Christians, why did your God fail twice?
2019-10-09 20:34:07 UTC
First he killed all the mad and bad people in the flood, and let Noah and his family live and they produced mad and bad people. I’m sure you have a good answer, for Gods failure
38 answers:
2019-10-11 01:10:56 UTC
I find it funny that the all knowing God was surprised at how humans turned out according to their fan fiction.

He can't just forgive, it requires "blood" from an animal or human, so in effect it's a blood magic cult.

It's like me telling my ex that I'll forgive them IF they kill a puppy first.

I just can't warm up to anything that blood thirsty.
2019-10-10 21:59:11 UTC
According to 2 Peter 3:9 Jehovah is not slow respecting his promise as some people consider slowness but he is patient with you because he doesn’t desire any to be destroyed but all to attain to repentance.
2019-10-10 12:23:32 UTC
God is too wise to ever make a mistake.

He planned all along that I would exist and find Him in this mess of a world and be saved. To Him, I was worth it.

He would trade Egypt for me. :)

Btw, I wouldn't worship Him if He DIDN'T destroy evil. You're next if you don't ditch that fatal attitude and repent, dummy.
2019-10-10 07:19:41 UTC
He didn't fail even once. We did--repeatedly, and we keep doing so. He kept giving us chances because that is His nature....forgiving. He sent Jesus to die because he knew we would keep failing.
2019-10-10 06:55:04 UTC
Just consider what would have happened if God had NOT intervened to stop the evil that was abounding back then. The tiny number of decent people would have been wiped out by the evildoers.

As for Noah's descendants, sure, badness developed and grew because Noah and his sons were sinners, too. But as Noah "walked with God" there was the grace of God experienced by him saving them from annihilation, and the line of humanity through his son Shem led to the Savior being born centuries later. The Savior warned us that just as it was in the days of Noah so it would be again, prior to His return.

Clearly, the flood account serves as a warning for humanity today. Ignore that lesson from history and you too will perish when the Savior returns. You see how patient God is? You see how He gives ample opportunity to stop being bad and mad (for only a mad person would reject salvation that is free). No. You don't, do you? As Jesus said, "and they took no note till the flood came and swept them all away." (Matthew 24:39)
2019-10-09 22:59:24 UTC
God created all good. man has turned himself into being bad by greed and power and lust. we are to blame for our failures..god will forgive if we ask, if not you'll have a one way trip to hell forever,
2019-10-09 20:56:38 UTC
The only true God did nor fail. His qualities are love, wisdom, justice and power.
2019-10-09 20:41:20 UTC
Obviously he was/is the god of failure . He was one of the ancient Sumerian gods

before they all got their own individual purposes .

I suppose Enki caused some mischief and pulled a few deceptions the same way

Zeus tricked his brothers type of thing .

I present this side because I do not know but people who act like they know or use the MAN SINNED NOT GOD thingy


know either and are full of it .
2019-10-09 20:38:58 UTC
He didnt fail .. He gave the earth a reset after it had almost been completely genetically corrupted and gave it more time so His plan could be realized through Christ and pathetic people like you could have a shot ..
2019-10-09 20:35:01 UTC
God didn't fail, man did. We human-types don't handle free-will very well.
2019-10-11 06:07:35 UTC
Fail, huh? During the flood, did you think about the situation? It, really, went exactly as Jehovah expected. He showed that he can protect his people. Even if they were WAY outnumbered. It also showed that Jehovah always gives warning so that he can save as many people as possible while giving people a freedom of choice (2 Peter 2:5; Amos 3:7). Everything is still going as he expected. If you properly check the Bible, nothing is surprising Jehovah's people because he lets us know ahead of time what is coming (Isaiah 46:9, 10). Failure? HAH! Later, for about 3 and a half days, you all are going to believe you won (Revelation 11:7-13). Why? I don't know. Because no one has ever beaten Jehovah! Ever! If you really believe Jehovah has failed at any time, you need to check the Bible better.
2019-10-11 05:29:30 UTC
it all leads to the finished work of Christ. wish you people would read scripture and understand before you criticize'. Gods wisdom and love is perfect. we just try to understand it through imperfect flesh which comes imperfect reasoning along with it".
2019-10-10 19:29:36 UTC
On what ground do you claim that you have the right to judge God, your Creator?
Climate Realist
2019-10-10 14:11:44 UTC
God didn't fail.

Humans failed.
2019-10-10 13:06:18 UTC
First, Jehovah did not, have not, and will not ever fail at anything that he wants to accomplish. Jehovah handles different situations as he sees fit.

But here is the key... Who can search Jehovah's hand?

He knows what is best for all of us. He knows the outcome for mankind. He knows things that our puny mind and reasoning can't even begin to understand.

His laws and his principles are not to be trifled with. His laws and principles not only save our lives, they benefit our lives. Our God is there for us and with us. He provides and he protects. He gave his son to die for us. (Which one of us would do that?)

For those who do not believe, those who nitpick his actions, and those will not service him... he does not interfere with your life, he allows you to eat, breath and enjoy life. Why, because whether you care or not, he does not want anyone to be destroyed.

But there is a limit and when he reaches that limit, we will all see the mighty hand of Jehovah. At that time, you better hope he views you as he viewed Noah.
2019-10-10 12:35:26 UTC
God did not fail and people made the choice to not behave.
2019-10-10 11:01:17 UTC
Christian ...why did "God " fail twice ? add a few more

( floods killing other groups commandments stoning others to death for mixed threads of fabrics or picking up sticks the condoning of Slavery SIN HELL JOB )

HUMAN BEINGS invented ever WORD we Use the word "God " higher case or lower case god

.. it a term for PEOPLES assertion of Supernatural PROPOSITIONS

same catagory as the words Naraka Hades Xibiba Gehinnom Sheol Abaddon Tartarus Jahannam demon devil spirit ghost Sin afterlife reincarnation angel saint soul ..

.. Christianity in a "NUT SHELL " is evidence there were people in ancient times who possibly had a PERSONALITY disorder and showed reoccurring behaviors of ANGER and aggression

that CONVINCED populations of people ... that behaviors or even imagined behaviors of finding pleasures in

or it to be acceptable in subjecting others to discomfort and PAIN or TORTURE to be associated with the words "GOOD & LOVING "

try this experiment next time ask a Christian to list the characteristic of GOOD and LOVING .....

. after they finish ask them if if their supernatural proposition has any HARMFUL or pleasure in PAIN or discomfort of others ( Hell JOB human blood sacrifice ) characteristics


God WILLING to prevent evil , but not able, then it is not omnipotent

is it able but not willing then it is malevolent

is it both able and willing then whence comes evil

is it neither able or willing..... then why call it a god
Kazoo M
2019-10-10 05:40:35 UTC
The gracious gift of free-will was provided to all the celestial inhabitants.

Sadly, 1/3 of the angelic realm chose a false order while poor Eve was tempted.

However, God has provided our correction - all we have to do is accept the gift.
2019-10-09 23:19:03 UTC
God knows how to write straight, using crooked lines.
2019-10-09 21:09:15 UTC
If you built an item that is susceptible to failure, you'd better have the knowledge to repair it. Jesus came and proved that God can forgive sins and can even reverse death. God's creations failed but He gave them a term that can reverse their failure.
2019-10-09 21:00:43 UTC
GOD gave evil the 'mark of Cain' which is a set of three prodigies granted to Cain and his descendants in order to help them survive despite the curse of restless wandering which GOD gave to Cain as punishment for murdering his righteous brother Abel. 

This genetic 'mark' first arrived through Cain's grandsons; Jabal, the master nomad, (able to survive and thrive in any environmental condition), Jubal, the master musician and artist, (able to entertain people of any tribe), and Tubal-Cain, the master of the forge, (able to produce any tool or weapon to satisfy anyone). Between these three prodigies, the descendants of Cain are able to survive despite being without a permanent home on earth. 

This genetic 'mark' survived within Noah and his sons and manifested again later among the unrighteous born within his lineage. It drives men to leave their lands, homes and inheritances, restless to explore, seeking out new adventures or opportunities elsewhere, even if life is good, safe and prosperous where they are. They naturally hate to stay in one place and discourage others from doing so also. 

In the New Testament era, this is known as the 'mark of the fugitive' or 'mark of the beast,' (Greek: 'therion'). 

Most of the people now under its influence are highly driven to leave the entire planet itself and live in 'space.' It is what drove them in previous eras to explore the entire terrestrial world. The Bible calls this 'new' location the endless abyss of outer darkness and describes it as the ultimate 'home' of evil, where it will restlessly explore forever, never finding a home there either. 

That was always GOD's plan. It is how He decided to separate the righteous from the unrighteous. It isn't any kind of 'mistake.' At least not GOD's mistake. 

I don't think the experience for evil will be anything like 'Star Trek' though, because Jesus describes it as a place of 'weeping and gnashing of teeth,' (Matthew 8:12). 
2019-10-09 20:55:50 UTC
Maybe he failed more than twice. Perhaps he was just more efficient in his genocidal endeavours the previous times.

Might explain all of those other lifeless planets out there.
2019-10-09 20:44:57 UTC
The seed of the caveman/serpent survived the flood in Noah's sons wives.So the next judgement is by fire. Jesus made no mistakes.God knew full well that serpents seed would arise again.Hence we have the children of the world and the children of God. That was covered in a Parable. You just don't know the Word of God. Research the seed of the serpent/caveman. For some clues concerning this matter. JESUS BLESS YOU
2019-10-09 20:43:22 UTC
The Bible is the story of God's powers fading with time.

Originally, God could make the Universe, the Earth, and all Life.

Then, when He had to make woman, He couldn't just start from scratch, He had to start with Adam's rib.

When He had to punish the humans, the best He could do was to cause a lot of rain to fall.

When the humans presumed to build a tower, He had enough strength to knock it down.

To destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, he was able to make one big explosion like a nuclear explosion or meteor strike.

But then He could be defeated by chariots of Iron.

Jesus could do simple tricks like walking on water, changing water into wine, and getting a lot of fish, tricks that have been duplicated by human magicians.

He could produce energy and radiation to make the marks on the Shroud of Turin without destroying it.

Now the best God can do is to make His image appear on pieces of toast and in leaky storm windows.

Eventually, God will have no power whatsoever.
2019-10-09 20:41:40 UTC
if god knows everything including every choice that will be made and the outcome that will result, then free will does not exist.

if free will does not exist, then god set everyone up for failure to begin with.

that being said, all religions are fake mumbo jumbo. Might as well go back to believing in Zeus.
2019-10-09 20:41:36 UTC
Assuming God exists and should be the epitome of perfection, then He couldn't fail.
2019-10-09 20:39:22 UTC
2019-10-09 20:39:20 UTC
Free will and the devil maybe.
2019-10-09 20:37:56 UTC
I say, utter incompetence.
2019-10-09 20:37:20 UTC
God didn’t fail, humans did.
2019-10-11 07:59:35 UTC
You're right, I do have a good answer! God wants you to buy a weapon and save lives! God has never failed, but man has failed God many times!
2019-10-10 16:49:12 UTC
He didn't fail. Mankind failed...TWICE. It is still failing but those who are believers in Christ and His salvation are part of HIS kingdom. His kingdom never fails.

God gave mankind "free will" the right to choose. The fault lies with us.
2019-10-10 09:13:56 UTC
The earth is a test field.

Those who have faith in God know that in the kingdom of heaven all live in peace.
2019-10-10 06:54:41 UTC
He was going through a bad time.................
2019-10-10 03:50:43 UTC
God didn't fail. those killed in the flood, including the animals, had been genetically modified by Satan and the fallen angels. They were no longer a creation of God. The technology the fallen angels have is very advanced and today we have developed a similar technology called CRISPR.

One of the sons of Noah that was on the Ark had also been genetically modified which is why it carried over after the flood. He was the one that raped Noah when he had too much wine.
2019-10-09 20:43:51 UTC
Incest produces defective people. And now we know. Yet, they're still against incest abortion. Huh.
2019-10-09 20:41:14 UTC
You don't know, right?

Why God did that?

Yeah, I do.

But we're entering it again and God won't step in!

Do you want a clue?

Look up transhumanism.

No failure.

Can't BE GOD and there is failure.

Benoni "Light"
2019-10-09 20:35:20 UTC
What's the failure here?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.