If evolution is not right, then how come computational models say otherwise?
2011-01-22 13:14:16 UTC
The question is addressed to those who don't follow evolution. Consider the following:

When annotating a DNA sequence with gene structures (i.e. promoter, exon, intron, polyA tail...etc), this often depends on computational probabilistic models.
In the beginning, when scientists have very little sequences between species to compare, the methods don't use evolutionary information to make predictions. (For example: Genscan, J. Mol. Biol. (1997) 268, 78±94)
But now as we have more species sequences available, there are now methods that use evolutionary conservation to make better predictions. (For example: Evogene Biofinromatics Vol. 19 no. 2 2003
Pages 219–227). And the result is that programs that harness evolutionary mutation rates information tend to make better performance compared to those that don't.

So my question is: if evolutionary is wrong, then shouldn't those evolutionary models fail? Yet their performance suggests otherwise.
Any comments, creationists/Christians who don't believe in evolution?

*btw I'm not forcing evolution down your throat, but just raising an issue that you probably have not thought about before
Nine answers:
2011-01-22 13:31:22 UTC
As a former Young Earth Creationists who used to oppose evolution, perhaps I can explain where they are coming from:

Obviously, the major "mental block" to allowing oneself to accept the overwhelming of scientific evidence which should at the very least make the theory of evolution seem a viable option is two-fold: (1) Even thought the Bible says NOTHING about the specifics of the processes by which God created various species, tradition in the church has always presumed that God instantaneously does what he does. So even though Genesis says, "God formed Adam from the dust of the ground" without saying how long it took and what intermediate processes might have been involved, Christians simply ASSUME that it is a direct dust-to-Adam process. So when someone suggests that lots of time might have been involved AND the forming may have gone through many intermediate species, it is simply "mind-blowing". And traditional people don't like big changes in thinking, (2) Peer pressure is a major force that keeps everyone thinking the same way. And to dare deviate risks alienation and even rebuke.

So most Christians never get beyond the Bible factors and the peer-pressure factors to even ALLOW them to consider the science.

And once you get into computer models, most people have so little basic science knowledge that you might as well be talking Chinese poetry to them. And this also runs head-on into another factor that is PRESUMED in the American church: That God made everything "super simple" for what many have called "Grandma sitting on the front porch in her rocking chair reading a Bible." All truth must be truth that Grandma would figure out just by reading her Bible and not getting complicated help from anybody. So if Grandma would think "God made each animal individually without complex intermediate steps." because that is "the simple message of the Bible about creation", then that is supposed to trump anything more complicated than that. I CALL IT THE CHRISTIAN VERSION OF OCCAM'S RAZOR!

I probably approach this differently from most Christians. I actually believe that if one understands Biblical linguistics (not just the Hebrew but how languages work in a culture), one finds NO CONTRADICTIONS to evolution in the Bible. Of course, many believe that the theory of evolution must be inherently atheistic but it simply isn't. But when church leaders (who are often ignorant of BOTH the Bible and science) tell you that it is evil to even consider the theory of evolution, most Christians won't educate themselves to where they can even DEFINE evolution. That is why you see so much total nonsense posted by my Christian peers on this forum.

Of course, if one considers just the science side, the theory of evolution is incredibly impressive. So I'm saying that there are actually two ways for the Christian to get there: Starting from the science and realizing that God has revealed truth BOTH in the Bible and in the created world (which we "see" through the tools of science). And the other way is to simply be honest with the Biblical text and realize that there is NOTHING there to rule out the theory of evolution. [Accordingly, it doesn't bother me if a Christian simply says, "My Bible doesn't say anything for or against the theory of evolution. But I'm not a scientist so I don't really know enough to argue in either direction." I wish more people would answer that way! It is NOT a theological issue. The Bible simply didn't address the theory of evolution! And I would say with full fervor for my field of specialization: nothing in the Bible denies the theory of evolution. And I know what I"m talking about.
2011-01-22 21:30:32 UTC
I don't believe that there is any real evidence of evolution. It is still a theory. I'm guessing that most of these machines are man made and may have errors, since most of us don't know what you are talking about, I say that there may be something about that even you don't know that makes it an untrustworthy source. Most of the theory of evolution lies within the guesswork of a curious humans mind and not from something we can declare as super intelligent.

Anyways,if we came from monkeys, where did those monkeys come from and those before it? If you can answer that question and the question if the egg came first or the chicken? then maybe you have a good argument.
2011-01-22 21:25:15 UTC
And what is the otherwise?..

If there's a theory that works out how to always win a chess game is this theory fact even though the chess game is an invented product?..

Basically theories have to be true according to their subject, therefore a subject can be invented yet still have an accurate theory behind it..
Brigalow Bloke
2011-01-22 21:18:52 UTC
Too technical I have some idea of what you are saying but the creationist cretins here would mostly not have a clue. Their response is to ignore counter evidence and lie.
2011-01-22 21:24:44 UTC
I am not saying you are wrong but being a christian i like to think that life was created, rather than we came from a fish, we to me sounds stupid, but if god would have wanted us to believe in evolution then he would have told us about it, as it happens he didn't sorry.
2011-01-22 21:18:43 UTC
Prediction is only one part of the scientific method.

You should continue your line of qus with all the other evidence too to really mess with the creationists.


2011-01-22 21:17:15 UTC
Don't even try it dude. Trying to argue with creationists on evolution is like playing chess with a pigeon.
Karl P
2011-01-22 21:18:30 UTC
All this information is too much for my retarded little creationist brain to comprehend.
2011-01-22 21:16:24 UTC
STFU and just accept the fact that evolution is a lie of Satan.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.