0-Ev has many huge holes. Ppl CONFUSE TRUTH(offends many)/HATE/impose human limits/labels 2 God's abilities(& call Ev whats only Adapt)=dumb limits-God's Creation order isnt as man thinks/24hr day not made till 4th day/Bible doesnt say earth's age. Scientific-method cant prove BB/BBnc/Ev/Abiog theories-billions of yrs old COLD cases/DIDNT SEE it done. W/o UNCUT film (not photos) 4 b4 BB/life 2 2day=spec & 1 species' parts in another r just more species. Ev's a lie/calls in2 ? BB/Abiog-universe/we wouldnt exist w/o IDr:
1. We hv 2 lungs/kidneys/ears, arms/legs-each has a NEAR PERFECT 3D MIRROR-IMAGE companion organ/limb (not a copy). RNA/DNA rep/mirror image amino acid prod CANT EXPLAIN IT AWAY. 2 make mirror-image organs takes FULL REVERSE ENGINEERING/knowledge of companion's functions/purpose or it cant b created 2 perfection in nature (2 WITNESSES in nature=KILLS Ev).
2. Our bodies r highly symmetrical 1 side 2 the other-impossible w/o an outside overview pov 4 full knowledge of whole lifeform.
3. Cells/organisms r just copies of, copy parents'/all ancestors' acts. U wont find a bird building a better nest than parents/chicks build even better nests/bears passing better life 2 cubs. Cells HV 2 LIVES-1 copying parents/1 SECRET, working on improvements or God's the Creator.
4. Fossil record doesnt hv millions of trial/error phyla that should exist if NS/fittest survivor is Creation source-odds r so great against near perfection 4 many millions of greatly diverse species, such precision cant happen w/o 1rst having full knowledge 4 what 2 do (even adding billions of yrs byond universe start cant solve problem). If not true millions more misfits with mistakes-having only 1/3 eyes in odd places/1 leg growing out of a head/where a fin/arm/wing should b, etc would exist than perfection seen in nature.
5. Picture u boxed (near 0 intell) within a microscopic cell-smaller than a txt period/no way 2 sense much beyond ur cell. How can u, with these real limits invent millions of such diverse species 2 perfection in nature? NO OTHER ORGANISMS EXISTED so cells r great geniuses or Ev's a lie.
6. Cells need DNA 2 function/DNA's useless w/o a cell-which came 1rst a cell or DNA? DNA's very complex (esp 4 higher lifeforms) so odds against figuring out/using DNA (in correct sequences/related processes) is many magnitudes higher than 4 pc program code-useless w/o an IDr 2 identify/assign its proper order. Give apes books-cant learn from whats written w/o intell. DNA's COMMON 2 ALL LIFE-98% of other species' DNA doesnt=Ev.
7. Look @ ID/knowledge, time/energy used 2 create/improve (many mistakes) airplanes. If ppl didnt learn what 2 do we'd still b grounded.
8. Creation's astronomically more complex than airplanes-more complex an organism multiplies ID/knowledge needed 2 create it-Creation source is God or it couldnt exist let alone evolve (adapt not Ev built in 4 survival).
9. Earth has best orbit/gravity/axis/spin/atmosphere, magnet field, water/moon has right size/orbit 4 tidal cycles/many foods tasting good, 4 life~1-2 small diffs 4 orbits/environment=most likely life'd b diff/higher lifeforms die in short time if it survived.
MICRO ADAPT's legit not macro-Ev. Most is inconclusive @ best/pure conjecture @ worst. Ev processes being Creation source=having a blind man build a car he's never heard of/seen/touched/heard or rode in-cant b done w/o 1rst teaching him about functions/all parts/car assembly 4 it 2 work (same limits 4 cells=no Ev).
Only 1 God can occupy infinity, God of Israel=NO CAUSE NEEDED 2 EXIST/declare end from start-only fully proved b/c Jesus is God's Son. Jesus couldnt hv done whats in NT w/o knowing whole OT (impossible w/o God causing it-NT didnt exist yet)/Apostles couldnt write NT w/o Jesus having them remember all He did (Lk 24:25-27,45).
Most religions r built on ideas/gods man likes-cant all b right (only 1 Bible-why so many interps? II Pet 1:19-21). Religion doesnt=the truth/cant teach much about God (cant teach what u don't know). NO1 can live W/O BREAKING God's eternal LAW=sin-separates us from God=death (why u need 2 b rightly Born Anew in Jesus). Who knows more about a house-the Builder or ppl moving in later?
God outsmarted us: reading the Bible (religious/not) u cant find Jesus w/o Bible directions (Jn 5:39/10:1,7/3:3,5)/only a Bible cant b rightly known w/o Jesus (Jn 14:6/II Cor 3:14/Is 29:11-12~if Jewish ppl cant unveil OT w/o Jesus all gentiles cant=why many interps exist/called fairy tales). God knew many'd twist His word & used unchangeable system (like God/Jesus/Prv 30:4-6). God's 66 legit Bible Bks/mindset/message 4ever binds OT/NT truth 2 His system. English Standard version (ESV) is easiest accurate Bible 2 read.
In history only Jesus said He's the way/truth/life-no1 sees God w/o Him (Jn 14:6/5:39/Acts 4:12)=All new/other teachings r false/godless or Jesus is 1 more false prophet 2 ignore.