Read the Bible for all it's worth. Find the "why" of things. Why did God do this? Why didn't God do that? Why did this happen? How did that happen? Read all of it and not just bits and pieces.
Try to give understanding and gain clarity to what you read.
What is impossible for man IS possible for God. God isn't limited by what He can and can't do. Evolution tells you that something came from nothing. The world came into being all by itself for no reason, without a design, without a plan or blue print, and without a higher power or greater intellect That is simply impossible.
Talk to a major denomination pastor and ask questions, make your points and ask for their aid. The pastor will make time to talk to you.
The writers of the Bible were inspired men. Inspired by God to write what they wrote. Some of the writers were eyewitnesses to what they wrote..I'd suggest that you spend your time on the New Testament primarily. It's easier to understand, contains the words of Jesus Himself, and almost all of it is written by people that were there. They saw, heard, talked to, and knew Jesus. Contemplate what John 3:16 says and means. God loves you so much that He (via Jesus) died so you could be forgiven and live forever in the grandeur of heaven.That's no small thing. Jesus is the way to forgiveness and a wonderful eternal life. Nothing and no one else can offer that. Read Ephesians 2:5-10 and let it sink in. Contemplate what it means God loves you and desires that you come to salvation.
The Bible was originally written in the Hebrew and Greek languages. Since most people can't read, write, or understand these languages the Bible naturally needed to be translated. Some translations have now tried to put the terms in a more modern day language. It's for our benefit. It's so we can gain a better understanding and not stumble over wording that seems odd to us.
As the Bible teaches-"Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God"
God hears our prayers so pray with sincerity. Pray about what's in your heart. Prayer should also say thanks and not be just "give me, give me, give me" We don't fully understand all of Gods ways. Just like a 5 year old kid can't understand and do the things that adults do, we can't understand everything God does.
Keep your chin up. God hasn't given up on you--please don't give up on Him.
God bless you.