Evolution is a theory. It is the most likely cause of our existence, The Bible God is full of Bull Sh*t!
The Bible writers have God goofing off thinking that MAN can mate NOT with “Steve,” but with animals!!! This is the most fundamental Bible TRUTH justifying having to put together a woman EVE so Adam* (*man) can have decent sexual intercourse with GIRLS! The Jews know this story better than the Christians because they wrote practically all the Bible! They are darn good at story telling! Shortly after the “creation week” they are coming up with stories about God patching up all kinds of goofs. They have God admitting that his original idea of creating Adam alone was inexcusably “no good” because no animal was found to be a compatible mate for Adam. They both looked hard for an animal, “but no help mate was found for Adam!” (Gen 2:18-20). The Judaic Talmud, Yebamoth 63a documents Adam having sex with all the animals in the Garden of Eden until he FINALLY had sexual intercourse with Eve. Eve was put together much later and not in the same way Adam was! The Bible God created ADAM and THE ANIMALS long before God ever thought of putting together Eve! It takes a lot of time to name ALL the animals, birds, bugs, fishes, bacteria, viruses and what have you, and try some sexual intercourse with them in search of a “help mate.” God’s original idea about creating Adam to copulate with animals must have included the necessary libido for Adam to find sex with animals arousing and gratifying! For obvious reasons Christians don’t wish to know anything about it!
Genesis 2:23 (KJV) And Adam said, This is NOW* (*This is the turning point, “NOW” Adam is no longer having sex with the animals!) bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman* (*name tagging was Adam’s last job in the Garden of Eden while he was looking for a sexual partner among the animals, with God’s help, of course!)
The Christian dogma used against gays and same sex marriage, that God created ONE MAN FOR ONE WOMAN from the beginning doesn’t square with any Bible story. Christians abuse gays just for the heck of it! God really wanted Adam to find a MATE AMONG THE ANIMALS. In the meantime, Adam certainly learned a lot about sex with animals. God created Eve as an afterthought! She was not created out of the dirt of the ground at the same time and in the same way that Adam was created! She was a put-together thing LONG AFTER THE CREATION TIME LIMIT THAT GOD IMPOSED ON HIMSELF OF ONE WEEK RAN OUT! When Adam finally met Eve he was not acting like a nerd with her! Christians are trained to flush down the toilet any crap in the Bible that is detrimental to their faith. That is the reason why they claim that the Bible can’t be taken literally, short of seriously.
To add an extra bit of drama to this cheap story in the Bible, the writers made sure that not a single “Guardian Angel” was available to watch over and protect Eve, and the bulk of humanity for that matter from the GREATEST “SIN” AGAINST GOD of wanting to KNOW what is good, and what is evil! It is obvious in the Bible script that Eve knew the risk involved, but most likely she thought that God was wrong again, like when he created man alone. So she took the slim chance of dying in the process of acquiring knowledge, and she was right. The Bible writers came up with the story that Hell was a place of torment originally prepared for Lucifer and his angels (Mat. 25:41)! The Bible God created Adam and Eve with the capacity to acquire knowledge of good and evil only if they ate from a particular fruit tree! Without gullibility, aka faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God (Heb 11:6)!
The original idea about creating Adam was for God to have some cheap labor to till a little Garden of Eden the middle of the Babylon region. No angel was interested in that job! So God had to create Adam “a little inferior to the angles” – like cheap labor from south of the border! By the way, the Bible writers say that BEFORE Eve ate the forbidden fruit there was no such thing as death or decay! Saint Paul says that EVE caused death and decay to appear in the world when she gave Adam to eat the fruit of knowledge! This is Christian Creationist Science of Intelligent Design at its best!
According to the Bible writers God let the fate of the whole human race at the hands of an inexperienced and totally naïve woman! Adam and Eve learned that it was evil to eat the forbidden fruit of knowledge ONLY when their eyes were opened and they realized that they were naked. Now it is the way around Christians severely shunt any nudity as evil, especially when it is cold outside! One “cool afternoon” God made a routine visit to the Garden of Eden and found out that his fears were well founded, Adam and Eve ate the fruit of knowledge. God immediately puts in motion his paramount plan of sending God the Son Jesus Christ to Earth to be nailed to a Holy Cross to pay for Eve’s curiosity! Anybody failing to hear and believe this story will not go to Hell created for Satan and the Demons,
1 Peter 1:19-20 (KJV) But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot* (*but full of Roman soldiers’ spit!): WHO VERILY WAS FOREORDAINED BEFORE* (*read again!) WHO VERILY (FOR SURE) WAS FOREORDAINED BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD!
Hebrews 10:7 (KJV) Then said I* (*Jesus Christ!), Lo, I come in the volume of the book it is written of me, to do thy will, O God.
Jesus is recognizing a higher “God” authority than himself that ordered him to be nailed to the Holy Cross, and that he is following the script in a book!
Because of Eve, there is no STANDARD SALVATION for women in the Bible scrip! THEY MUST FORFEIT ANY SEXUAL PLEASURE other than used at having babies.
I Timothy 2:14-5 (NIV) And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the WOMAN who was deceived and became a sinner. BUT WOMEN WILL BE SAVED THROUGH CHILDBEARING.
The Catholic Church is dead serious about banning any birth control device, including condoms that can be used to prevent AIDS! The Pope wants to see all the women capable of getting pregnant going to Heaven when they die! Saint Paul makes it clear, Christian women’s salvation is conditional to making babies within the Christian faith!
One has to be very gullible and have a very low IQ to believe in the Christian religion! The moral values of the perverts who wrote the Bible need to be investigated. One of them claim that God forced him to eat his food cooked using HUMAN excrement for fuel (Eze 4:12)! Another writer claims that God told him to go about preaching totally NAKED for few years at a time (Isa 20:2-3)! Still another one says that God will smear human excrement on his chosen people’s face (Mal 2:3) These are only a few sketches that explain a lot of the depravity, filth and immorality in the Bible that Christians want to subtly force on the rest of us! Christians deep throat all that crap in the Bible like a charm! Obviously, they hardly read it. They let their preachers skim of the Bible anything that is detrimental to the Christian faith, so their faithful giving to “The LORD” will not waiver!