Trousers of reality.
No, that wasn't a random collection of words designed to kill braincells, that's just a side effect.
essentially an phenomenon is situated around yourself in which two parallel dimensions are extremely close together....[If you're still reading this, you have an over active imagination or are incredibly trusting and not a skeptic... or you're easily entertained] where, to put it in gentle layman's terms, you exist in two universes at the same time. they look the same, they sound the same, they smell the same, except that occasionally you'll talk to people that aren't there, bump into walls that aren't there [which sucks if you ever decide to board an airplane... things get a bit.... juicy] and... well, yeah, it's sort of a mess, trans-dimensionally speaking.
how you solve it? buggered if I know. did you swallow an alien FTL? have you been reading from any dark tomes regarding 'elder gods' or 'old ones'? did you poke something that you really, really, really shouldn't have poked?
it was that last one, right? right?
If not....hell if I know.
Maybe it's demons.
possible conclusive advice? professionally provided medicine and self controlled ignorance to the subject through therapy is fantastic in this day and age.
The world of the 'weird' is not for everyone. medications and a strong course of telling yourself "it's not real" can make the world seem entirely normal again quickly....
heh heh.... 'normal'. that would be funny.