Atheists, what convinced you God doesn't exist?
Lan R
2009-03-26 06:45:52 UTC
Or rather, was there northing to convince you that he DID exist?

I think most atheists would fall under the former category, as they are always talking about the socioreligious implications of our surroundings lol

And might I ask, how can a painting *universe* exist without a painter *Creator/Deity*
Yes, I am ignoring the logical fallacy of special pleading, and if you dont know what that is, Id rather you not answer my question anyways.

Thanks in advance!
45 answers:
2009-03-26 06:58:35 UTC
It's lack of evidence mostly.

Or some of them actually do believe in some sort of creator(even if they don't admit it), but refuse to accept that this creator is let's say the christian version or probably the Egyptian version or w/e.

My point? Religious leaders are adding a lot of unnecessary information about their religions that always seem to force absurd laws upon people.

So instead of having a religion, it's just much more convenient to become an 'atheist'
2009-03-26 07:23:47 UTC
Well, I don't see why I should have to ignore what you admit is a logical fallacy, and if you know it is, why even ask such a silly question?

Of course I have to say, you assume the universe needed a creator. I submit that it doesn't. So many don't get, that at some point, "something had to come from nothing" if you believe in the concept of creation in any way.

My journey to atheism started at the age of 8. At that time I figured out that Santa, the Tooth Fairy, and Easter Bunny were all made up. I figured that my folks and other folks did it to have fun with their kids. Like any other fairy tale, I figured that Jesus and God where the same.

So I stopped believing that they were real. As I got older, I started studying history, and discovered that there were thousands of Gods that have been, and are being worshiped, and I saw no reason to place anymore importance on any of them. As we can never really know if there is a God, much less which one it is.

Then when I started to study more science and saw that there were many very logical explanations to questions about the universe and world, complete with evidence, studies and information to back them up, I shed the idea that a God even existed at all.

I still feel, that anything is possible, and that there might be a God. But knowing what I know, I find that possibility to be slim to none.
Chris B
2009-03-26 06:59:20 UTC
You are ignoring alot arent you? Why ask the question when the answer may be the very thing you are "ignoring"?

Not that this behavior is uncommon among you folk.

Anyway. The universe is imperfect, Things are being drastically changed (not destroyed as energy cannot be destroyed ony changed within the universe) without any intervention. I would think, aww crap a meteor is comming to destroy my dinosaurs before the evolve into something more interesting, id better stop it would be at the forefront of an intelligent creators mind (yes I am ignoring all the little bad things that happen). This is a pretty big ball to drop, litterally if you like... If Gods lack of intervention was deliberate in order for man to arise then he isnt good then is he. Allowing so many species to die simultaneously is the act of an asshole really. You have the power to make another earth, put your precious humans THERE!!!...

Anyway... I managed to place my argument without pointing out the creator needs a creator, hope this is insightful.
2009-03-26 07:02:55 UTC
I'd say I fall into the former category. Once I started looking for evidence, I saw that there was none. Without evidence, I realized that there was no reason to believe.

As to your comparison of the universe to a painting, in order for that to be valid (Even ignoring special pleading, as you nobly agree you're doing), you would still first need to establish that the universe was created as a painting is. Since it is impossible to say that anything in nature is created in the same was as something known to be man-made, this argument does not work, even if you say that the initial creator didn't need to be created.
Angry Atheist
2009-03-26 07:04:25 UTC
I am an atheist, No nothing convinced me that a god figure doesn't exist. Nothing has convinced me that one does exist. Common sense would tell me that it is VERY improbable that a all knowing all seeing being that no one can see or verbally speak to (and get a verbal response) exists.

I also tend to lean toward the thought process of if you are going to make a statement that god created every ting, then what created your god?

Saying god is eternal is not an answer it is a cop out, because as a previous poster already stated I can rebut that with matter is eternal...
Forgive & Share
2009-03-26 07:32:05 UTC
Lan R,

I see you in your dark cave awaiting salvation in death, never walking in the light of truth. You may ignore the fallacy of "Special Pleading", but that is your admission that your case for your god's existence is faulty. You just don't seem educated to the application of logic and reasoning.

Your lack of honest reasoning is most convincing of the fallacy of your deity.

Forgive and Share
2009-03-26 07:00:56 UTC
If the universe is a painting and God is the painter, and you're ignoring that the painter had to come from somewhere, at least explain where he got the paint and the canvas. Painters generally aren't able to make their paint appear out of nothing. They either buy it, or attain the raw materials used to create it and form it themselves. So if God created the universe, where did he get his supplies?
2009-03-26 07:04:16 UTC
a universe, life and existence, are not a painting,

they are easily logically things that CAN exist by themselves, they dont NEED a createor,

which is why comparign them to a paitning which DOES need a painter, is an irrelevant and incorrect comparison

no evidence,

no logic in the theory or claims of a creator or god

human sociaological fantasies and psychology are prelavent in all claims about any gods
2009-03-26 06:52:06 UTC
For me it is that nothing has convinced me that he does exist. I was raised in a religious Southern Baptist home and I tried; but, the Bible and all that I was supposed to take on faith seemed more like fiction that anything else. In fact, if it were real, I would not have to take it on faith, a concept that has never made sense to me.

And as for "And might I ask, how can a painting *universe* exist without a painter *Creator/Deity.* " That is a "strawman" argument; for, then the question is who created the creator, aka in this case God. And the idea that God has always existed is no answer because if God can have always existed, so can the universe.
2009-03-30 05:27:29 UTC
Then how can a deity exist without a painter? It's never say that something comes from nothing. That violates the law of conservation. We just don't know the state that our current state came from. Big difference. We know where your explanation of everything comes from, human fear of mortality. As for what convinced me that a god didn't exist, common sense did it.
Country Livin'
2009-03-26 06:55:42 UTC
I base my beliefs on pure scientific logic. I believe in evolution and the big bang theory. This explains the universe, and there was no great god painter. I think the bible is a great moral story book, but that it does not contain facts. Perhaps there once was a great leader named Jesus, but he wasn't a god, and the rest is what is called a 'tall tale.' Science can actually explain all the 'miracles' in the bible. I am convinced by cold hard facts. Science explains it all.
2009-03-26 06:57:35 UTC
1. Lack of evidence.

2. This form of arugment is the 'watchmaker argument' or more commonly the 'argument from design' which is itself flawed and illogical. It implies that everything has/requires a creator, but fails when asked who created the creator (following the arguments OWN logic), I suggest you educate yourself on logical fallacies. Along with 'burden of proof' and 'negative proof'. In fact, go through the list, you will find it on Wikipedia.

Have fun.
2009-03-26 08:22:26 UTC
>Or rather, was there northing to convince you that he DID exist?

That's mostly it.

>And might I ask, how can a painting *universe* exist without a painter *Creator/Deity*

Your question is biased because it constrains the Universe to a flawed analogy about paintings. If you want accurate answers, I suggest you reask your question without the bias.
2009-03-26 07:02:04 UTC
what convinced you God doesn't exist?

-my lack of faith, and I suspiciously have no physical evidence.

how can a painting *universe* exist without a painter *Creator/Deity*?-Why must a supernatural origin be applied too a natural object?
2009-03-26 06:49:12 UTC
there is no reason to believe any god exists (no evidence)

as for your second point, the thing is that no matter what, there has to be a point where either something came from nothing, or something was always here. You say who created the universe? I say who created your god. and if you say "God is eternal, he was always here." I say "matter is eternal and has always been here." It can go both ways.

I'm not an astrophysicist, I can't explain the big bang very accurately, but I think that we dont necessarily have all the answers right now, and we shouldnt just resort to "goddidit" when we're unsure.
2009-03-26 06:48:55 UTC
The problem is that religious people try to make laws based on religious belief to govern a society full of people of different faiths or no faith at all.

We athiests tend to get testy when a large group of people try to force us to live by their beliefs through law.

If we had a true seperation of church and state in this country, athiests would stop being so prickly. Until our Presidents stop saying they are guided by God and we have some openly athiest people elected to government, we're gonna be a bit grumpy toward religious folks.
Searider Falcon
2009-03-26 06:58:04 UTC
The universe doesn't require a designer if the universe has always existed.
2009-03-26 06:55:01 UTC
1.) The complete and utter lack of evidence supporting the God Hypothesis.

2.) The fact that the sort of Universe we live in is exactly the sort one would expect if it were governed solely by natural forces -- if it were God's will alone that poofed us into existence, it wouldn't NEED to be 13.5 billion years old, or be comprised of BILLIONS of galaxies with BILLIONS of stars each, or have organisms with vestigial organs and defective genes and so on...
Stainless Steel Rat
2009-03-26 07:08:37 UTC
All of the liars for jesus. There are so many claiming they have the truth and at the same time lying about things.
2009-03-26 06:56:25 UTC
besides all the logic and reasoning an scientific proof that keeps me grounded...

it doesn't take a Genius to see that an all powerfull, all loving gods presence is no where to be found in this world.
2009-03-26 06:51:52 UTC
The bible. When I learned that the bible was disproven, I woke up. I became a deist. Years later, after I had studied other religions, and thought about it logically. I realized there was no reason to believe in ANY gods.
2009-03-26 06:52:42 UTC
I put my fear aside for awhile while I sorted things out logically.

If evolution is true, what other lies does the bible hold?

Why must a god exist? We already have science to explain the unknown

Is it best for me to believe in a "god"?

By asking yourself simple questions, you can see the truth more clearly. Best wishes :)
2009-03-26 06:51:22 UTC
most of my atheist friends don't believe in a God because either 1) they haven't seen him or haven't seen any tangible evidence... or 2) they can't comprehend how a God would allow so many terrible things to go on in the world
2009-03-26 07:06:16 UTC
Wow, is all I can say. Sometimes I say to myself maybe I should not even visit this site, but it interest me to know how people think who do not believe in a higher power, and it actually just increase my faith even more, so I guess in a way, thank you.
2009-03-26 06:50:08 UTC
It is good that you are ignoring the logical fallacy of special pleading. Now, without using that logical fallacy, based on your analogy (Which is based on the watchmaker fallacy), who created your god?
2009-03-26 06:50:18 UTC
I just thought one night it seemed rather far-fetched that what we believe, but can't see, is absolutely right. Then I found out the truth behind religious fanatics and realized, "There's no way."
Bugz Mama
2009-03-26 06:51:12 UTC
I never could get into the "big guy in the sky" idea. Even as a little girl I thought folks like Noah -- hearing a voice say "build a big boat" -- were just nutty. Nowadays we see someone talking to themselves, they're either on a Bluetooth or just crazy.
2009-03-26 06:49:29 UTC
Cerebral Palsey
2009-03-26 06:52:22 UTC
No evidence to provide the existence of god historically and archaeologically.

The bible is not a proof that god exists.
Colette Pioline ART
2009-03-26 06:49:45 UTC
The complete lack of evidence of gods.

I'm not a cosmologist, but if you engage in special pleading, it's not a true debate anyway. I have to use only science, and you get to reference magic and not explain it.
2009-03-26 06:55:00 UTC
God himself told me that He does not exist and nobody can dispute the word of God.
Anonnie Mouse
2009-03-26 06:52:10 UTC
The same thing that convinced you the other 3,399 deities beside yours didn't exist, I imagine. You lack belief in those deities, I lack belief in all deities. We're not so different, you and I; I merely lack belief in one more deity than you.
2009-03-26 06:50:35 UTC
Actually, I feel that I was born an atheist. It's really up to your side to prove to me that god exists. Back it up with science. Then we'll talk.
2009-03-26 06:55:22 UTC
What convinced me god doesn't exist?

First of all...which god?

Second, if you mean the judeo-christian god, it was several thorough readings of the bible that convinced me.
2009-03-26 06:52:07 UTC
The Blind Watchmaker fallacy is a rather ignorant approach, don't you think? Especially after Ray Comfort repeatedly humped it to death...
2009-03-26 08:32:32 UTC
No need

No proof

When you realize you do not need god you know there is no god.
2009-03-26 06:50:45 UTC
Total lack of evidence, common sense and disbelief into anything supernatural
2009-03-26 06:57:27 UTC
"I contend we are both atheists, I just believe in one fewer god than you. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours".
2009-03-26 06:49:44 UTC
Simple. I tend to not believe in things, which can not be backed by evidence.
2009-03-26 06:49:35 UTC
For your first question, same reason you aren't convinced that Ra or Thor exist.

For your second, who painted God?

Original poster, it's a bad argument.

I'm emailing you!
2009-03-26 06:49:23 UTC
Nothing to convince me he does, and the painting/painting analogy is vacuous and false.
2009-03-26 06:52:03 UTC
What an incredibly smug question.
2009-03-26 06:52:37 UTC
after watching the documentary by Bill maher "Religulous" ;-)
2009-03-26 06:52:56 UTC
Somebody please tell me who created god? oh he just always WAS you say? THATS CONVENIANT

Christian Sinner
2009-03-26 06:49:47 UTC
I'm telling you the truth, they take it on faith.

I'm not an atheist, but nothing stops them from answering my questions when I address them to Christians.

If then, so therefore. etc.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.