Islam is a program of violent conquest, subjugation, and tyrannical oppression, thinly disguised as a religion. It is easily the LEAST peaceful "religion" on earth.
Any "religion" that says Join-or-Die CANNOT serve the true, living God. Any "religion" that says God condones lying (taqqiyah) CANNOT be from the true, living God.
Here are some differences between Islam and Christianity.
-The Quran is the work of only one man, Muhammad, whom history portrays as a cunning schemer, robber, murderer, extortionist, woman-hater and child-raper. Yet, ever since his lifetime, Muslims have brutally silenced anyone who dared to criticize him and his Quran.
-The Bible was written by a succession of divinely inspired wise men who, as history shows, were quite sane. For almost twenty centuries, the Bible has withstood the critical scrutiny and authentication of the foremost historians, philosophers and theologians in the world.
-Islam is spread and maintained by violence, fear, ignorance, and subjugation; it cannot thrive in a free, educated society.
-Christianity is fulfilled by love of God and service to others; it cannot be spread by killing and terror.
-Local clerics, and the Quran, command Muslims to oppress and torture, kill and maim.
-The Bible commands Christians to love their neighbors as they do themselves.
-The Quran advises Muslims to lie and deceive others to get their way.
-The Bible teaches Christians to walk in truth before God.
-Muslims sing and dance when thousands of innocent non-Muslims are horribly murdered.
-Christians readily help and pray for disaster victims and needy people of any faith, all over the world.
-Islamic salvation depends on a formal five-item checklist of duties, with extra points awarded for killing unbelievers.
-Christian salvation depends on a living, growing relationship with God through His Son, Jesus Christ.
-People come to Islam because they fear they'll be beaten, robbed, and killed if they don't.
-People come to Christ because He calls to them with His pure, perfect love.
-Islam encourages Muslims to judge their neighbors, condemn them for their sins, and punish them brutally.
-Christianity teaches Christians to love and forgive their neighbors, just as Jesus loves and forgives *them*.
Do you agree that these differences are important? Can you think of any others?
May God bless you and open your eyes to His eternal truth. God and Christianity are TRUE; Islam is FALSE.
-Your Muhammad is dead burning in Hell.
-Our Jesus died for us, but He lives again—now and forever.
There should be a movement against muslims and their hatred against women and non muslims and We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them all to christianity if we ever want fell safe or to win,if we don't this stuff your read bellow will repeat over and over and over again !!!!
Islamic Fatwa says that the Torah and Bible can be used for toilet paper
Australia : Muslim Students Urinate, Spit On Then Burn Bible
Egypt: Muslims burn Christian man alive, stab his father to death
Pakistan: Muslims burn Christian man as policeman rapes his wife
6 killed in Pakistan as Muslims burn Christian homes
Muslim rapes Christian Toddler for Failure to Convert to Islam
Muslim mobs burn 100 Buddhist homes; 10 temples
Muslims Behead a Young Buddhist Boy, Slaughter Others in Thailand
Muslims brutally beat up, slit throat, behead Hindu youth for marrying Muslim
Islamists Burned Train Coach Carrying Hindu Pilgrims