Why do people belive in The Bibile?
2011-12-17 19:04:16 UTC
No offense to those who are religious or anything, but it just seems that it's content has so much contradictions, and some things aren't actually based on reality. I would go in to detail about those things in particular, but I really don't plan to offend anyone. I just want to know why, personally do you believe that is the word of God. Most people who are atheist, or agnostic -- (such as myself), are skeptics or just don't believe due to these reasons, (contradictions, various authors, unrealistic content, and some people even have personal experience of following religions, their personal reasons why they don't believe). I just want to know from those that do, why do you believe in the bible?
25 answers:
Turn it up! Bring the Derp!!!
2011-12-17 19:05:36 UTC
Believing is easier than thinking.
2011-12-17 19:35:05 UTC
The Brible is just that a bribe to get you to behave during your life so that you might go to heaven.

As a scientist whose seen images out to the edge of our universe, seen billions, upon billions of galaxies, each with billions of billions of stars, I rather doubt that our little backwater star with its little backwater planets is even considered by anything that might "exist" to have any meaning. I cannot possibly begin to even try to believe that there is a being that cares or possibly even knows of our existence. We are nothing in this Universe except a little collapsed molecular cloud that happened to have enough mass to fire up a star that allowed the mass of interstellar dust around it to coalesce into the planets and other objects that exist in this little planetary system to this day.

As you can tell, I don't believe. But I do try to understand why people do. I know some people who I consider to be well more intelligent than myself, but they were raised in the bible belt and thus are prevented from thinking from a free will perspective about how ludicrous it is to believe in such a being. In fact, the one person who'se IQ has been proven to be above mine believes, we discussed it on an intellectual level and came to the conclusion that neither of us was going to convince the other about our opinions. So I suggested that we agree to disagree on that matter and it's worked great for us for decades. You don't find many people who can agree to disagree on religious matters and remain friends, do you. I've done it.
2011-12-17 19:08:13 UTC
Amongst other reasons, I believe in the Bible because even though it was written by 40 different men over a time period of 2000 years, it managed to have the same theme all the way through, without any contradictions at all. And there is no unrealistic content either.

Have you read the Bible? I suggest you do, it's a great book.
2011-12-17 19:16:59 UTC
Better yet why do u not BE LIVE the BIBILE? Is b/c you all never did? Or b/c u follow the black sheep who listen to all the ones who never had experience in knowing God/higher power/creator,or been enlighten w/Masters/teachers & only think as far as your own false fake man made world & false finger nails fake tudes & man created world you live in?Or you just bored and haven't known that ppl ask this stupid Q a 100x's A MINUTE! Go to where it says 'STOP' we may have the answer for you!

I walked down this road all my life. Did allot of things on both sides of the track. I know God isn't a religion and isn't a law. We are here to reflect on what we to created for we are Gods who God gave life in this physical body's,so we can experience our world/s we created with him..that's all i'm doing and saying. It opens the door for ppl like you who don't really want to do the hard work and who are bored and who just looks for answers to perhaps agree w/them in the way that says to what they want to hear. That there's no God,etc...The bible is words of God..and man...and Jesus and others.

Take what you can use open up and the truth of what you want and need will come pouring in...all you want and it will be your highest truth. Not the persons next to you,nor your friends,or anyone else's...just yours. Don't let others do your thinking,talking,give you their beliefs,just you.
2011-12-17 19:09:55 UTC
Most because they have been indoctrinated to believe in this silly stuff and they don't have the intellectual tools to separate truth from bullshit; that or they choose not to search for truth and instead search for peace. Peace is like a precious jewel in which people will give almost anything for it.... the first thing they usually give up is truth. But for me I cannot do that. To seek for truth, for the sake of knowing the truth, is one of the noblest objects a person can live for. Yet I see very little truth in any of these religions. The quest for truth is not for everyone. Treasured traditions and comfortable beliefs must not be permitted to overpower solid contrary evidence.
2011-12-17 19:09:37 UTC
The Bible is a book of faith and not science. It is nor an easy book to understand for the writers lived in different times and cultures. For example when the writer of Genesis mentioned that God made the universe in 7 days, we must bear to mind that number 7 in Hebrew tradition has another meaning, that is "complete'. So he wanted to imply that it was God who made the universe and it would take Him as long as it would to make it complete.

God bless you!
2011-12-17 19:10:17 UTC
the bible has 66 books written by 40 authors inspired by GOD written out side our time frame , go to What would happen if you die to night were do you go ( you have 2 choices 1 go to hell the 2nd get into heave but) you have to be born again to get into this place.
2011-12-17 19:11:32 UTC
Not all Christians take the word of the Bible as pure truth. I think they know it's missing some facts...
Baptized Disciple
2011-12-17 19:11:58 UTC
Because it's the truth. There are no contradictions either, people desperately try to take passagesout of context to make it look so.
2011-12-17 19:07:27 UTC
Early childhood indoctrination (also known derogatorily as "brainwashing"), leading up to a learned skill at cherry-picking taught by seasoned Bible-thumping mentors, is what leads to belief that this big tome of fairy tales and tall stories is actually historical and factual.
2011-12-17 19:09:39 UTC

I, and most Christians I know, believe the Bible because it is the Word of God.

Also, the Bible has never been proved to be in error . . .

2011-12-17 19:06:39 UTC
Scientists are discovering that a part of religious peoples brains, the temporal lobes, and other specific parts of their brains, are overly-sensitized, faulty and under-evolved.

Specific parts of religious peoples brains haven't evolved as fast as the brains of Atheists and people who don't believe in god and religion. Parts of many religious peoples brains are stuck in the Stone Age and Bronze Age.

But other parts of their brain work fine. That's why you will find religious people in all walks of life.

With many people, believing in God is a combination of both nature and nurture, genetic and learned. Every individual is different.

Parts of many religious peoples brain hardware are old and outdated and permanently stuck in the Stone Age-Bronze Age and can't be updated. They are "science-blind", in many ways, the same way a person is color-blind. So they continue to believe in an ancient, primitive, make-believe, nonexistent, fairy tale Santa-God.

Take a look at these-
2011-12-17 19:08:41 UTC
Why do atheist try to comprehend the bible with scientific physics?THATS NOT HOW IT WORKS.I believe because Atheism doesn't explain to me where life started or why life started or what happens after you die.Everything with Atheism is unknown,its a constent struggle for knowledge they will never recieve.The bible explains everything.I believe because i have faith.BTW THATS NOT HOW U SPELL BIBLE."Bibile"
2011-12-17 19:08:26 UTC
I am a Christian and I believe because I THINK it's right see every body has opinions.
2011-12-17 19:06:38 UTC
Are you sure it is contradiction, or is it just that you don't understand it? There is a divine plan for salvation. There is a progression of events that take place. First you must be saved by repenting of your sins and confessing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Then the baptism of the Holy Ghost occurs. We cannot receive the Holy Ghost until we are saved because the Spirit of God will not reside in an unclean temple. Once you have received the Holy Ghost, you can understand the scriptures because you will then understand God. Understanding begins at repentance.\

1 Corinthians 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
2011-12-17 19:06:19 UTC
Peoples parents brainwashed them at young ages to believe in myths.

its a evil never ending cycle.
2011-12-17 19:05:59 UTC
Because they have a right to believe in what ever they want to
2011-12-17 19:09:41 UTC
u s4t4n w0r$hiper h0w d4r3 u d3fy da BIBILE >:( lolol txt me wen u r in hell ~ ~ ~
2011-12-17 19:08:02 UTC
Excuse me for being so blunt, but I bet dollars for donuts that you've never studied the bible at any length at all.

I've studied it for over 16 years and seen it proven true over and over again, that is why I believe it.
2011-12-17 19:11:29 UTC
Because they're fools.
2011-12-17 19:06:00 UTC
It's the very Word of God... Jesus said so and He is God.

Case closed!
2011-12-17 19:05:53 UTC
Because God has opened my eyes.

The so-called contradictions that atheists bring up aren't really contradictions.
2011-12-17 19:05:47 UTC
Because holidays are awesome

go boohooing until your dead you boring fock
2011-12-17 19:05:29 UTC
You got a problem?

2011-12-17 19:05:25 UTC
indoctrination, fear and peer pressure

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.