Which religion is better adapted for survival in the future: Christianity or Islam?
2007-01-09 12:26:28 UTC
Core doctrines:

Christianty -Turn the other cheek, Love your enemies.
Islam - Fight unbelievers until "all the world is for Allah". Quran 8:39; "Fight all who believe not in Allah". Quran 9:29; Fight "in the cause of Allah" and if you are "slain" you will get a "reward". Quran 4:74.

Influenced Movements:

Islam - Worldwide Jihad.
Christianty - Left-wing pacifism.

Demographic impact (breedin doctrines):

Islam - Muslim men can and should marry non-muslim woman, adding them to their wife stock, to end non-muslim bloodlines. Muslim men can marry more than one woman so as to increase the breeding of Muslims.
Christianty -None now. Roman Catholic prohibition on contraception would roughly qualify here if it were in play anymore.

Growth doctrines:

Christianty -Evangelism
Islam: Jihad - Via Warfare and Breeding
32 answers:
James C
2007-01-09 14:16:51 UTC
Islam will survive if you want to look at it logically. Christians don't strap on bombs and kill children and other innocent people.

But if you read the bible we know that those in Christ will leave one day but thank God for the 144k.
2007-01-09 12:44:28 UTC
Bravo !!! how nicely you have taken quranic verses out of context, where is the context??? i can give you many verses to explain wht is fight in islam...Our fight is always defensive not offensive !!!

Muslims man 'should" not marry four woman but they are just given the permission but if they can't do justice to more than one wives than they are forbidden !!!

world wide jihad??? lol, well if chirstains would attack their country wickedly so obviously they will resist , why should they give their place so easily to christains??and this reistance is called jihad, while wht christains are killing them WORLDWIDLY is the innocence of christains , Bravo!!

muslim men are allowed to marry only the peoples of book..christains and jews...and not for adding their stock or ending non-muslims bloodlines but its just a permission to make the life easy for them and those ladies who want to marry muslim men !!

Many flaws in your questions and need extensive explantion and i dont have that much time to waste on this. But simply telling you 'dear Biased and brainwashed christain fellow' !!! that with all this wht you have told, Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and definitely it is better adapted for survival in future as its most logical one and peoples are entering into it by using their brain and not by following the crap what you have followed

Good luck and try harder !!1
2007-01-09 12:41:22 UTC
At the risk of contradicting the dharma and projecting a holier than thou attitude, I would have to say Buddhism far surpasses either of the two. That is unless we were invaded by a hostile intelligent race, in which case a world of buddhists may not stand a chance.
2007-01-09 12:39:22 UTC
The dominant cultures of both Islam and christianity are focused on peace and are well suited to survival.

The only people who believe the things you wrote are the extremists of either religion--and neither religion is or should be judged by the actions or beliefs of fanatics--or by the distorted smear tactics that give rise to the statements in your post.
2007-01-09 12:40:21 UTC
Why must they be mutally exclusive? It is only the extremists of both groups that insist one must prevail over the other. The problem is, they are going to end up destroying the world they are bound and determined to dominate. Neither Jesus nor Mohammed preached exclusivity, and they are praying to the same God, just calling him by there own name. What happened to respecting the differences of others? I'm so tired of this argument, from both sides. The problem is, all of us in the middle will be the ones to perish in their quest for dominance...
David H
2007-01-09 12:37:37 UTC
If you think this world is full of hate, war, death, and all that you can imagine that is bad right now, try living in a world under one religion in which the core belief is rule of law by any force that gets the job done, hate, religion by force, and no love for our fellow man to be found.

For the atheists and all other non-believers, I'll be glad when us Christians are out of here, but you won't be. PEACE!!!
2007-01-09 12:55:28 UTC
Wow you managed to fit in the core doctrines in a couple of lines, so when did you do this research for your 3rd grade social studies project?
2007-01-09 12:43:54 UTC
Obviously your views are slanted against Islam because you have never taken the time to learn of the religion (the majority of Muslims do not practice antiquated precepts) - your better off remaining agnostic as you need a certain level of intelligence to understand something that's bigger than your narrow level of thinking.
Black Dragon
2007-01-09 12:39:13 UTC
It depends on the future you want to have.

You view of the two religions is a bit skewed and more than a little bias. Is it too much for you to present them from an equally neutral point of view?
2007-01-09 12:32:10 UTC
2007-01-09 14:24:57 UTC
Islam followed properly will prevail, not deviant sects or extremist ideologies.

Peace Be With You
2007-01-09 12:33:46 UTC
Christianity and Islam both teach all of what you have attributed to each religion. You are twisting words. Leaving out information for your own agenda. It seems that YOU are not fit to adapt for the future.
2007-01-09 12:33:11 UTC
If you mean the long term future (like eternity), you'd better choose Christianity.

Where is Mohammed today? Buried in a grave.

Where is Jesus Christ today? In Heaven seated at the right hand of God the Father, arisen from the dead and seen by over 500 people, testified to by authors of that time who were both believers and non-believers.
good girl
2007-01-09 13:15:58 UTC
Have you ever learned about Islam or lived in their society, if not you should do it before you make any judgment or comparison which one is better for our future - this will ensure you will not embarrass yourself in front of people that you know are smarter than you
2007-01-09 12:33:18 UTC
As Jesus stated, "heaven and earth shall pass away, but my word will never pass away". In all friendship, I recommend siding with the only one that will stand through all of time: Jesus Christ.
2007-01-09 12:32:13 UTC
Actually, as people become more intelligent as a whole, we won't have either one. Kids will learn about contemporary religion like we learn about greek mythology.
2007-01-09 12:34:03 UTC
It doesn't matter which one is "better adapted" in our eyes since God clearly states that it is Christianity that will survive as it has for centuries, against all odds.
2007-01-09 12:32:08 UTC
Neither. When it comes to "adapting for survival in the future", the atheists have it.
2007-01-09 12:32:54 UTC
Christianity...I think the other speaks for itself. Dont take the risk, hook up with Jesus now,Id love to meet you in heaven.
2007-01-09 12:32:32 UTC
most christians i know are right wing imperialists

abolish religion
2007-01-09 12:31:23 UTC
Christians will spend eternity with the Father in heaven. Muslims will spend eternity in hell with there father the pedophile Muhammad SATAN.
2007-01-09 12:34:27 UTC
Amen, and may God have mercy on you liver
2007-01-09 12:34:10 UTC
Batman could kick Superman's butt any day of the week.
2007-01-09 12:32:15 UTC
Islam is the way of life.. find it through ur heart not website.. :D
2007-01-09 12:30:05 UTC
Forget religion.

Christ is the path of salvation.

Christ is the truth of God's Word.

Christ is the life eternal.

Joh 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.

Christ is the tree of life.

Gen 3:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:

God's Word is not a religion but a reality.

~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~.
2007-01-09 12:32:13 UTC
Christianity, for when Jesus the Christ returns to earth to establish His kingdom, Islam will be GONE! YBIC
2007-01-09 12:29:49 UTC
The religion itself doesn't mean crap. It's how the people interpret it and actually FOLLOW THEIR RELIGION.
Chef Bob
2007-01-09 12:29:53 UTC
neither, there is not much of a future for the earth as we know it.
2007-01-09 12:30:54 UTC
You forgot the most important thing. Christians have Jesus on their side and He will always prevail.

May God Bless you.
2007-01-09 12:30:32 UTC
2007-01-09 12:30:02 UTC
Truth Speaker by research
2007-01-09 12:56:00 UTC
Basic Rule Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) taught Muslims: ALWAYS EVALUATE & INTERPRATE SURAAH & HADITH WITH REFERENCE TO CONTEXT OF ITS REVLEATION.Quran 8:39;Quran 9:29;Quran 4:74.Go thorugh the context that when and where these verses of the Holy Quran revealed & always read full SURRAH to know what it really says but enemies of ISLAM always intentionally derail themselves to run from truth.It was revealed during a WAR time & the enemies of ISLAM broke thier promises and pact, so Muslims had to retaliate.

Does Islam really allow the killing of innocent unbelievers? VISIT THIS LINK TO KNOW YOURSELF

Dr.Zakir Naik's chat with Doctor William Campbell (A Christian Missionary) on

“The Qur'ân and the Bible, in the light of Science” which was in front of hundreds of people live and it was recorded for TV as well, is veryyyyyyyyyy popular why bcoz he made him speechless.His DIALOGUE with Doctor William Campbell and it has been telecast on “Peace TV” so many times and this chat make fun of those who make fun of ISLAM.So sceintifically BIBLE is so wrong but Holy Quran is 100% right.

Was Christ Really Crucified – Debate – Pastor Ruknuddin Pio (Arab Christian Missionary) vs “Dr Zakir Naik” buy that debate CD or watch the glorious defeat of CHRISTIANITY on “PEACE TV”. BIBLE'S CONTARIDICTIONS PROVED THAT JESUS WAS NOT CRUFIFIED.

Why Non-Muslims "ALWAYS" lose debate to "DR.ZAKIR NAIK" in front of so many live audiences? And this tape is recorded for the TV, & u can purchase his CDS as well, to propagate the truth (ISLAM).

Definition of Polygamy

1. Polygamy means a system of marriage whereby one person has more than one spouse. Polygamy can be of two types. One is polygyny where a man marries more than one woman, and the other is polyandry, where a woman marries more than one man. In Islam, limited polygyny is permitted; whereas polyandry is completely prohibited.

Now coming to the original question, why is a man allowed to have more than one wife?

2. The Qur’an is the only religious scripture in the world that says,"marry only one".

The Qur’an is the only religious book, on the face of this earth, that contains the phrase ‘marry only one’. There is no other religious book that instructs men to have only one wife. In none of the other religious scriptures, whether it be the Vedas, the Ramayan, the Mahabharat, the Geeta, the Talmud or the Bible does one find a restriction on the number of wives. According to these scriptures one can marry as many as one wishes. It was only later, that the Hindu priests and the Christian Church restricted the number of wives to one.

Many Hindu religious personalities, according to their scriptures, had multiple wives. King Dashrat, the father of Rama, had more than one wife. Krishna had several wives.

In earlier times, Christian men were permitted as many wives as they wished, since the Bible puts no restriction on the number of wives. It was only a few centuries ago that the Church restricted the number of wives to one.

Polygyny is permitted in Judaism. According to Talmudic law, Abraham had three wives, and Solomon had hundreds of wives. The practice of polygyny continued till Rabbi Gershom ben Yehudah (95% C.E to 1030 C.E) issued an edict against it. The Jewish Sephardic communities living in Muslim countries continued the practice till as late as 1950, until an Act of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel extended the ban on marrying more than one wife.

3. Hindus are more polygynous than Muslims

The report of the ‘Committee of The Status of Woman in Islam’, published in 1975 mentions on page numbers 66 and 67 that the percentage of polygamous marriages between the years 1951 and 1961 was 5.06% among the Hindus and only 4.31% among the Muslims. According to Indian law only Muslim men are permitted to have more than one wife. It is illegal for any non-Muslim in India to have more than one wife. Despite it being illegal, Hindus have more multiple wives as compared to Muslims. Earlier, there was no restriction even on Hindu men with respect to the number of wives allowed. It was only in 1954, when the Hindu Marriage Act was passed that it became illegal for a Hindu to have more than one wife. At present it is the Indian Law that restricts a Hindu man from having more than one wife and not the Hindu scriptures.

Let us now analyse why Islam allows a man to have more than one wife.

4. Qur’an permits limited polygyny

As I mentioned earlier, Qur’an is the only religious book on the face of the earth that says ‘marry only one’. The context of this phrase is the following verse from Surah Nisa of the Glorious Qur’an:

"Marry women of your choice, two, or three, or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one."

[Al-Qur’an 4:3]

Before the Qur’an was revealed, there was no upper limit for polygyny and many men had scores of wives, some even hundreds. Islam put an upper limit of four wives. Islam gives a man permission to marry two, three or four women, only on the condition that he deals justly with them.

In the same chapter i.e. Surah Nisa verse 129 says:

"Ye are never able to be fair and just as between women...."

[Al-Qur’an 4:129]

Therefore polygyny is not a rule but an exception. Many people are under the misconception that it is compulsory for a Muslim man to have more than one wife.

Broadly, Islam has five categories of Do’s and Don’ts:

i.‘Fard’ i.e. compulsory or obligatory

ii.‘Mustahab’ i.e. recommended or encouraged

iii.‘Mubah’ i.e. permissible or allowed

iv.‘Makruh’ i.e. not recommended or discouraged

v.‘Haraam’ i.e. prohibited or forbidden

Polygyny falls in the middle category of things that are permissible. It cannot be said that a Muslim who has two, three or four wives is a better Muslim as compared to a Muslim who has only one wife.

5. Average life span of females is more than that of males

By nature males and females are born in approximately the same ratio. A female child has more immunity than a male child. A female child can fight the germs and diseases better than the male child. For this reason, during the pediatric age itself there are more deaths among males as compared to the females.

During wars, there are more men killed as compared to women. More men die due to accidents and diseases than women. The average life span of females is more than that of males, and at any given time one finds more widows in the world than widowers.

6. India has more male population than female due to female foeticide and infanticide

India is one of the few countries, along with the other neighbouring countries, in which the female population is less than the male population. The reason lies in the high rate of female infanticide in India, and the fact that more than one million female foetuses are aborted every year in this country, after they are identified as females. If this evil practice is stopped, then India too will have more females as compared to males.

7. World female population is more than male population

In the USA, women outnumber men by 7.8 million. New York alone has one million more females as compared to the number of males, and of the male population of New York one-third are gays i.e sodomites. The U.S.A as a whole has more than twenty-five million gays. This means that these people do not wish to marry women. Great Britain has four million more females as compared to males. Germany has five million more females as compared to males. Russia has nine million more females than males. God alone knows how many million more females there are in the whole world as compared to males.

8. Restricting each and every man to have only one wife is not practical

Even if every man got married to one woman, there would still be more than thirty million females in U.S.A who would not be able to get husbands (considering that America has twenty five million gays). There would be more than four million females in Great Britain, 5 million females in Germany and nine million females in Russia alone who would not be able to find a husband.

Suppose my sister happens to be one of the unmarried women living in USA, or suppose your sister happens to be one of the unmarried women in USA. The only two options remaining for her are that she either marries a man who already has a wife or becomes public property. There is no other option. All those who are modest will opt for the first.

In Western society, it is common for a man to have mistresses and/or multiple extra-marital affairs, in which case, the woman leads a disgraceful, unprotected life. The same society, however, cannot accept a man having more than one wife, in which women retain their honourable, dignified position in society and lead a protected life.

Thus the only two options before a woman who cannot find a husband is to marry a married man or to become public property. Islam prefers giving women the honourable position by permitting the first option and disallowing the second.

There are several other reasons, why Islam has permitted limited polygyny, but it is mainly to protect the modesty of women. (Translation Of The Meanings Of The Glorious Quran)

So from every aspect ISLAM is true but CHRISTIANITY FAILS.

I have a very good research on religions I have tons of tons SUBSTANTIAL EVIDENCES THAT CHRISTIANITY IS NOT OF JESUS (PBUH) BUT OF THUG SAINT PAUL.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.