1. No one is born into any religion, although one may be born into a family that has a family religion. Some children are born to Wiccan parents who then proceed to teach them Wicca at a young age. However, in a Wiccan family, it is more common that the parents will not hinder a child who decides later in life that Wicca is not for him or her. However, since our religion is relatively new, the majority of Wiccans are converts from other religions.
2. Some Wiccans belong to a coven, but not all. Some covens might meet weekly, but again, not all. However, a coven is a group of Wiccans who work together for rituals or spells and are usually an extension of family to each of the members. There is no one person who stands before them preaching their religion, but they might discuss their theology with each other on a one on one basis. It doesn't quite compare to a Christian mass. And like I said, not all Wiccans belong to covens. Many of us are solitaries who practice our religion on our own.
3. This question is assuming that all Wiccans cast spells, which they don't. Wicca is not witchcraft. Wicca is a religion with a God and Goddess, and witchcraft is a magical practice with spells. Not all Wiccans are witches, and not all witches are Wiccans. Wicca and witchcraft are highly compatible, so many Wiccans are witches, but someone doesn't have to be one to be the other. Wiccan witches can cast any legitimate spell that does not go against their own personal ethics. Now, by legitimate, I mean a spell cast with intent and the proper energy behind it that does not attempt to do that which is impossible such as break the laws of physics or manipulate the will of another. Magic is natural and cannot break natural laws which include gravity and free will. Now, many witches will argue that it is possible, although unethical, to bend someone else's will, but I disagree. Magic is energy directed by one person's will to cause some change in the world. Everyone has a will, and everyone has the ability to manipulate energy with it (producing magic unintentionally happens to everyone), so if a witch tries to force someone to do something against his or her will, all that person has to do to counter the spell is to choose (or will himself/herself) not to do what the witch wants. As for specifics, Wiccan witches tend to stick to spells to create good luck, find jobs, overcome their fears, and other such spells. For the most part, Wiccan witches will not cast a spell (beneficial or not) on someone else without that person's permission. There are exceptions, but mostly, we don't.
4. Wiccans have a wide variety of beliefs. We believe in a God and Goddess and that all of nature is balanced with masculine and feminine aspects. We believe that neither is superior to the other and that each needs the other to keep the balance. We revere nature as being one form of manifestation of the divine. Besides that, our beliefs vary greatly with each individual. We don't even all agree on the forms that the God and Goddess take. It is said that if you ask five Wiccans the same question about their beliefs, you will get five completely different answers. We are a very diverse religion, so we hold a belief in tolerance of others. We may not agree about everything, but we are supposed to respect the rights of others to believe as they believe and not to judge them for it.
5. Wiccans, in general, do not believe in Satan and so cannot worship him as some Christians like to claim. We have no place for a power of ultimate evil in our theology as we do not see our gods as ultimate good. Our gods are gods of nature, and nature is not good or evil, it just is the way it is. We see the Christian Satan as a scapegoat that the Christians use to blame for the evil in the world. To us, it is irresponsible to blame some all evil being for our own actions. If we do the wrong thing, we accept the consequences and take responsibility for our actions.
I hope those answers help.
Venus Bless