Read it and study it.
Most denominations differ by methods more than differing by the message.
I can show you a list of 60 denominations which agree totally on the basics, but that does not include how to administer the local church.
The basics being, how to become a Christian and make it to heaven.
When denominations disagree, at least in my list of 60 they disagree about very small details but they don't disagree on any of the major points.
Advent Christian General Conference
Assemblies of God
Association of Life-Giving Churches
Association of Vineyard Churches-USA
Baptist General Conference
Bilingual Christian Fellowship
Brethren in Christ Church
Christ Community Church
Christian Reformed Church in North America
Christian Union
Church of God
Church of God (Holiness)
Church of God Mountain Assembly
Church of the Nazarene
Churches of Christ In Christian Union
Congregational Holiness Church
Congregational Methodist Church
Conservative Baptist Association of America
Conservative Congregational Christian Conference
Conservative Lutheran Association
Elim Fellowship
Evangelical Assembly of Presbyterian Churches
Evangelical Church of North America
Evangelical Congregational Church
Evangelical Free Church of America
Evangelical Friends Church Eastern Region
Evangelical Lutheran Conference
Evangelical Methodist Church
Evangelical Presbyterian Church
Evangelistic Missionary Fellowship
Fellowship of Evangelical Churches
Free Methodist Church of North America
General Association of General Baptist
General Council Christian Union
Great Commission Churches
Hispanic World Harvest Churches
International Church of the Foursquare Gospel
International Fellowship of Christian Assemblies
International Pentecostal Church of Christ
International Pentecostal Holiness Church
Midwest Congregational Christian Fellowship
Missionary Church, Inc.
Morningstar Fellowship of Churches
Northern Pacific Latin American Assemblies of God
Open Bible Churches
Pentecostal Church of God
Pentecostal Free Will Baptist Church Inc.
Presbyterian Church in America
Primitive Methodist Church USA
Reformed Episcopal Church
Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America
Southern Pacific Latin American Churches
The Brethren Church
The Christian & Missionary Alliance
The Salvation Army
The Wesleyan Church Corporation
Third Day Worship Centers
Transformation Ministries
United Brethren in Christ
US Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Churches
Worldwide Church of God