What does the extinction of the dinosaurs say about god?
2006-12-26 20:04:20 UTC
Without that event happening 65 million years ago, humans would not be here. At least, not yet. If that event happened, a few million years later, we would still be evolving today. Or what about if that asteroid hit Earth 100 million years ago. We might have far exceeded our current stage of evolution.

That extinction event was the last of several major events that caused the extinction of most of the life on the planet over the life of the planet, about 4.5 billion years. Of all the life that has ever existed on this planet, only 1% has survived. "Extinction is the Rule, Survival is the exception." as Carl Sagan once said.

Why couldn't god just create humans right out of gate, Instead of going though the amazing amount of time, chance and luck in order for life on our planet, humans included, to evolve. Evolution is a fact, it really happen. To me, natural selection and evolution does not speak of a creator. Or maybe he is in hiding, it seems doubtful though.
21 answers:
2006-12-26 20:07:39 UTC
Who are we to know the details of God's plan? What does the extinction of dinosaurs say? Don't know. Don't care. Don't think it matters in the least.
Stacey B
2006-12-26 20:48:58 UTC
Evolution is it, Alrighty since you quoted someone, I will too. Let's start with "YOUR" main man Darwin talking about evolution. And I quote "Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely-graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and serious objection which can be urged against the theory. (The Origin of Species)" In his book where he was talking about evolution. Okay now let's jump to about 140 years after that book was written to the year 1999 when Prof Steve Jones of University College London published an updated version of Darwin’s Origin of Species. The fossil record still posed the same problem. Here is his quote "The fossil record - in defiance of Darwin's whole idea of gradual change - often makes great leaps from one form to the next. Far from the display of intermediates to be expected from slow advance through natural selection many species appear without warning, persist in fixed form and disappear, leaving no descendants. Geology assuredly does not reveal any finely graduated organic chain, and this is the most obvious and gravest objection which can be urged against the theory of evolution.” (Almost Like a Whale, p. 252)" Do you even know anything about evolution? Also, there is another issue you are not addressing, the difference between micro and macro evolution. BIG difference. So, I end my case, you have no point and wind up looking like a fool for not reading your own history.
2006-12-26 20:22:24 UTC
It says nothing about God it was just one of many random events that formed this planet.

As an interesting sidelight to your questions it was believed before this extinction event the oxygen level on this planet was believed to be 35% as opposed to the current 21%.

As a result of the increased density of the atmosphere it was easier for large flying insects and Dinosaurs to evolve as we can see from the fossil record.

The impact of the meteorite ruptured the crust causing wide spread volcanism and bush fires that consumed massive amounts of oxygen from which the earth is yet to recover. So the Dinosaurs may have died of a massive asthma attack!!
2006-12-26 20:19:39 UTC
Well this is a pretense set up on our taking for granted that it took millions of years for God to create.

This is the way some christians, like myself view the destruction of the dinosaurs....

The word "dinosaur" is a modern term created in the early 1800's. In past times they were called "dragons" or "leviathon" or "behemoth". I don't believe that this world is millions of years old, but merely thousands. I believe that just as the Bible says that dino's alias dragons etc... were created on the same day as all the other animals. The flood of Noah killed off all the animals, except those on the ark. After the flood the world must have been a much different place and therefore the dinosaurs could not thrive and didn't survive as long as the other animals we see alive in current times. A few survived until they were killed off and that is where we get the stories of knights in shining armour killing dragons. There are stories all over the world describing huge animals that looked like dinosaurs. The orient for example and the influence of dragons in their art and literature. The remaining dinosaurs were killed off by man.
2006-12-26 21:05:46 UTC
So then, the evidence that has been found that man and dinosaurs existed side by side says what? You asked why couldn't God just create man right out of the gate. You have concluded that if man and dinosaurs existed side by side that man would not have been able to evolve to the state he is in today. Doesn't the evidence found for man and dinosaurs living side by side fits into the timeline of the bible in which man is said to have been created right out of the gate?
2006-12-26 22:04:00 UTC
You completely messed up your reasoning when you mentioned that humans have been around for millions of years.. Go back to your science book on that one. Other than that, yes dinosaurs do pose a big threat to the creation theory!
Desiree J
2006-12-26 20:22:43 UTC
This is just one of many, many reasons for you to at the very least doubt what religion has taught you about the origin of life on this planet. I hope one day that you'll have the courage to not just doubt the concept of intelligent design, but to accept the fact that it is no more than a species with new born sentience, primitive attempt to explain the mysteries of life and death.
2006-12-26 20:10:38 UTC
Evolution doesn't speak of a creator to me, either, because even if you go all the way back and choose to believe that God created the earth, who or what created God? Who or what created the void that he is said to have transformed? I can accept an infinite universe, but not an infinite deity.

2006-12-26 20:28:57 UTC
Perhaps the dinosaurs have there own egos, there own consciousness' and there own gods, made in there own self image to give them faith?

It would be really egotistical, and magical thinking and truelly cover up the lack of faith in our petty unexplainable existance to say that the entire multicultured spectrum of dinosaurs martured themselves to one of our gods (which one, I don't know?), so that as humans, we could later evolve into a consciousness and fight to the death over their remains, to put them into automobiles that completely pollute Mother Earth.

And when when our species dies off, and something else evolves, are they too going to fight over our liquified remains?
2006-12-26 20:23:52 UTC
your confused. why could'nt the dinosaurs have been wiped out the same way soddom and gamorah were? with fire and brimstone? who says God did not have the light bulb while the dinosaur's roamed, then decided to wipe them out and lay the foundation for his own image? evolution is one of satan's millions of ways to turn man away from beleiving in God. =0P
2006-12-26 20:22:13 UTC
6000 years is just RECORDED history. Adam and Eve could have been in the Garden of Eden for millions of years and yes, if God decided to destroy that which was created outside of Eden then Adam and Eve would have been protected.

Tell me how long Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden and I'll tell you how old (to the day) this old world is. ;)
Thomas A
2006-12-26 20:15:26 UTC
many people agree with creationism, many beleive in evolution, i only see things de-evolving, and maybe at one point god, or natuiral will create new things, but all we can see now is thew loss of species, and the increae of bad mutations
The Doctor
2006-12-26 20:10:20 UTC
I believe in God, the Creator. I do not believe he interferes in the world, and it is quite possible he does not even know we are here or had any intention of creating us in the first place. Perhaps we just "came about".
2006-12-26 20:23:03 UTC
because God has an agreement with Paramount and without dinosaurs they couldnt have produced jurassic is all an economical thing
2006-12-26 20:18:40 UTC
Cause god has nothing to do with natural disasters and if god did, then he/she/it is not a good one
Deirdre H
2006-12-26 20:09:11 UTC
What you'll find here is many narrow people who can't understand that evolution is real. You'll likely get tons of thumbs-down from people who think that Darwin is the anti-Christ.

Anyway, this answer will rival yours for the number of thumbs-down granted.
A fan
2006-12-26 20:08:37 UTC
I think Dinosaurs were too violent so God made them extinct! Good for us, thank God!
dogpatch USA
2006-12-26 20:07:52 UTC
there is no relationship as there is no god noway nowhere

and science purposely omits superstition as not valid to scientific method
2006-12-26 20:15:47 UTC
Dinosaurs never existed.
2006-12-26 20:16:19 UTC
dinosaurs were not important
David T
2006-12-26 20:08:18 UTC
Dinosaur Extinction: The Premise

Dinosaur extinction -- Most scientists believe that dinosaurs went extinct about 50 to 65 million years ago. Most scientists agree that man’s conception of dinosaurs has been limited to the past 180 years or so (the word itself wasn’t even coined until 1841). Therefore, if we discovered evidence of man’s knowledge of (or coexistence with) dinosaurs during the last couple of centuries, “science” (as we know it) would be turned upside down.

Dinosaur Extinction: The Evidence

# Human & Dinosaur Fossils. Human bones and tools coexist in the same fossil layers as dinosaur bones in Texas and the Dakotas.

# Human & Dinosaur Footprints. Footprints of dinosaurs, humans and other mammals coexist in the same fossil layers in Texas and New Mexico.

# Native American Petroglyphs. Cave and cliff drawings in Utah and Colorado crudely depict certain dinosaur species (dated from 400 A.D. to 1300 A.D.).

# Ica Stones. Ceremonial burial stones discovered in Ica, Peru depict numerous species of dinosaurs, some in activities with man (dated from 500 A.D. to 1500 A.D.).

# Acambaro Figurines. Ceramic and stone figurines discovered in Acambaro, Mexico represent many species of dinosaurs (dated from 800 B.C. to 200 A.D.).

# Dragon Accounts. China, Europe and the Middle East share similar accounts of “dragons” and other beasts. Some cultures revered these creatures. For instance, records of Marco Polo in China show that the royal house kept dragons for ceremonies. In other cultures, it was a great honor to kill these beasts. There are numerous records of warriors killing great beasts in order to establish credibility in a village.

# Behemoth, Leviathan and the Dragons of the Bible. Job writes of great creatures, Behemoth and Leviathan, nearly 4000 years ago. Although more recent Bible translations use elephant, hippo or crocodile instead, the original Hebrew does not allow for these interpretations. The word “dragon” (Hebrew: tannin) is used numerous times in the Old Testament, and most directly translates as “sea or land monsters.”

# Gilgamesh, Fafnir, Beowulf and other Legends. Many famous legends, including the mythology of Egypt, Greece and Rome, include specific descriptions of dragons and other dinosaur-like creatures.

# Dragons in Ancient Art. Dinosaur-like creatures are featured on Babylonian landmarks, Roman mosaics, Egyptian burial shrouds, and many other pieces of art throughout the ancient world.

# Current Legends & Discoveries. There is a huge and credible legacy of sea, lake and swamp “monsters,” even to this day.

Dinosaur Extinction: The Theory

Dinosaur Extinction is a recent phenomenon. Many of the great sea and land monsters went extinct in a global flood about 4400 years ago. Some of these creatures survived and inhabited earth with man, until they too went extinct as man killed them for sport, safety, and expansion (like black bears in Florida and bison in the Western U.S.). We know this theory is revolutionary to many! However, we must admit -- it’s not original. In fact, it's really not a theory at all. It’s based on the established truth of the Biblical record -- a record that’s not dependant on mankind’s ever-changing view of science and reason. We absolutely encourage you to carefully examine the evidence for yourself!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.