I am very depressed and sometimes I think I do not even want to live anymore...?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
I am very depressed and sometimes I think I do not even want to live anymore...?
37 answers:
Andymcj78 (Atheist)
2008-10-07 07:34:46 UTC
I suffer from clinical depression as well but it doesn't have to take over your life. It's caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain but you can alleviate the symptoms through things like diet and exercise. Foods that improve your mood are oily fish and fresh fruit and veg. and you should avoid fatty foods. I control it to some extent without medication although I have been prescribed it but for some people taking anti depressants is the only answer in the short term.
Jehovah's Witness
2008-10-07 09:28:46 UTC
You Can Deal with Depression

DEPRESSION is an experience common to all humans. When it occurs only occasionally it is no cause for alarm. Rather, it is a signal to do something constructive to dispel the depression. These brief periods in which we may feel very “low” are not normally the true depression. Calamities such as the death of a loved one, loss of a job, financial reverses, accidents, and so forth, are generally overcome by most persons in a relatively short period of time. But they trigger real depression in a few people.

An article on depression in Science World of December 16, 1975, cites Dr. Nathan S. Kline, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Columbia University in New York city, as saying that the most common symptom of true depression is not depression itself, but anhedonia (from the Greek), which he defines as the “absence of joy and pleasure. The inability to appreciate things which really make life worth living.”

The article goes on to say that the loss of interest in eating, resulting in weight loss, is one symptom of depression. The person finds it difficult to sleep, and even if getting a good night’s sleep, he still feels tired. He or she cannot concentrate and loses the ability to work. On the other hand, some oversleep, spending most of their time in bed. For them, sleep becomes an escape from life.

In order to fight depression, first try to analyze the reasons for your condition, and examine your own inmost feelings and motives. See if your situation is really “all that bad,” if circumstances warrant your depressed feeling. Also, since depression can have a physical cause, check to see if you have some metabolic disturbance, low blood sugar, anemia, mononucleosis, diabetes, or some other disease that might contribute to weakness and discouragement. Discern how much of your depression lies in your own mental attitude, and what influences bear upon you to produce that “down” feeling. You may even find that you are manifesting an “escapism” reaction or that, in a morbid way, you even “enjoy” your depressed state—a sort of self-pity.


What can you do, especially if you find no medical basis for your depressed condition? While psychiatry may be able to give help in some cases, the very best and the really lasting help can be obtained from the Bible and from the Christian congregation. Why? Because God created the human body and mind and he knows the human makeup. The psalmist says: “O Lord, you have probed me and you know me; you know when I sit and when I stand; you understand my thoughts from afar. My journeys and my rest you scrutinize, with all my ways you are familiar.” (Ps. 139:1-3, The New American Bible) God’s counsel is, therefore, the best mental therapy.

The foremost need for the depressed one, then, is prayer to Jehovah God. God’s servant David was more than once in a greatly depressed state, sometimes because of his own errors, and again because his enemies were about to close in with the intent to kill him. In these situations he always prayed fervently. On one occasion he expressed his dejection in his appeal to God:

“Show me favor, O Jehovah, for I am fading away. Heal me, O Jehovah, for my bones have been disturbed. Yes, my own soul has been very much disturbed; and you, O Jehovah—how long? Do return, O Jehovah, do rescue my soul; save me for the sake of your loving-kindness. For in death there is no mention of you; in Sheol who will laud you? I have grown weary with my sighing; all night long I make my couch swim; with my tears I make my own divan overflow.”—Ps. 6:2-6.

We know from the Bible record that God answered David’s prayers and strengthened him to go ahead and accomplish something worth while. Even if we feel that no human understands, we know that God does. He says of himself: “There is no searching out of his understanding. He is giving to the tired one power; and to the one without dynamic energy he makes full might abound. . . . Those who are hoping in Jehovah will regain power. They will mount up with wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not tire out.”—Isa. 40:28-31.

The apostle Paul counsels: “Be persevering in prayer, remaining awake in it with thanksgiving.” (Col. 4:2) But you may feel overwhelmed, everything seeming to be closing in on you. If so, recall Jonah sinking down into the sea, with seaweed wrapping around his head. His ‘soul was fainting away.’ But he prayed. Later, he was greatly angered and dejected through his own wrong attitude. He felt that dying would be better than living. Nevertheless, he prayed. In both cases he was delivered.—Jonah 2:5-7; 4:1-8.

But you may get so depressed that you feel that you cannot pray to God. You may feel that you do not qualify to approach God. For our comfort in this situation, the apostle John wrote:

“By this we shall know that we originate with the truth, and we shall assure our hearts before him as regards whatever our
2008-10-07 09:57:39 UTC
I don't mean to sound harsh in the least - just understanding from personal experience.

I went on a Bible study last night. I was there three hours. She is a pretty new study, just a couple months. The last hour, this person started telling me about her grown kids, her grandkids, how her mother died, her problems at work, etc. By the time I left, I felt better about what I go through every day.

It is overwhelming what some people have to go through. I wonder sometimes how they have enough mental capabilities and physical energy to even have a Bible study.

I have another study who has a husband with serious health problems, and a mother with Altzheimer's who got away and was on the news for her mother being lost. The study has to lock up every door and window in the house, plus cabinets, sharp items, etc. And this woman has to work on top of it all. She has a grown daughter (37) who has had a stroke and can't find work. And on, and on, and on. The Bible study wants to be a publisher but can't figure out how.

And being broke? I have some horror stories I could tell you from personal experience. My husband has had health problems with a capital P. He has not worked more than he has worked in his life. He has been fired or had to quit numerous jobs due to the same problems.

Presently I am only working VERY part-time. Just got terminated from a major bank due to the work being moved to another state. Over 400 of us in one big swoop.

Right now these things seem big. But ask yourself if they will really matter 100 years from now.

And I will tell you. I'm at least twice as old as you are. Twice plus. And I have only seen 2 people in my WHOLE life that I would consider ugly. Most people "clean up" pretty good. And for being overweight? I am and have been for years. I work on being healthy and let the weight be what it is. I have gone to doctors, knowing that they were expecting poor results just from looking at me. Then they send my results with notes that triglicerides or whatever could not be better.

So don't worry about that as long as your health is ok. Find a couple outfits of clothes (goodwill or your own closet) that you are comfortable in and go about your business.

A good night's sleep and a tube of lipstick can do wonders.

Jehovah has picked me for one of the greatest honors he could ever bestow on a human. And it surely was not based on my looks. Or how much money I have or don't have, or how many friends I have or don't have, or the kind of job I have or used to have.

It was because of me, my inner self, and I don't even know what that is. He obviously knows me better than myself. As the apostle Paul said, I have nothing to boast in other than Jehovah himself.
2008-10-07 07:36:11 UTC
You sound in some ways similar to who I am, and who I was in the past. Just realize that aside from all the crap in your life, your insecurities, your poverty, you are to have your own path in life. Your daughter should be involved as well, yes, and perhaps your husband, depending on the circumstances, but remember that you are to set out for your own life. Envision someone with a pouch and a walking stick who's going on a journey, even though he or she doesn't know where, but that he or she knows that there is a destination is in mind. Suicide is just cowardice... giving up. You don't want your daughter to see you do that, do you? Even if she isn't there when you do it, she'll find out. If not now, then later. Do something you enjoy doing to help you get out of yourself... I recommend volunteer work. You realize people are a helluva lot worse off than you. (((hug)))

Write me if you want to talk some more.
2008-10-07 07:35:49 UTC
When ever I am depressed, I find it is always best to do something helpful for some other human.

It sounds cliche, but actually works.

Give it a shot.
2008-10-07 08:28:56 UTC
I had to force myself to get better. I tried all the drugs and nothing was helping me. So I decided that if I no longer wanted to feel this way that I had to try as hard as I could to get out of it. With a big push from myself and I prayed deeply to Jehovah to help me. I felt suicidal. Did I spell that right. Oh well. But finally I started feeling better. It took time but things are better. I get like this every year but I pray so hard with all my heart and things look up. I still have these issues like you do but we always seem to get through them. Things may seem horrible now but they get better in time. We've fallen so much on bills but it seems that somehow we always get through it. Times are hard. I always think of people that are in worse shape than us and I start to think we don't have it as bad.
2008-10-07 07:37:51 UTC
I know you want "natural cures", but speaking from experience, Zoloft and therapy helped me.

You could always try exercise.
2008-10-07 11:52:02 UTC

2Tim 3:1-5 says "Critical Times HARD to deal with" Satan attacks are below the belt so to speak. James 4:8 when applied in your life gives you an inner peace that can't be touched by this old system of things or by Satan. I've been where your at a few times, it's no fun, but really, do you think money, husband, children,being thin, and good looks are the answer to your problems? I don't think so, I have a niece that lives in CA going threw a divorce, has homes in Hawaii , Florida, CA, and I think property to park there 45' RV in Alaska,OR,& CA. Her soon to be ex is worth millions, and she is crying in her soup that she now has to live on $15,000.00 monthly and all her medical,home,car, and Doctor bills are covered. She has the same views on life that you have. Satan likes to keep us all miserable and not liking ourselves. One of his biggest tricks is to get us so wrapped up in our own problems we stop noticing what's happening on the world front. Our keeping our eyes on the prize keeps us awake so that we will not be caught wanting when Armageddon strikes. I'm not happy with how I've ended up, I'm going to 60 here ia couple months, my wife has had four strokes, reasoning is gone and so is she. I'm staying at my mom's place, I'm disable, no income, but I do have a life, it's talking about my God Jehovah and his up and coming New Order where all our problems will be solved. I look at it this way, I'm OK my life and my loved ones are save, yes we don't have the finner things and that's OK I'm a beans and frid taters kind of guy anyway. I like the bumper sticker that's on an older bucket of bolts(my S10 chevy PU), don't laugh, it's paid for! We won't benefit from anything we have is this old system, money, job, house, & cloths, it's all a showey display and will be worthless in the New Order. Our relationship with Jehovah is what counts. And of a special note (how important is the sacrifice that Jesus and his father Jehovah made to you that you think it doesn't cover or count in your case, it's not good enough to cover your sin's? Come on, history is full of some pretty bad people that may be there_Romans 6:7-John 5:28,29_ what makes you think you hold the conner on being a sinner? John 17:3 applies to all it doesn't say "except for BMN the following applies! I bet you your family loves you, I know Jehovah does(He only reviles himself to those that he wants in His up and coming New Order),I planted ,We water, but God makes it grow. My rich niece stays in bed and waste her life away because she can't live(food and clothing) on $15,000.00 monthly!

It's not what you look like in the mirror or in your bank account that counts, it's what we are doing to vindicate Jehovah's name and anounce His kingdom that counts, when doing this we are rich and beautiful to Jehovah.
2008-10-07 09:11:03 UTC
Read the Jan 8, 2004 Awake magazine.

And the brochure "Watch!" with the subheading:

“That You May Not Enter Into Temptation”
Meemaw's Pride & Joy
2008-10-07 08:28:38 UTC
(((Dear Sister))) I do know how you feel. So called "natural cures" won't help. Exercise is a good option as it releases endorphins; one of those little chemicals that makes you feel happy. It sounds as if you do need some CBT, even if it's just once a month. If you can go to your doctor, ask to be put on an anti-depressant. Most of the pharmaceutical companies have Rx. drug assistance programs that will help with the cost or even get your med's for free. Been there, done that. It is easy to apply for and while waiting for approval ( about 2 weeks time ) ask your doctor for samples, samples & more samples. I suffer from PTSD, Cyclothymia, Chronic Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia, Severe Depression & SI and often times have the same feelings too.

I also feel that you would truly benefit from some counsel with the elders at you KH. They are there to help, pray with & for you, can offer suggestions to help your marriage (is your hubby willing to go with?) and your daughter. Yeah, I have one of them too, lol. She's 17 and thinks she knows it all & hard headed!

Jehovah forgives. Please don't let satan make you feel otherwise. Hang in there and email me anytime. I'm always here.


2016-03-17 03:37:20 UTC
I think you really need to do something that makes you happy soon. Even if its being around an animal that makes you smile. Or, maybe write down the things in life which you love, even if its walking on the beach or in a forest, or, things like chocolate, strawberry's and ice cream. Just make sure the sad times are balanced with a little happiness. I had a really horrible time in school and had pretty bad acne as well ( which cleared up completely in my early 20's ). The reality is that your almost free of the things which have bound you for most of your life. Even though that can be a bit scary, your going to have a lot more freedom in the very near future. Don't let anyone stop you from getting everything you ever wanted from life if your capable of achieving it, particularly your parents or that guy, or any other guy for that matter. Remember it's your life not theirs. All those beautiful emotions you experienced wasn't what that guy was experiencing so he wasn't right for you. Start living for yourself!!! The environment this will create will fill your life with people who will understand you. Life can be pretty hard at times but there's always a solution if you keep looking.
2008-10-07 07:44:27 UTC
It sounds like depression, definately. I would above all recommend a therapist, because they can help you by giving you the tools to understand what you're feeling, and normalize and validate what you're going through. There are some other things that can help in the meantime:

-network. find a group of friends. This is one of the best tools for alleviating depression, and it the one thing depression works so hard to eliminate. The more depressed you are, the more you want to be alone... that's because being alone gives the depression free range. You need support!

-There are foods that can help. Go to this site for info:

-exercise can elevate moods. The release of endorphines causes a feeling of contentment and peace. The more often you exercise, the better the effects.

-Talk to your husband. We are all in a financial bind right now, but look at what you do have, and talk about your feelings together. Consider marraige counseling, it will help open the lines of communication between you.

I hope things improve for you... good luck. :)
2008-10-07 07:50:02 UTC
a supplement that works well for depression is SAMe - you can get it at walmart or target for about $15 for a box, (vitamin aisle)

But a pill alone cannot "fix" depression,most of it has to do with your thoughts,Think about the positives instead of focusing on the negatives.

Sunlight will help immensely

And last but not least, Laughter truly is the best medicine

You can fix most of these problems, and it IS NOT God's fault!

-If you are broke, you need to budget,

-If you can't keep up with bills, get rid of ones that aren't necessary(cell phone, internet, etc...)

-People dont like to be friends with ppl who are always seeing the down side, try changing your perspective, that might help you make friends

-You can get along with your husband, Its not what you do or dont have that makes a relationship work!

-how old is your daughter? discipline might be in order

-Your job may suck, but you will always have an opportunity to advance....david the shepherd boy,sat around bored all day, his job sucked, so he played with his sling shot.He killed a bear when it came near his flock!And when his opportunity came, he defeated Goliath, becuase during his season of boredom, He practiced what would bring him victory!

-You have a bad self image, which is not the same thing as humility.First thing, start changing the way u think,God thinks youre beautifully and wonderfully made. start to believe that. it is the truth. when you start believing in truth, you can more easily accept God's love and forgiveness.

Satan is having a feild day with your mind! Take it back from him.
Rolando C I
2008-10-07 13:30:40 UTC
I can understand your situation, the problems that you are having, could be causing your depression, since you are studying with Jehovah's Witnesses, which I am one of, it wouldn't surprise me that all this things are happening to you, precisely because you are trying to draw close to Jehovah and Satan is doing all he can to discourage you, but if you continue studying and start cultivating an intimate relationship with Jehovah, and put the Kingdom interests in first place , he will not fail you. Mathew 6:25-34. You have to trust in him with all your heart and put forth a good effort to obey everything that he tells us 1John 5:3. Psalms 1:1-3 And don't ever think that God does not love you, because he does to a great extent. 1 John 4:9 and there's nothing wrong with taking herbal medicines or medication if you think they can help you in some way. May Jehovah bless you and help you with your problems. Don't give up. We all love you.
2008-10-07 08:45:26 UTC
As you don't want to consult a doctor, which I would recommend if you're depressed, then all I can do is to point you to some free resources, in hope that they will help you change your outlook on life.

One is;

where you will find several very powerfulexercisess if you truly follow them through.

There is also some free, empowering ebooks here;

Also, every morning and every night before you go to bed, write down at least 10 things that you are grateful for, it can be anything like that you are grateful that you can see, eat, dress yourself, enjoy nature, enjoy that you DO have a daughter, even though she might not always listen to you...I'm sure you can find lots of things to be grateful for in your life if you make the conscious choice to focus on what you DO have, instead of what you do NOT have right now.

Wishing you the very best in life!

Lola H
2008-10-07 07:40:24 UTC
Natural cures for depression, panic attacks and anxiety?

You need some professional counseling. If you do not have insurance seek financial assistance. Depression is very serious and feeling like you have nothing to live for is freightening. You obviously have a husband and a daughter...don't you think it would be selfish of you to abandon them. Obviously your daughter needs you since she is struggling with authority and obedience. You need to realize that you are only a victim of circumstances which you have contributed to. If you do not belive that your are saved, then you may not be. Definitely find someone you can go to for spiritual help also. And in closing I just want to say, although it may not mean anything to you, God does not see you as fat and ugly.

Get Help!
2008-10-07 14:18:23 UTC
When I had similar problems I did not find that 'natural cures' worked for me and I actually wasted time using them while I felt worse and worse.

I went to the doctors and there was a temporary woman doctor who was very understanding and prescribed seroxat/paroxatine. This is unsuitable for teenagers but for adults like myself it has been brilliant.

It really needs a doctor to precribe what is best for you and I realise your money situation is not good. However, if you put off the moment of sorting it out the problems can get more chronic and instead of a relatively short course you might need them longterm.

Something that I felt was most helpful was helping other people with their problems, in my case with adult literacy. There is great satisfaction in seeing people who struggle with spelling, reading and writing becoming more confident and realising they can get qualifications if they work at it.

There are obviously other occupations where you can volunteer or as with invigilating, earn a little money as well.

If you do some positive things it will lift your spirits if you stick with it. This will probably help with your daughter because the young pick up on our negativity and it affects them. We all like happy people around us.

As far as your problems accepting the love and forgiveness of the LORD God, do you doubt Him? If God says something we must have faith then we will have eternal life, if that's our heart's desire. It is those who have shown faith in God who have been commended.

As to size and shape you are magnifing that in your mind, look outside yourself at others if you can. Empathize with others and try and forget yourself a bit.
2008-10-07 07:46:01 UTC
It is easy to be depressed in this day and time, I feel your pain with the bills and lack of friends, disagreements with your spouse, and the general feeling of unhappyness in your job.

Money is not every thing, and more of it does not bring joy, it does make things easyer but it is not the solution. Try getting on a budget, work toward getting a better job, if you are unhappy with yourself do some thing about it, find a work out routine that works for you and make better dietary choices. Remember that beauty is only skin deep and every one has the ability to be beautifull on the inside.

As for your relationship with your childeren keep trying to connect with them make your life and theirs cross paths intentionally, have a family fun night playing games whatching television together.

As for salvation, it is not enough to accept the fact that God loves you and will forgive you, but one has to repent of the sins and not hold onto or keep commiting sins. We all have fallen short of the Glory of God, and he will grant you everlasting life, but it is imparative to know that just because you give your life to God doesn't mean life will be a bed or roses. It says plainly in the Bible that the rain falls on the just and unjust alike. The difference is that the just have the ability to communicate with God and ask for the the help that is needed at the very moment of the need. Faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains. Pray and talk with your pastor and stay faithfull and God will stay faithful unto you.
2008-10-07 11:17:49 UTC
WOW!! I think you and I are twins ... separated at birth! Except for having a daughter you and I could write the same outline.

What makes me different is that all the things you've described are now in my past.

And that is only because I will not allow the problems of the day to get the best of me.

I will not allow Satan to win.

Persevere in Prayer. Every time you feel you can't take anymore .. pray for help and guidance ... and then do what you know is the right thing and leave it in Jehovah's hands. He wants you to. I want you to.
I speak Truth
2008-10-07 19:19:07 UTC
Try to focus on positive things, as much as possible, small things, even when you accomplish something, no matter how small, praise yourself, tell yourself you did good, do this every day try very hard, not to focus on the negative all the time, but rely on Jehovah, trust that Jehovah will help you, do as much as you can yourself, then pray incessantly to Jehovah for help, and he will be there for you, natural things for depression, get plenty of vitamin B12, sunlight also is very good for depression, I don't know if your depression gets affected by dreary weather, because a lot of people can react to it, gray or very overcast days can make some more depressed, also try to have as good a diet as possible, diet can also make it harder for you to cope, with depression, my husband suffers depression and since I have been ill he also got panic attacks, and anxiety, and he has found, that his diet affects the way he feels too, (protein is needed for your body along with vegetables and plenty of fruit)so by eating well, and focusing on positive things rather than the negatives you will be helping your depression and panic attacks.

As for your relationship with your husband,that too can be something you can do something about, again work and focus on the positive things,remember the things that made you fall in love in the first place, talk about these things, bring back the memories, and reflect on those times together,you can get along without a lot of money,and still have a good relationship together, you do not need to do only the things that cost you money, you can and should have good times, that do not necessarily involve money,your daughter also needs you to get along, you will have greater success with your daughter if you two get along, so work on your relationship with your husband,(I mean both of you if possible)and you will find that your relationship with your daughter will also improve in the end, if not at the same time. You have to accept that God loves you and does forgive you for your past sins, I'll tell you why you can tell,the biggest reason is that he saw something good in you and it's the reason why he drew you to him and opened your eyes up to the truth, and let you understand it, don't worry about the past, it is the present that counts most with Jehovah, and the fact that you turned away from the bad things. Remember Jehovah wants you to benefit from the blessings he gives you, but there is someone who doesn't(Jehovah's adversary)he wants you to give up to hate yourself to feel that Jehovah won't forgive you that Jehovah doesn't love you, or cannot love you that you are a bad person, satan will even use your depression and anxiety to achieve his plans. how bad is that?

what i suggested here is not a cure, or will it completely solve your problems, but it can help, you will still need to work on things, and ofcourse you can work it all out together with Jehovah's help, Jehovah wants your family to have a happy and successful future, and he will do what it takes to help you achieve it all, but it will also take effort on your part as well but you can do it if you rely on Jehovah and no matter what happens always put your trust in Jehovah for help and support and keep Jehovah as your friend, he is the best friend you could ever possibly have!

Love YS
2008-10-07 16:42:59 UTC
"What are some natural cures for depression, panic attacks, and anxiety?"

Natural Remedies for Depression

- February 1999 Issue of Nutrition Science News

- Altering the brain's chemistry to elevate mood

- by two Naturopaths, &, one medical Doctor

Who's Depressed?'s_Depressed.html

5-HTP And The Serotonin Connection [Tryptophan]

You may also want to consider:

Depression & Mental Fatigue---Alternative remedies

Depression - Foods that treat depression

http://www doctoryourself com/depression html

An amino acid --L-Tryptophan--

"Can Help the Treatment of Major Clinical Suicidal Depression":

"L-Tryptophan---A Must for Mental Health"

- for Depression

- Legal & Safe

- Now available in the USA, on-line & over the counter...

http://www suicide com/tryptophan/

"What is L-Tryptophan? How can it help?"

http://www suicide com/tryptophan/1 html

Toxicologists: "Caffeine poisoning masquerades as anxiety, manic depression, schizophrenia" ;

Medscape: “Patients who become caffeine-toxic may not even realize it.”

Renowned allergist:

"Thousands are in mental institutions because of caffeine." http://www caffeineweb com/

Mold in the Home Linked to Mood Swings, Depression:

"People living in a moldy home may be more likely to suffer from depression, according to a new study conducted by researchers from the Brown School of Medicine in Providence, R.I., and published in the American Journal of Public Health."

http://www newstarget com/022427 html

NOTE: to repair the broken links, simply replace each space within, with 1 dot, after copy-pasting them (seperately) into the URL (Web-site address) box. Then, click 'Go!'.

(Tryptophan is available again in the USA at Health Food Stores.

Be sure --should you decide to try it-- to get a quality brand, without fillers, as these can render it useless, or at least make it less effective.)
2008-10-07 08:25:38 UTC
I think many of us have been there at some point in our lives, it is a very difficult hole to climb out of. In a way, you have already taken the first steps in helping yourself, and ultimately you are the only one who can fix this, there is help of course, but the potential for change is already in you.I have battled depression all of my life, and the thought of making myself just disappear has been with me from age Seven. Through my teens and early twenties I had been prescribed numerous drugs with some success, but ultimately they only clouded my mind, or numbed it. Talking to a professional, at least one of them, did help some... but as soon as I had to pay for it myself, it wasn't possible. What has truly helped me, and I'm not trying to sound like some "New Age" fruit here, but Meditation, breathing exercises as well as physical exercise and intentionally shifting my outlook on life. Even if you think you are kidding yourself, even if you don't believe you can be happy, tell yourself that you can, and that you will. A good start would be to never, ever write a list like the one you have provided above, it does no good at all to catalog and reinforce negative thoughts. Write a list that is exactly opposite, even if you don't think you mean it, just write it and take a look. Really I just wish you all the best, there are people out there who want to help and support you...
2008-10-07 07:45:26 UTC
My dear; we all at one time or another have feelings and thoughts like that. It will not help at all to murder yourself, or anyone else. You need to reach down and see what matters most to you; and NOT others.

Look around you and see what kind of people will not hang out with you. Are they that much worth worrying about? You are thinking that they do not like you; but do YOU like them? Maybe not. Maybe they are not worth the time and attention. Consider this, please.

Is there anything you are interested in that perhaps would lead you to friends with whom you might have something to share? Say, for instance, you like to sew or cook or garden. There are many community clubs for just such things and you can make friends there and share a happy pastime.

When you are happier you can work on your weight if you need to; you will enjoy life more and have a goal or two that you could target. In the mean time; eat more fruits and vegetables and less treats. Even one day of success will fuel you to go on to more discipline and you will be pleased with yourself.

Right now, we are all in the same boat as far as work goes, many are laid off and have no job. Look around in your town and see who is worse off. There are such people, you know. I know it is hard, we are all going through some form of financial hardship. One thing about life: it changes and will change not only for the worse; but also for the better.

As far as your husband goes, I don't know what is going on between you. Could you sit down and have a chat about what is going wrong? Your daughter now is your responsibility. Toughen up and be a good parent; she is not your toy or your boss; she does what you say and you need to have her respect you.

Don't give up. There is lots more good stuff to come and better times ahead. You might need to talk to your doctor about your feelings. He/She can guide you to the best choices to make. You need a change of attitude and that can be hard to do; but you CAN do it. Best of luck to you.
2008-10-07 07:46:38 UTC
I don't think you're suffering from a religious crisis. I think you have a medical problem, and maybe you are relying on your God to do things for you when you need to be making things happen for yourself.

I am going to suggest that you need some professional help. Please make an appointment with your doctor and let him know what's been going on with you. It sounds as if you are suffering from depression, or at the very least you are right on the edge of it, and the sooner you get a little help, the better you will feel, and the sooner you will be in a better position to turn things around for yourself.
2008-10-07 07:47:37 UTC
I have struggled with depression, anxiety and panic attacks. I would be glad to talk to you, but it would be hard to answer your question on here. Feel free to email me. I am a Christian, just so you know. I hope to hear from you. Love, Ivy
2008-10-07 10:24:33 UTC
Kava Kava and Mother's Wort are good natural stress and anxiety relievers.

I don't have a lot of friends either, but the plus side is that there's NO DRAMA. No gossip. No rumors. It's kinda nice. Also if they don't wanna hang out with you... Are they really worth it? You can also think about... What am I doing to be a friend? I takes a friend to get a friend. If you feel negative about yourself and that shows buy talking down at everything and feeling sorry for your self...No one is gonna wanna hang out with you.

I'm an accountant if you want help making a budget. You can also take some classes in budgeting. A lot of places have classes that are free. I know you don't have a lot of money but you or your hubby could go to a technical school and learn a trade (there programs to help pay for it). Also there are debt programs that can help you out if you don't mind your credit getting messed up for a while.

There's also food stamps, WIC, Section 8, SSI, and programs that will help you pay your utility bills. There are also clinics that the fees are based on your income. A debt consolidation loan may help. Also, you may have to give up some stuff. I had to sell all my jewelry that I bought and some of my furniture I've saved for two years to buy.

Positive reinforcement can help you daughter. If she knows you're stressed out she is going to take advantage of that to get what she wants. Knowing that you will give in. But I would not have anymore children until you and your hubby work things out.

Figure out what is worth having a 'fight' for with your hubby. Is it really worth it? I know he loves you very much and he's your confidant and best friend. But people can only take so much. Unnecessary stress will tip him over the edge. (See my story below)

Look at my life. Me and my hubby were having the exact same problems as you except we don't have kids yet. We stressed each other out so much that he pick up smoking and got disfellowshipped for it. So he gave up and joined the military cause he couldn't find a good job. I didn't even know he joined until he came home with the signed contract. We almost divorced. But since I decided to stay and work it out, I won him over without a word. He told me that only a true lover of Jehovah would have stuck it out. Now he wants to come back to the truth but it might be too late. How do you think I feel? My best friend might not make it into the new system even though he regrets what he's done and is trying to get reinstated (stopped smoking, going to meetings, family study, told his captain he won't kill, and he preaches to the Iraqis and soldiers about the truth etc). But I have to believe that God is forgiving and just. It's the only hope I have. It really made me think what is really important. Don't get that desperate. Not trusting in God is were we went wrong. Look at the price we have to pay.

We all have done things that we regret. But living in the past is not gonna help you move forward. God is very loving and forgiving. There are people who were murders, rapist, whores, druggies you name it who have learned the truth and have turned around. Beating yourself up is just gonna make you feel worse. Which is what Satan wants. He wants you to give up. Trusting in God will see you through. You know that God's word is true. You know that everlasting life is possible. Satan is messing with your head. Those who ENDURE to the end are the ones that will be saved. Jesus didn't say it was gonna be easy. He said the exact opposite. So you know you're doing the right thing. We're all feeling it from this system.

This system sucks, but everything in this world is so temporary why stress over it? Think about making your faith and family stronger so you can make it thru. I know your hubby loves you very much and will do anything for his family. Figuring out what is worth stressing over and what is not will help in not fighting so much. You will always have bills, you will always have your family, you will always have Jehovah.

Once you start feeling better about your life you won't stress eat. The more stressed out you are the more weight you'll gain. I gained 40 lbs. in 6 months over stress (I didn't over eat either, I just gain weight by being stressed. A woman's body will do that). I'm still fighting. We all are. Keep your chin up. You'll make it thru.
Christian Sinner
2008-10-07 07:37:02 UTC
Pick a promise from God's word and trust Him for it. Do this the rest of your life. God always keeps His word.

When looking for something to promise God for, I often go here:

Psalm 37

3 Trust in the LORD and do good;

dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.

4 Delight yourself in the LORD

and he will give you the desires of your heart.

5 Commit your way to the LORD;

trust in him and he will do this:

6 He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn,

the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.

Peace to you! It helps to talk about things with people. I wont be around today, but there are good Christian women who can help you that come here. Don't be afraid to reach out.
Zane AKA There is no God 3rd Acc
2008-10-07 07:49:38 UTC
Let me start out by saying your life is what you make of it. Yeah there will be times where you'll be down in the dumps but this is where you need to take control of your mind and think about the good things in life and look toward the future, set goals, and achieve them. You only have one life! Don't live it like this! There is no heaven nor a hell, so please, change your perspective!

"-I am always broke and cannot even pay my bills."

The only thing you can do in this situation is learn from your mistakes, stop getting yourself into debt. Other than that, why worry? If you can't pay the motherf*c*er don't pay it, don't let it get you down, there is no sense in worrying about stuff you can't do anything about. Just learn not to do it anymore and move on. It will get paid off eventually. You know as long as you pay "SOMETHING" on a bill they can't do anything to you? Now thats not the case for say electric or a cell phone, but if you have a cell, turn it off, get a land line, pay the important things like your power, the rest pay a dollar or as much as you can. NO MORE FINANCING! Also look into a higher paying job perhaps.

"-I have no friends... no one seems to want to hang out with me."

Of course not, you are gloomy and depressing! Live a little! Be happy, go out and and drink some beer! Make sure you call a cab though... Change your life!

"-Me and my husband cannot get along because we do not have anything and he cannot find a better job no matter how hard he tries. "

Then get some counceling. Don't let ANYONE make you down! If he can't get a better job, well, how old is he? He could join the service like me, we're always hiring, lol.

"- I have a daughter who never listens to a word I say"

Not sure how old she is but if she is less than 16 break your foot off in her as5! You are the parent! Let her grow up but you need to know how to talk to her as well. Love her but respect her. Talk to her. Get to know her. If she is older than 16 I say guide her decisions but she is going to do what she wants to do, it's too late now. If she is like 5-6 or so, it start with the normal routine and how you parent, find a good book, my wife and I did, we were doing alot of things wrong IE How we punished our child. We did what was done to us and we were wrong. We made our children feel bad about themselves instead of helping them learn from there mistakes.

"- My job sucks and no matter how hard I try, I am never going to move up"

Not with that attitude! Now is the time to change your attitude! Look up the 13 Marine Leadershpi Traits, these will help you define what it takes to move up and help show you what you're lacking.

"- I cannot seem to accept the fact that God loves me and I am forgiven for the past sins I have done. And I am having a hard time believing that I will have everlasting life."

You don't. This is your one true life. You BETTER live it to its fullest. Plan a vacation somewhere awesome! Save your money, even if its 20 bucks a month. Look toward the future and start changing the now!

"- I hate myself. I am fat and ugly."

Whose fault is that? When was the last time you were on a diet or exercized? You do realize that just by exercizing not only does it make you thinner but it makes you feel better about yourself and just feel good in general. Change you looks. And no matter what you look like you need to feel good about yourself anyway! Change the things you can and forget the rest! Be happy with what you got. Good luck. Message me for any more questions. I really think I have a great outlook on life!
2008-10-07 15:11:46 UTC
{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs and love}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

Hang in there Sis, it will get better. Just know that Jehovah knows all the things that we are dealing with and He cares! Lean on Him.

Satan is out to persecute God's people.....and the rest of mankind.
2008-10-07 07:41:56 UTC
Your answer lies in the truth of God's word. You "not being able to accept it" is not important. It comes to trust. Will you trust God to do what He says? Either He is a myth, or He is God, Who cannot lie. Which do you believe? If you want to know His peace, then trust Him. Turn to Romans 10:9 and 10 and do what it says, with your WHOLE HEART. Not your head and lips. God will look at your heart only. Until you come to this place, then everything else is just a temporary fix. This world has nothing to offer. Beauty and money would not fix what is really wrong.
Lin Li
2008-10-07 07:40:01 UTC
You have forgotten the real and beautiful things in life.

"The best things in life are nearest: Breath in your nostrils, light in your eyes, flowers at your feet, duties at your hand, the path of right just before you. Then do not grasp at the stars, but do life's plain, common work as it comes, certain that daily duties and daily bread are the sweetest things in life".

-Robert Louis Stevenson
2008-10-07 07:41:14 UTC
I'm gonna get blasted for writing this ... But hypnosis/coaching is great for helping all of those things ...

Find a GOOD Reputable Regression Hypnotist/Life Coach ...

Email me if you would like to learn more ...
2008-10-07 07:42:38 UTC
I've been there,sweetie.And for me the only thing that helped was Zoloft.If you want to talk I'm here.

2008-10-07 07:37:54 UTC
take a class. Volunteer. go to gym. have picnic with your family. Inviting neighbors to your place.

I'm not a believer. but you can go to church if that helps. you get guidance from people (not God, you make your decision anyway).

don't talk to god. you may develop mental illness if you're so desperate.
2008-10-07 07:56:14 UTC
I don't like your talk at all. Get off that pity horse. If you don't like how your life is going, change it. I hate to come off so harsh, but you need to do whatever it is to make you happy. My life isn't the way I want it to be and I would never think about not being alive. Do what it takes to improve your life. Don't you dare talk about wishing you were dead and how you hate yourself.
2008-10-07 07:34:50 UTC
God should come first in your life. he'll take care of you. promise.
2008-10-07 07:34:14 UTC

hope these help

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.