consider that ONE part as possibly being true, pending further peer-reviewed evaluations. Until then, it's false until validated.

The bible is a COMPLETELY unvalidated, uncollaborated, biased, ancient scripture.

Open your eyes to reason
2010-08-08 01:56:18 UTC
Tell both to leave you alone. Take a few days off the whole deal, think about other stuff and let the issue go. Whether you start believing or remain an atheist, you'll stop worrying if you're not pressured on both sides.
2010-08-08 01:58:09 UTC
Now you are a major. You can decide things for yourselves. Just sit down lonely in a room. close your eyes and think about your feelings. Are you feeling happy in praying and with the feeling that someone is hearing your prayers? If you feel someone is with you, thats God. Go on with your prayers. If you still need help, visit any church priest and he might guide you more into prayers. If you dont wanna be a God child, leave everything. God has never shown us a wrong way. If his name is giving us peace and happiness, nothing wrong in believing in him. Just ask your mom n dad not to involve in your feelings. May God show you the right way.
adorable agnostic hamster
2010-08-08 02:06:23 UTC
It sounds like you're trying to force yourself to believe, and that will only make it worse for you in the end. Sometimes, just because you want something to exist doesn't mean that it does. I'd also love for there to be a compassionate God who loves me unconditionally, but don't completely 'suspend disbelief' because of this. If you find belief in God irrational, why are you trying to fight your own logic? Don't sacrifice reasoning for a false sense of security -- your friends and family will always be there for you, and they'll listen to whatever you need to say to them :)

**message me if you want to talk more -- I've been in the same situation before!
2010-08-08 02:11:06 UTC
How could you know without someone to direct you, Jesus is the way but unless you are guided by God's Holy Spirit(the helper) you will stumble blindly as you have done.

At there is the Bible study aid "What Does the Bible Really Teach?, you can get this study aid free of charge and with this study aid you will be directed into the Bible as to how you can receive what you are looking for.

If you have any questions please email me, I will do my best to give you answers that come from the Bible.
Nancy D
2010-08-08 01:56:21 UTC
If you get a good Bible handbook or a good study Bible breaking down and explaining everything clearly that is written in the Bible, you should clearly understand what is written and the way to become a Believer.
Angel SA
2010-08-08 02:29:38 UTC
Like I have said many times not everyone will be CHOSEN!

The Holy Bible is a very complicated book written two millenniums ago by the 'inspiration of God' and His prophets, the man who wrote the Holy Bible were inspired to write and wittiness Jesus Christ days living among the flesh and write about why His father send Him to us, mortals, on earth.

He inspired the writings of His discipline He had inspired for Adam and Eve to live by but because of their disobedience His PLAN FAILED AND THAT IS WHY SEND HIS ONLY BELOVED SON TO US TO MAKE IT RIGHT.

To make things easy God send His Son to make a new covenant with us human on earth. The Old Testament was to be disregarded as old text and old laws to be disregarded as antiquity laws but still be used as examples but no longer as practicing laws.

The New Testament are the new laws to obey and believe in the crucifixion of Jesus Christ as Our Lord and Savior and only through Him will one come to The Lord God.

Jesus Christ most important commandment is "LOVE ONE ANOTHER UNCONDITIONALLY"!

We are not here on earth to judge no one because our true judgement will come from God.

The Not-So-Loved Apostle Paul
2010-08-08 02:06:56 UTC
It is the failure of churches and people to rightly divide the word of God that has wrongly divided the Body of Christ, and caused so much disbelief in so many people.

Try learning the word of God, rightly divided. It makes all the difference in the world.
2010-08-08 02:09:31 UTC
(1 Chronicles 28:9) “And you, Sol′o‧mon my son, know the God of your father and serve him with a complete heart and with a delightful soul; for all hearts Jehovah is searching, and every inclination of the thoughts he is discerning. If you search for him, he will let himself be found by you;..............

(Matthew 7:7) “Keep on asking, and it will be given YOU; keep on seeking, and YOU will find; keep on knocking, and it will be opened to YOU.

(Hebrews 11:6) Moreover, without faith it is impossible to please [him] well, for he that approaches God must believe that he is and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him.

(James 4:8) Draw close to God, and he will draw close to YOU. Cleanse YOUR hands, YOU sinners, and purify YOUR hearts, YOU indecisive ones.
2010-08-08 01:54:36 UTC
Read "a case for Christ" by Lee strombel. It lays out in fact why the bible is true. Then, ask Jesus to enter your heart and show you he is there. ou must be open to him, attend a bible study for new christians.
Olive Garden
2010-08-08 01:59:35 UTC
Volunteer in a church and try to help needy people. There are destitute people out there that they need just to talk to someone. And this is what Jesus said, love one another.
2010-08-08 01:57:22 UTC
Have you ever asked yourself why you feel such a need for faith in your life? The reason the things you have tired don't work is because in your mind you know these measures are futile.
2010-08-08 02:00:31 UTC
If your honest I'd love to discuss this with you (and anyone else who wants to discourse) you can e-mail me. I'll just say that I can show you the answer to your questions, but you have to be willing to believe.
2010-08-08 01:54:37 UTC
Nothing real requires faith.

2010-08-08 01:51:47 UTC
the best answer you could have :

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.