Why do so many people hate Islam and the Quran?
2013-03-20 18:04:57 UTC
I'm a Muslim btw and I just see a lot of hate toward islam. In the Quran Allah tells us not to kill because killing someone is like killing the whole humanity. Allah also tells us not to spread corruption so I don't know where this whole idea of terrorism comes from? Islam is a religion of peace but why do people not see that and instead hate it?
34 answers:
Someone Online
2013-03-20 18:15:20 UTC
it's because people are naturally predjudicial and slow-witted

this condition only gets worse when you have a religious backround because religion feeds off of emotion and teaches you that the world operates in an illogical pattern that is above human understanding

I have lost faith that racism will ever dissappear from society, it is clearly part of the human condition

most, if not all religions are peaceful, but people can't see past that, I mean look at the whole conflict in the Middle East, it's completely centered upon the inability of Jews and Muslims to coexist peacefuly, although to be fair, the Jews have been much more accomidating, but they aren't free from blame.

@Howard, there are actually more non-Muslim terrorist attacks in the world than there are Muslim attacks. In addition, more than half of all reported terrorist attacks are reported by Muslims.

As horrible as suicide bombings in the Middle East are, they are fighting for what they believe to be their freedom. They may have a warped and irrational view of what they're doing, not realizing that they're supporting tyranny, but they are still fighting for freedom in their own twisted view.

Look at something like The Lord's Resistance Army, which murders in the name of Christianity, abducting children and raping women.
2013-03-22 07:01:39 UTC
Yes, it's true that the Qur'an says that people shouldn't kill (except in some cases), but this is what happens.

There are some groups of muslims who are terrorists and kill people and say, "this is what Islam really is". And yes, they are muslims, but they aren't good muslims. They think that they are good muslims, but they aren't.

People mix religion with things which aren't related to religion. Like, if a Pakistani muslim kills a man, the news will say, "Muslim in Pakistan killed a man", but what they should actually say is, "A pakistiani killed a man".

But sometimes, Muslims do kill. Cuz of religious anger. Islam doesn't tell to do it. But these so-called "Islamic people with beards" get angry when their God or Messenger is offended and start killing people. So Islamic that they have to kill people for offending their God. Huh... I wonder what Allah thinks about that. Check out those links that someone else answered (violence by muslims). Don't deny that it's not true. Big news agencies have rules, not to spread lies.

9/11 incident. It is believed to be that the terrorist, Osama Bin Laden did it. But there are people who don't believe that too (some muslims)
2013-03-22 18:00:16 UTC
we have all the American wars in the Middle east + Israel and the Palestinian Case these things and many other allowed people like Osama bin Laden and other terrorists groups call them self's Muslims and made them trick a lot of Muslims into fighting the USA I'm not with the Terrorists but I'm not with the US wars too you see if you connect the wars American and the Israeli wars with the Muslim extremists you will get Terrorist groups

a lot of the people who join the Terrorist groups are the people who are from the countries that are victims to the USA and the USSR (like Afghanistan,Iraq, and we don't need to put Iran because we all know Iran but that doesn't mean that all the Muslims are terrorists almost 95% of Muslims are against terrorism and a lot of the people who are in the terrorist groups are tricked into joining by the freedom Propagandas and there are the Extremists)

to Punkin eater:-

Islam supports education and if you look at the history a lot of the great scientists are Muslims and guess what the person who Invented Algebra is a Muslim even Prophet Muhammad said"search for Education even if it was in China"(this is not the best translation for that hadith but it means that Science is very important and the Muslims must search for Science and Education even if it was in China (which was the farthest country to Arabia at that time)

Bout the name Allah Allah is the arabic word for the word God so Allah = God but the First is an Arabic word there is nothing wrong that the Muslims use the word Allah instead of God because the two are Equal just the Language is the different

and about the people that says that the world will become an Islamic Caliphate look at the current Egyptian President he is one of the people who said that and Egyptian are protesting against him every day(not just for that but its one of the minor causes because the major causes are him destroying Egypt)

about the Death rate:- this problem isn't a religious problem its the problem of the lack of Education because of the Corrupt Gov.and not all the Muslim countries are uneducated a lot of them are uneducated because of the Governments so don't go and blaim the Muslims for being uneducated because a lot of Muslims are not Poor but not wealth and a lot of the wealthy/ normal people don't have good Education in their countries and that's also the gov. problems and the reason the Arabs are against their Gov and Countries like(Egypt,Libya,Syria,Tunisia) made revolutions like (Egyptian Revolution, Libyan Revolution,Syrian Civil war)
2013-03-21 00:40:41 UTC
surely it is not the religion or the book but the violence?

And how can you claim Islam is the fastest growing religion when the muslims on muslim death rate is increasing at an ever faster rate around the world?

The violence goes back to a dispute over who had spiritual authority over the Muslim community after the death of the prophet Muhammad in what is called the “fitna” which translates as temptation or trial and caused all the discord within Muslim community.

Shi’ite Muslims believe that authority was vested in his family; the Sunnis look to the sayings and actions of Muhammad as well as the Koran.

The extreme sectarian violence has been brought about by Al-Qaeda Which while being exclusively Sunni deliberately set Shi’ites and Sunnis to kill each other in Iraq. Sadly more muslims die by muslim hands each month than were killed by the invading forces in the war!

Hamas also kills far more muslims than the Israelies ever have!

An average of over thirty five muslims a week were being killed by muslims but in the last few years it has frequently been over a hundred a week!

Whether it is a Danish Cartoon, book of fiction , a snippet of film or some other excuse, Muslims hit the streets around the world rioting, looting, burning and uttering death threats!

Nearly all the muslim countries are seeing muslims attack muslims destroying homes, businesses, infrastructer and targeting women and children particularly showing the extremists must surely be trying to turn muslims into primitives living in caves and mud huts so they can be controlled more easily!
George Patton
2013-03-20 18:14:18 UTC
Other than the fact that all religions are nonsense, Islam included. It's the fact that Islam openly supports violence against those who disagree. Remember that whole 9/11 thing? Oh, and your Quran also commands you to kill non-believers. Have you not gotten to that part yet?

Are there nice, friendly, peaceful Muslims in the world? Of course. But, they still choose to belong to a barbaric religion that openly advocates violence, hatred, bigotry, and sexism. All religions are wrong in my opinion. However, some are more harmful than others. Hundreds of years ago christianity was the most harmful (remember the crusades, inquisition, etc). Today, Islam is the most harmful religion on Earth, by FAR. Buddhism is a religion too, but isn't harmful. So.....that's how.

Being the 2nd fastest growing religion is irrelevant. A lot of people also thought the world would end in 2012. Just because a lot of people believe something that doesn't mean they're not wrong. And regardless "no religious preference" (aka atheist) is the fastest growing. So......
2013-03-20 19:04:04 UTC
Because a lot of people's only information about Muslims comes from the news, and what does the news report-extremists! So if the only representations of Muslims people see are suicide bombers, they are not going to have a very high opinion of them. I was 19 years old before I'd ever even met a Muslim, they just didn't live in small towns in the midwest in the mid-90's! There wasn't the huge amount of media about Muslims then either so I hadn't formed any opinion about Muslims. If I was growing up in that same small town today the news coverage on extremist Muslims would be my only information about Islam so I'd probably hate Muslims. Its not like you see anything on the news about Muslims planting trees or saving kittens or anything, its all focused on the fundamentalist extremists. This hatred isn't going to change anytime soon, unless people learn more about moderate/regular Muslims and not many people seem to be inclined to do so. I know a lot of people hate Muslims because they (or a friend or relative) have been deployed with the military to the middle east or afghanistan. Its hard to be open minded about a Islam when you are in combat with followers of that religion (even if the people you are fighting are not representative of the majority of Muslims). Its a complicated thing. Just be decent person and hopefully you will change some people's minds about Islam.
Butch S
2013-03-22 13:56:59 UTC
You simply can NOT be serious with this question. You're not, are you? Really?

The Muslim world is a brittle world, sitting atop a fossilized religion, devoid of any type of political or personal freedom and full of desperately poor people; a world threatened by civilization and its prosperity, democratic values and, its freedom. Unless Islam experiences a civilizing, modernizing reformation, it is doomed to disappear from the earth and then simply be forgotten.

You want reasons why Islam and the Quran are utterly reviled and despised by everybody but Muslims?

Who else but Muslims does this?:
2016-10-06 03:52:43 UTC
i don't hate Islam or the Quran. i'm not complete analyzing the e book yet... so i will't make any one hundred% assertions approximately it until then. however, as there's no God, any e book attempting to brainwash human beings into thinking there is, is beneficial to deliver forth my disfavor, and the disfavor of many others. even nevertheless I additionally dislike Christianity and the Bible, a minimum of there's no indication that Jesus substitute right into a pedophile... in comparison to Muhammad. and playstation ... the place Islamic women are actually not oppressed, they could count variety themselves fortunate. to declare maximum all and sundry isn't oppressed, is basically lack of expertise. basically ask Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani... oh wait... she's being hidden in the back of a media blackout so that they are in a position to dangle her greater effectively, devoid of the meddling of ethical human beings international. And what did she do? properly... they actually are not beneficial, actually... yet howdy, one in each of her judges had a "slump," so killing her is in all danger ok, magnificent? whilst Islam rejects Shariah regulation altogether, it is going to warrant a tiny slice greater of my appreciate. until then, that's basically a gaggle of wishful thinking lunatics. i admire all your extra info... How approximately you do not ask a query in case you do not choose solutions? you're regurgitating issues you have been indoctrinated to declare... so why interior the international could you anticipate any logical guy or woman to accept as true with you?
Sal J
2013-11-14 20:12:25 UTC
The #1 growing religion is Secularism.
2013-03-20 18:19:10 UTC
When we hear and see all the Abuses,Mutilations,Child Brides, Acid Attacks, Honour Killings,Sharia Law,the young girl that was Shot recently Etc Etc. What is there to like even worshipping a Sadistic Self Absorbed Murderous Pedophile a "Religion of Peace" that never ceases to Amuse me. While at the same time being Repulsed by even the mention of it I support deporting all Muslims back to where they come from as they do not belong in our Society.

You asked and this is my opinion
2013-03-20 18:11:13 UTC
Ah, but the trick is that the only people who "count" are people "of the book"... there's no issue with killing apostates, and pagans. The issue I have with Islam is that it's OK to lie to people to get them to convert, and that the Quran says that you should kill anyone that leaves the religion. I also have some minor issues with the religion:

- no birthdays

- women dressed in sacks "for their protection"

- The idea that men have no control over themselves sexually when they see women

- no bacon

- no pet dogs

- limits on artistic expression: no drawing human figures, no singing

- All these restrictions and Islam is supposedly "not a burden"
2013-03-20 18:33:09 UTC
Jesus' physical appearance taught [everyone to treat everyone as you would like to be treated.] The Muslims heard of Jesus but his entire story is in the Bible that they must reference when reading the Quran just as the Christians reference the Jewish Bible. The Jews prophets mentioned to love everyone and was repeated by Jesus.
2013-03-20 18:27:11 UTC
Salaam, my Muslim brother/sister.

I feel the same way. I'm hurt by the way most people think of our religion. But we Muslims shouldn't return the insults, for we are taught to respect people, even if they don't respect us back. If we returned the insults, that would only show how foolish we would be. Only a fool would disrespect other religions like that.

By the way, there is no "true" religion. That would be the same as saying something is an "honest lie." Allah has created several religions to see who would argue over whose is better. This is a test to prove your loyalty to Allah.
2013-03-20 18:11:32 UTC
The Quran advocates the killing of homosexuals. You were saying?

Every religion claims to be the fastest growing religion. Doesn't mean anything. Nazism was the fastest growing party in 1930s Germany. Did that make it right?
2013-03-20 18:11:32 UTC
Most religions are identified by the worst people among them. Unfortunately, moderate Moslems don't get heard from much.
2013-03-20 18:18:06 UTC
OH...let's see. The MB's Dawa of a world wide Caliphate for one. Sharia Law, Tax on anyone who isn't a Muslim, repression of human rights, lying about India's numbers and claiming they came from Arabian mathematicians, murder, pedophilia and marrying a niece, genocide, slavery, ignorance to just name a few reasons...Other than that you guys are alright.
2013-03-20 18:13:14 UTC
They are ignorant. Hitler (a Christian) killed more people than all the Muslims combined. But according to the anti-Muslims, that never really happened and all the evidence was planted by Obama. People judge Islam by 9/11, Saddam Hussein, and the Iraq war. People of both religions have committed horrible acts, but with such widely followed faiths, it is impossible for all followers to be good people.
Punkin eater
2013-03-20 18:09:27 UTC
1. people now respect and value education and freedom

2. islam does not value education unless it's mostly just reciting the quran

3. islam does not seem to value freedom, individual or societal freedoms

thus, people do not respect islam.

at least those of us who can choose.


high birthrates do not make islam's claims any less ridiculous, and deluded christians aren't a good judge of truth and reality either.

If you're clear thinking enough you'll see what we are saying.

note: first you say you want to know why people hate islam, now you say you don't want to hear bad things about islam. Make up your mind please...
2013-03-20 19:32:00 UTC

you are talking about your loving Muslim family..that's very commendable of you,

step outside your family environment..and look at the real world

everyday Muslim are killing Muslim.. and also killing Christians...

last week 50 catholic churches was destroyed by Muslims in Nigeria

Christians do not destroy your mosques..please do not compare government actions in Iraq or Afghanistan

that is nothing to do with christians..vs..muslims religious differences ..its a separate issue

question...why are you Muslims so blind to Islamic errors..this in its self is a miracle

I am Catholic..I admit my catholic errors in past was evil

why are you people so fanatical..not to admit to your errors

2013-03-20 18:54:45 UTC
why every nation(europe,east asia and south asia, russia north and south america) in world hates islam.

1)sharia law

2)cutting heads, hands etc

3)islam is facists < our way or the highway

4)terrorist are all muslims. i dont see vietcongs who plan kill innocent people

5)multiple wives? 40 virgins in heaven? the list goes on and on.. iam sure u heard all of it.

6)nothing ever good that came out of islam ever since the invention of algebra

7)muslim immigrants are parasites to europe.. in welfares and etc..

8)muslim gangs in europe!

9)beating up women?

honestly we see islam as antichrist religion like this

we see its as cult as catholics. and almost as bad as nazi and japanese ww2 shinto bushido religion. who worhips their emperor as god. they all claim to be a religion of peace. we seen those before! kamikaze = muslim suicide bombers.

we dont see allah is the GOD of Abraham.
2013-03-20 18:14:45 UTC
While not al Muslims are terrorists, most terrorists are Muslim. Islam also denies women's rights to be equal to men.
2013-03-20 18:14:51 UTC
Id guess because of 9/11.

I know that not all Muslim people are bad, but even the word "Allah" creaps me out. Sorry. :(

Idk, something about a god having a bunch of Virgins for you in heaven is perverted. How is any god like that holy?

The bad ones are just giving the "good" ones a bad name.
2013-03-20 18:07:01 UTC
I really couldn't tell you. I've never had a problem with a Muslim in my life.
2013-03-20 18:11:31 UTC
Gee, maybe it has something to do with all the murders being carried out in the name of Allah.
Mr. Bluelight
2013-03-20 18:19:15 UTC
Most religions claim to be hated.
2013-03-20 18:50:10 UTC
1.People hate Islam because they are polytheists

Islam promotes One and Only God while others are trapped in polytheism,aware or unaware

2.People hate Islam because they are impatient

They see few Muslims and form opinion regarding Islam,they see 65 years of Muslim history and form opinion as if Islam is only 65 years old.

3.People hate Islam because they are desperate

Their own is leaving for Islam in numbers and there is nothing to stop the reversion.

4.People hate Islam because they are intolerant

Islam promotes knowledge and good disposition(akhlak)

5.People hate Islam because they are disobedient

Islam promotes moderation and not the love of excesses,the cause of disobedient

6.People hate Islam because they are immoral and sinners

Islam promotes punishment and regulations which affected the immoral and sinners.

7.People hate Islam because they are ignorant

Islam promotes law similar to previous law given to the past prophet.Most non Muslims are not aware about the similarity of their scriptures.

8.People hate Islam because they are envious

Islam is still growing while churches are on decline.Missionaries are responsible for this type of hate preach.

9.People hate Islam because they are in constant state of denial

They are aware of the setback of their own religions and scriptures but simply refuse due to arrogance.God hardened their hearts in a similar way God had hardened the heart of Pharaoh of Moses and Aaron.

10.People hate Islam because they are unclean.

Good and clean food will promote people love for the good deeds and clear thinking

11.People hate Islam because they lack appreciation to the wisdom of Allah SWT

Similar way the devil failed to see why would Allah want him to respect Adam( which is inferior according to him)
2013-03-20 18:10:11 UTC
Muslims are too primitive and fanatical. You can't trust people this insane. They will always be a menace to rational and civilized society.
2013-03-20 18:05:57 UTC

Every single day there's at least one suicide bombing. Guess what religion these lunatics belong to.

Hint: dishonest people call it the religion of peace.
april ludgate
2013-03-20 18:06:10 UTC
Blame the extremists.

It's the same reason people hate large groups of people.

Your extremists are making you look bad.
2013-03-20 18:09:20 UTC
Read every and all pages.
2013-03-20 18:07:25 UTC
Islam tells you not to kill? Where did you get that from?
2013-03-20 18:07:31 UTC
They just do not understand, and the media has failed us in making sense of it all.
2013-03-20 21:28:52 UTC
Islam is a program of violent conquest, subjugation, and tyrannical oppression, thinly disguised as a religion. It is easily the LEAST peaceful "religion" on earth.

Any "religion" that says Join-or-Die CANNOT serve the true, living God. Any "religion" that says God condones lying (taqqiyah) CANNOT be from the true, living God.

Here are some differences between Islam and Christianity.

-The Quran is the work of only one man, Muhammad, whom history portrays as a cunning schemer, robber, murderer, extortionist, woman-hater and child-raper. Yet, ever since his lifetime, Muslims have brutally silenced anyone who dared to criticize him and his Quran.

-The Bible was written by a succession of divinely inspired wise men who, as history shows, were quite sane. For almost twenty centuries, the Bible has withstood the critical scrutiny and authentication of the foremost historians, philosophers and theologians in the world.

-Islam is spread and maintained by violence, fear, ignorance, and subjugation; it cannot thrive in a free, educated society.

-Christianity is fulfilled by love of God and service to others; it cannot be spread by killing and terror.

-Local clerics, and the Quran, command Muslims to oppress and torture, kill and maim.

-The Bible commands Christians to love their neighbors as they do themselves.

-The Quran advises Muslims to lie and deceive others to get their way.

-The Bible teaches Christians to walk in truth before God.

-Muslims sing and dance when thousands of innocent non-Muslims are horribly murdered.

-Christians readily help and pray for disaster victims and needy people of any faith, all over the world.

-Islamic salvation depends on a formal five-item checklist of duties, with extra points awarded for killing unbelievers.

-Christian salvation depends on a living, growing relationship with God through His Son, Jesus Christ.

-People come to Islam because they fear they'll be beaten, robbed, and killed if they don't.

-People come to Christ because He calls to them with His pure, perfect love.

-Islam encourages Muslims to judge their neighbors, condemn them for their sins, and punish them brutally.

-Christianity teaches Christians to love and forgive their neighbors, just as Jesus loves and forgives *them*.

Do you agree that these differences are important? Can you think of any others?

May God bless you and open your eyes to His eternal truth. God and Christianity are TRUE; Islam is FALSE.

-Your Muhammad is dead burning in Hell.

-Our Jesus died for us, but He lives again—now and forever.

There should be a movement against muslims and their hatred against women and non muslims and We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them all to christianity if we ever want fell safe or to win,if we don't this stuff your read bellow will repeat over and over and over again !!!!

Islamic Fatwa says that the Torah and Bible can be used for toilet paper

Australia : Muslim Students Urinate, Spit On Then Burn Bible

Egypt: Muslims burn Christian man alive, stab his father to death

Pakistan: Muslims burn Christian man as policeman rapes his wife

6 killed in Pakistan as Muslims burn Christian homes

Muslim rapes Christian Toddler for Failure to Convert to Islam

Muslim mobs burn 100 Buddhist homes; 10 temples

Muslims Behead a Young Buddhist Boy, Slaughter Others in Thailand

Muslims brutally beat up, slit throat, behead Hindu youth for marrying Muslim

Islamists Burned Train Coach Carrying Hindu Pilgrims
2013-03-20 18:06:02 UTC

islam is a lie and hoax.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.