what is the importance of praying? do you beileve in god? do you think theres life after death?
2011-04-28 10:56:23 UTC
i mostly want to know with the first question and if my praying really counts for anything
21 answers:
alan h
2011-04-28 12:36:53 UTC
1) I have discovered that prayer energises me to tackle tasks more effectively.

2) Even more incredibly, God believes in a ratbag like me

3) Yes...and before.
2011-04-28 18:16:19 UTC
Certain types of logic thought require rigid structure -

like that of life, death, this or that, separation, etc.

Spirituality can lift logic thought up into a useful

part of enhanced awareness.

But it is entirely up to individual choice to experience

the different ways logic thought can be used.

Prayer is communication, every thought is a prayer.

Prayer is also communication with God.

God is - whatever anyone believes does not alter that.

Yes I have a relationship with God (through Christ)

There is only life -- but not as some logic thought would describe --

in all forms and without form.

Words are unable to describe

except by alluding to that which is beyond

description and must be experienced to

be understood...

The importance of prayer is alignment with

True Source, so that eyes see clearly and

ears hear rightly, so that life is affirmed and

this material realm takes on new 'dimension'.

If the opinion of God is a low opinion, then trust

is low, and faith is at minimum, so receptivity

is either in off mode or open only slightly, and

thereby God becomes the God of no, never,

and you will burn for it.

If the opinion of God is high, then trust is strong,

faith is expanded, receptivity is open wide, and

God is 'seen' clearly, the TrueSource, AllProvision,

EverywherePresent, AllPowerful, AllKnowing,

yes yes yes and keeps all promises, and sees

each one as favored.

So, it is more the attitude held when praying -

with grateful acknowledgment of having already

received (in essence, which soon out-pictures)

that which is desired - or with disbelief that

affects how it is perceived that praying 'works'

or 'doesn't work'....

God is neither pleased nor displeased, as God

is more than human emotions, and yet, is

a part of our humanity....

Have fun chewing while praying....

And, by the way -

keep on praying, don't stop, and put the

expectations of 'how the response to prayer

must look' aside before entering into prayer,

so that the answer may be seen, if there was a

questioning prayer, and so that the blessing

may be received, as in a wonderful conversation

always results in a feeling of rewarded experience...

But logic brain separated out from the fold will

always flounder and come to the ungodly conclusion.

thanks for the rather huge Q :)
Shaytaan Hater
2011-04-29 07:17:15 UTC
The importance of praying:

The chief purpose of praying is to act as a person's communication with God. By praying the worshipper can stand before God, thank and praise Him, and to ask for guidance along the Straight Path. Prayer is also cited as a means of restraining a believer from social wrongs and moral deviancy.

With the grace of God, prayer washes away all the sins. Mercy descends over the person's head as long as he remains in prayer.

Benefits and objectives of praying:

1. To remember God and seek closeness with Him

2. Self-purification

3. Unity an Equality

4. Punctuality, Discipline and Will power

5. Cleanliness

6. Healthy Social Relations

7. As a safeguard against evil and indecency

8. Concentration of mind and Devotion.

9. A Course of inner peace and stability.
2011-04-28 18:33:26 UTC
The importance of praying depends on what you're praying for. Hopefully you're praying for the good of all beings, worlds, and realms. Prayer can have powerful results if you are at one with yourself and your intentions are righteous. And the more people you have united in this way can increase the power of prayer significantly.

The belief in a God or Gods doesn't change the fact that there's power in prayer. There's power in focused thought and pure-heartedness. What the mind can imagine, the universe can manifest. The problem is this works just as accurately with negative thoughts.

There are many lifes after death. All things are impermanent and change and like nature what we truly are is cyclic. Once we die (shed our earthly vehicles) part of us continues on and on. As more and more people wake up to this truth many are recalling past lives or at least feel deep within themselves that they've lived many times before. Also, we know from science that energy is neither created nor destroyed. Once you realize this, you have no reason to live in fear and then you can truly live.
2011-04-28 18:11:02 UTC
Yes praying is very important. In fact thinking is praying also. When you think you are putting it out there. Yes I believe in God. My religion is metaphysical and I definitely believe in God. And there most definitely is an afterlife.

I go to psychics, I am working on my own psychic abilities, and I have had confirmation of an afterlife. I have had psychics tell me from day one things that no one else knew about. I had a psychic that I never knew and never met before (and didn't know anyone else that I knew) at a message service tell me something only my friend that passed and I knew, it was a joke about his last name. His last name was DeMent, and I remembered "demented" when I had to learn his last name, and this reading was 11 years down the road. And I put down his middle name, which is what he goes by, but the psychic called him by his first and last name and got the last name from what my friend told him. Since then that same psychic and other psychic have told me things that no one else knows about, things that I thought in my head but never told anyone else.

From that my family and friends have gotten readings and they are stunned about what they are told. Things the psychic would not know about. And everytime I go to the monthly message service I know who is new there and the psychics always get their loved ones names, not just first initial, first and last name and one psychic tapes his eyes shut and puts a blind fold on just to prove to the new people that it's legit.

So I know for sure that this is life after death and i know my loved ones are with me all the time and they will be there when I pass. And I know that death is not to be afraid of, because life here in the physical is not the real world.

And yes, pray all the time and think about what you want and need and try to be as positive as you can and be loving, that is what you will get in return.
2011-04-28 18:02:11 UTC
I believe the importance in praying is simply to communicate with god, to show dedication... to be able to feel as if you're being heard... however depending on religion sometimes they're stricter regarding praying... im more liberal about it... I do believe in god I'm currently studying philosophy and although there are people who belief there isn't a need for god, Aquinas is my fav. philosopher who wrote in "summa theologica" why god has to exist, there will always be people who don't believe in god but i guess i just choose to believe in him because no matter what's said, he exists to me and my way of seeing reality. Life after death is a very complicated topic, no one really knows, people are only concerned if they believe you'll burn for eternity in hell's fires, but if you're a good person, I doubt god would let you burn forever for stealing some candy or other things, he's a just god.
2011-04-28 18:20:29 UTC
Prayer can offer hope but too often it's false hope. Those trapped in the Twin Towers prayed until the buildings collapsed. Then, prayer proved to be a waste of time. After thousands of years, no religion can produce a God, but they insist that he wants money from you until you die, while religious leaders live lavish lives. Billions have died and not one has returned to confirm religion's promises. If you were God, wouldn't you send down departed souls, as it would end atheism in a heartbeat ?
2011-04-28 18:03:24 UTC
Prayer is how we have a relationship with our Creator, and in turn, we discover who we are, what is our purpose, where we come from, and where is our final destiny. The Bible reveals that we are all created by God in His image and likeness. Jesus, the Son of God, reveals that God want to be our Father, so we must be re-born by His Spirit. This occurs at baptism. When we're baptised, we become Sons and daughters of God in and with Jesus Christ. This is the reason we were created. Being a son or daughter of God means that you share His divine life now and for eternity, God will live in you and you will live in God forever... By dying, Jesus transformed the meaning of death. Originally suffering and death were the consequences of sin, which is rebellion against God. Because Jesus, suffered, died, and resurrected, suffering is now the path to union with God and death is now the door to eternity with God!!!
good tree
2011-04-29 12:07:34 UTC
Prayer is the way we talk to god, and He orders the universe according to the prayers of His people, so it's vitally important. Not just to pray for ourselves, but to pray praises to God above all things.

I obviously do believe in God, and yes I do believe in heaven and hell.
2011-04-28 18:35:02 UTC
The importance of praying is to make friends with God. Sadly, many people are in the category of those mentioned in James 4:,3. "YOU do ask, and yet YOU do not receive, because YOU are asking for a wrong purpose, that YOU may expend it upon YOUR cravings for sensual pleasure."

Some of the things we should pray for are mentioned in the Lord's Prayer.

“YOU must pray, then, this way: “‘Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. Do you pray for God's name Jehovah to be sanctified?

 Let your kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth. Do you understand that God's kingdom is his government that will bring peace to the earth and pray for that to happen?

Give us today our bread for this day; Do you pray for the necessary things for each day or for fine cars, houses, jobs, etc.?

forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. We sin many times a day, Do you pray for forgiveness? Do you forgive those who sin against you? “For if YOU forgive men their trespasses, YOUR heavenly Father will also forgive YOU; whereas if YOU do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will YOUR Father forgive YOUR trespasses.

And do not bring us into temptation, but deliver us from the wicked one.’ And how many times a day are we confronted with temptations? Do you give in or pray to have the the strength to resist?

But notice, Jesus, before telling his followers what to pray for told them this: "But when praying, do not say the same things over and over again, just as the people of the nations do, for they imagine they will get a hearing for their use of many words. So, do not make yourselves like them."

So just repeating someone Else's words when praying or saying things like the rosary are of no benefit.

Do you think there is life after death? The Bible gives the sure hope of the resurrection. "Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice 29 and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment." John 5:28.

Acts 24:15 "I have hope toward God, which hope these men themselves also entertain, that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous."

This will take place after the removal of all the wicked (those who willingly do not know God after given the opportunity to do so, or who do not want to know God.) and the establishment of God's government over the earth. Psalm 37:9-11.
2011-04-28 18:03:11 UTC
1) When you pray, you are thanking god for this gift given to you. For giving you a life, family friends who love you.

2) Yes, I do believe in god.

3) I believe there is life after death.
Buzz - Darwindidit
2011-04-28 17:58:04 UTC
Talking to yourself is a good way to reflect upon your life. So, yes, praying is important. No, I don't believe in god. Death is the end of life, therefore there is no life after death. It's the definition of death, really. "Absence of life".
☦Angel 4 Truth☦
2011-04-28 18:00:01 UTC
yes, I prayed for my friend's dad to at least try and get another job in town, he applied for just such a job the next day. Yes God exists, yes there is life after death
2011-04-28 20:15:09 UTC
Yes, I believe in God and I do believe that praying is important. At Philippians 4:6,7 it says:

"Don't be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving

let your petitions be made known to God. And the peace of God that excels all thought will guard your hearts and mental powers by means of Christ Jesus." Also, at James 4:7,8 it says: "Subject yourselves to God but oppose the Devil and he will flee from you. Draw close to God and he will draw close to you." The primary way to draw close to God is by praying to him. Also, at

1 Thessalonians 5:17,18 it says: "Pray incessantly. In connection with everything give thanks.

For this is the will of God in union with Christ Jesus respecting you." Everything that we have in

life comes from God....God is the source of life...without him we would not have had an existence.

So we must give thanks to God for all the blessing we do have living in the U.S.A. Our lives are so much easier and comfortable than our neighbors in other lands, overseas. And I have one last scripture to share in regards to belief in God. At Revelation 4:11 it says: "You are worthy, Jehovah,

even our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things.

And because of your will they existed and were created." God is worthy of our time and worship.
2011-04-28 18:05:13 UTC
yes, God is real and yes there is life after death. only our physical bodies die, but our spirit and soul go on.

the importance of praying is in coming closer to the Lord and growing in our relationship with Him. it also shows love and devotion and our reliance on Him. but mainly, it is out of love for Him. don't you speak to those you love? of course you do. if you never spoke to them or spoke to them only when you needed something, they would probably begin to doubt your love. so it is with our holy God... He wants us to know Him and trust Him and come to Him with everything. if you do that, your prayers do not fall on deaf ears. read the Bible, sweetie. if you are not used to studying the Bible, start with Jesus' words in the four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. keeping reading, keep trusting, keep praying. God bless you.
2011-04-28 18:00:34 UTC
1. Prayers are ineffective. See:

2. No, I don't believe in god/s.

3. No, I don't think there is life after death.
2011-04-28 17:57:47 UTC
I believe we return to the same state before birth. Nothing sadly

Like the rest of the animals.
2011-04-28 17:57:54 UTC
No importance. Ever noticed that whatever happens happens regardless of whether you pray or not? Why do you think that is?


2011-04-28 18:00:09 UTC
Praying is meaningless


2011-04-28 18:03:57 UTC
Praying is pointless, it's not real, it's just based off coincidences, No, No.
I Think
2011-04-28 17:57:41 UTC
1. None

2. No

3. No

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.