Basic questions on Wicca religion?
2010-01-23 20:58:07 UTC
I just heard about this religion a few weeks ago and am wondering about it.
Few basic questions I would like to be answered
- Are you born into Wicca?
- Is there a Wicca "mass" or something that resembles a weekly get-together?
- What spells can be performed..examples specifically?
- What do they believe in?
- What is this thing with Wiccans and Satan?
I'm just wondering more about this religion, so anything would help! I'd rather have actual answers instead of websites! Thanks!
Seventeen answers:
2010-01-23 22:31:52 UTC
Please, Please:

"- Are you born into Wicca?"


"- Is there a Wicca "mass" or something that resembles a weekly get-together?"

Some Wiccans choose to do ritual weekly.

"- What spells can be performed..examples specifically?"

I have no idea what you're talking about. Wicca has nothing to do with spells.

"- What do they believe in?"

Our gods, ourselves, our future.

"- What is this thing with Wiccans and Satan?"

There is no thing with Wiccans and Satan. What are you trying to imply?
2010-01-23 22:03:53 UTC
I'm glad to share a little bit of info, and I'll include a link or two for you to follow up. If you decide that you're interested in Wicca or another Neo-Pagan religion be prepared to do a lot of research and reading, studying and practicing.

- Is anyone born into any religion? There are families that practice Wicca together and raise their children as Pagans, but generally Wiccan and Pagan parents are supportive of their children's choices. Anyone who is willing to study and work for it can become a Wiccan or Pagan, and there are many traditions around today, each with their own practices and beliefs.

- The short answer, sometimes. There are study groups, covens, churches, meet-ups, and classes that meet according to their needs, and there are many people who practice on their own without a group. Look at the groups in your area and find out if there's anything that sounds interesting to you, then go and see what it's about.

- Spells...not every Wiccan or Pagan works spells, but those that do use them for whatever they need. I think I read that the most common spells are done for healing and protection. If you plan on doing spellwork, you are going to need to do some studying so that you can understand the basic underlying concepts before you begin.

- Bare-bones basic is that Wiccans believe in a Goddess and God, they have a code of ethics that is based on the idea that every person has the right to free will but the responsibility to make sure their actions harm none, they celebrate the Wheel of the Year which is a seasonal cycle that mirrors their sacred myths. There is much more, and I encourage you to find a few good books and possibly a mentor to explore it more in depth.

- I have no idea. Wiccans are not Satanists, and generally they do not believe in Satan. Satan is part of the Christian religion, not Wicca.
2010-01-24 20:02:05 UTC
1) No. Wiccans are created just like everyone else of every other religion.

2) There are some gatherings, depending on groups. Some gather weekly, others gather monthly

3) For one, Wicca has little to nothing to do with spell work, as it is not Witchcraft. However, for Wiccans who choose to include Witchcraft into their Wicca: any spells can be to whether or not they work, is dependant upon the spell, the person, the intent, the reality, etc...

4) Honoring the Goddess and God, adhereing to the guideline that states "an it harm none, do what thou will (NOT Harm None!!!!), reverence for nature, inclusion (in some cases) the practice of Witchcraft...Wicca is NOT a recreation of Witchcraft!

5) The misconception is that Wiccans worship satan simply because they are not Christian and worship ancinet Gods. This is misconception is 100% untrue!
2010-01-24 19:36:32 UTC
1) Not necessarily, but the same way that a lot of families raise their children in the family religion, some Wiccans may do the same. The majority of people begin studying Wicca on their own and I'm guessing a lot of Wiccan parents prefer to let their children choose later on. There tends to be a lot of heavy personal responsibility and symbolism that young children typically aren't ready for until adolescence and young adulthood.

2) There are a few sabbats (religious celebrations) throughout the year that are observed regularly, but other than that Wiccan rituals can be performed at any time for a variety of reasons. A lot of people practise alone due to the scarcity of Wiccans in some areas (makes forming a coven difficult) and they can decide to work around whatever schedule they feel suits their purposes (a specific day of the week, every full or new moon, etc...). If one is a member of a coven, that coven will have set times for meetings but as with solitaries the leaders will choose a frequency that suits the purposes of the group.

3) Spells are not Wiccan, strictly speaking. They fall under witchcraft which is a practise that just so happens to fit nicely with the ideology of a lot of Wiccans. Witches don't have to be Wiccan and Wiccans aren't all witches. I suppose almost any spell could be performed for any reason if you have the knowledge and resources to write and perform it but it would have to fall in line with Wiccan ethics and morals: no manipulating other people, no causing harm to other people or yourself (this is more complicated than I'm making it seem here but I've got a link for you to learn more about it further down).

4) As far as deities go, Wiccans typically believe in a God and Goddess. Some focus on either one, some choose to worship Greek, Egyptian, Norse, Celtic (or many other) gods and goddesses. Some Wiccans believe in reincarnation, but not all. This is really quite a broad question that can't be done justice here. As mentioned above, check out the link below.

5) Wiccans don't believe in Satan however the association with witchcraft (and its historical connotations) and the general belief by a lot of Christian doctrine that anything not Christian is Satanic has contributed to terribly incorrect stereotypes.

I hope that at least started to explain some of your questions. For a really comprehensive look at Wicca, check out this website:
2010-01-25 08:44:03 UTC
Are you born into Wicca?

No. You come to it of your own free will. Just because your parents are Wiccan and you are born into a Wiccan family, doesn't make you automatically Wiccan.

Is there a Wiccan mass?

Not technically. There are groups of people who get together for Esbats monthly, and Sabbats that occur roughly every two months. They might gather weekly, but probably not for ritual or magic.

What spells...?

Lots of stuff. Spells for protection, knowing truths, guidance, luck, prosperity, love. You name it. Just have to be careful not to harm others or try to mess with their free will.

What do they believe in?

We all believe different things. For Wiccans, the general rule is "An ye harm none, do what ye will." We generally also believe in a balance in nature between male and female, but some might put one above the other. Not all, of course.

What is this thing with Wiccans and Satan?

Why, absolutely nothing! Wiccans don't believe in Satan, because Satan is a being made by Christians to have something to blame for all the bad things that happen. Since Wiccans don't believe in Satan, we don't, and can't, worship him.

I hope I've helped. IM me if you have any more questions.
2010-01-23 22:38:54 UTC
- Are you born into Wicca? You can be as much as you can be born into, say, a Muslim family. If you're the child of two Wiccans, there's a very good chance you'll be raised as one. Aside from that, you'll have to be accepted into a Wiccan community or be a sole practitioner.

- Is there a Wicca "mass" or something that resembles a weekly get-together? Wiccans tend to celebrate the Wheel of the Year, eight times during the year that are special times for Wiccans to meet and perform rituals. There's nothing that says you have to do this, or that you can't meet at other times, although if you miss activities that the other members deem important, the other members can make you less welcome. Like a cub scout that misses pinewood derby.

- What spells can be performed..examples specifically? Pick a situation, and someone has created a spell for it. The effectiveness of said spells are not beyond dispute.

- What do they believe in? It doesn't matter what they believe in. It matters what you believe in. Wiccans teach that every belief should be tolerated (although you'll find remarkably little tolerance among Wiccans for Christianity.) You are your own god, and nobody can tell you otherwise. Do you think you're God? If so, you're well on your way to being a Wiccan.

- What is this thing with Wiccans and Satan? It's Hollywood. Wiccans don't worship Satan. They're generally decent people with lives and jobs that happen to like candles and nature.
2010-01-24 13:04:14 UTC
Most Wiccans are converts, since it's a new religion. Certainly there are children of Wiccans who grow up to be Wiccans.

Wiccans commonly gather during the 8 yearly festivals called Sabbats. Many groups also schedule other meetings called Esbats. These are frequently timed with the full or new moon, but that's not required.

Wicca is not about spells. This is sort of like asking what hobbies can be embraced by Christians.

Wiccans are polytheistic, with ritual commonly centering on a patron god and goddess. They believe in a connection between spiritual and material worlds. They believe in taking responsibility for one's own actions.

Wiccans do not believe in Satan or any Satanlike entity. Satan is a Judeo-Christian entity.

More quick info:
2010-01-24 01:09:40 UTC
- Are you born into Wicca? Nope, I was raised Catholic

- Is there a Wicca "mass" or something that resembles a weekly get-together? some do, don't have to though and mass is such an ugly word

- What spells can be performed..examples specifically? Wiccans do not perform spells, witches can be both or one or the other

- What do they believe in? our gods.....our lives....

- What is this thing with Wiccans and Satan? hmmmm, I do not believe in satan....that is a non entity.
2010-01-23 21:01:22 UTC
Wicca (pronounced [ˈwɪkə]) is a Neopagan religion and a form of modern witchcraft. It is often referred to as Witchcraft or the Craft[1] by its adherents, who are known as Wiccans or Witches. Its disputed origins lie in England in the early 20th century,[2] though it was first popularised during the 1950s by Gerald Gardner, a retired British civil servant, who at the time called it the "witch cult" and "witchcraft", and its adherents "the Wica".[3] From the 1960s the name of the religion was normalised to "Wicca".[4]

Wicca is typically a duotheistic religion, worshipping a Goddess and a God, who are traditionally viewed as the Triple Goddess and Horned God. These two deities are often viewed as being facets of a greater pantheistic Godhead, and as manifesting themselves as various polytheistic deities. Other characteristics of Wicca include the ritual use of magic, a basic code of morality, and the celebration of eight seasonally based festivals.

There are various different denominations within Witchcraft, which are referred to as traditions. Some, such as Gardnerian and Alexandrian Wicca, follow in the initiatory lineage of Gardner; these are often collectively termed British Traditional Wicca, and many of their practitioners consider the term "Wicca" to apply only to these lineaged traditions. Others, such as Cochrane's Craft, Feri and the Dianic tradition, take primary influence from other figures and may not insist on any initiatory lineage. Some of these do not use the term "Wicca" at all, while some believe that all traditions can be considered "Wiccan".[5][6]
Child of Venus
2010-01-23 23:02:14 UTC
1. No one is born into any religion, although one may be born into a family that has a family religion. Some children are born to Wiccan parents who then proceed to teach them Wicca at a young age. However, in a Wiccan family, it is more common that the parents will not hinder a child who decides later in life that Wicca is not for him or her. However, since our religion is relatively new, the majority of Wiccans are converts from other religions.

2. Some Wiccans belong to a coven, but not all. Some covens might meet weekly, but again, not all. However, a coven is a group of Wiccans who work together for rituals or spells and are usually an extension of family to each of the members. There is no one person who stands before them preaching their religion, but they might discuss their theology with each other on a one on one basis. It doesn't quite compare to a Christian mass. And like I said, not all Wiccans belong to covens. Many of us are solitaries who practice our religion on our own.

3. This question is assuming that all Wiccans cast spells, which they don't. Wicca is not witchcraft. Wicca is a religion with a God and Goddess, and witchcraft is a magical practice with spells. Not all Wiccans are witches, and not all witches are Wiccans. Wicca and witchcraft are highly compatible, so many Wiccans are witches, but someone doesn't have to be one to be the other. Wiccan witches can cast any legitimate spell that does not go against their own personal ethics. Now, by legitimate, I mean a spell cast with intent and the proper energy behind it that does not attempt to do that which is impossible such as break the laws of physics or manipulate the will of another. Magic is natural and cannot break natural laws which include gravity and free will. Now, many witches will argue that it is possible, although unethical, to bend someone else's will, but I disagree. Magic is energy directed by one person's will to cause some change in the world. Everyone has a will, and everyone has the ability to manipulate energy with it (producing magic unintentionally happens to everyone), so if a witch tries to force someone to do something against his or her will, all that person has to do to counter the spell is to choose (or will himself/herself) not to do what the witch wants. As for specifics, Wiccan witches tend to stick to spells to create good luck, find jobs, overcome their fears, and other such spells. For the most part, Wiccan witches will not cast a spell (beneficial or not) on someone else without that person's permission. There are exceptions, but mostly, we don't.

4. Wiccans have a wide variety of beliefs. We believe in a God and Goddess and that all of nature is balanced with masculine and feminine aspects. We believe that neither is superior to the other and that each needs the other to keep the balance. We revere nature as being one form of manifestation of the divine. Besides that, our beliefs vary greatly with each individual. We don't even all agree on the forms that the God and Goddess take. It is said that if you ask five Wiccans the same question about their beliefs, you will get five completely different answers. We are a very diverse religion, so we hold a belief in tolerance of others. We may not agree about everything, but we are supposed to respect the rights of others to believe as they believe and not to judge them for it.

5. Wiccans, in general, do not believe in Satan and so cannot worship him as some Christians like to claim. We have no place for a power of ultimate evil in our theology as we do not see our gods as ultimate good. Our gods are gods of nature, and nature is not good or evil, it just is the way it is. We see the Christian Satan as a scapegoat that the Christians use to blame for the evil in the world. To us, it is irresponsible to blame some all evil being for our own actions. If we do the wrong thing, we accept the consequences and take responsibility for our actions.

I hope those answers help.

Venus Bless
2010-01-24 04:43:40 UTC
i gave kyle the thumbs up, cso i agre and liek most of his answer, not all tho, few tweaks id do

but other than that i was pleasently surprised by it

to your questions

you can 'become' wiccan, in todays soceity , i beleive its a lot more acepted to become wiccan nowadays

there are meetings and times , but i dont know much about them given that im not wiccan and im an eclectic solitary pagan

i observe them on my own dont go to meetings

any spell you want, within reason of reality, possiblity and probability, so basically, things you CAN have, not things you cant, and really they are more to guide andhelp, not give and fix

many things, nature, being the most important, to respect nature and to use and work with it not abuse it

pagans have a god, known as pan, who is part goat as well as other things,

and christianty, when it came along, took that god, and basically used it in their own propaganda to convert peopel away from paganism,

claiming the pagan god is actually devil

its was not nice, but its stuck sadly

wicans doen beleive in any devil, christians do

pagans have noting to do with it
baba gaga
2010-01-23 21:04:23 UTC
Some people will claim to be "hereditary witches," but they are poseurs. They claim that so that they don't have to put in the study and work that it takes to become knowledgeable. There is no set time for rituals (not "mass"), other than the sabbats and esbats (pagan holidays). You can do a ritual for any reason, any time, any place. In general, Wiccans and pagans are nature-based, but apart from that, the beliefs are widely varied. Wiccans don't believe in satan, so there is no connection.
Secret desires
2010-01-23 21:11:03 UTC
1) no

2) Yes they are called covens you have to be accepted into them

3) Any as long as they are realistic money is what beginners usually do first. I don't have one for you but the AOL message boards can give you some good beginners.

4) Wiccians have a stereotype as being viewed as a wicked witch people confuse Wicca and Satanism.
2010-01-23 21:09:10 UTC
It's wonderful that you'd like to learn something about such a nice religion (-:

-You can be born into Wicca

-In areas with a larger population than obviously they would get together out of a sense of companionship, but "Black Masses" are completely hollywood.

-Many spells can be performed, for starters, the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram which would involve protecting yourself on all sides while you perform other spells. Other spells being on of many things, maybe you feel like meeting your Familiar (which I encourage you do not under any circumstances attempt this) or maybe you would just like your plants to grow large and be healthy?

-What does any religion believe in? That we are the children of celestial powers and we are put here on this earth to perform a service, whether it be for the glory of the heavens or whether it be to keep the earth healthy. Specifically peace is the general belief of it all, harmony with all life, etc, etc.

-What is the thing with Satan? Actually, the word "Satan" being your imagining of "Lucifercarius Daemon" (hope I spelled that right) but it's the evil figure that the catholic church created to scare their little serfs into growing crops for them and then paying them to live on "their" land when in all actuallity it was stolen from righteous pagans, but Satan is created of man. We create him when we give him power by murdering or raping or stealing, etc. You get the jist? I hope that you enjoyed this and I encourage you to search these things out on your own

No one should come to conform to a religion that is thousands of years old. You should evolve what our ancestors believed in and mold it to how it fits us in today's world. Because I promise you, the days in which ancient celtic branches of beliefs lived are far far gone (: I hope this helps you
2010-01-23 21:31:50 UTC
All magic is satanic in origin. Don't let "white" or "black" magic confuse you - its all a myth, all magic is spiritual deception. For an straightforward account of Wicca, click the links below.
2010-01-23 21:01:02 UTC
Modern "neopagans" are just a bunch of LARPers.

The true Druidic arts should be taught from birth.

Visit Newgrange and ask for Oigher Dubh.
2010-01-23 21:01:42 UTC
no they usually find it through friends

it is considered a cult due to denial of the TRinity

google this...kingdom fo the cults....STICK WITH THE TRUE TRINITY CHURCHES..

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.