peace Griffin's Girl,
the ritual prayer (salat) is the second pillar of worship in islam. it becomes compulsory on every muslim male and female when they reach the age of maturity (puberty). usually children begin to pray along with their parents sometime before they achieve maturity by mimicking their parents. women are excused from prayers during their periods.
any or all of the five daily prayers may be offered in congregation. it is obligatory upon muslim men to offer the afternoon prayer on friday in congregation. men and women pray together. however, in mosques and public settings (except for the annual hajj when everybody prays together), men and women are separated to allow them to concentrate on their prayers. families may pray in congregation at home.
here is a compilation of some powerful images of the muslim prayers interspersed with verses from the quran and sayings of the prophet (peace be upon him) that underscore the importance of salat.
here is a full length video of a congregational prayer (with english subtitles) from mecca:
please be aware that other than the five ritual prayers (offered at specific times before sunrise, afternoon, before sunset, after sunset, and at night), the muslim is encouraged to glorify god and seek from god at all times. such voluntary prayers can be offered at anytime, anywhere.
hope that helps.