Why do some atheists attack Christians in message boards and vice versa?
2007-08-13 20:22:37 UTC
I did say "some" so lets not all get on me for labeling one group or the other.

For the record, I am Christian. I am sick and tired of seeing Christian discussions become prove it debates with no bleievers. I have known some really nice atheist people who disagree with my views but to me that is their personal right. I don't hide my views but I don't see it written where I'm supposed to tirelessly try to convert non believers. Isnt it more our job as christians to be available to them, live by example, and offer the truth then leave it up to the individual whether or not to believe it?

OK so to the non believers, why do some of you feel the need to attempt to disprove us? What is the problem for someone having their own beliefs? What if Christians are wrong? who cares? If we are then really is any harm done? If we are right however..... (cue the bass drums) Im just trying to figure out why it bothers you that we believe.
29 answers:
2007-08-13 20:26:11 UTC
We vocally disagree with you because your beliefs are beginning to infringe upon our rights. I personally believe that everyone should have the right to believe anything they wish, but when those beliefs request equal time in schools without any evidence... or demand unequal rights for fellow citizens... or demand congruence to specific beliefs and personal choice then i have a problem. Unfortunately, my voice is small, so I try to make it heard. Though I don't believe that I am one of the atheists you speak of, it is never the less why I am here.
2007-08-13 20:32:21 UTC
I could care less what you believe. I mostly answer questions addressed to this one is. If you ask what I believe, I will tell you. And if you ask a question of me that tries to tell me that I'm wrong and that I will be going to hell, I sure will be telling you where you are wrong. Most of the Christians on here ask the questions that try to make us prove how we believe or prove evolution, or disprove creationism. That is tiresome, as well. You are the ones who believe in an invisible god who has some very bizarre issues. We don't believe in him. So, don't ask us to prove your god. The one with the belief has to prove it. It goes both ways on here. You Christians are not blameless and you do the very same things that you accuse us of doing.

2007-08-13 20:54:10 UTC
"Isnt it more our job as christians to be available to them"

Sounds a bit elitist/sanctimonious/arrogant to me - why don't you just live?

What makes you think you're so special?

Oh, that book that's filled with more murder, mayhem, violence and sexual perversions than any other one book on the planet?

"offer the truth then leave it up to the individual whether or not to believe it"

What makes you think you have the OneAndOnly truth?

Damn! Sanctimonious fits here too - it's such a long word but it's the only one that suits.

2007-08-13 20:48:48 UTC
I am a Christian who does not attack Atheists but have compassion for their ignorance. We were told by Paul to be proud of Jesus and don't ignore or act like you don't know him because he may do the same for you when you try to enter Heaven. If I get the feeling that I am infringing on the atheist space I drop it and stay silent. If they get defensive they are not hearing anything I am saying anyway. Sometimes just my love light shining is the only testimony that is needed to get a non believer to question what is going on in this Jesus Freak. :) :) :)
2007-08-13 20:53:56 UTC
I'm sick and tired of holier than thou people telling me I'm going to some shittier place after I die simply because I haven't accepted some irrational story in place of evidence. I'm tired of my secular nation being slowly co-opted by a single religion. (I'll gladly discuss the religious views of the founding fathers of this nation any day.) I'm tired of being accused of 'godlessness' and 'sinning', I have a finely tuned moral compass thank you. I just see different things as wrong. Like preying on minds too young to defend themselves, for instance.

I'm not bothered in the least by what any of you believe personally. I'm bothered by the fact that many of your brethren are bringing their religion into politics, government, public education, etc.

Believe whatever gets you through the day. You believe in god, I believe in human.
2007-08-13 20:32:11 UTC
For the same reason it bothers some of the Christians that we don't believe. How many times must I tell the Jehovah witness I am not interested. Every Saturday they come back.
2007-08-13 20:29:40 UTC
I believe that the world would be better off without religion. If all of the money that had been spent on war because of religion was spent on scientific research we would be far more advanced. Also the religious do not keep their beliefs to themselves..they try to force others to live by their ideals. They try to make and change laws according to such beliefs.

I only answer questions though. So if someone asks a question but does not like my honest answer that is their problem
Jason W
2007-08-13 20:29:35 UTC
I personally believe that if one cannot argue your belief when challenged than your belief is not very well thought out. No one will be able to change my mind about God, no matter how strong an argument they present. I think it is mostly just an exercise for us intellectuals, similar to Plato and Aristotle's debates. Kinda like Jerry Springer in some regards as well.
2007-08-13 20:28:38 UTC
Can u answer my question?? Why do some Christians attack atheists on message boards and Vice Versa??
2007-08-13 20:32:19 UTC
The answer is fear. Fear always drives anger and anger is what is behind some of the answers you see here in R&S. Look at the next question or answer you see that is blasting the opposite view and try to understand the underlying anger. It is there.
2007-08-13 20:30:12 UTC
I do not feel the need to disprove you, as you do that well enough for yourselves. I feel the need to contain the delusional nonsense that you would foist upon the world. Your delusion eats up resources that could be used elsewhere. Your more nut case compatriots, which hide in the shadow of your so called mainline belief, are a clear and present danger to our world. Then there is the little matter of all the laws you and yours wish to impose on the rest of us.
2007-08-13 20:30:31 UTC
Because people are on a constant search for validation. They feel that they have something to prove. "I'm right, so you have to be wrong. Here, let me tell you how wrong you are. The more that I say you're wrong the more right I'll look." Both sides are guilty and this extends far beyond religion.
2007-08-13 20:29:12 UTC
They are both showing signs of doubt and jealousy!

This is also a sure sign of insecurity within ones life!

If a human being discovers the value of the "True Self" within, then he will understand the value of the "True Self" within others.

Give this a try and benefit all mankind.
2007-08-13 20:28:14 UTC
Ever hear the phrase, "You can dish it out, but you can't take it"? Christian Fundamentalists have been on the attack for years now, trying to deny rights to homosexuals, trying to outlaw abortions, trying to keep women from obtaining equal rights, and trying to impose their own morals - many of them non-biblical - on the rest of society. Non-Fundamentalists are finally fighting back by speaking out against their campaigns, their media onslaughts, and their mistaken notions of truth, and the Fundamentalists don't like it very much. They can dish it out, but they can't take it. So when people of good conscience stand up for their rights, Fundamentalists cry foul play.
2007-08-13 20:31:14 UTC
Well its alright if they put up a sensible debate. But I have seen quite a few of them resorting to name calling, cussing and insulting like how you would insult a little kid and that is becoming their favourite pass time. Sometimes i think that they are doing this coz they are really insecure and since they are jealous of people living a good, decent life, they do their best to point fun at them.
2007-08-13 20:27:27 UTC
it's a good question. Christians are stereotyped for all pushing their beliefs but then there are plenty of atheists running around doing the same thing with opposing which makes them look pretty funny. But people in general are funny.
2007-08-13 20:27:07 UTC
I asked this a few days ago...they replied something about if you have an opinion its OK to attack or question it or ask you to explain it even though in my question I said faith cannot be explained sometimes...weird answers I got for sure
2007-08-13 20:28:03 UTC
Because Maoris code and singing telegram went out of style.
2007-08-13 20:27:41 UTC
Why do Christians try to claim ownership of discussion boards that were clearly meant to be public?
2007-08-13 20:29:09 UTC
Nothing bother us, but this the place to talk about these things, isn't it?
2007-08-13 20:28:07 UTC
Why do some Christians have a persecution complex?

Notice I did say "some".
2007-08-13 20:27:08 UTC
disagreeing and defending ones stance and opinion is hardly setting out to disprove another.
Janet Reincarnated
2007-08-13 20:30:44 UTC
Good question. I think that the more insecure about their convictions, more they attack each other. It is the urge to prove themselves they are right, much more than prove to the other.

Very good!

2007-08-13 20:28:46 UTC
Wow just watching you guys beat each other up is painful.
2007-08-13 20:33:45 UTC
What attacks are the Christians doing? I see they are defending God and their beliefs. By the way, whats up with your face, lighten up and smile. :) God bless you
2007-08-13 20:29:29 UTC
Because we feel like it is our mission as fellow humans to knock some sense into that hollow head of yours.
2007-08-13 20:28:26 UTC
Because it's just so damn much fun ridiculing you Jesus freaks. You're such ripe targets.
2007-08-13 20:26:44 UTC
They are both passionate about what they believe in.
2007-08-13 20:28:41 UTC
Zeinzman,how are we infringing on your rights?Enlighten us please.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.