2007-08-13 20:22:37 UTC
For the record, I am Christian. I am sick and tired of seeing Christian discussions become prove it debates with no bleievers. I have known some really nice atheist people who disagree with my views but to me that is their personal right. I don't hide my views but I don't see it written where I'm supposed to tirelessly try to convert non believers. Isnt it more our job as christians to be available to them, live by example, and offer the truth then leave it up to the individual whether or not to believe it?
OK so to the non believers, why do some of you feel the need to attempt to disprove us? What is the problem for someone having their own beliefs? What if Christians are wrong? who cares? If we are then really is any harm done? If we are right however..... (cue the bass drums) Im just trying to figure out why it bothers you that we believe.