Paul mentions some 20 spiritual gifts in his letters.
in Romans 12:4-8 Prophecy, Serving, Teaching, Exhortation, Giving, Leadership, Compassion.
in 1 Corinthians 12:4-11Prophecy, Healing, Miracles, Tongues, Interpretation, Wisdom, Knowledge, Faith, Discernment.
in 1 Corinthians 12:27-30 Prophecy, Teaching, Healing, Miracles,Tongues, Interpretation, Apostleship, Helps, Administration.
and in Ephesians 4:7-12 Prophecy, Teaching, Apostleship, Evangelism, Pastoring.
I'm not sure that this list is exhaustive, and certainly some Christians would disagree on some of those included in this list. There is some healthy discussion about whether these all these gifts still appear today, or if some were only for the time of the apostles, and have since died out.
As for me, I can see some of these spiritual gifts in me, and as I'm training to be a Church of England priest, at least a couple of them seem to be absolutely essential!
Have they changed over the course of time? I'm not sure they've changed, rather that it's now possible to identify them, when previously I hadn't been in a situation where they were needed.
I have never experienced for myself some of the more 'charasmatic' spirtual gifts such as prophecy or tongues. But I have friends who have, and I believe that they are given to those for whom it is important to have them. It doesn't make me or them a greater or lesser Christian, we're just all part of the body of Christ, and we have different gifts that make up a complete whole - the church.
The Church after all is the bride of Christ, and his intended must be very special!