Do you think the Catholic Church is too rigid in its decision concerning contraceptives and abortions?
2007-08-21 08:08:08 UTC
The Papal Encyclical Humanae Vitae of Pope Paul VI [1968] brought the position of the Catholic Church concerning contraceptives, sex and abortions. It maintained that sex outside of marriage is sin and that every sexual act must be open to conception. Hence no abortion or morning after pills. Do you think that this position is too rigid for the modern world where people question everything from agronomy to zoology? Do you think that people have a right to do whatever they want with their bodies without looking at the objective consequences for the human race? Is the Church not acting the 'voice of the defenseless' in your opinion. Please let me hear from you . . .
33 answers:
Jeff A
2007-08-21 08:19:31 UTC
I'm not Catholic, but I admire and agree with the church's stand on abortion. Religion is supposed to represent eternal truth, so it shouldn't change with the whims of society. The casual attitude toward sex in this society today would have been seen as contemptible in previous generations. Sex was created by God to be enjoyed by married couples. Today, it has lost much of its meaning in this culture of "hooking up." Never before have sexually transmitted diseases been so common. The numbers of abortions and out-of-wedlock births have reached epidemic proportions. We have taken something God intended for good and have reduced it to something common and ugly.
2007-08-21 08:17:55 UTC
Too rigid?

People can question what they like.

I'd be more shocked if the Church found a reason to change its position on a major point in marriage or sexual relations. These are the very roots of communal doctrine.

People have never looked at the "objective consequences" of anything. Why should they do so now?

Of course, the position of the Pope is the position of the Church. Should the Pope change the Church? When?

I have to add that this all only matters if you're Catholic. Catholic means universal, which is supposed to be stable, right?
2007-08-21 08:51:57 UTC
Regardless of what the Catholic Church teaches, ever person retains the freedom to do whatever they want. If you really want to use birth control or have an abortion, the Church can't (and wouldn't) stop you.

However, it is the Church's role to instruct on moral issues, and the Church is perfectly free and right to make statements about the morality of using birth control, seeking abortions or performing abortion. One assumes that somebody who has chosen to be/become/remain Catholic would pay heed to what the Church instructs on these issues and strive to meet the standards set. For others who are not Catholic, one assumes that they may or may not pay any attention, according to their own personal beliefs.

Furthermore, I think it's important to note that the Church 'puts its money where its mouth is' on these issues. Classes giving instruction for the new, scientifically proven systems of natural family planning are provided through the Church to help couples plan their families responsibly. And no other religious organization has more programs to help women in crisis pregnancies with food, clothing, shelter, moral support, and other forms of assistance.

As for the "AIDS in Africa" argument, the Church is being logical and factual in stating that abstinence before marriage and absolute faithfulness afterwards is the only real way to avoid AIDS. Even the World Health Organization, a pro-condom organization, admits that there is a 90% failure rate in using condoms to prevent HIV transmission. Do the math. If 100 people in Africa use condoms when they have sex with HIV+ people this very night, you can only count on 90 of them not being infected. And if those 90 rely on condoms next week when they have sex with HIV+ people, you can only count on 81 of them coming through it unscathed. You know how to add and subtract, so I'll let you figure out how long it will take for half of them to get HIV. Condoms have been distributed by WHO and Doctors without Boards and many other organizations for the last 20 years, and there's still an AIDS epidemic. It just doesn't work very well with a 10% failure rate, and I for one think the people in Africa (and elsewhere) are important enough that we find another solution. So far, the only proven solution is abstinence before marriage and total faithfulness afterwards, so there's nothing wrong with recommending it. People will ignore that, of course, and they're free to take their own lives (and their partners' lives) into their own hands if they want to, but there's nothing wrong with the Catholic Church promoting the ONLY solution that is proven to work.
2007-08-21 08:16:34 UTC
I think what everyone needs to remember is that the Catholic Church is over 2000 years old. It does not, never has, and never will move quickly on a decision to change. Also, the Catholic Church has its mission. . . to uphold the teaching of Jesus. In the eyes of the church, contraception is taking God out of the equation when a man and a woman have sex. According to the church, men and woman should be open to the possibility of procreation. Anything contrary to that, is against church teaching.
2007-08-21 08:21:50 UTC
No. It would not be upholding its own rules if it allowed it. Then the world would have nothing to define itself by. This is also the same church that is criticized for its ideology for celibacy. I think that people use every kind of excuse to not use self-control, and I think that sexuality is not taught properly by parents, since parents rule by example most of all. A world full of illegitimate children creates societies of anarchy. "Because it felt good" or "because I felt like it." are not good enough reasons to love someone and then leave them literally holding the bag. The church knows that with God's grace, everyone is capable of great things. There is more to life than hormones.

I think this rule takes everyone's happiness into account, not just the happiness of one being greater than the other.
2007-08-21 08:15:46 UTC
Yes of course I think it is too strict! I think that is totally wrong that every sexual act should be open to conception. Absolutely terrible. A family in my boyfriend's church is having their 9th -- I repeat 9th kid. It is wrong! That is breeding. They don't use birth control b/c they are "true" Catholics. You have to think of how you can provide for so many kids. The church will not run my life in this aspect. I will have one child and that is it. I'm not mutilating my body and having tons of kids b/c that's what the church wants me to do. If I want to have sex I'm not going to do it every time with the intention of getting pregnant. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong!

Also - think about the expenses of today! Let's have a reality check people. How is it possible to send nine kids to college? How can you give your child the best if you have child after child? That is why I am having ONE! If you have 9 or 10, 12, 14 ... you cannot give your kids a good education or anything. If I had conception in mind every time I had sex I'd have 5 kids by now and a crappy job with hardly any income.
2007-08-21 08:12:11 UTC
No, people do not have a "right" to kill and use other people for their own gain.

Human sexuality was made to express love not to have a good time. And love is not a selfish thing that should be turned inward, Love if it is turned inward and not shared, or does not procreate will die. Love must bear fruit.

And no matter how you justify it, abortion is still killing, no matter how small the person is a person is a person after all.

These beliefs are from God not any one council or church body or representative. The church and it's representatives here on earth, the Bishops and the Bishop of Rome, only proclaim the messages of God, they don't invent them.
2007-08-21 08:21:42 UTC
I agree on their decision against abortion. I believe everyone, born or unborn, deserves the right to live if they are innocent and have not committed crime. Hence, unborn babies deserve to be brought into the world, and not killed off. I think if a mother doesn't want her child she should give it up for adoption because their are so many deserving women out their who are infertile, and would make wonderful mothers. As for birth control, I'm not sure how I feel. I guess if the control would prevent another abortion of a baby, then I think people could use it. My point on abortion is who knows what that lost child could have been: the next starring actor/actress in a huge blockbuster film, the next president, the next world-known artist that makes millions off of their masterpieces, or the next musician who's music is always on the Top 10 list. You will never know what your child could accomplish if you never give them a chance.
2007-08-21 08:21:35 UTC
if you want to follow the Catholic religion, follow it.

don't try to change it , why follow something you do not believe in . If the catholics say abortion is wrong and you think other wise, then you are not a catholic. you wannna be Catholic follow the pope.

if you have the attitude that you do not want to be controlled by religion. why be religious.

all religion's are rather silly. Do you really need a group to tell you how to live your life. cant you do it on your own?

if you really want to find peace in your life. you don't need a Jesus or a Mohammad. all you have to do is live your life with integrity. something the Pope does not have. if the Pope truly had any integrity he would life a life the way Jesus did. instead he lives a life of a CEO of a major corporation and one that evades taxes. talk about being ethical.
2007-08-21 10:39:56 UTC

they're been touting the no sex outside marriage line for I don't know how long and no one listens to it. It's against human nature. besides which they spread lies about condoms which in countries like Africa were AIDS is endemic is just murder really.

The no abortion thing is just crazy. It's prioritising the life of a non person above the life of an actual living person. Does no one ever consider that someone choosing to have an abortion now may go on to have 2, 3 kids later on - but now wont? It;s especially insulting in cases where the pregnancy causes a threat to the womans life - again why does fetus take priority of over the life of someone who is already alive? Won't the aborted fetus get a one way ticket to heaven anyway? Also in case of rape. No the child if it were born isn't to blame, but that should be the choice of the woman. Not someone who thinks it's realistic to demand that adult men never have sex again.
2007-08-21 08:15:07 UTC
If someone has sex, it is not going to do anything to the human race. What i dont get is if you believe in God then why would religous leaders need to change the "rules" or what ever, excpecially because it is now the "modern times". There are some things i just dont get and religion and its followers is one of them.

oh yeah, people have sex to reproduce. Just like every other animal, so why does it make a difference.
Hugs from Sugar bug
2007-08-21 08:24:24 UTC
Its not about the modern world. Its what is written in the Bible which is Gods word for us to follow. It states children are a gift from God. It also states we all sin and come short of the Glory of God. Our bodys are made by God and we should respect that. I go to a Babtist church.
2007-08-21 08:13:33 UTC
I think the catholic church is way behind in regards to many of its practices. I think the following things should be addressed; priests should be able to marry, contraceptives should be allowed and abortions hsould be accepted in some cases (incest, rape and chance of the mother dying.) I remember reading that the catholic church had protested the idea of the Erie canal (connects Buffalo and Albany), the argument was that if god wanted us to travel that fast we d have benn made able to. Cmon what a crock!!
2007-08-21 08:13:30 UTC
yes I think they are to ridged. I actually agree sex outside marriage is a sin and abortion is evil.. but certainly contraception has a place in the modern world. even in marriage it is not good to have 12 children as was coman in the past.
2007-08-21 08:18:26 UTC
The Catholic Church already has little known exemptions to it's blanket birth control rules... hopefully more are coming!
2007-08-21 08:16:02 UTC
I think the Church is right on.

Yes, people have the right to do what they want...and they do. But if you are Catholic and you go against these teachings you need to stop receiving Eucharist. You need to admit that you have become a Protestant...meaning one who protests the faith.

The Church must stand up for the teachings of God and cannot be subject to the whims of society. The truth of God does not change with our world. It isn't about making life easier here on earth but about being obedient to God. The Church's responsibility is to lead the faithful in the path of righteousness. Just because that path is unpopular does not mean it should be changed.

Each and every Catholic who is pro-choice or uses contraceptives, needs to pray and ask God for guidance in these matters. Being right with God is more important than being right with the world.
2007-08-21 08:12:14 UTC
There are two ways to grow as a religion. Evangelize and win converts, or ban birth control and breed yourself into dominance.

LongHorn - I've asked many times for the scripture that states that abortion is murder, and I've yet to see it. All I've been given is scriptures that mention nothing about abortion whatsoever, along with a lot of non-scriptural extrapolation.
2007-08-21 12:56:22 UTC
This is the same thing that the Church has taught for nearly 2,000 years. Why do people (not necessarily you - but in general) think this is a new thing?
2007-08-21 08:11:59 UTC
it may seem rigid, but the Church should not bend to human whims. the Church is acting as the voice of the defenseless whenever they condemn abortion.
2007-08-21 08:19:34 UTC
The Church is interpreting the Bible rather narrowly in terms of contraception. It is certainly not being realistic, but that isn't surprising for a bunch of old, celibate men. What could they possibly know about the lives of women?

As for abortion, it's pretty clearly spelled out in the Bible that you are to kill your children only after they have defied you, not prior to birth.
Type O'
2007-08-21 08:15:37 UTC
i think the church is hypocrits

they do things and then point fingers at other ppl for the same things

i they are hard on ppl but excuse themselves because they are of the cloth

if they cant get away with it they just move the preist to some other unexpecting town

i think to many ppl fall for the fake ness

i belive all pp; have the right

to chose and without harsh judgement
2007-08-21 08:20:47 UTC
Sex out side of marriage is a sin,

Abortion is a sin.

weather you chose to have children or not in a marriage is up to you, no one else.
~Heathen Princess~
2007-08-21 08:10:42 UTC
Birth Control yes

Abortion would go against thier core beliefs so no I don't see thier view is strict for what they believe.
2007-08-21 08:12:39 UTC
Birth control yes.

But it is stated in the Bible, and it is simply fact that abortion is murder. That is irrefutable. Anyone who feels differently is mere attempting the justification of murder to salve their own guilty conscience.
2007-08-21 08:11:59 UTC
I can only give you a Yes. That same "yes" applies for every wacky rule and supposition about Jesus and God that ALL the religions have fobbed off as God's word. Evey faith is one crackpot away from becoming a Seventh Day Branch-Davidian nightmare.
2007-08-21 08:18:53 UTC
This is one of the two things that would prevent me from ever being a catholic. The population bomb is close to detonating and I believe no person should ever have but one child per parent.
2007-08-21 08:14:37 UTC
I think they are rigid when it comes to contraception.I agree with Daughter also.
2007-08-21 08:15:40 UTC
i think their rules are stupid. if you dont want to have a kid, you should have every right to prevent that. if you want to have sex outside of marriage, be responsible about it. if you have sex outside of marriage, it should be with the person whom you love and possibly want to spend the rest of your life with. i dont think it is a sin, and you wont go to hell for it because i believe that hell doesn't exist. you should be able to make your own choices as long as you keep the well-being of yourself and others in mind.
2007-08-21 08:14:20 UTC
With all due respect, who cares what a church council thinks? I can't believe they have as much power as they do.

If they can't stop humping even with AIDS, then wear a cover.
2007-08-21 08:11:23 UTC
Well yes. I think its stance on contraceptives and abortion and many other things is ridiculous. Hence I am not a Catholic.
2007-08-21 08:11:23 UTC
Yea I think they can be too harsh and I don't agree with all of their beliefs
The Return Of Sexy Thor
2007-08-21 08:11:47 UTC
Its too rigid when you have thousands dieing in Africa from AIDS because Missionary's wont give out condoms.
2007-08-21 08:12:05 UTC

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