Why do some people think that us Christians are crazy?
Mary Alice
2007-11-25 21:53:14 UTC
Why is it that many people think that us Christians are crazy just because we belive in something you can't see? I mean it's just like looking at electicity you can't see it but you believe it's there and the wind you also can't see it but you know it's there! the main reason why i chose to be a Christian is because it is the only theory of life that makes complete sense! But then again God created all of us with free choice so whoever belives in God or not that's their choice, so us christains are different, i go to church on Saturday many others go on Sunday sometimes you just have to accept the way people are.
34 answers:
2007-11-25 21:57:57 UTC
I think people think we are crazy because they don't understand our religion and culture. Let them believe what they will believe, and let us believe what we will believe. It's like a blind man. They can't see it, but they can feel it and they know its there.

It's also like oxygen and the fact that the earth is round (which you can't know unless you've gone to space and seen it for yourself. Cause otherwise we are just believing scientists and pictures.)
2007-11-25 22:07:57 UTC
Not crazy, just uneducated. People also believed that the Romans and Aztecs were crazy for believing in Gods that they couldn't see. Christians believe they are right because they believe in a single monotheistic god rather than a different god for different things in nature. Once you begin to read about the history of Christianity you will start to see that most of the themes were taken from other religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism and Egyptian religion. And just because you can't see electricity or the wind, you can prove that it exists. There is no proof in a higher being rather than belief. But just because you believe something doesn't make it true. And the theory of Christianity really doesn't make sense when you really think about it. What makes sense about a virgin having a child. What makes sense that because a person died we are forgiven for our sins. What makes sense about a person being resurrected and ascending into so called heaven. What makes sense about a god that would not make life fair when he supposedly omnipotent and omnipresent. What makes sense about a god that is supposedly watching everything that everyone does and every single moment in life. Christianity was designed and developed to keep people in line as a moral code. Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.
2007-11-25 22:18:14 UTC
Some people are too materialistic to believe in an unseen


But to me the reason that some people consider the Christians as crazy is not their belief but rather lack of it.

Being the most numerous and better educated and qualified,

the Christians leave everything to their priests. They just believe what they say instead of applying their common sense and testing their sayings with a measure of reasonableness. Almighty God made them man, not animal to fall bllindly on the words of someone.

For example, Jesus was a Jew. Throughout his life he believed in One God who has no son or a daughter. He always called himself son of Adam (or son of man). But

later day saints ascribed divinity to Jesus. No chiristian objected.

Similarly He followed the ten commandments and the code of ethics contained in Torah. But then an obscrunist priest rises and dumps the whole system of morality saying that

Jesus will save everyone from God's punishment. Again

no Christian raises a finger. I am at a loss to understand,

if the sinner and pious are equal, then who in his right mind

struggle to save himself from sins. Sins are attractive, piety is

not. Is it very difficult to see the efficacy of knocking down the

moral structure of a faith?

Javed Kaleem
2007-11-25 22:08:06 UTC
Crazy Christians - always thinking that people are thinking they are crazy. But seriously ...

Your text explains why you believe in God but not why you believe in Jesus, nor why you believe in the Bible.

I can find belief in God a reasonable logical conclusion. Many here would come to a different conclusion but its not crazy.

But, believeing the stories of Genesis, the contradictions of the gospels and the advice in the Epistles as literal truth, waiting for a savior to rapture you; well that stretches credibility and logic too far for me. What would you call an adult who believed in Santa Claus - crazy maybe. Most atheists find Christina nd especially Bible belief to be no more valid than Santa or the Easter Bunny for that matter.
Deirdre H
2007-11-25 22:09:41 UTC
You are comparing apples and Aston Martins.

Comparing Electricity to God is nonsense. You can't measure God. You can measure electricity. You can't control god. You can control electricity. You can't see any effect of God. You can see effects of electricity.

I'm an engineer. I've worked with high currents and actually made large electrical cables jump by passing current through them. I can show you how to weld with electricity. I can show you how electricity can physically move objects. If you can show god doing the same things, I'll be impressed.

You can't see wind? What do you think moving clouds are? or moving fog? They are mist that are part of the air, and moving with it. They are part of the wind. I can measure wind; I can tell you how fast it moves, what part of it is water vapor, its' temperature, dew point, wind-chill factor and more. Can you tell me how warm god is?

People who claim they don't believe in God because there is no evidence are not talking about what they can see or not, but what is measurable or demonstrable. Not one person on Earth has ever recorded any physically demonstrable evidence of God (Outside of the Bible). I have seen no reliable records of truly miraculous healings. I have never heard of an amputee regaining a limb, a true quadriplegic being miraculously healed, or any other such wonder. That is what I mean by evidence.
2016-10-18 07:44:12 UTC
the authentic question is why do Christians in u.s. have a persecution complicated? you're maximum folk. even although the form says that there will be no non secular assessments to hold political place of work, applicants could pretend to have faith in god just to get elected right here. Christmas is the biggest holiday in this u . s . a . and the midsection piece of our economy. you're everywhere. we won't get removed from you. I pushed interior the trail of the bible belt. can i permit you recognize procedures unwell i replaced into of cheesoid non secular billboards?!? there is places in this county the place you won't be in a position to close your eyes, spin around and then throw a rock without an exceedingly stable threat of hitting a Christian church. i assume you're loopy by using fact usually, it is you (the time-honored you, no longer you extremely) who're no longer content fabric to delight on your majority, your freedom of worship, and so forth. and you waste time pushing your faith into public existence and the government and then get to feeling persecuted purely for being reminded that we've a separation of church and state. Oh,and according to threat construction a 23 million greenback introduction museum. inspite of the reality which you won't be in a position to comprehend the reality of evolutionary biology, do you recognize what number poor human beings the authentic Jesus (if he existed) in all threat might have helped with that funds? I doubt he might have wasted it on something as loopy as that "museum". Gosh, come to think of of it. i won't be in a position to even start to comprehend why every person might think of a few Christians are insane. ;-]
2007-11-25 21:59:29 UTC
I really don't care if you believe the Easter bunny is God! And by the way you can see electricity just look in the sky during a thunder storm and you can feel the wind on a windy day.
2007-11-25 22:26:03 UTC
1 Corinthians 1:18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 1:19 For it is written: "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate." 1:20 Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? 1:21 For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe. 1:22 Jews demand miraculous signs and Greeks look for wisdom, 1:23 but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, 1:24 but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. 1:25 For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength.
All Knowing
2007-11-25 22:01:06 UTC
I mean it's just like looking at electricity you can't see it but you believe it's there and the wind you also can't see it but you know it's there! You should go out and grab the wires that go into the fuse box on your house, you will prove it to yourself very fast. Wind can be measured. I think it is great that you have have faith, but you can not prove it. The other things you mentioned can be proved.
2007-11-25 21:58:58 UTC
I think its the stereotype that lables Christians

I dont think being Christian should be about being religious or like some people think that we think that life is so great.

no worries. crap happens to all of us

but with God you can get through it

I aboSolUteLy HATE being stereotpyed as a Christian

doesnt meant im into religion means that im into God.
Rev Kev
2007-11-25 21:55:19 UTC
How do you normally treat people who believe in something that you don't?

Consider what would happen if a man claimed that he heard voices, that these voices told him to act in a manner that was very odd in the eyes of his peers, and that everyone should listen to those voices even though they can't hear them. What would happen to that man? He'd be committed.

Now, I rarely find a Christian crazy enough to commit, but just remember that we're talking about a group of people who do not find it odd that bushes can talk, that one family can save itself and every animal species from a flood, and that a god can be loving and still exact eternal punishment on people.

It's not exactly on the top 10 list of sanest concepts ever.

But unless they support changing the laws to benefit them and screw me over, I don't have an issue with them.
2007-11-25 21:59:34 UTC
We think you're crazy because you believe in a flawed book, believing in a God invented by flawed men. Read your book sometime. look at the atrocities your book has directly caused. The witch burnings, the inquisitions, the Crusades etc. Also it slowed progress of science (It was called the Dark Ages for a reason), it justifies hate and prejudice etc. Religion is what gave Adolf Hitler justification for the Holocaust. Religion has killed MILLIONS of people. Atheism has killed no one. You can't kill someone because you believe in a lack of something.
2007-11-25 21:57:47 UTC
I can never understand people who call others crazy for believing in something they don't. Maybe it's jealousy that they don't have that kind of faith. I don't call them crazy for not believing. I don't call people of other religions wrong or crazy. Who would I be to say that? I do not think that highly of myself...I simply believe in something. I am content with the life I lead, so I don't need to bash others. Only the truly insecure bash others.
Josh D
2007-11-25 21:57:10 UTC
I don't know people think that. If they would just accept people as who they are then they would stop thinking Christians are crazy and start thinking other people who are crazy who do crazy things.
Rebecca A
2007-11-25 22:22:42 UTC
Who cares? I believe what I believe and there is nothing anyone can say or do to stop that.

I respect others and if they don't respect me...I don't really need the opinion of a disrespectful person, right?
2007-11-25 22:17:17 UTC
i don' think that Fundy Christians are crazy. i think they're self serving and self involved, bigoted, petty, arrogantly aggressive, smugly stupid, often hate filled and fearful and above all else selfish to such an extreme that they desire for the world to be destroyed because they imagine that they will be aggrandized when Jesus sits them in an authority throne and places a glory crown on their sainted heads.

Fundies ain't crazy. they're simply repulsive in their self centered greed for glory and power (which is why most of them are Republicans)

PS. not all Christians are the repellent Fundy variety.
2007-11-25 22:00:06 UTC
You have to admit from a logical stand point, believing in invisible friends a little strange, unless you are a child

But I don't think Christians are crazy.
2007-11-25 22:07:34 UTC
Because people like me are COMPLETELY insane and give the rest of us a bad reputation.
2007-11-25 22:01:16 UTC
Because they don't understand us. They don't understand putting God and His laws ahead of ourselves and our selfish worldly desires.

That scares them and it's easier to insult what you don't understand than research it.

Their afraid if they do understand that God might actually be real. Then they can't continue to live by their own rules without fear of responsibility and consequences for their choices and actions.
2007-11-25 21:59:36 UTC
I think you're crazy because so many Christians think that telling someone they're going to Hell is an effective method of conversion.
Nandina (Bunny Slipper Goddess)
2007-11-25 21:56:03 UTC
"I mean it's just like looking at electicity you can't see it but you believe it's there and the wind you also can't see it but you know it's there!"

No - you KNOW that electricity is there because it can be proven scientifically. You don't have to "have faith" that it exists, because it can be tested and evidenced scientifically.

And unless you have a God Anemometer in your pocket, your wind analogy is erroneous, as well.

Personally, I don't have a problem with what YOU choose to believe. The problem comes when you start trying to tell others what THEY should believe, as well...
2007-11-25 22:11:06 UTC
let them think that. There no judge of ours, we only have one judge. If there right, nothing happens. If were right... Well i don't even wanna think of that. Did you notice how you asked a simple question and got the negative sarcasm.
2007-11-25 22:09:03 UTC
If you think that some magical sky fairy talks to you, touches you or has anything to do with your life then yes I think you are crazy. It's cute when little kids talk to imaginary friends but it's really creepy when adults do it.
2007-11-25 21:56:48 UTC
Some people set some bad examples, now we all have to pay. It's a shame really.
2007-11-25 21:57:35 UTC
People believe Christians are crazy because they believe in something that isn't real.

Using your post; I could replace "God" with "magical invisible gnomes" and it reads the same.
2007-11-25 21:59:51 UTC
Many are.
Diane (PFLAG)
2007-11-25 21:57:46 UTC
It is better be silent and thought a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt...

If only you had heard this prior to opening your mouth...

LOL Silly little christian
2007-11-25 21:57:17 UTC
Mary, the word of God answered your question says that the world will hate them (you or true christians) because of Him (Jesus Christ)...its him they reject, not us directly.

Remember "the road is narrow, and few are they that travel on it"
2007-11-25 21:55:31 UTC
Why do you think believing in Zeus is crazy?
neil s
2007-11-25 21:57:15 UTC
Crazy is nicer than stupid.
2007-11-25 21:57:39 UTC
As Jesus said, "They know not what they do!" They just don't understand it! I wish they would be open to believing! God bless you!
sofik I
2007-11-25 22:04:08 UTC
if im crazy, then im crazy for christ
2007-11-25 21:56:11 UTC
Because you're like the world's biggest cult, and you...are?
2007-11-25 22:03:03 UTC
Jesus said it would be that way...

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