I like to get help that explains the Greek in the NT. It is slow going because
it is intense. The books I have go into why this word was used, not that one,
and then the tense of the verb, eg. is it aorist, or which preposition is used
and why. It's profound. It's hard, and it's wonderful. I find I can't do much
at one time. Then I do like to answer bible questions here which causes
me to dig into it because a question wants answering, doesn't it.
Then, when I go into things Jesus said and did, I envision it, and
I imagine myself there, what it would be like, what the atmosphere
was like, how did Jesus handle it?
But one of the finest things I like to do is discuss it with my spouse
who knows a lot more than I do, keeps me from going wrong.
We need each other, don't you find?
I also saw a serious women's group online that likely would
be good also, but not sure yet...so upcoming.