My president said today that journalists are out of control. How does he plan to control them in order to fix that problem?
2017-02-16 22:57:02 UTC
I assume he means what he says. Why does he feel that they have too little control? Does it make anyone nervous that he thinks journalists need to be brought under control?
254 answers:
2017-02-17 14:03:52 UTC
I'm thinking "just because you" say what you mean and don't mean what you say" actually does make you insane. And for the ignorantly asinine misguided idiots who continue to insist on saying" Trump speaks like us" lol especially after that detached from reality press conference yesterday should all sign up to be lobotomized. In reality Trump's overall level of narcissism and extreme estrangement and chaotisisim essentially puts him on par with other historical leaders such as Adolph Hitler, King Henry the VIII, whom were all historically noted to be" terribly insane". Not to mention his attempt to control the narrative at his press conferences is laughable. Trump will go down in history as the least powerful president ever,despite being a billionaire,and having a core political patsy base of around 32% of total Americans, Increasingly more and more the individuals who are seemingly supporting him have and will continue to bail out on him and his" presidency" ( using the term loosely).
2017-03-27 18:28:40 UTC
if the media was under control, bernie sanders would be president
2017-02-19 15:12:02 UTC
He will not be able to control them.
2017-02-18 20:14:40 UTC
If the Media was under control, Bernie Sanders would be president
2017-02-18 16:44:54 UTC
Who knows anymore?
big brother
2017-02-18 04:34:07 UTC
I'll say this, the level of disrespect many reporters show the President is just sickening. Freedom of the press? bull. No reporter should ever tell any president, Just give me a "yes" or "no" answer and one did. The black female reporter was baiting him, and he knew it. So, he put her in her place. and you snow flacks want to say trump supporters are crazy. Well, get this, I voted for Hillary, but I still can't respect anyone who would disrespect the Commander in Chief of the United States.
Linda R
2017-02-17 18:39:00 UTC
They are 'out of control'. Ex-president Obama has been controlling ALL American media for 8-years.

Therefore, they've had 8-years of complete brain washing and it' going to take time for them to find their brains again and do their job correctly.

I love the fact President Trump is facing the media now......He will put them all in their place and if they don't change their ways - there will be NO media allowed at all.
2017-02-17 17:51:33 UTC
i believe in trump. trump for president of america. if you people don't believe there's something wrong as in evil/condspiracy then you deserve trump. and all that he will do to you. lol trump for president. long live trump.
2017-02-17 00:28:51 UTC
You assume too much and then, automatically jump to a false conclusion. The President made a statement about the Press right now. Simmer down. Why do you jump to--How will he control the Press?
orphen saiyuki
2017-02-17 00:07:13 UTC
What you just said is pretty scary. No government should be controlling the free press. That s why in the U.S. Constitution it guarantees the freedom of the press. When the government controls the news it is no longer news but propaganda. Historically, in Colonial America, the colonists were denied freedom of speech, assembly and press. England did so to prevent dissemination of information. They wanted the colonist to be divided and uninformed. That s why the Founding Fathers place those provisions in the U.S. Constitution.
2017-02-19 16:19:51 UTC
It's not his job to control them, BUT..... he can sure expose them, and I think that will eventually happen, there were Congressional Hearings back in the 1950's over this subject in which the standing CIA director was brought before Congress, and was asked the exact question that Trump has been alleging about the media being fake, The Director said their agency contribute news articles and pieces, and then Congress asked another Question.... Do you do that for Television News also? The CIA's Response...... I'm afraid I can only answer that question under executive session...... meaning behind closed doors. Trump is 100% Correct, it's rigged, it's staged, it's directed like a Hollywood Movie, this is why Independent News Sources sound like Conspiracy Theorist, they are actually closer to the truth than the Main Stream Media, that is fact, because they back up their sources, the Main Stream only uses allegations.
Gerry G
2017-02-19 15:50:24 UTC
I do not think that anyone should be controlling anyone.
2017-02-19 15:35:40 UTC
Eliminating Media
2017-02-19 09:35:17 UTC
Maybe we should encourage journalists at CNN to commit suicide. We need more pro suicide marketing. Lying journalists are the ones who cause wars with their lies and propaganda. Stop trying to humanize them.
2017-02-19 04:30:47 UTC
2017-02-18 23:12:43 UTC
First of all, he will never be my president. He is incompetent and has disrespected the news media I feel news media should boycott the president and not attend another press conference. Maybe then, he will learn to cooperate and just maybe he will learn to read..
2017-02-18 18:29:24 UTC
You can't control them
The First Dragon
2017-02-18 17:54:22 UTC
Sure, the Media have freedom of speech.

So does the President.

Is there any requirement that the President talk to anybody that wants him to? I don't think so.

Some of the Media are doing the public great disservice. Of course, it is the Public's job to figure that out. But if the President says nothing, acts as if the dishonest Media are just fine, what are the people to think?
2017-02-18 17:24:06 UTC
He talks a lot, but he has no real plans to try to control any journalists.
2017-02-18 05:41:01 UTC
He doesn't want to end freedom of speech he's simply trying to explain why they are always being dishonest to the American people
2017-02-18 04:21:36 UTC
Did you hear the media report on how Obama spent over 90 million dollars of our taxpayer money on his vacations? Didn't think so - point: the media is biased. I don't care if Trump talks to them or not if they are not going to cut the bias out. I have stopped watching or tuning into any media that continues to do that.
2017-02-17 23:36:07 UTC
Journalists (media) are ingredients in a successful democracy. Without the constant checks by the media, the government runs its course unsupervised. That's the kind of democracy Donald Ego Trump wants. Of course, the knucklehead that he is does not know he will never attain.
2017-02-17 21:49:05 UTC
The idea that you can control a population by restricting information is the most severe danger to democracy that I can think of.
2017-02-17 21:05:09 UTC
probably will eventually on communicate via
2017-02-17 14:14:28 UTC
I Challenge Anybody to Look from One News Network to another and Find ANY that Do NOT Report the "Political" News From Either the "Left or the Right",,

'Strait Nothing but the Facts & Nothing Else' News Reporting just Doesn't Happen Any More and, Hasn't For a Very Long Time and Only Morons , Simpletons, & Partisans of One or the Other Think otherwise.

"Out of Control"? ,,LOL! ,, As a Stolen Car Being 'Joy-Ridden' by 'Lord of the Flies on Meth'!!!

So, Only the "Fly-Brains buzzing around & Screaming with Painted Faces & Sharp sticks" actually Think that 'Trump' Wants to "Control" Any of it.

Because since the Majority of the Most Rabid of the Hysterics are Very Obviously getting Screamed from the "Left" LOL! NOW that the "Grown-Ups" Have Finally Arrived, Frankly Nothing is More Amusing than Watching 'Trump' Give them the "Raspberry-w- Middle-Finger" Especially, since the More he Does it the More Furious the "Flies" Get,, LOL!

And, Incredibly, Contrary to the "Buzz" it even Appears to be Working in 'Trumps favor, since the Weirder the Media Gets about Trump the More the 'Left's' "Marks-ism" Shows...
2017-02-17 03:14:44 UTC
Trump threw a hissy fit while putin threw trump a pupet test
2017-02-17 02:19:32 UTC
CNN went on the first week about a re count.

Then the Russians were supposed to change the election again by CNN.

Two different sources claimed Trump's wife was a hooker . She modeled as a young girl for Vogue so really would't have to do that at all for money.

One was the Blaze. A reporter named Bernstein said she was a whore.

So this really was not how the Obama's were treated.

You know that or maybe didn't notice he was called the Magic Negro figure . He was given Nobel Peace Prize. People lost their jobs if they said Michelle looked like a gorilla . Really but it is okay to call Trump's wife a prostitute.

Trump is right and was calling them out on it. Then they claim he is in bed with Putin because they were on good terms. A Russian adviser claimed we averted WW3 by voting in Trump . This should be an improvement and a positive thing but the media portrayed a good relationship with Russian as a bad thing because the last administration never achieved it.

Count how many times Trump bashed, rants, attacks but never addressed people. We have freedom of speech in American unless you are a conservative gay man with a black lover who wants to speak at your university.
2017-02-17 00:39:36 UTC
The more anyone forces to control anyone or any group of people, the more the people will resist.
2017-02-17 00:26:32 UTC
We the people will just not pay any attention to them. That's the control he's talking about.
2017-02-16 23:02:31 UTC
I would hope that we will all be more wary of any political leader who uses "control" and "press" in the same sentence.
2017-02-25 15:08:48 UTC
he talks a lot, but he has no real plans to try to control any journalists...
2017-02-20 13:19:47 UTC
If they lie, they should be arrested.
2017-02-19 10:58:26 UTC
By brainwashing you as he's been doing.

If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.

Adolf Hitler
2017-02-19 00:54:02 UTC
He doesn t need to and should not control them but he does need to expose them and their duplicitous ways.
2017-02-18 15:08:07 UTC
As far as I am concerned:

I believe that his Russian buddies have somehow managed to hack/influence the election.


I believe that he did NOT win fairly - he manipulated the whole thing.


He is a liar who has been caught in lies in front of live audiences more than once.


He cannot be trusted as he twists facts that don't suit him into things that are false.


a) The number of citizens who actually were present at his "crowning"

b) Calling his own Secret Service Team liars -

c) Calling the media false -

d) Addressing a judge as a "so-called" judge - he apparently does not accept that the Judicial branch of the Government has the same equal right/power as the Executive branch with the President

e) Insults other heads of countries without hesitation - no matter what the consequences.

f) Demands that his wall be built, even though it is not keeping anyone out - have you seen the reports showing how the drug lords fling their drugs over the border via catapults.


He chooses extremely rich people who are mostly interested in keeping their own businesses profitable. (See his "wonderful" Vice Pres. who deals with the Putin gang)


He is an embarrassment for the US of A since he does not have a clue how a true Statesman conducts himself. I fear for our country, and I wish that it still can be proven that he is an illegally/invalid seated president and that he and his cohorts are there not valid and are then removed!!
2017-02-18 14:54:49 UTC
Pres.Trump's major problem with the media is that he does not respect a "free press" . He believes they undermine his confidence so he attacks them and says he is doing it for " the people". Trump needs to be careful because this is the way dictators talk and blame the press for their problems running government. A free press only ask the questions presented by an administration success and failures and responses to all citizens !
2017-02-18 06:40:11 UTC
2017-02-18 02:59:23 UTC
I agree, all journalists are lying, no good low lifes. They are all probably illegal immigrants anyway and should be deported back to Mexico or at least a muslim country.
Common Sense
2017-02-18 02:09:38 UTC
First, you must understand the context of the notion. The press happens to use the freedom of speech right and take it a bit too far in that not everything that is printed is the absolute truth. Therefore, people believe the black and white text, regardless of the fact of how inaccuracy of the reporting.

Having that been said, the president is merely speaking out about what most everyone
2017-02-17 21:42:15 UTC
He'll need to control the Deep State, the permanent bureaucracy, first. I don't think he can do it.
2017-02-17 18:16:11 UTC
He does not plan to control free speech.The press is making up stories that are not true and have been for the most part,negative nellies on every subject.Straighten up people.
Tad Dubious
2017-02-17 13:23:31 UTC
Your Highness, to answer you question, I quote my mother: "The Lord only knows!" That is the answer to the "how." Freedom of the Press is protected by the Constitution, so it is beyond my imagination what the POTUS might do to "control" them.

Question 2: I think you mean to say the POTUS thinks the media has too MUCH control, and that answer is easy: the media, in general, is striking back and making light of "the Emperor's New Clothes"; he abuses them, they are retaliating.

Question 3: Some may be nervous, but I am not. I think this is just the first example of what our President is not prepared for: everybody does not love him and does not buy his line. I see in the paper today he is blaming President Obama for leaks. Hopefully, he will man up soon.
2017-02-17 05:45:10 UTC
Mainstream news should be unbiased, balanced, and based on FACT! To many of them are told what to say or spewing their own personal opinions with the sole intent of spreading, misleading, misinforming, misrepresenting and publicizing a particular political agenda.
2017-02-17 04:26:18 UTC
I think they will continue to act out.

However i know trump will continue to expose them to the public in the wide open .

I think everybody knows that the mainstream media is full of feces, including liberals and democrats. I think it will go down in history as an imfamous era of blatant lies and out of controll propaganda. That we will all look back at in 20 years.

For example we all know everybody's rockingchairs fly back with laughter when news reporters call a shotgun a "high capacity assault rifle" or call a revolver a "glock".

Or when they conveniently always make the mistake of falsely IMPLYING that every single person who comes up dead on tv was either "unarmed" or "black" if not both.

They call being pepper sprayed "brutally beaten" they make polls that not even 12 year olds would believe....etc. etc. An illegal alien gets aressted after being pulled over for a tail light out and the media calls it "ICE raids"..etc etc etc
2017-02-17 04:08:50 UTC
Your President is right. Keep the faith.
jim h
2017-02-17 03:12:57 UTC
He can fix it by the FCC mandating the licensing of news outlets by their accuracy and their mission against deception. For example; if you're virtually always upright and unbiased; you are licensed as an AAA news outlet. If you show some bias, maybe don't get the stories right often; you'd be an AA news.....and so on. If you're like MSNBC or NBC; you're not a news source at all, you're commentary.
2017-02-17 02:06:45 UTC
He also asked a black reporter to arrange a meeting with the congressional black caucus for him today, during the press conference, because obviously they all know each other. And that's what reporters do anyway, right?
Mr. Wizard
2017-02-17 01:23:18 UTC
Why would Trump want to suppress / quiet the SORE LOSER DEMOCRAT SUPPORTED PROPAGANDIST MEDIA?? They ARE, big time, doing Trump immense favors; in fact, Trump ought to tell them, "I can t hear you--can you amp up your volume a wee tad???"

It s like living Election Night all over again---each day---seeing those whiny naive MISLED IMMATURE LIBERALS, ashen / shocked that their Hillary LOST the Election!!

Oh, and Hillary s NO better--and proves it: You don t see here stepping forward, appealing to the masses of SORE LOSERS, to retain dignity and class---by quietly standing down their angst driven protests.

Once again: There IS NO problem, other than The Oppositionists ARE CONFIRMING how epic a mistake it d been HAD Hillary won the Election.

In fact: It s become VERY easy to see and distinguish the BS Oppositionists "fake news" propaganda, from REAL journalist balanced news.

Just remember who IS puppet leading The Oppositionists--and WHY they re being misled. Corporate America HATES seeing LEGALLY ENTERING MEXICAN U.S. CITIZENS ( and President Trump assures: THEY ARE COMING!! ) return---with The Law--- DEMANDING they be paid U.S. MINIMUM WAGE STANDARD SALARIES!!
2017-02-17 00:19:15 UTC
Ignore them
2017-02-16 23:02:31 UTC
It makes me VERY nervous, because trying to 'control' the media is a first step toward a totalitarian government.
2017-02-19 09:37:09 UTC
send them all to jail
2017-02-18 23:40:27 UTC
No. "we the people" will take care on the media.
ms manners
2017-02-18 23:17:39 UTC
He plans to go right past them and their biased reporting, and speak directly to the public.

Haven't you been paying attention?

I've never seen so many false stories presented as news before.
2017-02-18 22:51:38 UTC
The hysterics generated over the "supposed" 100,000 N/G troops, should be a good indicator of what's wrong. The "draft" was a hypothetical working paper and never mentioned that number. It took some vendetta seeking writer to jump to that number and then put it in a headline. It was a far cry from 2009, when Obama actually agreed to send N/G to the border.

If the news media wish to be taken seriously, then objective journalism must begin, not the yellow journalism that has flourished more and more... the past few decades.
2017-02-18 22:01:10 UTC
They should report the news. Instead they are obsessive with hate and bias. Its over the top. Trump could say that the weather is nice and they would go nuts. CNN would bring out an "expert" to say that Trump was putting our very democracy at risk. They are out of control. Bringing them back requires that the public ignore them.
2017-02-18 19:10:18 UTC
Your President needs to realise that Journalists are there to tell the world the truth about what he is up to. It is not they who are out of control but Trump.

He is attacking the media because he knows they are on to him and will expose him as the lying cheating scumbag that apparently only people outside of America recognise.
Tasha W
2017-02-18 17:42:02 UTC
Well I don't see him able to change much. It's under freedom of speech. That and I am almost certain that he is only having an issue because they scrutinizing every word he says.
2017-02-18 17:06:12 UTC
If he thinks he has no control over the media, then he is right. The president should have ZERO control over the media. There is freedom of press you know.
2017-02-18 16:46:28 UTC
he cant
2017-02-18 08:58:46 UTC
oh yes
2017-02-18 06:01:53 UTC
Guess the press can't take what they have been dishing out. They are snowflakes, too.
2017-02-18 04:21:08 UTC
You assume he means what he says? I don't think her remembers what he said as soon as the next sentence. He's lost in space
2017-02-18 00:27:59 UTC
President Obama never said that.
2017-02-17 23:54:26 UTC
Not sure
2017-02-17 23:46:00 UTC
Journalists publish articles that are in the interest of the public. There are certain laws already that control what a journalist can publish and if they go against this they can be trialed in court, but that is usually for the safety of members of public such a sexual offense victims name, naming a criminal before a judgement has been made or statements that cause defamation. However, most other issues are safe to publish so long as it's in pulic interest e.g. if a Politian was using tax money to fund parties. This is in public interest because its using public money.

By saying there will need to be more control over the press they are limiting the information you can find out and that you are entitled to know. Just like Hitler gained control of the press he used it as propaganda to influence the public to think the same as him and hide anything he didnt want them to know. This means politicians could hide what they were up to.

As a student studying journalism this is very worrying.
Jagman J
2017-02-17 22:27:24 UTC
Answer to the original question is quite simple. Hitler did it well, as Putin has done. History books are available to learn how previous “Bosses” have done.

Even better, "your President" already admires Putin’s ways. All he needs is to call Putin and ask him how he does it. Putin has 17 years of practice of squashing any descent. . First you convince the "people" to FEAR everything and they are "unsafe", build walls, and don’t help anyone as YOUR personal safety is the most important thing in life. Just don’t TELL our Soldiers that as we put THEM in harms way as WE have to stay SAFE.

Under previous Presidents, they rarely agreed with the Press as they, according to the Founding Fathers INTENDED for the Press to "keep them honest" so to speak. But, THEY ran our Government as a Democracy, not a Corporation. I think you, his base, can handle the situation.

First task is to suspend the Constitution as it is old, tired and worn out and does not meet "Current Business/Corporation Requirements or Standards”. Our Government has way TOO may people deciding things. WE NEED just one, and maybe some Amateurs in the Cabinet will help.

But we are in different times. "Your President" thinks the other TWO branches of government are "so called" and maybe worthless or obsolete as he thinks, like you, that voted for him, best if our government is run like a Business, a Mom and Pop store and not a Democracy/Republic.

Even better, use the typical management style like Walmart where the BOSS is the absolute Boss and we ALL do what we are told. This “cuts through the BS” of governing but, Constitutional Scholars will take exception with that and you may find some resistance.

Good Luck as I will be resisting yours and his efforts also.

So, write "your President", tell to ask Putin how he does it. You may get some kickback from Congress, American people, etc but sure "your President” will not find that an issue as he has a good start so far of finding complete Amateurs to run the government and tossing out the last 200 some years of history and starting all over again. .
2017-02-17 18:24:49 UTC
Your president is right because a lot of them aren't reporting factual information, they are writing OP-EDs. That is NOT journalism. Those people are in the pockets of others. Don't believe me? Why don't you follow the money trail? Lots of people are in that big river in Egypt... "DENIAL" because the media is controlled by one single very wealthy person who wants their ideologies inseminated into the public... (Sound familiar? You brought up a historically vile figure, just saying... and here's a hint: It's not President Trump.) Great news though: that Trillionaire won't win against Trump.

Also, it's funny how you asked this question, instead of something related to POLICY. Our president can't control the press any more than we can control you asking a question about controlling the press.
2017-02-17 01:53:58 UTC
Kill em all
2017-02-17 00:48:36 UTC
Since the obvious bias reported during and before the election I have refused to watch the major networks, as have many others. Their ratings have plummeted. I get my news from the one remaining reliable source; alternative news networks. If everybody did this, the crooked ones would go broke.

The other way is for Trump to not call upon them for questions during news conferences. Let them be spectators instead of participants. They come with an agenda and are not doing their jobs correctly anyway. Who cares if Trump didn't wave from Air Force One or if Trump's daughter got to sit behind the big desk or if Trump went to dinner without telling the press; BIG DEAL!!! These snowflake reporters need to put their big boy pants on and do their jobs!
2017-02-16 23:00:35 UTC
We are ONE people, ONE nation, with ONE leader. Journalists have no right to disagree.
2017-02-19 13:10:29 UTC
2017-02-18 21:10:18 UTC
First of all, THUS MAN WILL NEVER BE MY PRESIDENT!!! That said, when you start "controlling" the press, you start deciding what people can and cannot hear. The notion of "controlling' freedom of speech and expression smacks of facism and a totalitarian government.....think Hitler, folks......or think at all!
Robert M
2017-02-18 18:52:15 UTC
HE is TRYING to reverse the CONSTITUTION and BUSH was ALSO a total SHITHEAD and ruined the country! REPUBLICANS seem to have MENTAL issues it seems! i CALL trump THE blonde hitler! 1aND bush THE idiocracy OF bush! HE PROTECTED HIS oil interestS IN iraq OWNED SINCE THE fifties! HE did terrible THINGS TO ECONOMY BY ENCOURAGING SALE OF plants TO mexico AND china! largest TRANSFER OF WEALTH ever AND job loss OCCURRED DURING THE idiocracy OF THE bush REGIME! nOW trump IS LEADING THE WAY TO another IDIOCY. wE HAVE not HAD A GOOD PRESIDENT SINCE kennedy! CLINTOn had the budget balanced, and BUSH went NUTS in borrowing from CHINA and other palces! Tehey even sold WAR ITEMS to the middle eastg! We are QUITE MAD! hE encouraged THE MOVEMENT OF welath FROM THE usa TO china ND mexico! WANT TO BUY A chinese buick??? not me! aND not A mexiCan chrylser EITHER! wEE NEED more jobs AND not hitler TYPES! obama DID A lot OF GOOD RIDDING washington OF ROBBERS AND THIEVES AND GETTING US back IN TOUCH WITH governement AND SEEING IT'S flawsd! trump IS AN harmed egoist! i LILKE some OF HIS IDEAS, BUT HE is TOW FACED and loaded with MONEY that WE ALL SHOULD hAVE! We have FREEDOM OF SPEECH! They KILL YOU in many counries if you resist government intrusion into your life! GET ME OUT OF HERE NOW!
2017-02-18 12:32:29 UTC
The problem with journalists? Low IQ reporters. Weed out everyone in the country with low IQ and you will see significant improvements in everything.
2017-02-18 12:24:56 UTC
13+1 footballers are on a pitch. John&Jean Motsons make a comment.
2017-02-18 05:43:16 UTC
Masses of demonstrations organise a rally and when you approach the newspaper building set it ablaze. Easy
2017-02-18 05:02:14 UTC
Mir Quasem
2017-02-18 03:20:30 UTC
"If you want to win your enemies allow them to think that you are their friend."
2017-02-18 02:47:17 UTC
He wants to start his own television station. WTRUMP-TV.

Until he yawns & says "what else is on, change the channel".
2017-02-18 00:07:17 UTC
Of course it does, control of the media and destruction of all critical media is basic to dictatorial takeover.
2017-02-17 22:20:14 UTC
Only Trump can save the USA..

Most news people are fools.



1) Population

White population was about 1/4 of the world population.

Now it is about 10%.

In the near future it will be only 7%.

2) Demographics - America, Europe, Australia, NZ

2.1) UK

In 1990, white population was 80% in London.

In 2010, white population was 60% in London.

In 1950, there were 10,000 British Pakistanis. Now there are 1.2 million British Pakistanis.

2.2) USA

Latinos have passed whites as the largest ethnic group in California in 2015.

As recently as 1970, eight out of 10 Californians were white.

The Majority of American Babies Are Now Minorities (2012) - The Census Bureau

America will a white minority country before 2050.

In 2050, white population will be less than 50% in USA.

In 2100, white population will be 1/3 in USA.

In 1950, white population was about 90% in USA.

in 2014, white population is about 60% in USA

2.3) Australia

In 1970s, white population was about 90% in Australia.

In 2011, white population was about 60% in Australia.

Demography of Australia - Wikipedia

2.4) Russia

Analysis: Russia's Far East Turning Chinese.

Peter Zeihan

2.5) Germany

Germans will be a minority in Germany by 2030.

The ongoing Third World invasion of Germany will create a nonwhite majority in the 20- to 30-year-old age group within just four years, and a nonwhite majority within one generation, a new statistical analysis based on official German census figures has shown.

Green politician Dr. v. Berg: Germans will be a minority in Germany, this is a good thing!

2.6) Canada

1870- 1970, white population was 95-98% in Canada.

In 1980, white population was 90% in Canada.

In 2010, white population was 60% in Canada..

European Canadian, - Wikipedia

In 2031, White population will be under 40% in Vancouver,

Demographics of Vancouver - Wikipedia

2.7) New Zealand

In 1961, white population was about 92% in New Zealand.

In 2006, white population was about 67% in New Zealand.

Demographics of New Zealand - Wikipedia

White faces will soon be a minority - National - NZ Herald News (2012)

2.8) Mixed people

America passed laws prohibiting marriage between European and Asian Americans until the 1950s.

The share of multiracial babies has risen from 1% in 1970 to 10% in 2013.

The largest multirace groups in the 2010 census were :

white and black (1.8 million).

white and some other race (1.7 million).

white and Asian (1.6 million).

white and American Indian and Alaska Native (1.4 million).

Census Was Wrong: 7 Percent of Americans Are Multiracial, Not 2 percent.

The Pew survey: "We went beyond the Census and asked people about their biological parents and grandparents."

3) Demographics, Asia

In China, 90% of the population are native Chinese.

Demographics of China - Wiki

In Japan, 98% of the population are native Japanese.

Demographics of japan - Wiki

In Korea, almost 100% of the population are native Korean. South Korea is a homogeneous society.

Demographics of South Korea - Wiki

4) GDP, Globalization

4.1) USA helped Japan just after WWII.

In 1945, the GDP of America was 50% of the world.

In 1945, the GDP of Japan was 2.5% of the world.

Then the GDP of Japan went up to just under 20% of the world (1994).

Then the GDP of American went down to just above 30% of the world.

Japan has a bigger buying power than any European country.

4.2) Now China has a bigger buying power than America.

Truman isolated China, China was very poor at that time.

In 2000, the GDP of America was 31% of the world. China was 4%.

Clinton let China to join WTO.

Then China becomes the world factory.

Now the median household income in the US is lower than 2000.

4.3) China tops US in numbers of billionaires - BBC News

America made a diffreent list.

4.4) Asian millionaires now the wealthiest in the world - CNN News

4.5) There are at least 12 Asian American billionaires.

Richest Asian Americans 2015 - Forbes List

There is 0 European Chinese billionaire.

5) Defence

Jimmy Carter said a powerful China is good for America.

Jimmy Carter said yes to export technologies and weapons to China.

Chinese leaders and generals declared a few times that China will nuke USA.

Zhu_Chenghu, Wiki

Chairman Mao said that China will win, even 2/3 of Chinese population will be nuked, since China has the biggest population.

6) Politics.

If Hillary Clinton win, USA will be the United States of Latinos.

Hillary needs blacks, Latinos, Asians, refugees, illegal immigrants to support her.

Hillary will give all illegal immigrants a citizenship.

"We, the Greens [Green Party] have to make sure to get as many immigrants as possible into Germany. If they are in Germany, we must fight for their right to vote. When we reach that, we will have a share of the vote."

--- Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Co-president of the European Greens.
2017-02-17 21:01:40 UTC
he shows with proof that they are lying or no reporting correctly, he has no control over their jobs, how they conduct them etc

but he can do something by being correct and honest about what he is talking about
2017-02-17 19:32:34 UTC
Calling them out and avoiding them and their ignorant questions.
2017-02-17 17:20:26 UTC
Worrisome, as I thought he was a wanna be dictator by what he said about the courts and other actions. His behavior is disconcerting as many Americans support his actions. My fears were first raised when he said to protect our homeland. I kept hearing Vaterland.
2017-02-17 16:22:29 UTC
Sadly, he is our president & we the people are stuck with the new censorship. I think we just need to all start underground newspapers again!
2017-02-17 14:30:26 UTC
I have no idea how to make the media live up to its responsibility to give the public objective facts, rather than strongly-biased lies. I can only hope that Donald Trump has a good idea how to perform this exceedingly difficult task. The media has been out of control for a long time. It is easy for me to see each media's bias. Fox News is rare in having right wing bias. There are more media with left wing bias, notably CNN that has been caught in lies.
2017-02-17 12:17:58 UTC
Trump is just being an asshole.
2017-02-17 10:10:01 UTC
shoot them
2017-02-16 23:57:46 UTC
He is frightened of journalists, they ask too many questions that he hasn't the answers for
2017-02-16 23:28:45 UTC
It is the typical behaviour of dictatorships

You don't need to live in a dictatorship to be aware of how they work.
2017-02-20 16:44:52 UTC
Too bad there is no actual God which COULD "bless America".

Your guy is SO desperate for love, that he INSISTS more people voted for him than for her, and his crowd (despite photo evidence to the contrary) was the biggest EVER.

With any luck, the press will remain somewhat free ( they are mostly owned by mega-corps) and you'll still have a country in 2020.
2017-02-20 10:20:36 UTC
Who told you he said that?
2017-02-19 14:09:53 UTC
Imprisonment for slander is a good place to start
2017-02-19 00:48:54 UTC
You need go back & look at the derectives B/O. gave those under him. To those who worked for him. Imigration, HUD, all. He was no better than Trump. But the press refused to report. Why He did more in his term to build the Republican party than any President in History. He was what in the workplace is called the boss's brown nose child. Trump is the new Boss. A new way of doing things. The Democratic party don't like. So all He does at work is wrong, We have a gripe, You are the Company Idiot attitude. You see this in the work place. Called on the job harassment there are laws against it. That is what the press is doing. It sells news Harassing the President. That is there bottom line. So Trump as the new Boss is doing no more than B/O did. But a different new management direction to save the company. Some are up in arms about it. Same as most work places. The New Boss Is A Fool! So look around at were you work to understand the mouth offs about Trump.
2017-02-18 16:19:47 UTC
You Can not control journalists No body can.
2017-02-18 16:14:47 UTC
What trump should do is let smaller media into press conference. The old media is dying. The alternative media is uprising media. We tired of the elite media like cnn. Plus they are rude to trump. Don't blame for being nasty to them.
2017-02-18 11:58:41 UTC
They are out of control as they are one sided only!!!
2017-02-18 11:07:13 UTC
It would be very simple to control the lies the liberal press puts out. The government only has to put a million dollar fine for every lies that is told by the media. Do you realize just how quickly NBC, ABC, CBS, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Huffington news, and MSNBC would bankrupt themselves?
2017-02-18 09:37:39 UTC
Resign or be impeached, I would think.
2017-02-17 20:39:39 UTC
You can't control media, that's one of the great things about this country. The media is biased toward the left so President Trump will never "control" or "fix" them. America did show that they have a mind of their own this last election by completely ignoring the medias best most anti-candidate push ever, showing that the only ones that can fix the media is the People.
2017-02-17 18:58:20 UTC
Jews have been running this country from the editors desk for too fûcking long
2017-02-17 17:59:40 UTC
Our president is unable to control himself. He ca not control the media alone. Besides ,he is the reason why the media is out of control. He made it that way. He has no business blaming the media for what he caused. He is not in touch with reality.
Jerry S
2017-02-17 14:17:34 UTC
answer, he will not be able to
2017-02-17 13:19:14 UTC
He will try and change the liable laws for a start off, but that will be deemed unconstitutional by many! His supporters who obviously want to be ruled by a dictator will love it!

The ultimate right wing idiots dream, only getting news that you want to hear, imagine that!!!

The vain cry baby shouldn't have taken the job if he couldn't take the sh!t that goes with it!!!
2017-02-17 11:47:42 UTC
trump even thinks a reporter is his personal secretary. I shudder to think how he treats his office staff. No wonder why there are leaks coming from the white house. It is "Deep Throat" descendants (from the Watergate era ) all over again.
2017-02-17 05:48:31 UTC
I don't think he needs to control them because the people are already doing that very nicely thank you very much. Their ratings are dropping like lead balloons.
2017-02-17 05:02:48 UTC
'congress shall make no law restricting freedom of the press'[

pretty simple, leavem be,any law sez the prez can;t holler back atem?


the press has bills, salaries to pay,their loot comes out of advertising revs

their advertisers depend on viewers,and clickers, willing to buy stuff from advertisers,

a process driven by marketplace freedoms,let that fold out as it may.,

when yahoo & other media execs use their pea brained pointy heads to make connection among their news coverage,political bias,and no money for paychecks,,they will have to get the rich to help them out, the FCC ainnagonna do it,,or go out of bidness.
2017-02-17 01:46:34 UTC
Despite the lies and hypersensitive hysteria, Trump just means the Press is untrustworthy.

When he wants to tell us something, he bypasses the liberal media and goes directly to us without the liberal reporters, and "journalists" filtering everything through perceived racism where there is none.
2017-02-17 01:40:16 UTC
Your so called president will likely call his buddy Putin for advice on how to handle people like that.
Randy the Atheist
2017-02-16 23:00:05 UTC
Execution by anti-aircraft cannons....

.....just like how kim jong un did it.
2017-02-20 09:48:59 UTC
Please don't drag such political issues in R&S activities here. Ask this question in Politics.
2017-02-19 17:56:39 UTC
The American media is the mouthpiece of Wall Street. Trumps policies will hit the 1% hard. The press is just reporting "His Masters Voice".It's as simple as that.
2017-02-19 15:23:13 UTC
Fields of Dreams
2017-02-19 13:13:50 UTC
He wishes he could have them lined up and shot or thrown in a gulag

Maybe he'll run back to Putin who has him on his puppet strings to disrupt our nation's way of life and create complete sociopolitical chaos...The irony being that it's not even direct... all that is required is that Donald Duck is in office... he'll do the rest unwittingly...

I don't know what the **** is going on, but it seems that there are many factors, influences in play here which could easily trigger a revolution or send this freak circus show of an election over the hill, crashing and burning...

2017-02-19 02:16:42 UTC
It depends whether the media is making up or distorting the news about Trump, or whether Trump does not like them telling the truth about him. Journalists must be careful when reporting the news as if they lie about people in there news reporting they can be taken to court and sued for defamation of character. The question is why hasn't trump started legal proceedings against the journalists who he says have lied about him as if he can prove it he could be suing them and that would quickly make other reporters much more careful on how they report the news.

The fact he is just mouthing off about journalists lying about him and not bringing legal action against them to sue them for defamation suggests maybe they are telling the truth and Trump does not like it and is trying to convince people that he is doing a good job and the media is picking on him. Trump is used to giving orders he demands will be obeyed in his businesses but he appears to be trying to run the US the same way and is finding out the hard way that being in charge of a democratic country is a fine balancing act of achieving what he wishes to achieve and staying within the bounds of the country's democratic constitution which was put there to protect the rights of all US citizens. He is not allowed by the US constitution to just make laws to suit himself as if he could the country would be a dictatorship, and dictatorships have a habit of destroying the economy and human rights in their country. Even the president of the USA has to follow the rules or can be in legal trouble.
2017-02-19 01:39:52 UTC
stupid libral. An executive action of course. Cages
2017-02-18 10:20:59 UTC
Deport them.
2017-02-18 06:06:26 UTC
Your President just does not want to hear the opinion of anyone but himself. He hates anyone having a differing opinion about the truth and behaves like a Psychopathic Boss, not a Leader.
2017-02-18 05:00:19 UTC
He has no problem with freedom of the press, even if they slander him. BUT they have to have legitament proof. News outlets should not be posting news they know is fake, which is what CNN and Buzzfeed like to do from time to time just to push their agenaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
2017-02-18 00:23:06 UTC
Where is America going? Quite bizarre, worrying and deeply concerning to everyone.
Josh Satchwell
2017-02-17 23:19:41 UTC
This is something way too hard to answer without being biased to some degree. However, I study homeland security and I can tell you that Donald Trump has a lot of people around him who are bringing him down. That's his first real problem. Once he realizes that, he will be on the right track.
2017-02-17 23:18:56 UTC
Firing range.Just kidding .He can handle them just fine.
2017-02-17 21:13:22 UTC
no idizzle my nizzle
2017-02-17 18:00:29 UTC
who knows
2017-02-17 17:34:33 UTC
He can start by taking the Harry S. Truman slogan "The Buck Stops Here" to heart, and stop blaming everyone but himself when things go wrong in his administration.
2017-02-17 15:18:35 UTC
The press you mention from Germany have been for two centuries from a leftist ideology, many times anarchist and finally communist during the Weimar experiment to turn Germany into a hell where foreign ethnocrats only could enjoy a good life while conservative Germans starved and had to face the injustices of hyperinflation, but you already knew that. Journalists in the US insult not only a candidate and a president but to his family calling their members either prostitutes, autists, retarded and other names, they even call to boycott their enterprises trying to bankrupt them in order to make them starve and die. So how passive did you expect a powerful ruler to stay after attacks of this nature?

There are some ways in which a serious journalism can be force to inform and not distort things, the code of ethics should be reviewed and then the hated censorship that leftists hate so much could finally work and eyes and ears of conservatives could rest finally after too many years of depravity on TV where the news hour was no exception on this social engineering against the traditional conservative American mentality that made the respect disappear and vulgarity, sexuality, ugliness and other occult attacks were made against the American family to make them a docile entities without own thinking but those gotten from the liberal media and full aversion to decency and religion. That finally has to end.
2017-02-17 12:19:05 UTC
It won't be long until he discards the Constitution entirely and begins ordering the imprisonment, torture and execution of all dissidents under the guise of national security (i.e. his hurt feelings). Law enforcement will dutifully obey and his supporters will cheer him on like the moronic sheeple they are.
2017-02-17 04:35:09 UTC
Some of his methods so far are 1) blitzing the airwaves with his propaganda campaign against them 2) creating photo ops with only friendly reporters 3) banishing "unfriendly" press from briefings 4) personally insulting, intimidating and demeaning individual reporters 5) publishing his own fake news reports using Breibart, Fox etc.
2017-02-17 02:42:55 UTC
Trump gave them good advice . He said if they would get the stories right and be honest they would be more popular and good for the American people. He said as it is dishonesty does a disservice to the people.
2017-02-17 01:12:39 UTC
The Press is supposed to report the truth, but the Press is now biased liberal propaganda.

The people are losing confidence in the Press and going to the internet for the truth.
2017-02-20 03:54:50 UTC
its a worry! and their grammer is poor, they evoke a distrustfull spirit that lives in us all they tap into our fears and toy with our emotions they spew the unspeakable they morph and bend situations into boring meaningless stories and worst of all they occupy free space in our heads that culd be used for better more uplifting mentally stimulating ammusing things we might never get the chance to think about.
2017-02-19 23:00:49 UTC
You never control the press. I mean NEVER, EVER. If you control the press, you no longer have the country we inheirtted (sp) and fought for. You may believe what they say or print, but you had better not hope that an individual can control the press. That was crudely written, but I think you get the point.
2017-02-19 07:32:37 UTC
Presidents are always atupid
2017-02-19 01:40:23 UTC
In the past they never told us American's the truth, They even backed a muslim named H. Clinton ( reborn again muslim 2012, but did'nt tell anyone. How he fixes the problem is his choice. Mike
2017-02-18 15:24:36 UTC
The jewstream media needs to be reigned in. Trump needs to name the Jew behind the jew lie media oligopoly.
2017-02-18 08:18:21 UTC
should grime
2017-02-18 05:27:01 UTC
he's a freaking fascist.
2017-02-18 00:10:09 UTC
They get the information from talking gold fish.
You Know . . .
2017-02-17 23:24:27 UTC
Humiliate them like he did at his recent press conference . . .
Christopher F
2017-02-17 21:01:03 UTC
Doesn't scare me. He's an empty suit. Fascinatingly the older President Bush played nearly dead in order to avoid the social obligation of having to go to a successor's inauguration. He made a miraculous recovery in time to attend the Super Bowl.
2017-02-17 20:35:48 UTC
The left leaning media is engaged in an unprecedented campaign of lies, misinformation, hate, and spin in an effort to topple the democratically elected president of the United States of America.
Al Sharp
2017-02-17 18:31:01 UTC
Andy F
2017-02-17 18:01:47 UTC
I don't know how Trump plans to control the press.

The point is, every Amercan who cares about freedom and liberty under the Constitution should be prepared to stop any effort by Trump to control the press.

The same applies to any other president's efforts to control the press.

The Constitution says the government can't abolish freedom of the press. Let's keep it that way.

-- democratic socialist
2017-02-17 17:55:36 UTC
Md Firoz
2017-02-17 16:44:45 UTC
If free journalism stop, It means people are stop to get free & fair news.
2017-02-17 15:58:15 UTC
1st amendment may have freedom of the press but certainly doesn't protect you in getting called out when you are lying nor does it protect you against lawsuits.

The only way to stop the left wing lying madness is to hit them in their wallets. It would have to be extreme fabricated lying such as CNN and New York times falsifying Russia hacked the election.
2017-02-17 02:06:28 UTC
He plans to control them by building a giant wall, and having the media pay for it, and ........
2017-02-17 01:24:49 UTC
2017-02-17 00:55:03 UTC
He cannot violate the freedom of the press.
2017-02-16 23:15:44 UTC
He doesn't like any negative reports about him.
2017-03-08 10:44:01 UTC
he doesn't want to end freedom of speech he's simply trying to explain why they are always being dishonest to the american people
Jan C
2017-02-21 05:57:45 UTC
If he ever gets himself in Control, that will be a miracle. We need to thank God for the media who stand to correct his mistakes and his lies like the one he told today about Sweden having allowed millions of immigrants in and then they terrorized the people of their country. That was untrue. He brushed it off by saying he saw that on Fox news. Who better to blame for a big mistake?

The Media operates under The Freedom Of Speech Law.
2017-02-19 14:46:50 UTC
send them to MARS
2017-02-18 21:50:52 UTC
the president doesn't need to control the press. the public will accomplish that by refusing to patronize biased, yellow-journalism propaganda machines. don't buy garbage, such as the new york times, or watch worthless trash like cnn. when they realize nobody is listening to their lies, their attitudes will change and the press will be forced to behave more responsibly.
2017-02-18 20:14:51 UTC
I hate the Western media because most are liars, manipulators, they love to take words out of context or just over exaggerate. I don't know why that is, perhaps its because they have their own agenda, maybe they want people to think a certain way (and lets face it Americans seem like they cant think for themselves, the media thinks for them) or maybe they just want people to be divided and hate each other so why not spout out a lot of bullsh*t about that particular religion, country or race.

I believe in freedom of speech but I believe that you can have freedom of speech without being biased, lying, over exaggerating, manipulating and deceiving yes there should be some control of the media. Not control of what they report...but how they report it...are they only telling us half the truth, are they over exaggerating? this shouldn't be allowed does this make sense?

BUT I believe if Donald Trump had his own magazines and newspaper he would do the same too.
2017-02-18 18:48:03 UTC
I personally don't think ANYONE should listen to ANY journalist until they get their crap together. They produce so many lies and so much bias.
2017-02-18 18:09:07 UTC
Trump saying that the media is the enemy of the American People is rhetoric worthy of Adolph Hitler, and further evidence that Trump intends to undermine all our cherished democratic institutions.

Trump is our enemy.
2017-02-18 16:55:49 UTC
He plans to ban the freedom of speech and expression, now say goodbye to freedom and welcome to fascism .
2017-02-18 09:55:50 UTC
screw you, your president, your journalists and your control....
2017-02-18 07:02:00 UTC
Trumpster is crazed he might send them

someplace and tax them and block them off.

and their tax will pay off their wall. or thie rhouse.

Trumpster likes to build housese to.
Smokies Hiker
2017-02-17 19:31:26 UTC
That's easily remedied. President Trump just continues taking those in the press that can't seem to report news correctly, will just be taken out of the loop. You can't report on things you no nothing about, ( although CNN does it all the time! ), but who watches them anyways.
2017-02-17 17:20:23 UTC
The left media should be all censored!
2017-02-17 17:05:56 UTC
Trump does not understand how a modern Western Democracy works. It's quite simple: an independent judiciary, a free press, regular elections at predetermined intervals. Everyone holding office must be elected by the people.

Trump can sound off as much as he likes, what he may try to do is control the Press within the bounds of the USA. What he cannot do is control the press outside of the bounds of the USA. And even worse for him, he cannot control social media.

Already in Australia the people are using social media to 'ostracize' politicians they dislike - making it impossible for them to operate in the political field.

Trump will soon face the same problem. Whether he likes it or not, 'democracy' is a form of everlasting revolution without the bloodshed. And it all started in Athens Greece and not somewhere else. In fact, our entire Western Civilization is based upon that of the Greeks who created far more than the fledgling democracy upon which our democratic lifestyle is based.

The more we learn about the Greeks the more we come to understand how and why we do as we do.

My advice to the American people is to oppose that which you do not like and support that which you do like.

I now need a very large Ouzo and a dance.

The Cretans are warriors - this is their idea of light exercise.
2017-02-17 16:15:32 UTC
Well, YOUR president doesn t like it when the press reports the errors, lies and complete chaos that s going on in the White House. That s the job of a free press. They report the bad news, too. The President must be accountable for what goes on in the White House and during his administration. To blame the press is one sign of someone who cannot control everything and his lies are being exposed.
2017-02-17 04:23:24 UTC
Your President is an unorganized idiot. He loves to point the finger and others, when in fact the problem lies in his lap. He actually has no idea what he's doing and he isn't getting any help, he seems to think he can do it on his own. Running a government like ours is hard work and he has to have to right people in place and he does not. Also all this bullshit with the Russians has put him is a real bad situation. It looks like he isn't telling the truth, the FBI will find who is and who isn't and then the crap is really going to hit the fan.
2017-02-17 02:04:44 UTC
He feels they are out of control because they have reported things without verifying them, and they turned out not to be true. ( I think Melania is suing one of them because they said Baron was autistic. She's also suing because one of them said she used to be a high priced call girl.) If someone made up something about you that wasn't true, how would YOU like it?? Oh, yeah, and I also remember they had said that Trump moved a bust of Martin Luther King out of the White House, and when Trump checked on it, it turned out to not be true at all, the bust was still there. It was a BOLD faced lie. They are not acting, polite, civil, decent, and they spin lies and innuendos that aren't true. That being said, he doesn't plan to "control" them. He is probably going to try and persuade them to try and act decent, and treat him in a FAIR way. I think he is not going to give interviews to the ones who boldly LIED about certain things.
2017-02-17 01:48:35 UTC
George Orwell - 1984
2017-02-16 23:39:00 UTC
2017-02-16 23:25:02 UTC
Journalists need to publish the actual truth for a change. They need to police themselves. But sensationalization and fabrication is used so much by the press today, that the truth becomes blurred.
2017-02-16 22:59:02 UTC
They will fall in line, comrade. They will fall in line.

Remember.... this president "will not be questioned."

Dasvidanya comrade.
2017-02-20 04:05:55 UTC
Trump thinks he's above the constitution, but he isn't. They need to impeach the idiot.
2017-02-19 19:41:21 UTC
He can't control them
2017-02-18 21:03:30 UTC
Grease the guilltone for them
2017-02-18 21:02:33 UTC
2017-02-18 14:51:25 UTC
Journalists are out of control but Trump is even more out of control
Polar Bear
2017-02-18 05:51:14 UTC
2017-02-18 01:55:32 UTC
Bro, only one out of control is clearly you? Sit.
2017-02-17 22:37:36 UTC
Trump is nuts, and anyone who does not see this is also nuts. The man has nothing for the country, but everything for his business!
2017-02-17 20:58:57 UTC
Only a fool would think that. Nervous? Control is a good thing. Should I help you find the definition?
2017-02-17 19:23:38 UTC
Maybe he'd like to shut them up, like they do in some many dictatorships.............
2017-02-17 17:34:49 UTC
He spelled that out in his Gettysburg address. Google it
2017-02-17 17:07:18 UTC
I am not a USA citizen, I look from the outside in. We should all know by now that the news and media report with a bias depending on who funds them. This allows us to make valid judgements on the news being presented to us. At present the USA enjoys press freedom, what Trump suggested this morning amounts to press censorship, is this what the people of the greatest democracy in the world want? DT is a volatile 'loose cannon' in the world of politics. He believes that he can run the USA in the same way that he runs his businesses. Their is a great difference between the style of leadership required in each. A politician needs to be diplomatic, to disagree with someone or a position, without alienating them, Trump is unable to do this because that's how he runs his business, he is a bully and expects everyone to follow his line of thought. When they disagree, he throws a tantrum and call them 'Un American' or traitor. So now we have a President who wants to censor the media and deny free speech to his subordinates. Beware of people who surround themselves with 'Yes men', Kim Il Jong does that sort of thing.
2017-02-17 13:09:31 UTC
You don't control journalists. You can point out a problem with something without a desire to control it.
2017-02-17 11:39:20 UTC
Journalists don't need to be brought under control. Trump simply needs to do what every other president, including Obama has done. He needs to use the bully pulpit to point out when the media is spreading misinformation. CNN, MSNBC and FOX news will eventually go out of business because they have destroyed their reputations on both the left and the right. FOX might hold on a little longer because they have an older die-hard audience, but even they will fall to the new media.

It doesn't matter if Hitler said the "lying press" because the press does sometimes lie. What made Hitler terrible was the disenfranchisement many people, genocide, his brutal invasions of other countries and various other policies, not the fact that he claimed the press was lying. Obama made the same claim about FOX News.
2017-02-17 07:14:00 UTC
Call a press conference and have the army shoot them down?

That'll learn them...
2017-02-17 02:20:25 UTC
Lunatic troll, you're the only one saying he has a 'plan' and you're the only one implying that he feels a responsibility to 'fix that problem'.

Log off, slink to your nearest safe place and don't come out for 4 years.

You are a disgusting bucket of slime.
2017-02-17 01:33:30 UTC
Its unfixable with legislation. They just have to stop being the anti-Trump media and they might not ever.
2017-02-17 00:44:10 UTC
This President that THEY elected, is out of control, he has a nasty angry disposition, he doesn't answer like a professional, he's out of touch, he's incompetent, unqualified, his speech yesterday with Netanyahu was an utter joke, which should quickly show Netanyahu that as much as he criticized Obama, he was dealing with a professional President, not an uninformed idiot. This news conference today shows his true character, he is an uncontrolled monster, at times acts like a rebellious little child, and that is OUR President.
2017-02-16 23:42:13 UTC
YOUR PRESIDENT does not like what is being reported, which seems to be correct more and more. The only way he can "control" the press is by violating the first Amendment, Control of the press is exactly that Hitler did,
2017-02-16 23:03:40 UTC
as w/ most things they're putting themselves out of business
2017-02-20 16:07:38 UTC
The media has been out of control for a long time. Fox News has some right wing bias, and CNN has stronger left wing bias. All media slant news and lies outright to boost their biases. Freedom of the press is a noble ideal, but in the real world, current media badly abuse that freedom and don't live up to the responsibilities entailed in any freedom. True research involves looking objectively at all sides of an issue. To try to find truth, you must compare the reports on given events by Fox News and CNN and try to read between the lines. Most people are too lazy to seek truth energetically, so they listen to one side and blindly believe it. I don't know how to force the media to take their responsibility seriously. I hope Trump can do that somehow.
2017-02-19 13:57:20 UTC
who knows
2017-02-18 23:46:37 UTC
May be he maybe he may close some newspapers
2017-02-18 21:32:42 UTC
First off, Hitler was a socialist, the alt-left, if you will, which Trump, definitely, is not. Secondly, the "journalists" have been pretty liberal, by omitting details that don't fit into their propaganda, while reporting their opinions as "facts". It's about time someone started calling the press out on their lies.
2017-02-18 14:08:54 UTC
You left wing posers obviously can't understand simple English language. Trump was using hyperbole. Use a dictionary and learn what that means and you'll be able to understand him.
2017-02-18 11:31:34 UTC
well if he does he will play into their hands ,as they can then say he's a totalitarian despot, calling them liars is sufficient and anyway most people don't trust the press anymore anyway! most of the main steam media like new York times etc. are left wing and have been for forty years plus these days we have the internet etc. so the truth or facts are never very far away, if you care to look ?
2017-02-18 04:06:26 UTC
"my president" lol what a cocksucker
2017-02-18 03:05:42 UTC
I don't think the President can control the journalists, I believe it's up to the American People that read what the media writes that have to control he media. Simply put, just stop reading the writers that you do not agree with, the media will get it's act together as soon as the sales of the news starts going down.
2017-02-18 02:53:45 UTC
Press are all bias
2017-02-18 01:36:19 UTC
He needs to realize that the press has freedoms the first admendment and he cannot treat everyone like ****. I am ashamed of my president.
2017-02-17 23:08:54 UTC
Oh you mean that guy trump... Eh I want nothing to do with him
2017-02-17 19:47:29 UTC
The President saying the Press is out of control, which it is, doesn't mean the President is planning to control them. And YOU know it!

What concerns ME most is that citizens like YOU pick and choose what to be concerned about, based on your political biases. Why, for example, aren't you concerned that the Press is mostly "pro-Democratic Party?" Look at how they reported week after week that Clinton was several points ahead in the pre-election polls! And look at how the Press has never once asked Hillary Clinton if she in fact had intimidated Juanita Broaddrick after Broaddrick went public with allegations that Bill Clinton had raped her.

(I'll bet you probably have no idea about the Broadrrick allegations, even though there is at least one book about them!). And why aren't you concerned that court judges are trying thwart the President's ability to control immigration and national security?

Your outrage is obviously selective and biased.
2017-02-17 16:11:56 UTC
Maybe I should stop watching tv. It is a beautiful day.
2017-02-17 16:11:20 UTC
I don't agree on everything he has said and done, but I do agree the media is out of control. Don't you? How many times have you heard of the news media reporting lies about Trump? That the election was rigged (there's absolutley no proof, they even recounted the votes and investigated it) and the news media comparing Trump to Hitler, really?!? If you believe that, then youre disrespecting every person who survived the holocaust. People were put in gas chambers, concentration camps, starved to death and burned alive, to name a few. Trump is for deporting ILLEGAL immigrants. My personal belief is that the illegals in the U.S should be allowed to stay, unless they committed a crime, but from now on all new illegals should be deported. I dont understsnd why people are against this. Would you be ok with people flying on your airplane without going through TSA? Then why into your country?!?
2017-02-17 09:53:07 UTC
You libtards are all scared about Trumps feud with the Dem-biased lame-stream media

Trump knows they are really the opposition party...NOT the DNC lol

But really what he states is just his opinion...why does it scare you libtards so much?

Unttil he takes a gun out and starts picking of your lovely Dem biased so-called-journalists I am pretty sure you have your pants in a wad over nothing

Do you go to bed clutching your teddy-bears and blankets lol
2017-02-17 03:22:49 UTC
The motto of a free press....What they conceal, we reveal! Peter Zenger lives!
2017-02-17 01:31:42 UTC
He can do nothing. Do you seriously think that the first amendment to the Constitution will be repealed. You know, the one that allows freedom of speech. The same one that allows you the right to speak your mind as you do in your question. The first thing any dictator wants to do is to control the media. Make certain all the news is controlled and in his favor. Those that oppose him will soon disappear. After that out goes your right, and every other citizen's right, to voice their opinion, unless of course it is to praise and adore said dictator. (aka, Trump)
2017-02-16 23:56:03 UTC
Not answering their loaded questions is good punishment for them lying and spewing fake news but they are a long way from being mature enough to actually change.
2017-02-16 23:01:09 UTC
That orange thing has completely lost it. He makes Americans look like laughing stocks and total idiots, which is not far from the truth. He's not a president. He's an incompetent moron, buffoon, and wannabe autocrat. He just complains and b!tches about anything any public person has to deal with: "poor me, oh poor, poor me." His idiotic supporters stick behind him no matter what he does.
2017-02-16 22:58:59 UTC
Round 'em up with the Mudslimes and deport
2017-02-20 02:14:14 UTC
whatever !!!
2017-02-19 04:50:48 UTC
Hitler never actually said that the press was a lying press. Hitler controlled the press!
2017-02-19 02:15:42 UTC
Fix it? realistically, that may never happen. The bloggers masquerading as journalists should see their ratings drop resulting in some impact.
2017-02-19 01:58:35 UTC
nothing they will hang them self
2017-02-18 13:47:26 UTC
msm = fake news
2017-02-18 04:40:51 UTC
2017-02-18 03:50:43 UTC
2017-02-18 03:36:14 UTC
2017-02-18 03:21:53 UTC
He won't invite them to his Press Conferences.
2017-02-17 21:16:26 UTC
Trump has it reversed. He is the problem. A free press is the solution.
2017-02-17 20:35:10 UTC
If you support American media, then you must look just like your avatar. 90% of all entertainment and media is controlled by just six companies and none of them ever questioned Obama on any of his treasonous actions or Michelle 100 million dollar trips. This is why all of Hollywood is up in arms against Trump because their employers told them too. I don't think those 100 IQ baboons are actually deep or educated in politics in the least. IF they went to college, they majored in drama, art and/or humanities. Few actually have a 125+ IQ and a college degree in something that actually matters so who is president really isn't their concerns.
2017-02-17 19:53:26 UTC
2017-02-17 17:43:01 UTC
them staying out of his control it the only hope the US has
2017-02-17 17:01:33 UTC
You cannot control the media. What you csn do is expose them especially if they take money from hidden factions or take drugs. If all else, you can get most of Americans to stop watching it for 6 months which will make them lose tons of money in ratings till they get desperate and give up getting their reporters fired.
2017-02-17 15:48:24 UTC
He dislikes and fears any thing that he cannot control, other than his own mouth, which I believe is the cause of so much anti Trump media coverage.
2017-02-17 06:17:34 UTC
I don't know
2017-02-17 03:54:59 UTC
2017-02-17 02:58:23 UTC
2017-02-17 02:45:47 UTC
He surely needs to train them how to act. How he might do that, I don't know.

Maybe he could just make a video of his press releases and send one to each subscribing news agency. That would stop all the question sessions and it would stop interpretations.

If a news agency twisted something, they could be sued or some sensible punishment. They must be accurate.

The problem with media is they don't want to report news, they want to make and steer news.

Many things in the US government need to end or be changed.

The president needs to spend his time doing his job, NOT coddling reporters and news agencies.
2017-02-17 01:12:10 UTC
This is what happens when a pathetic reality t.v. show asshole whom is so used to bossing people around as a CEO Is elected to public office, NOW he is having the face the blunt truth that not even HE can control all the people around him - especially decent, honest and honorable media people whom are simply reporting the current events happening in our country. And like it or not - this includes all events that occur in regards to those appointed to and whom are members of the CHUMP Administration. Hopefully, there is the chance that perhaps our current President's family will convince him of the damage he is doing to his administration. News is not fake news simply because CHUMP doesn't like what is being reported. And on the same page Fox fake news isn't legit - just because they may be critical towards the democratic party and favorable to CHUMP.
Joseph hola
2017-04-19 02:09:14 UTC
Don't know, don't think he does.
2017-02-20 16:44:52 UTC
Is this a religious question? Why is it here? Comparing Hitler and trump is ridiculous btw
Gaia’s Garden
2017-02-20 04:30:41 UTC
When you want to take over a country, the FIRST thing you do is control the media. Then you control the banks. Getting an army is actually third. Trump is scary if you look beyond his antics.
2017-02-19 21:06:13 UTC
The journalists suck ****! They are being exposed! Trump rocks!
2017-02-19 13:12:05 UTC
Trump is your daddy
2017-02-19 06:44:43 UTC
He plans to deport all journalists that aren't associated with Fox News.
2017-02-19 06:14:04 UTC
The National Media is transforming into a state run media conglomerating to bring down the opposition and elect an a corrupt or incompetent candidate they Idolize in line with their politics using sensationalism and deception, Objectivity is out the drain.
2017-02-19 00:22:50 UTC
2017-02-18 23:40:39 UTC
he'll grab them by the pu**y
2017-02-18 21:45:42 UTC
it's best to let runamucks run themselves into the ground...and they are...
2017-02-18 10:22:21 UTC
2017-02-18 05:33:44 UTC
2017-02-18 05:23:12 UTC
Well maybe if Hitler was alive he could tell Donald not to do these foolish things.
2017-02-17 21:56:06 UTC
Remember Saddam has WMDs, I read it. The polls show Hillary is ahead I read it, the polls showed no Brexit, I read it. The mainstream media seems to live in a world of what should be, what they imagine their politicaly correct world should be like! Holland will Nexit, never, France will elect a National Front leader, never, the EU is falling apart, no all will be well, seems if you want a three dimensional view of current events, just disbelieve every thing from the mainstream media.
2017-02-17 19:39:21 UTC
The asker is delusional; hearing/seeing things.

The president never hinted at "controlling" ANYone.

He's just "calling them out" and not backing down about it.

Trust in the media has been in freefall for 30+ years.

Moscow Mitch
2017-02-17 17:42:18 UTC
"This will shut the lying jew presses mouths!" Goebbels, 1939.
Dr Yes level 9 since 1999
2017-02-17 15:14:17 UTC
2017-02-17 02:50:33 UTC
Journalists have lost all honor and they really dislike POTUS Trump.
2017-02-17 02:41:02 UTC
All the "so-called president" is doing is lighting a fire under

the press' @$$

the security agencie's @$$

and probably the pentagon's @$$

and a few republican asses as well.
2017-02-17 02:08:23 UTC
They are not journalists. They are propagandists. You need to call them out.
Mortal Dimunitive
2017-02-21 04:15:24 UTC
2017-02-17 20:08:25 UTC
2017-02-17 13:56:45 UTC
CNN is fake news

Breitbart is the best
Best Answer
2017-02-17 01:14:48 UTC
He's already controlled them by talking directly to us online and on TV. The reporters will eventually have to stick to the unbiased truth to survive. He doesn't control, he has fun twisting them around his big finger.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.