Well, I don't see why I should have to ignore what you admit is a logical fallacy, and if you know it is, why even ask such a silly question?
Of course I have to say, you assume the universe needed a creator. I submit that it doesn't. So many don't get, that at some point, "something had to come from nothing" if you believe in the concept of creation in any way.
My journey to atheism started at the age of 8. At that time I figured out that Santa, the Tooth Fairy, and Easter Bunny were all made up. I figured that my folks and other folks did it to have fun with their kids. Like any other fairy tale, I figured that Jesus and God where the same.
So I stopped believing that they were real. As I got older, I started studying history, and discovered that there were thousands of Gods that have been, and are being worshiped, and I saw no reason to place anymore importance on any of them. As we can never really know if there is a God, much less which one it is.
Then when I started to study more science and saw that there were many very logical explanations to questions about the universe and world, complete with evidence, studies and information to back them up, I shed the idea that a God even existed at all.
I still feel, that anything is possible, and that there might be a God. But knowing what I know, I find that possibility to be slim to none.