okay. to the answerss of my last question about bible stories. i got another questionn.....?
2009-04-14 18:49:09 UTC
this was my last question:

Hmm.. explain to me how adam and eve/noahs arc/and sodom and gomorrah can be physically possible...?
tell me.

i went to catholic school for nine years.
and i asked many questions about all thesee bible
stories, and my teachers, not knowing how to defend them, somehow tried getting out of the argument.
now i am a sophomore in high school
and im an atheist.

oh irony.

so anyway.. please explain.
because im pretty sure that these
stories were written just to scare people
into believing theres a god.
and thats just wrong.


now im asking you this.
some of you say..
these stories should not be taken for their literal meaning.
i understand an extent.
they were made just so people could get the idea and the meaning behind it.

soo now.. you pretty much just told me that all the bible stories are a lie.
ooohhh. that makes more sense.
adam and eve=lie?

the bible and the people who believe in the bible seem to constantly contradict themselves.
if you all believe in this one god, why arent you all on the same page?

and dont tell me its sad im an atheist.
im not sitting here saying its sad youre a christian.
and also.. your questions made no sense.
yes i believe in evolution.

soo... will someone explain to me now?
Seven answers:
Rocky Squirrel
2009-04-14 19:32:37 UTC
People, both Christians and atheists, seriously underestimate the intellectual depth of the Bible. They think that they actually know more than Jesus, Moses and King Solomon.

All people should believe the Bible, not for religious reasons, but for its historical accuracy and for the cohesiveness of its testimonies. Yes, the testimonies are very cohesive. Do not underestimate the witnesses. They are not stupid.

People who fall back and say "don't take the Bible literally" do not know how to read the Bible in its literary context.

People who come up with absurd ideas like "the Bible says the earth is 6000 years old" likewise do not know how to read the Bible in its literary context.

Atheists are at least guilty of the same sins of ignorance and underestimation. In addition to being ignorant about Bible literary genres, atheists blindly accept what some ignorant Christian told them about the Bible without researching the Bible themselves. They've pick up the fundie baton and use it as an excuse to not trust the Bible. They treat the baton as if it represents the Bible, which it doesn't.

The Bible stories are true. They are not a lie. They are not figurative (unless the literary genre says it is). If you read the Bible in context, without adding assumptions to it, you will find that Bible makes terrific sense. Here are some of things you will discover . . .

1) Adam and Eve were not necessarily the first humans. They were the first humans "to made in the image of God." The Bible definition of Adam is a human + image of God. Different. In the Bible, the "Image of God" always means "spiritual image", not physical likeness. To be in the image of God, is to have his desires. While Adam and Eve were made in the image of God, their son Abel was not, and Cain was certainly not. Read Ge 4. Be amazed that you missed this crucial point.

2). Gomorrah. You can go to the south end of the Dead Sea and literally look under water at the archaeological remains of Gomorrah. Gomorrah existed. While the place names in the Bible prove true every time, the story itself is not to easy to prove.

3). While it is difficult if not impossible to prove out Noah's story by evidence, it is certainly possible to keep tabs on his descendants. In Genesis 10 you will find the "Table of Nations." These nations are the peoples who are the descendants of Noah. (For example, the "Semitic peoples" are the descendants of Shem.) Archaeologists love this list. They recognize many of the nations in this list to have existed and there is evidence to prove it. The nations in the list which they haven't found, they look for, because "the Bible never misses."

The Bible's stories about Adam and Eve, Noah's Ark, Sodom and Gomorrah seem to be true in every context. It is just like any historical story . . . they are hard to prove. One can certainly not disprove them. And also the stories bear out a cohesive personality of God given by the rest of the testimonies about God in the Bible.

Instead of attempting to prove an unprovable, here's a Bible statement that should impress anyone. It is a profound fact that only God would know but man did not discover until 1966.

Science and the Bible agree on the Big Bang. The Bible states a very specific fact of nuclear physics on how God created the universe. God said, "Let There Be Light". The Bible says that from "Light" , the universe sprang.

From Einstein, we know that E= mc^2--that light is energy, and from it comes matter. Humans did not know this until the 20th century.

In 1966, Bell Labs discovered the universe's background radition. Prior to that, astronomers like Hubble observed that the universe expands. Astronomers conclude from what they observe that all matter in the universe started from a condensed point in the center of the universe.

Into order to condense all matter into the center of the universe, that matter has to start off at "energy". There is your Light.

Moses knew how God started the universe in 1450 BC. No other religious text aligns with the science. How did Moses know about the obscurce though important point of nuclear physics?

Moses, who wrote Genesis, spent a lot of time talking to God. He hung out with God on Mt. Sinai for 40 days. If you were Moses, what would you ask God? Would you ask him, "How did you make the universe?" Apparently he did, and apparently God told him, complete with a nuclear physics lesson. Moses recorded what God said in the form a poem starting with "And God said, "Let there be light.""

The scientific profoundness of the Creation Story does not stop there. If you unravel the stanzas of the creation story (for the story is Hebrew thought rhyme), the order of the creation days becomes the order which Darwin deduced 150 years ago.

The Hebrew grammar behind the creation story clearly points out that the order of the creation days are not in chronological order. The order of the days, if one dares to one an order to them, is really 1, 4, 2, 5, 3, 6. 3 Days of formation followed by 3 days of filling. What God forms on day 1, he fills 3 days later. A thought rhyme.

People should take the Bible literally, but one has to know what kind of literature you are reading. We Westerners have to know something about ancient Hebrew literary to get it right.

Most people shamefully treat every piece of literature in the Bible as if it is a page out of an American encyclopedia. Smarter people suspect this problem, and so they said, "Don't take the Bible literally." But they are not smart enough to know that if they knew the literary form of what they are reading, they could take it literally.

More stupid people do not suspect the problem at all, and like the smarter people,. are not aware of the literary forms in the Bible. These people say take it literally anyway.
Christin K
2009-04-15 02:09:18 UTC
You miss the point.

The point is not whether there is proof positive that noah built an ark, or whether there were only two human beings created by a deity. The point is that the stories convey something much deeper than literal truth--they convey the IDEA of God, of deity, of love, and of belief--and they convey the idea so well that they've lasted a lot longer than you or I will.

Religion is not a science. Religion is a BELIEF SYSTEM. Belief is an impetus for action. What bothers me about a lot of atheists is that they miss this point entirely--while railing against others who HAVE beliefs as if they are deluded. All belief is a choice. It's not a delusion, it's a willing set of precepts for a way of life; just like your choice to not believe in God is a choice.

Mankind has always used stories and myths and tales and such to teach, and to convey larger concepts; there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Are you against fairy tales also because they can't be proved? Or fiction because it isn't real? What you read in the Bible may not be literal truth--or it MAY. There's no "proof" that it ISN'T true either--so just because someone says that the point is to convey larger meanings that does not mean in any way that what you are using is a LIE. A lie is a deliberate false statement--not an allegory. Your logic is not solid here.

Why not just live and let live, eh? Leave those who believe to their beliefs--and choose to believe what YOU believe (or not) on your own, without adding a value judgement to it. It's so much smarter that way.
2009-04-15 02:01:31 UTC
Adam and Eve cannot be physically possible? Primordial soup, monkeys, and missing links are much less convincing, sorry.

There is evidence of a massive global flood, but you wouldnt recognize it, even if it was shown to you; I suspect you would find a way to discount it.

And, what is your problem with Sodom and Gomorrah? If Christians believe that God spoke the world into existence,why dont they think that fire from heaven is possible? No, the Bible is undoubtedly to be taken FULLY literally...Too many Christians today treat the Christian life like a buffet...They like the Jesus part, and some of the stories..But they'd never agree with anything that would require faith in something other than science, for fear of being ridiculed or rejected...Though they were told they would have persecution, many so called "Christians" seem intent to avoid it.
2009-04-15 02:17:01 UTC
adam and eve IS just a story. in fact it SAYS that it is a story in the bible. the old testament is more figures of speech, symbolism and fables than actual truths. Noah's arc- there are similar stories to this in most cultures. It is likely that this was a fable made up to explain the the meltdown after one of the ice ages. Sodom and Gamorah...hard to explain. the biblical story may just be an explanation for a disaster occurring.

this is not to say that all bible stories are lies. To say that Jesus is a lie is to make a mistake. Firstly, the Gospel writers were quite reliable. Their intentions were good first off--writing about Jesus would have caused them to be persecuted so they certainly had nothing to gain from this. All four canonical Gospels were written by the disciple of someone who knew Jesus, or someone who knew Jesus personally. All the history in Luke's Gospel that he provides is accurate. It was admitted by Jesus's enemies that He performed miracles. They attempted to say that He performed them as a work of the devil. I would recommend reading The Case for Christ for more info on these points of the Gospel.

As for your atheism, understandable, though i could give you several pieces of evidence supporting the belief in a God and a theistic not deistic one at that. One, if we assume that it is impossible to have an infinite amount of caused causes, we can logically deduce that there must an uncaused cause to the universe (this can be demonstrated by standing in a circle of ppl and u are to tap the person in front of u once u are tapped. u will stand indefinitely until an "untapped tapper" representing God starts the tapping. Mathematically, there is a 1:10^223 chance of the universe that can support life arising from one single random "bang" (big bang theory). Since the likelihood of this occuring is less than winning the lottery every day for 2 months, in which case most would assume it is rigged, we can assume that there is something, God, tampering with the system and causing the creation of the universe. As for a theistic God (one who cares on a personal level), if we believe that humans have free will, we can deduce that God loves us. If you truly love someone you would want them to return this love to u on their own terms. Thus God gave us the ability to choose thru free will because he loved us.

By the way, your teachers were elementary school teachers, who are all quite unknowledgeable about the Bible and expect children to accept and move on, and really led u down the path to where u are. My high school religion teachers helped me really comprehend my Catholic faith.

I hope this has help you my atheist acquaintance.
2009-04-15 02:00:34 UTC
You committed the sin of growiing a brain.
k a t h r y n
2009-04-15 02:41:30 UTC

It bernie mac.

I hope you get all your biblical answers.

By the way whats chemistry homework?
2009-04-15 01:56:32 UTC
You will probably get deleted for this.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.