rape victim seek answers from Christian faith?
2010-01-11 12:12:44 UTC
How can a rape victim learn to find faith in God again and learn to trust Jesus after such a terrible thing?
28 answers:
2010-01-11 12:17:45 UTC
I'm sorry, but the Bible says you have to marry your rapist. Best look elsewhere for help.
2010-01-11 12:55:55 UTC
Why are you blaming God / Jesus for your rape?

Unless you are thinking about Romans 8 :28 "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose" -- are you blaming God for allowing the rape and wonder how That could work together with the rest of your life for some good? Looking ahead in your life, you might be able to help another woman get through Her experience because you've been there yourself. But for Now, you need to get through your Own experience with the help of others.

Rape IS horrible / God promises to be with us through Everything the Bad as well as the good things.

He won't leave us to handle the horrible things by ourselves.

A rape counselor would be a Really good idea.

I noticed that one of the responders said that the Bible says rape victim is supposed to marry the rapist?! I have NO earthly idea where she got her information but it's just not so.

There used to be 'shot-gun' weddings -- if a father discovered that his daughter was pregnant because she and boyfriend were 'messing around' -- the father would give the boyfriend the choice of either doing the Right thing by his daughter and marrying her, or he could suffer the consequences.

I truly wish you the best as you get through this. Time heals.
Your Friend
2010-01-11 12:24:08 UTC
By accepting the proposition that humanity is a corporate being and that evil is part of the process by which we, as one, will learn. In the spiritual realm, the physical body is not so important. It is how we deal with our sufferings that we grow in grace. What happened to her can happen to anyone. It is not a test but rather a sad process of building true spiritual strength.

It is not the fault of God that bad things happen. It is the fault of men that we are yet at a stage where such things do happen. The corporate being has a long way to go to really be one with God.
2016-05-26 04:45:10 UTC
Like other critics of the Bible here, you suffer from a reading comprehension disorder. You equivocate homosexuality with the old covenant laws, using them as a straw-man argument. Do you even understand what a "covenant" is in this context? A legal agreement between two parties, in this case, God and the Israelites. Did you get that okay? 1. God. 2. Israelites. Not Christians; Israelites. Homosexuality was established as a sin long before that old covenant came into being, and was reiterated as a sin AFTER the old covenant came to an end. Fellow Christians, but it clearly states in the New Testament that God's word is inherent, I refuse to take the authority of fallible peasants over the word of my almighty God! Inerrant, and not inherent. .
2010-01-11 12:34:19 UTC
Rape is a horrible thing. I don't think I can honestly relate to how bad it would be. I have gone through hard times though. In those times, I remember that sin has brought creation under a curse and the world is full of sinners. I also remember that God promises justice in the end.

The biggest thing I remember though is how God has brought me through hard times in the past. He's there for us to lean on and cry to. He's there to pick up the pieces of our lives and get us back on our feet again. I wouldn't give up on God in the hard times, because that's when I need Him most.
2010-01-12 23:12:53 UTC
So....Are you saying that your rapist looks just like Jesus? Is that why you lost your faith? If I was raped by Jesus that might be kinda cool. Maybe your child will lead some kind of awesome holy war against DurkaDurkastan.

Ack, I shouldn't have said that last part, the war on terror is no joking matter.
2010-01-11 12:40:22 UTC
This path is NOT an easy one, and I know..... It took me over 20 years to come to terms with the fact I had been sexually abused as a child. .. God knows the pain and suffering, confusion and torment of it... He is there to give us the strength to get through it all... Holding on to the pain, hate, etc., does no harm but to ourselves.... It fences us in and limits us..... It rules our lives.... While we are being the *victim* the other guy is moving on with their life, they may be in prison, or what ever, but I am sure they are not spending every minute in shame, etc., why should we ??? Though I may not understand all the *why* of it, I do know there are women out there who may be seeking my help, or help from others that have been through it... They can not find us if we stay behind the fence we have built..... When I find myself in doubt or the OLD thoughts come back to haunt me, I go directly to God... I talk it all out with Him as would a friend... I even let God hear my anger when need be.... I hold nothing back from God, He knows anyway, why not just say it out loud and clear ?? I find that saying it out loud released pent up emotions, and I just keep getting better, stronger and closer to God.... I am NOT afraid to let God see my fear, pain, and even the goodness that has come out of my ordeal... and there is some good..... go in peace...... God bless
2010-01-11 12:26:44 UTC
Having faith that we have to wait until after our death to see justice makes it a little harder. Tell her that God and Jesus probably didn't do it. There is this dragon, and the inherent wickedness that dwells in the hearts of mankind....well...Just let her know that this is probably one of her great tests that she gets to face. It is easy for most of us to "say' that we have forgieness in our hearts, since we never have to face true hatred and revenge type scenarios. But for her to learn that true forgiveness is a complex thing. If God were to look at her and her rapist side by side right now, who would he favor. Is she full of hatred, hoping that the rapist would die? Even though it really sounds unfair to make her responsible for anything. If God is seeing her with her heart full of hatred, she might not be any more valuable to God than him. Pray to have the anger and revenge taken out of your heart
2010-01-11 12:19:03 UTC
What does an attack by a perverted human have to do with faith in God? Are you suggesting that God should jump in whenever one human tries to harm another, and prevent it? The gift of free will prevents Him from doing that. Free will would be meaningless if God said "I give you the freedom to choose between good and evil, but whenever you choose evil I'll jump in and make sure nobody gets hurt".
BJ Freeman sic itur ad astra
2010-01-11 16:15:43 UTC
I am terribly sorry for you experience

In my search for “THE ANSWER” I went though from the oldest (Chinese) to the youngest belief systems.

In all I found a thread of simplicity that it seems everyone misses.

I find the human loves to take simple and make it complicated.

Here is what I have boiled down to its simplest form.

The Divine gave us a soul

The Divine communicates to us through the soul.

The Divine provided, through the soul, love and strength continuously.

The Divine had given us the living word that resides in us.

Soul is love

Soul is strength

Soul is pure

Soul is eternal.

Through experience I know this.

The Love fills us and keeps us from wanting

The Strength allows us to over come our human desires and face the situation life gives us.

The belief system we chose should guide us to stay connected with our souls.

Uncle Thesis
2010-01-11 12:27:12 UTC
And exactly what did God and Jesus have to do with the rape?

Do you blame President Obama because you had a car accident?

Most of God's servants underwent troublesome times.

As much as I'd love to show empathy, I object to you relating God to your traumatic experience.
2010-01-11 12:26:41 UTC
By joining Creflo Dollars Holy Church
2010-01-11 12:20:01 UTC
It is a horrible crime and if it happened to you, you have my heart felt sympathy, but religion provides no satisfactory answers and it is clear that if a god did in fact exist he cares nothing about his "creations" or we would all be better protected from crime and hurt.
2010-01-11 12:21:05 UTC
Find a God that will afflict the sorry ************'s penis with painful boils until it falls off, so that he can never rape again.
2010-01-11 12:18:51 UTC
I know someone already said it but it bears repeating. That God you're trying to find faith in says you have to marry your rapist.
2010-01-11 12:20:49 UTC
Why does the Bible say that a person should scream if threatened with rape?

Anyone who has not personally experienced the horror of being brutally assaulted by a rapist can never truly understand how it can shatter one’s life. The experience is so terrifying for the victim that it may trouble her for the rest of her life. A young Christian woman who was attacked by a rapist some years ago relates: “Words cannot express the sheer terror I felt that night or the trauma I’ve had to overcome since.” Understandably, many prefer not even to think about this frightening subject. Yet, the threat of rape is a reality in this wicked world.

The Bible does not shy from recounting some cases of rape and attempted rape that occurred in the past. (Genesis 19:4-11; 34:1-7; 2 Samuel 13:1-14) But it also offers counsel on what one should do when threatened with rape. What the Law says on the matter is found at Deuteronomy 22:23-27. This covers two situations. In the first case, a man found a young woman in a city and lay down with her. Even so, the woman did not scream or cry for help. Consequently, it was determined that she was guilty “for the reason that she did not scream in the city.” If she had cried out, people nearby might have been able to come to her rescue. In the second instance, a man found a young woman in the countryside, where he “grabbed hold of her and lay down with her.” In defense, the woman “screamed, but there was no one to rescue her.” Unlike the woman in the first instance, this woman clearly did not give in to the actions of the attacker. She actively resisted him, crying for help, but she was overpowered. Her screaming proved that she was an unwilling victim; she was not guilty of wrongdoing.

Although Christians today are not under the Mosaic Law, the principles mentioned therein provide them with guidance. The above account underscores the importance of resisting and screaming for help. Screaming when threatened with rape is still viewed as a practical course. One expert on crime prevention stated: “If a woman is attacked, her best weapon is still her lungs.” A woman’s screaming may attract others, who can then assist her, or it may startle an attacker and make him leave. A young Christian woman who was attacked by a rapist stated: “I screamed with all my might, and he backed off. When he came toward me again, I screamed and ran. In the past I had often thought, ‘How can screaming help me when some big man grabs me with only one thing on his mind?’ But I’ve learned that it works!”

Even in the sad case where a woman is overpowered and raped, her struggle and screaming for help is not in vain. On the contrary, it establishes that she did all she possibly could to resist her attacker. (Deuteronomy 22:26) Despite going through this ordeal, she can still have an undefiled conscience, self-respect, and the assurance that she is clean in God’s eyes. The horrifying experience might leave her with emotional wounds, but knowing that she did all she could to resist the attack will greatly contribute to her gradual healing.

In understanding the application of Deuteronomy 22:23-27, we must realize that this brief account does not cover all possible situations. For example, it does not comment on the situation where the attacked woman cannot scream because she is mute, unconscious, or paralyzed with fear or is forcibly prevented from screaming by a hand or tape over her mouth. However, since Jehovah is able to weigh all factors, including motives, he deals with understanding and justice in such cases, for “all his ways are justice.” (Deuteronomy 32:4) He is aware of what actually took place and of the efforts the victim put forth to fight off her attacker. Therefore, a victim who was unable to scream but otherwise did all she could under the circumstances can leave matters in Jehovah’s hands.—Psalm 55:22; 1 Peter 5:7.

Even so, some Christian women who have been attacked and violated are incessantly pained by feelings of guilt. In hindsight, they feel that they should have done more to prevent the incident from happening. However, instead of blaming themselves, such victims can pray to Jehovah, ask for his help, and have confidence in his abundant loving-kindness.—Exodus 34:6; Psalm 86:5.

Hence, Christian women who are presently coping with emotional wounds resulting from an encounter with a rapist can be confident that Jehovah fully understands the painful feelings they are dealing with. God’s Word assures them: “Jehovah is near to those that are broken at heart; and those who are crushed in spirit he saves.” (Psalm 34:18) Further help to cope with their trauma can come from accepting the sincere understanding and gentle support of fellow believers in the Christian congregation. (Job 29:12; 1 Thessalonians 5:14) Moreover, the victims’ own efforts to concentrate on positive thoughts will help them to experience “the peace of God that excels all thought.”—Philippians 4:6-9.
2010-01-11 12:16:55 UTC
Counseling. I'm sure it takes time to recover from such a horrendous attack, but through counseling and prayer, asking God to restore your faith and trust, not only in Jesus, but others, can work. I'm sorr that you had to go through such a thing.
2010-01-11 13:32:57 UTC
*** T-27 pp. 2-6 All Suffering Soon to End! ***

At some time in your life, you have likely asked, ‘Why all the suffering?’ For thousands of years, the human family has suffered greatly from wars, poverty, disasters, crime, injustice, sickness, and death. The past hundred years have seen more suffering than ever before. Will all of this ever end?

The comforting answer is yes, and very soon! God’s Word, the Bible, proclaims: “The wicked one will be no more . . . But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth, and they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.” For how long? “The righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it.”—Psalm 37:10, 11, 29.

After God removes wickedness and suffering, the earth will be transformed into a paradise. Then people will be able to live forever in perfect health and happiness. God’s Word foretells: “[God] will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore.”—Revelation 21:4.

In that new world, even dead ones will be brought back to life to share in those blessings: “There is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.” (Acts 24:15) That is why Jesus Christ could tell a repentant evildoer who expressed faith in him: “You will be with me in Paradise.”—Luke 23:43.

Why Did Suffering Start?

Since God purposed for humans to have such a marvelous future, why did he permit suffering to start? Why has he allowed it for so long?

When God created Adam and Eve, He made them perfect in body and mind. He put them in a paradise garden and gave them satisfying work to do. The Bible states: “God saw everything he had made and, look! it was very good.” (Genesis 1:31) If they had obeyed God, they would have produced perfect children, and the earth would have become a global paradise, where people would live forever in peace and happiness.

God implanted in Adam and Eve the wonderful gift of free will as part of the human makeup. They were not to be mindless robots. However, their continued happiness depended upon their using free will in the right way—to obey God’s laws. God says: “I, Jehovah, am your God, the One teaching you to benefit yourself, the One causing you to tread in the way in which you should walk.” (Isaiah 48:17) Misuse of free will would result in catastrophe, since humans were not created to be successful independent of God. The Bible says: “To earthling man his way does not belong. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step.”—Jeremiah 10:23.

Sadly, our first parents felt that they could be independent of God and still be successful. But when they pulled away from God’s rulership, he no longer sustained them in perfection. So they began to degenerate until finally they got old and died. Consistent with the laws of genetics, we have inherited that imperfection and death.—Romans 5:12.

The Main Issue—Sovereignty

Why did God not destroy Adam and Eve and start over with another human pair? Because God’s universal sovereignty, that is, his right to rule, had been challenged. The question was, Who has the right to rule, and whose rule is right? By extension, Could humans do better if not ruled by God? In allowing them enough time to experiment with total freedom, God would establish once and for all whether they are better off under his rule or their own. The time allowed had to be long enough for humans to try all types of political, social, economic, and religious systems apart from God’s guidance.

What has been the result? Thousands of years of human history tell us that there has been more and more suffering. In the past century, the human family has experienced the worst suffering ever. Millions were murdered during the Holocaust. Over 100 million have been slaughtered in wars. Crime and violence are rampant. Drug abuse is epidemic. Sexually transmitted diseases continue to spread. Tens of millions die each year of hunger and disease. Family life and moral values have broken down everywhere. No human government has the answers to these problems. Not one of them has overcome aging, sickness, and death.

The human condition is just as the Bible foretold for our times. God’s Word identifies our era as “the last days” of this system of things when “critical times hard to deal with will be here.” And just as the Bible said, ‘wicked men and impostors have advanced from bad to worse.’—2 Timothy 3:1-5, 13.

Suffering Is Near Its End

All the evidence shows that we are nearing the end of man’s tragic experiment in independence from God. It has been clearly demonstrated that rulership by humans apart from God can never succeed. Only God’s rulership can bring peace, happiness, perfect health, and everlasting life. So Jehovah’s toleration of wickedness and suffering is nearing its end. Soon God will intervene in human affairs by destroying this entire unsatisfactory system of things.
2010-01-11 12:19:54 UTC
If you are talking about yourself... I'm really sorry. God won't help you though. You need someone you can talk to.
2010-01-11 12:19:45 UTC
The levels of retardation emmiting from your brain are so great that it goes off the scale.
2010-01-11 12:25:47 UTC
Apparently, she deserves to be executed (Deuteronomy 22:23-24).
BaC Helen
2010-01-11 12:17:09 UTC
The Word of God is the same for all of us. It is sad if one rejects eternal life with God in perfect place because they got wronged here on earth due the evil choice of other human being
Atheistically speaking
2010-01-11 12:17:58 UTC
Who is giving Pagan rebirth thumbs down? Why? If a rape victim turns to the bible they are told to marry their rapist.
2010-01-11 12:17:21 UTC
She aught to learn to trust her tazer instead of relying on Jesus to protect her.
2010-01-11 12:19:24 UTC
You have to marry rapist... unless you don't turn to Christianity and its morals.
2010-01-11 12:17:40 UTC
they'll praise god for all the good things and blame satan for all the bad

that's how they do it lol

the victim we'll get raped even more
Just Jess
2010-01-11 12:19:01 UTC
You don't.

Christianity isn't real.
eric w
2010-01-11 12:16:57 UTC
A horrible crime, but don't turn to a supernatural being for consolation.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.