Should I convert to atheism?
2008-05-13 21:11:37 UTC
What are some good reasons why atheism would be a better choice than theism and/or religion. Please explain.
21 answers:
2008-05-13 21:37:28 UTC
It is good to start with the basis there is no 'God' until said 'God' is proven with adequate proof, etc etc. The Bible or other text does not prove there was a God - we need further evidence from very many independent sources of information to confirm this, also it must make logical sense - the actions, etc of God.

I am listening to the audio book of "I don't have enough faith to be an atheist" which presents the Christian view that God exists, the Bible is true etc etc. I don't wholly agree with it's arguments, etc -- but still it is worth listening/reading this book because it is important to know the various arguments - you can agree or disagree with the presentation and logic, etc.

Anyone one of it's silly arguments is ---- that the Earth is such a marvellous creation, a very special one - one that is very fragile and designed specifically for humans to live on - it quotes all the scientific data for this - which is an important lesson of how fragile and careful our living environment is - and then, it says - this obviously shows the presence of a designer who created such a perfect creation - the Earth.

Well, is that a convincing argument for 'God'? I think not - because if you were to take full note of Earth's history, we do have a history of meteor impacts upon the Earth (as well as the Moon and the other planets and moons, too) in which these meteors did wipe out almost or all life upon this Earth, at various times... Now, why would a designer subject the Earth to such cosmic Russian routette? We are also the same as the other planets in our solar system, who have been subjected to the same kind of impacts too...

Any religion which is self promoting and preaches all the time - obviously is not unbiased - but is plainly brainwashing us, of it's own importance. Much like what politicians do, who in effect say - "I'm a suitable leader ... I know all the answers --- vote for me, put me in power and I will lead you..." Religions do exactly the same - strive for power and control, and manipulate us --- because this is what they do. As such they cannot be trusted at all - and we need to be sure, that any information they provide - is true and correct. We simply cannot accept their word alone -- because that would be foolish.

Here is a good site for answers... (English Discussion Board) Use the search engine there .. to search it's extensive forum archives... and look over this site... it does have information there, as well...
2008-05-16 13:12:14 UTC
Should I convert to atheism?

What are some good reasons why atheism would be a better choice than theism and/or religion. Please explain.

Atheism is NOT something you 'convert' to. Either you look around, ask questions, do some research and then come to the conclusion that god is a myth or you keep believing the mythical BS that religion has been passing down for generations.

If you need some hit's to point you in the right direction then ere are a few.

(Note: Since most readers are more familiar with the Abrahamic god myths, I'll stick to these.)

Biblical lore teaches that the Bible is the immutable (unchanging) world of god and that god himself is unchanging, all knowing, infallible, all powerful and supreme.

Yet, based on the family tree of Jesus in the bible, we can trace his heritage all the way to David then back to Abraham and from there to Adam, the first man. Christian historians place the time of Adam at about 4095 BCE, that's more then 6,100 years ago. Yet we know that modern men (Homo sapien sapiens) have been on earth for at least 130,000 years. That's 123,900 years BEFORE Adam. According to the bible, the Earth was created a mere week before Adam was created. So the earth can only be about 6,100 years old as well. But geology has placed the formation of the earth at more then 4.57 billion years ago. Hmmmm.

So, if the Bible is unchanging and infallible, then why the inaccuracies. If you believe science is wrong or that god placed these 'fact' there to test us, then how loving is he?

Here's more. The Great flood/Noah and his ark, stories that can be found almost verbatim in other mythological texts. The only differences being the god (or gods) that caused the floods and the names of the heroes. In fact, these other tails predate the Hebrew tail by hundreds of years and histories are now finding that the flood story entered Hebrew oral tradition about the same time they were living in Samaria, a land where one of these older tails were quite prevalent. Hmmm. If it were any book other then the bible, everyone would be yelling that Moses ripped of the Sumerians and plagiarized their mythology. Instead, people ignore this bit of info because it contradicts their 'faith.' I wont go into the fact that the flood of the bible took place during the time of Noah, some 4558 years ago around 2450 BCE. Now, MANY Christians are quick to point out that geologists have proven that there was a great flood in that area stated in the bible...and they are correct! What they DON'T mention is that the same geologists have dated the flood to around 5600 BCE, some 7,600 years ago. That's 1,500 years before the biblical creation story, before Adam, and over 3,000 years before the biblical flood.

And there are dozens of other similar discrepancies in the bible.

So, if the Bible is a story...a book of myth and legend, not fact, then why should the god of the bible be any more real?

So if that god is false or at least not true, then what god is. So after research all other faiths, you will start seeing things that are absolutely asinine. You will also see man similarities to Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Eventually, if you use logic and reasoning, you will have to conclude that you are either an atheist. Someone that accepts that god us a myth or an agnostic, someone that can’t come to a definitive conclusion and doesn’t think it's possible...OR you could turn out like me, an Antitheist. Someone that reads enough to know that theistic views are detrimental to humanity in the long run and knows we need do what we can to discourage such sad and ignorant views. After all, humanity believing in a god is about the same a child believing in their imaginary friend. When the child is an infant, it's cute. When the child hits 3 or 4, it's worth a little concern, but not too much. If at the age of 10 the child is still talking to their imaginary buddy, there is an issue that needs to be dealt with. If this child hits puberty thinking his imaginary friends still hanging around, well, let's just say your child needs professional help. Humanity has hit puberty. We need to get rid of our imaginary friend now.

2016-05-24 02:09:10 UTC
My story is long, like others, but I was a good Christian in the sense I was a student of the Bible and I tested or tried what was proposed by the Bible. My journey led me to a profound disillusion with the religion. The average Christian in Asia, Africa, and the US I dealt with exhibited an outlook, a belief they lived with that eliminated the mystery of Creation. I think as a young man that was too much and not enough to hold me. So I booked (left the Church)! Now that is not all together true I was thrown out of a mega church and told not to come back to others because of my great drive to explore the depth of the faith, the powers of Christ and the teachings. I thought being a Christian meant to be Christ like and full of the mystery and that thought alone branded me as an atheist by the Christians I encountered. I don’t necessarily fall into your category but I enjoyed the other reads so much I want to throw my little thing in the mix. .
2008-05-13 21:21:08 UTC
Why would you want to live a life of fantasy and delusion? Because you are weak and need a father-figure, even if imaginary?

Drop all that childishness and take reality on board. Then, your life is freed up to be lived as it should be, as a fully-functioning human.

Convert? You can call it that if you wish. Reprogramming is a good description. Realisation of the truth is what it is all about.
Deirdre H
2008-05-13 21:19:33 UTC

You don't "convert" to atheism. You become convinced that there is no god and go on.

You "convert" to a particular faith tradition. The process of conversion implies learning the ways of that religious tradition. Atheism is merely the belief that there is no god ... no conversion is necessary.

It's not a choice of "what is better", it's simply what is true.
2008-05-14 12:19:36 UTC
if you want logic ,proof and faith then you need islam not atheism .

look at the fine tunning universe around you and you will know that atheism is false

feel free to contact me if you want to know anything about islam or atheism
2008-05-14 01:13:20 UTC
Depends on whether you care about the truth.

If you care about being right then becoming an atheist is a good idea.

If you don't care about being right then religion will suit you just fine (but please stay away from the fundies).
Brock Lee
2008-05-13 21:16:22 UTC
How do you 'convert' to atheism? Theres nothing to convert to. Your dropping your faith in a deities existence. Thats all.
2008-05-13 21:15:23 UTC
Yes, cuz athiesm iz likes Geico. Youd save a bunch of moneyz. Plus dat dern lizzerd is cute.
2008-05-13 21:19:28 UTC
You don't really convert to atheism. You just don't believe there is a god.

The best reason is because there really isn't a god.
2008-05-13 21:22:14 UTC
LOL, your question is funny. As a Christian who has experienced tests of faith (hard to get through the hard sciences without one) faith is a matter of loss, not conversion. Although I suspect you have already given up your faith, I appreciate your humor in the matter.
2008-05-13 21:19:57 UTC
well, how about converting to secular humanism? its atheism without as much of the demonization
2008-05-13 21:14:52 UTC
2008-05-13 21:17:34 UTC
Two words: reality, truth.

Do I really need to explain these concepts to you?
2008-05-13 22:06:01 UTC
No need to convert.

Just wake up
Steely Dan
2008-05-13 21:14:58 UTC
All the logic and babbies you can eat.
2008-05-13 21:15:41 UTC
You don't convert, you get deprogrammed.
2008-05-13 21:16:25 UTC
You were born and atheist.
2008-05-13 21:16:42 UTC
It just means that "reality hit".......
2008-05-13 21:16:42 UTC

God exists. read the Quran: (english translation of it)
2008-05-13 21:32:59 UTC
I don't care what you do.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.