To all atheists and evolution believers?
2009-10-01 17:15:48 UTC
Most of you answering…..humans and monkeys come from some common ancestor. Another theory. So has anyone seen those common ancestors? And has anyone seen them getting converted to humans and monkeys? IF not, that means it could be wrong. Simply saying this happened and then that happened doesn’t work. Cause it is not happening right now. Simply by observing fossils, scientists come to this conclusions. It is like saying fork and spoon looks same, so fork must have evaluated from spoon.

Another question, so what has happened to that evolution, has it stoped? Why is not happening anymore? And there are scientific evidence that humans were present on earth millions of years ago. How was that possible??
45 answers:
2009-10-01 18:28:40 UTC
Read This

And Consider this

Creation in the 21st Century “Caught in the Act” (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3)

Creation In The 21st Century -- From Where did these Layers ...

Creation in the 21st Century - Overwhelming Evidence 1 of 3

Creation in the 21st Century - Overwhelming Evidence 2 of 3

Evolution: Against All Odds!

Creation In The 21st Century - Palace of Dinosaurs Part 2 (1 of 3)
2009-10-01 17:42:28 UTC
That common ancestor that humans and monkeys come from is the Ape. Looking at fossil records and DNA strands constitutes actual evidence, and the theory makes sense to anyone with a brain in their head.

Allow me to quote you, to see if you're listening to yourself. You said "Simply saying this happened and then that happened doesn't work".

Isn't that what religious people have been doing all along with their creationism bullshit?

Not to mention, "evolution believers" aren't just saying that evolution happened. We have actual evidence, unlike you.

Evolution has not stopped. You can't observe a process like evolution over just 100 years or so; it take millions of years to notice real changes. Also, there is no evidence that humans were here millions of years ago. I have no clue where you're getting that from.
2009-10-01 17:24:57 UTC
Firstly, all this argueing back and forth that evolutionism and creationism can't be proven is a bit like using a "I know you are but what am I" defense. The fact is that evolution is a "theory" meaning it hasn't been proven, however, the title of theory means that it has extremely relevant data indicating it's possibility.

Secondly evolution continues even today, but of course you wouldn't recognize it because it does occur over millions of years. The very fact that you seem to admit that there is evidence of humans existing thousands of years (and there is no evidence of them existing millions of years ago btw) suggests that we've been developing for many many generations. And the obvious answer is that if humans existed millions of years ago, the earth existed millions before that.

What a weak attempt at trying to take down a theory. Go back to school.
2009-10-01 17:23:27 UTC
"Simply saying this happened and then that happened doesn’t work."

But it seems to have been good enough for the people who wrote the Bible, and I'm guessing you have no problem with believing that, eh? At least evolution has the fossil evidence, even if you don't like it.

Evolution IS still happening. But it takes millions of years. The fact that you don't have a good enough imagination to take in that concept has no bearing on the scientific validity of evolution.
2009-10-01 17:30:37 UTC
Evolution hasn't stopped, its still going on. In a very modern sense we are the survivors of plagues and diseases, our immune system has evolved far more than our ancestors. The most recent being the Spanish flu, that killed a possible 100 million people in 1918, through natural selection we've evolved a much tougher immune system.

The evidence for human evolution is not just fossils, its also our DNA, that argument is over.
2009-10-01 17:25:10 UTC
oh sigh. sure it could be wrong, but people who believe in it have looked at the evidence and come to the conclusion that it makes more sense than just saying "some intelligent being we've never seen did it". besides that kind of evolution happens too slowly for people to see in a lifetime, and how could we possibly have cataloged our evolution as it was occurring?

you can see evolution, by the way. in things with really short life cycles, like bacteria. or look at dog breeding, the selection criteria is what their breeders want. if an animal has certain traits then it's bred, if not it's not. look at how much the look of pedigree dogs has changed in just 100 or so years.
2009-10-01 17:24:47 UTC
A atheist evolution believer would say they could be wrong. It's one of the ways that they are better then other people, they can admit that they are wrong. A religious creation believer can not say he might be wrong.

Evolution has not stopped, it is happening every day. You just can't see it on a human time scale, it takes a long time.

And humans were not around millions of years ago in any case..and they were not made by an invisible man in the sky like 5,000 years ago.
2009-10-01 17:29:29 UTC
How do we know how old those fossils are? Carbon dating. Did you take high school chemistry or do you strictly study the bible?

& your words: "Simply saying this happened and then that happened doesn't work." Really now? Then why do you go around preaching the bible? Do you realize how much of a hypocrite you are?

& If you are the one lobbying for religious practice to be established in schools, how about you go back to first grade and re-learn your English. "Fork must have evaluated from spoon." C'mon now...
2009-10-01 17:25:32 UTC
What makes you think evolution is not happening anymore? Just because you can't see it? The process of evolution takes hundreds of thousands of years.

Not all atheists believe in the monkey to man theory. Sounds like you need to do a bit more research. There are many theories on how we became.

Live your life. Believe what you want to believe. You have that right.
2009-10-01 17:23:10 UTC
Evolution is happening every day.

That's why kids don't look like their parents.

New flu strains aren't magically summoned by God; they evolve annually.

The peppered moth and the apple maggot are both the results of an evolutionary change of an entire species. Humans observed both of these species.

No one saw the meteor that killed off the dinosaurs, but the giant crater left behind in the Yucatan Peninsula and the geologic record of the time are both sufficient evidence to prove it was there. Apply that example to evolution, and all of the evidence behind it.
♥ gina ♥
2009-10-01 17:23:35 UTC
I once asked a question went something like" if evolution is real then how come there are no in between fossils found? For example, all the dinosaur fossils that has been found were 100% dinosaur. Not half dinosaur and half something else indicating it was in the process of change." Their changes so slow that you can't see it. we are in the in between stages at all time.

Evolution is stupid......How did we get here? Evolution can't answer....the bible explains everything therefore we got here by GOD.

To Tony: rub your hands together really hard...what do you see? DIRT. So we are made of dirt.

Truthseeker.....I would really like to know how you know that 7000 or more years ago there weren't any blue eyed people? It would be impossible to know that since NONE of us were around back then. I am sure there are no fossilized eyeballs either.
Sacred Chao
2009-10-01 17:25:44 UTC
Look at the Grand Canyon. Do you observe the river weathering away the stone? Of course not, so clearly the Grand Canyon was not made by the river.

Your argument is fallacious. Evolution happens very slowly, just as the Colorado River carves the Grand Canyon very slowly.
black snow
2009-10-01 17:25:24 UTC
so, yeah. ok.

evolution takes time. lots and lots of time. for evidence of evolution in our society today, look at how many pinheads (not is a person with a misshapen skull and small brain, with almost no mental capacity) existed 100 years ago as opposed to how many run around today. they are practically extinct.

further evidence: look at how long we live now as compared to 100 years ago. the life expectancy has nearly doubled for healthy folks. most people today have to duck through 19th century doorways. because we are taller. it is happening everyday, just don't expect to see it significantly in your lifetime.

look at the same fossils you are talking about, and you will see how we have changed. we are still looking for that missing link.

and forks and spoons both evolved from the knife. a thousand years ago, that's what people ate with...a knife and their fingers.
2009-10-01 17:19:13 UTC
You have made your point here! Simply saying things does not make it true!

And FYI no one has seen our common ancestor, so is your God! And so God could be a myth too! Do you actually believe in talking snakes and donkeys and virgin birth! I have seen better story books than Bible which are less stupid!

I know i am throwing stones at a wall, but you have to understand that evolution doesn't happen in a day or two! Its a gradual process which involves millions of years in the making. Not six days!

"Simply by observing Fossil" is an understatement from a very ignorant and biased mind! Scientists scrutinize and subject those fossils for vigorous studies and faces severe criticism in order to get their findings out! Not like "You believe in what I say or I will Kill you!"

You clearly have no scientific knowledge at all! At least that's clear by this self portrait of yours!
2009-10-01 17:21:39 UTC
Thank you for your interest in evolution.

Your question demonstrates:

( ) insight and understanding

( ) a common misunderstanding among scientists

( ) a common misunderstanding among high school students

( ) a common misunderstanding among elementry school students

(x) a complete lack of familiarity with science

You have

(x) comitted a logical fallacy

(x) misrepresented the theory of evolution

(x) shown utter disregard for the scientific method

(x) been brainwashed by the institute for creation science

(x) appealed to the supernatural

( ) used spelling and punctuation correctly

(x) disregarded the rules of intelligent debate

of type

(x) straw man

(x) ad hominem attack

(x) non sequiter

(x) proof by assertion

(x) false dichotomy

Answers to this question

( ) will further scientific inquiry

(x) will not change your mind

(x) will involve a drinking game

(x) will beat the proverbial deceased equus caballus

For this question you should be:

( ) Congratulated

( ) Gently corrected

( ) Reprimanded

(x) Flogged

(x) Drawn and Quartered

(x) subjected to some social darwanism

(x) sent a third grade biology textbook
2009-10-01 17:27:17 UTC
Evolution is still occuring. Proof is in ourselves. I only have two wisdom teeth on the bottom of my set. More and more people are showing this trait because over the years, our need for our wisdom teeth has gone away. Read a book once in a while. And the fact that you can't show me any viable proof of creationism doesn't hurt you?
2009-10-01 17:27:40 UTC
Evolution happens every time someone gives birth to a baby with slightly different DNA than you have, so don't procreate with your sibling.

Every time you get sick and develop antibodies to that particular bug, guess what? you just evolved!

Yo need a little more reading material on the subject. Start with the topic of DNA and how it mutates.
2009-10-01 17:21:02 UTC
What are you talking about?

Evolution has not stopped. Aids and HIV has been evolving, thats why it's so hard to find a cure.

Evolution is also the reason people are scared of the swine flu. They are afriad it will evolve and adapt to humans and be an epidemic.
2009-10-01 17:22:43 UTC
Have you seen my great great great x224353 grandmother give birth?

neither did I, but I know for a fact it happened, same with all my cousins - thats a common ancestor, and guess what? Its still happening right now with other generations, me and my brother share a common ancestor known as "parents". Nothing has stopped.

have you seen pluto orbit the sun completely? No, but that happens too.

etc etc etc, solipsism failure, etc etc learn your taxonomy and hierarchy
2009-10-01 17:22:29 UTC
evolution could take 100,000's of years or a split second.. plus there is proof in front of everyone eyes and no one see's it..... Lets say the cow. the cow 2000000 years ago was halve the size and they all had Horne's. the proof is that we have found BONES of them. people....bones are what makes your shape, it takes if people 1,000,000 years ago where halve as short and about a hundred times more stupid then where the f did those people go? and where the F did WE COME FROM!!!! just because someone hasn't lived millions of years to see it in front of there eyes doesn't mean it never happened.....and that is why I believe in atheism
2009-10-01 17:21:14 UTC

You do know that evolution happens over time when something is in extreme danger and has the instinct to survive by finding a way. Have you seen your great great nanny... i think not... Of course we take the place of our ancestors. Carbon Dating is pretty accurate.
2009-10-01 17:23:18 UTC
Evolution is happening right now, example 7,000 to 10,000 years ago there were NO BLUE EYED PEOPLE. There was a mutation around that time and now there are blue eyed people.

If you are blue eyed you just have to look in the mirror to see the proof of evolution....
2009-10-01 17:21:26 UTC
I really think you are going to win some converts with this post. These are real original arguments.

Why ask questions like this really? If you cared you could easily find the answers. This is either a question that was meant as parody or to try and convert. These arguments are posited and rebutted constantly.
2009-10-01 17:20:18 UTC
wow, just wow. converted?

the missing link was found a while back and even yahoo and google changed their home pages for it. didn't you see that?

as for you ill conceived fork and spoon metaphore, they're are from the same material if they're in a set, right...

why do you think evolution has stoped? since you can't see the future you can't possibly know this. also, the evidence of millions of years ago is totally different from todays humans. try a little education, it may help w/ this.
2009-10-01 17:21:02 UTC
They have seen the evidence...we were not "converted" from humans to monkeys, that's the whole point of evolution, we evolved into humans over time...

Although physical evolution is not occuring anymore, logical evolution is ...

Simply saying christian sh!t doesn't make it true..
2009-10-01 17:20:11 UTC
The evolution theory is expecting a watch, ticking and on time to be pulled from a bag that has all of the elements of a watch, broken down and shaken together for millions of years.

Being made from dirt seems pretty reasonable to me...
2009-10-01 17:25:25 UTC
hey im a christian and i believe in jesus but im a science nerd i love that question i know but what i love more is the answer oh show me proof that god is real and i'll show you a believer. show me how you reasoning behind creation is much better and believable than mine. how is big bang real can you prove me wrong no can i prove you wrong no my Absolute favorite subject. everyone looks and yells at each other hey just listen i don't mean HEAR what they say i mean LISTEN than will you find your answer you want
Solly Llama NOR★CAL R&S
2009-10-01 17:19:33 UTC
1) Yes, the fossil record is huge, and continues to grow.

2) Evolution continues to happen (ie: flu vaccine must be re-created, to combat the newly evolved strains.)

3) You repeated your 2nd question.
2009-10-01 17:21:11 UTC
All your questions are answered here, bub.

Have fun reading because all your little "Evolution is a lie" theories are getting ready to be smashed. Sorry to break your heart, but evolution is no lie.
2009-10-01 17:22:15 UTC
do you even know how evolution works? READ A BOOK.

Also, evolution is still happening... heard of MRSA, swine flu? bird flu? Guess not. Too many things for your brain to compute at one time.
2009-10-01 17:58:24 UTC
Evolution has not stopped. If you can read, why not try a simple primer on evolution, and it will answer your simple questions.
2009-10-01 17:22:30 UTC
just saying..a scientific "theory" is not something they came up with after a night of binge drinking.

Theories are analytical tools for understanding, explaining, and making predictions about a given subject matter. There are theories in many and varied fields of study, including the arts and sciences. A formal theory is syntactic in nature and is only meaningful when given a semantic component by applying it to some content (i.e. facts and relationships of the actual historical world as it is unfolding). Theories in various fields of study are expressed in natural language, but are always constructed in such a way that their general form is identical to a theory as it is expressed in the formal language of mathematical logic. Theories may be expressed mathematically, symbolically, or in common language, but are generally expected to follow principles of rational thought or logic.

A theory is constructed of a set of sentences which consist entirely of true statements about the subject matter under consideration. However, the truth of any one of these statements is always relative to the whole theory. Therefore the same statement may be true with respect to one theory, and not true with respect to another. This is, in ordinary language, where statements such as "He is a terrible person." cannot be judged to be true or false without reference to some interpretation of who "He" is and for that matter what a "terrible person" is under this theory.

In physics the term theory is generally used for a mathematical framework—derived from a small set of basic postulates (usually symmetries—like equality of locations in space or in time, or identity of electrons, etc.)—which is capable of producing experimental predictions for a given category of physical systems.

In science, generally, theories are constructed from elementary theorems that consist in empirical data about observable phenomena. A scientific theory is used as a plausible general principle or body of principles offered to explain a phenomenon.

A scientific theory is a deductive theory, in that, its content is based on some formal system of logic and that some of its elementary theorems are taken as axioms. In a deductive theory, any sentence which is a logical consequence of one or more of the axioms is also a sentence of that theory
2009-10-01 17:20:24 UTC
Well I'm not Atheist but Evolution hasn't stopped it's a very slow process & we won't be able to witness it in our lifetime
2009-10-01 17:20:01 UTC
Evolution hasn't stopped, it continues today. It usually takes a huge period of time for it to show.
zoe g
2009-10-01 17:21:02 UTC
lol evolution happening all around us, all species constantly adapt to their environment in order to survive.

and i am not an atheist tho i do believe in evolution.

are you from america by any chance????
2009-10-01 17:19:51 UTC
Did you really say convert humans and monkeys?
2009-10-01 17:20:10 UTC
Nobody knows what happened.

I am as likely to believe some random scientists theory as I am some person from a million years ago: Not f*cking very.

Both "theories" have giant holes in them, and neither are satisfactory.

Thumbs down from both ignorant brainwashed sides. Boo hoo, I wish I could be so stupid.

Stupidity is a luxury I never want to be able to afford.

Thanks for proving my point, you closed minded, typical, sad, unthinking rubes. You have small miserable lives because: you deserve them
Question Everything™
2009-10-01 17:20:39 UTC
Evolution continues to happen...we are all a transitional lifeform. Stop looking for a "missing link," there is no such thing.
2009-10-01 17:25:16 UTC
i think you should read up on your science. evolution happens over billions of years.
2009-10-01 17:18:40 UTC
this is coming from the people that think god made them from dirt

sounds more logical to be evolved then to have some superdude shape someone out of some mud. and then presto chango! they come to life. and then later god rips a rib out of them and again presto chango we have a women.
2009-10-01 17:19:40 UTC
AUGhhhhghhh... Please say this is a troll, people can't be this stupid.

I think religion has just been a giant IRL trolling. It's a bunch of mean pranksters trying to fool people into thinking the world is really that dumb.
2009-10-01 17:19:38 UTC
have you heard of changing antibiotics to fight evolving bacteria?
2009-10-01 17:19:53 UTC
i love reading genesis.
ZER0 C00L ••AM••VT••
2009-10-01 17:19:13 UTC
Evolution is still happening.

I don't think you understand a damn thing about evolution.
2009-10-01 17:20:54 UTC
Evolution is a theory. It is the most likely cause of our existence, The Bible God is full of Bull Sh*t!

The Bible writers have God goofing off thinking that MAN can mate NOT with “Steve,” but with animals!!! This is the most fundamental Bible TRUTH justifying having to put together a woman EVE so Adam* (*man) can have decent sexual intercourse with GIRLS! The Jews know this story better than the Christians because they wrote practically all the Bible! They are darn good at story telling! Shortly after the “creation week” they are coming up with stories about God patching up all kinds of goofs. They have God admitting that his original idea of creating Adam alone was inexcusably “no good” because no animal was found to be a compatible mate for Adam. They both looked hard for an animal, “but no help mate was found for Adam!” (Gen 2:18-20). The Judaic Talmud, Yebamoth 63a documents Adam having sex with all the animals in the Garden of Eden until he FINALLY had sexual intercourse with Eve. Eve was put together much later and not in the same way Adam was! The Bible God created ADAM and THE ANIMALS long before God ever thought of putting together Eve! It takes a lot of time to name ALL the animals, birds, bugs, fishes, bacteria, viruses and what have you, and try some sexual intercourse with them in search of a “help mate.” God’s original idea about creating Adam to copulate with animals must have included the necessary libido for Adam to find sex with animals arousing and gratifying! For obvious reasons Christians don’t wish to know anything about it!

Genesis 2:23 (KJV) And Adam said, This is NOW* (*This is the turning point, “NOW” Adam is no longer having sex with the animals!) bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman* (*name tagging was Adam’s last job in the Garden of Eden while he was looking for a sexual partner among the animals, with God’s help, of course!)

The Christian dogma used against gays and same sex marriage, that God created ONE MAN FOR ONE WOMAN from the beginning doesn’t square with any Bible story. Christians abuse gays just for the heck of it! God really wanted Adam to find a MATE AMONG THE ANIMALS. In the meantime, Adam certainly learned a lot about sex with animals. God created Eve as an afterthought! She was not created out of the dirt of the ground at the same time and in the same way that Adam was created! She was a put-together thing LONG AFTER THE CREATION TIME LIMIT THAT GOD IMPOSED ON HIMSELF OF ONE WEEK RAN OUT! When Adam finally met Eve he was not acting like a nerd with her! Christians are trained to flush down the toilet any crap in the Bible that is detrimental to their faith. That is the reason why they claim that the Bible can’t be taken literally, short of seriously.

To add an extra bit of drama to this cheap story in the Bible, the writers made sure that not a single “Guardian Angel” was available to watch over and protect Eve, and the bulk of humanity for that matter from the GREATEST “SIN” AGAINST GOD of wanting to KNOW what is good, and what is evil! It is obvious in the Bible script that Eve knew the risk involved, but most likely she thought that God was wrong again, like when he created man alone. So she took the slim chance of dying in the process of acquiring knowledge, and she was right. The Bible writers came up with the story that Hell was a place of torment originally prepared for Lucifer and his angels (Mat. 25:41)! The Bible God created Adam and Eve with the capacity to acquire knowledge of good and evil only if they ate from a particular fruit tree! Without gullibility, aka faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God (Heb 11:6)!

The original idea about creating Adam was for God to have some cheap labor to till a little Garden of Eden the middle of the Babylon region. No angel was interested in that job! So God had to create Adam “a little inferior to the angles” – like cheap labor from south of the border! By the way, the Bible writers say that BEFORE Eve ate the forbidden fruit there was no such thing as death or decay! Saint Paul says that EVE caused death and decay to appear in the world when she gave Adam to eat the fruit of knowledge! This is Christian Creationist Science of Intelligent Design at its best!

According to the Bible writers God let the fate of the whole human race at the hands of an inexperienced and totally naïve woman! Adam and Eve learned that it was evil to eat the forbidden fruit of knowledge ONLY when their eyes were opened and they realized that they were naked. Now it is the way around Christians severely shunt any nudity as evil, especially when it is cold outside! One “cool afternoon” God made a routine visit to the Garden of Eden and found out that his fears were well founded, Adam and Eve ate the fruit of knowledge. God immediately puts in motion his paramount plan of sending God the Son Jesus Christ to Earth to be nailed to a Holy Cross to pay for Eve’s curiosity! Anybody failing to hear and believe this story will not go to Hell created for Satan and the Demons,

1 Peter 1:19-20 (KJV) But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot* (*but full of Roman soldiers’ spit!): WHO VERILY WAS FOREORDAINED BEFORE* (*read again!) WHO VERILY (FOR SURE) WAS FOREORDAINED BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD!

Hebrews 10:7 (KJV) Then said I* (*Jesus Christ!), Lo, I come in the volume of the book it is written of me, to do thy will, O God.

Jesus is recognizing a higher “God” authority than himself that ordered him to be nailed to the Holy Cross, and that he is following the script in a book!

Because of Eve, there is no STANDARD SALVATION for women in the Bible scrip! THEY MUST FORFEIT ANY SEXUAL PLEASURE other than used at having babies.

I Timothy 2:14-5 (NIV) And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the WOMAN who was deceived and became a sinner. BUT WOMEN WILL BE SAVED THROUGH CHILDBEARING.

The Catholic Church is dead serious about banning any birth control device, including condoms that can be used to prevent AIDS! The Pope wants to see all the women capable of getting pregnant going to Heaven when they die! Saint Paul makes it clear, Christian women’s salvation is conditional to making babies within the Christian faith!

One has to be very gullible and have a very low IQ to believe in the Christian religion! The moral values of the perverts who wrote the Bible need to be investigated. One of them claim that God forced him to eat his food cooked using HUMAN excrement for fuel (Eze 4:12)! Another writer claims that God told him to go about preaching totally NAKED for few years at a time (Isa 20:2-3)! Still another one says that God will smear human excrement on his chosen people’s face (Mal 2:3) These are only a few sketches that explain a lot of the depravity, filth and immorality in the Bible that Christians want to subtly force on the rest of us! Christians deep throat all that crap in the Bible like a charm! Obviously, they hardly read it. They let their preachers skim of the Bible anything that is detrimental to the Christian faith, so their faithful giving to “The LORD” will not waiver!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.