Muslim prayers...?
2008-05-10 15:28:59 UTC
My knowledge of the Muslim religion is very limited. What I do know of it, I find fascinating and beautiful. Several times I've seen television shows that show Muslims praying. This has always seemed so beautiful to me. I read that Muslim people pray at appointed times everyday. My question is, at what age do Muslim children start participating in the daily prayers? Is this something they do as soon as they are able to understand, or is there an appointed age at which they are required to start praying with their family? Also, do men and women pray together?
Twenty answers:
2008-05-10 15:44:25 UTC
in Islam you are encouraged to teach your children how to perform the daily ritual prayer at the age of 7 or 8 but it's not uncommon to see children younger than that praying in the Mosque with their parents some Muslims like to take their young children with them to the Mosque for the spiritual and social benefits.

Muslim men and women pray together. in the Mosque Muslim men pray in the front and Muslim women pray behind them for a reason and this reason is because there's a lot of prostration and bowing in the prayer. in some Mosques the women pray in the upper floor (balcony like) hall.

the family can also pray together in their home.

if you have a Mosque near you please don't hesitate to go in on a Friday noon to get a glimpse of how Muslims pray and you can have a chat with any of the women there if you want.

2008-05-10 15:43:50 UTC
Assalam Ma Laikum Sister,

You asked a very good questions and thank you for asking about my religion. So you asked when is the age a child is to pray. It is about 7 years old or earlier based on the knowledge of the child (boys). But for girls she should start when she reaches the age when she has puberty. Now, going to your second question about women and men praying together. Well, in a family the husband should be in the front, then the children, and after that the wife. But in public places like the mosque. The men pray in the front, while the women pray in the back. The reason why is that men will be distracted if they see a women bending with their butt in the air. So women are to pray in the back. So these are the answers to your questions. And again sister may peace be upon you.
2008-05-10 15:37:20 UTC
Men and women do not normally pray together. If they do then the men are praying in the front and the women pray behind them. The reasoning for this is so that the man does not lose his thought in prayer by looking at the woman's behind. Children begin to pray when they are able to understand. If you want to know more about the religion from the perspective of Muslims you should visit the Ramandan section where many Muslims hang out. It is in this section under holidays and then Ramadan.
Brooke Hogan
2008-05-10 15:35:51 UTC
Im very glad that u take interest in my religion. Anyways, there is no exact age, you have to pray once you learn how to. However most children learn from their parents @ the age of around 7 however they have to knnow by the age of 10 or 11 max. For the 2nd question, men and women at the mosque ( a church for muslims) have to pray separately. However they can pray together @ home (if they are married or family)
2016-05-22 14:48:05 UTC
Assallam mu alaikom warah matullah hi ta'ala wabarakatuh. Alhamdulillah. U are a Muslim. It is very easy to learn and do the prayer. Yes. Of course b4 U do your prayer, U need to wash yourself -Wuthu' -with water or Tayamum - with fine surface of desert sand or any of its kind ( provided there is no water available or limited, otherwise U need to use water from pond, river or sea if available). Perform your prayer five times a day ( Please get a Muslim friend to demonstrate the sequence of performing the prayer). It is an advantage if U know the direction towards Mecca, However, if U do not know, U can still perform your prayer just following your instinct - the actual kiblat is your heart, doesn't matter where U face, if U do not know, But if U know the direction, U have to face to the direction. U do not have to know Arabic language, as long as U know the surah (Al Quran) and able to recite Fatihah - Alhamdulila hi rab bil aalamin till the end, U can perform your prayer. However, it is an advantage if U could speak and understand Arabic Language. Wabillah hi taufik wal hidayat. Wassallam mu alaikom warah matullah hi ta'ala wabarakatuh.
2008-05-11 07:50:10 UTC
I am very glad to answer such a question. Muslim boys and girls are required to perform their prayers at the age of ten. Our prophet Muhammad (PBUH) says: "Teach your children prayers at the age of seven and hit them if they do not perform it at the age of ten" So our great prophet tells us to teach the young offspring how to pray when they are 7 and to punish them if they don't perform it when they are 10.

Concerning your second question, It can be safely said that Islam allows women to pray with men. But if women and children pray in a Mosque, they can stand in the last line, that is, behind men.

I hope you will like to know more and more about the great religion Islam.

May God grant you success in life in this world and the afterlife.
2008-05-10 15:40:53 UTC
In Indonesia, the largest Muslim country and the one that i have the most experience in, the children usually start to pray when they understand what is going on. Do they say the prayers correct?, no but they just do what they see the other members of their family do.

The men pray in front of the women or separated. This is not because they believe women are not as good as men, but because men might be 'distracted' by having a woman lean over with their butts 8 inches in front of their faces.

I believe that children are not fully accepted into the mosque until either they are circumcised (for boys about 8 years old) or start they menstruation (for girls). And believe me the circumcision is not taken lightly. The mother of my wife asked to check me if I was circumcised before she allowed me to marry her daughter, (I am not Muslim, although I had to 'convert' for the wedding)

Also Women are not allowed to pray in the mosques on Friday, which is the Muslim holy day.
2008-05-10 15:49:30 UTC

Its nice that you have taken interest in muslim.. prayer..The proper age for a child is 7 yrs.. when the child..learns how to pray and what to recite in the prayer..its parents responsibility to teach their children how to pray and make their prayers on time.. and follow the religion.. strictly... and at ten its obligatory.. for children to pray.. and parents must make grow their children up in an islamic way.. but these days as you can see on kids.. aged 5-8 memorizing Quran.. and they are doing.. DAWAH (orating about Islam too).. and i would say thats parents effort.. as soon as parents start teaching islam.. to the kids.. it is best.. and they will also learn to respect their parents in every part of life..
2008-05-10 15:33:44 UTC
I was taught prayer around age 6 by my grandpa... I left the faith and became an atheist when I was halfway through high-school...

Women and men CAN pray together - in small mosques - the women have to be lined up behind the men... but generally they are separated in the big ones... You also have to make sure that your feet are lined up equally with your neighbor (which is something I used to like)...

I really do honestly find it to be a big huge waste of time...
Beauty is not skin deep
2008-05-10 15:34:26 UTC
Women should start as soon as they start puberty for boys its along the lines of 13. Mulsims do not pray together at Mosques but can pray together elsewhere. hope this helps=)

ps. It is a really beautiful religion maybe you should look into Muslim azan and caligraphy
2008-05-10 15:35:14 UTC
Hi there,

When a child reaches 7 years, they can pray. They can pray earlier than 7 years as well (depending on child's knowledege and wisdom and how intelligent they may be.)

Yes man and woman can pray together, the man should stay at front, the woman can pray next to him but should stand one step backwards.

I hope my answer will be useful to you,
§†è||áR §piråL
2008-05-10 15:32:36 UTC
Anyone can pray together, in the modern world at least. Islam sees both men and women equal. And I'm glad to hear that somebody isn't ignorant about Islam. Good for you! It's far more intelligent than Christianity in my opinion.
2008-05-10 15:45:11 UTC
religion begins in the cradle. The baby is repeatedly made to listen to Holy Words.It is a proud mother whose Baby's first uttered word was 'ALLAH'. Education begins at about age 4 in a ceremony attended by guests; when the child repeats after the teacher (usually a family elder,otherwise a priest) the Arabic sentence " I begin in the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Ever Merciful ".By the age of 7, the child may have learned the Arabic prayer. All nonArab children learn the Arabic prayer. The child begins to perform prayers, at home, in the Mosque,accompanied by elders. By 11 or so, he is expected to be regular in prayers. At adulthood, around 18, he is left to himself. Parents no longer responsible for him or her. It is permissible for Ladies to go to Mosques for the congregational prayers, but not compulsarily. They may perform at home. At the pilgrimage to Makkah and Madinah, Ladies and Gentlemen all go the sacred Mosque for prayers in congregation. They do not stand shoulder to shoulder. They stand apart in different rows or in different parts of the very big Mosques in the two sacred cities. Thanks for the question,sisters.
2008-05-11 17:28:15 UTC
peace Griffin's Girl,

the ritual prayer (salat) is the second pillar of worship in islam. it becomes compulsory on every muslim male and female when they reach the age of maturity (puberty). usually children begin to pray along with their parents sometime before they achieve maturity by mimicking their parents. women are excused from prayers during their periods.

any or all of the five daily prayers may be offered in congregation. it is obligatory upon muslim men to offer the afternoon prayer on friday in congregation. men and women pray together. however, in mosques and public settings (except for the annual hajj when everybody prays together), men and women are separated to allow them to concentrate on their prayers. families may pray in congregation at home.

here is a compilation of some powerful images of the muslim prayers interspersed with verses from the quran and sayings of the prophet (peace be upon him) that underscore the importance of salat.

here is a full length video of a congregational prayer (with english subtitles) from mecca:

please be aware that other than the five ritual prayers (offered at specific times before sunrise, afternoon, before sunset, after sunset, and at night), the muslim is encouraged to glorify god and seek from god at all times. such voluntary prayers can be offered at anytime, anywhere.

hope that helps.
2008-05-10 15:32:54 UTC
I do know that women and men do not pray together. In most muslim countries women have few rights and are treated like property.
2008-05-10 15:39:51 UTC
well,,i read your questions above and im interested to answer in my own idea about your question of MUSLIM PRAYERS??by the way im nottotally muslims but i like thw way for my own idea,,if you want to know about muslim prayers i suggest or request it to you kindly find here or research here in,,,,,, and all and good luck more power of all,,,thank you....
2008-05-10 15:31:32 UTC
They all pray together, yes.
2008-05-10 15:32:25 UTC
they normally start at the age of 5ish and and no men and women pray seperate... hope that helps
2008-05-10 15:32:40 UTC
Learn to read the Qur'an and then be intrigued by their wonderful religion....
2008-05-10 16:11:42 UTC

> thank's 4 care ..

> I think my muslim brother n sister had inform u ..

> You are welcome to mousque to find the truth ..


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