People say the Bible has only one meaning, but how can anyone know what it is?
Kevin S
2008-08-11 13:52:46 UTC
In other words, how can you avoid having several interpretations and people shouting "false gospel" at one another? Clearly, it isn't a straightforward thing at all. And if it was, we probably wouldn't have so many denominations of Christianity.
34 answers:
Lawrence Louis
2008-08-11 14:00:24 UTC
There is no way of saying that the Bible has only one meaning. Nowhere, within the corpus of scripture, is there a guideline for how to interpret scripture the “correct way”. You are right that all the denomination splits, that are part of church history, are a direct result of the fact that even very learned men cannot agree as to what scripture is really saying.
Danny H
2008-08-14 09:26:08 UTC
The Bible does have one meaning and it is the salvation message of Jesus Christ. The reason for the myriad interpretations is because of Protestant denominationalism. All extra-biblical authority, namely a Church Magesterium and Sacred Tradition, have been carved out of nearly all Protestant sects. They stand solely on the bible as their principal authority. Obviously, when they disagree on the meaning of an unclear scripture fractures typically result.

The cure is to rewind the clock and go back to the source of the Bible, the Catholic Church. The Spirit inspired writers of the Church wrote the New Testament letters we have now, and the Church compiled them and canonized them into Sacred Scripture. The Church gave us the correct interpretations, which were the only ones in existence for 1500 years, and still would be if not for the Protestant Reformation 500 years ago. So today, if anyone wants to cut through the confusion and return the source and keeper of the Scripture's authentic interpretation, they must go to the Catholic Church. It is there, preserved in Her Sacred Tradition, that they will find it.

God bless.
no name
2008-08-11 14:55:11 UTC
You have to examine the scriptures for yourself. Go into it without any preconceived ideas, or keep an open mind because the religious leaders are not teaching folks what the Bible actually teaches.

A bible student will recognize that this religious confusion was actually prophesied, so it shouldn't be of any surprise. But, it was also prophesied that it wouldn't go on forever, one day everyone will be on the same page.

If you believe that there is a God do you think he would want to be misrepresented? But that is exactly what folks do when they represent him as a three in one concept who tortures people in a way that would make the nazi concentration camps look like a playground.

However "Christians" on this site that bash other religions are not exactly showing Christlike qualities.
2008-08-11 14:32:04 UTC
Your question, at least me, is not so much about the Bible as about language itself. The power of language is its flexibility, but this is also its greatest weakness. Words live in families-- giving rise to semantic range. Grammar and syntax are descriptive as much as prescriptive which means the the "rules" aren't absolute guides. Add to this the fact that both change over time. How then can we communicate? Because we certainly do. As strange as it may sound, the answer lies in information theory. I guess I'd point you in that direction if this question really interests you.

The direct answer to your question is that we cannot ever have absolute certainty when it comes to interpretation. The best we can achieve is validity: our interpretation incorporates all the data (lexical meaning of words, worldview, author's intent, grammar and syntax, historical setting, idiom, etc.... ) To the extent one achieves validity, the interpretation is 'true'. But, given the complexities involved, there will almost always be alternative, valid, readings. So we must exercise charity and humility in this area. The vast array of denominations and interpretations reflect this. Unfortunately they also reflect the ignorance and bigotry of people. The range of possible valid interpretations is not nearly so large as the current state of Christendom suggests. It's also important to note the the core beliefs of the faith really aren't disputed. Usually the squabbles arise over so-called 'grey areas'. Church government, sacraments, and the like. I thank God that the Bible, reflecting and informing Apostolic tradition, is crystal clear on these core elements. If it weren't, there would be no church at all.

Pastor Art (((SFECU)))
2008-08-11 18:01:18 UTC
Read it and study it.

Most denominations differ by methods more than differing by the message.

I can show you a list of 60 denominations which agree totally on the basics, but that does not include how to administer the local church.

The basics being, how to become a Christian and make it to heaven.

When denominations disagree, at least in my list of 60 they disagree about very small details but they don't disagree on any of the major points.

Advent Christian General Conference

Assemblies of God

Association of Life-Giving Churches

Association of Vineyard Churches-USA

Baptist General Conference

Bilingual Christian Fellowship

Brethren in Christ Church

Christ Community Church

Christian Reformed Church in North America

Christian Union

Church of God

Church of God (Holiness)

Church of God Mountain Assembly

Church of the Nazarene

Churches of Christ In Christian Union

Congregational Holiness Church

Congregational Methodist Church

Conservative Baptist Association of America

Conservative Congregational Christian Conference

Conservative Lutheran Association

Elim Fellowship

Evangelical Assembly of Presbyterian Churches

Evangelical Church of North America

Evangelical Congregational Church

Evangelical Free Church of America

Evangelical Friends Church Eastern Region

Evangelical Lutheran Conference

Evangelical Methodist Church

Evangelical Presbyterian Church

Evangelistic Missionary Fellowship

Fellowship of Evangelical Churches

Free Methodist Church of North America

General Association of General Baptist

General Council Christian Union

Great Commission Churches

Hispanic World Harvest Churches

International Church of the Foursquare Gospel

International Fellowship of Christian Assemblies

International Pentecostal Church of Christ

International Pentecostal Holiness Church

Midwest Congregational Christian Fellowship

Missionary Church, Inc.

Morningstar Fellowship of Churches

Northern Pacific Latin American Assemblies of God

Open Bible Churches

Pentecostal Church of God

Pentecostal Free Will Baptist Church Inc.

Presbyterian Church in America

Primitive Methodist Church USA

Reformed Episcopal Church

Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America

Southern Pacific Latin American Churches

The Brethren Church

The Christian & Missionary Alliance

The Salvation Army

The Wesleyan Church Corporation

Third Day Worship Centers

Transformation Ministries

United Brethren in Christ

US Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Churches

Worldwide Church of God
2008-08-11 13:58:30 UTC
The only people who say the Bible only has one meaning are narrow minded ones who believe their interpretation is the only correct one. You are right, the Bible is anything but straight forward. When you are dealing with a collection of stories and myths, that is what happens. The Bible is not history and even so-called history is open to interpretation. No one can know, today, what was truly in the writer's mind when that particular chapter or verse was written. Don't try. Read it, come to your own conclusions, and let it go at that. To each their own path.
Hello There
2008-08-11 14:05:14 UTC
The Bible is very clear on various subjected. But even on these, people discord. However, people don't do enough research to understand and accept what the Bible is trying to say. For example, take one subject, then gather all texts and passages that talk about that'll end up with a "book" probably...but from that you'll find out what the Bible is trying to say. It's like a big jig-saw puzzle. You take one piece and you can guess what the puzzle is about, but then you pick up another piece and it has nothing to do with that first piece. But at the end, when you put it all together, you can see the picture perfectly and every piece makes sense.

All the different denominations we have are there because people only want to do what is "comfortable" for them; they want the Bible to conform to their beliefs...they don't want to change to conform to the Bible.
Barbara E from Houston Texas
2008-08-11 13:58:11 UTC
I would disagree with the statement that the Bible has only one meaning. There is the history/contextual meaning, and then there are meanings for later generations, general principles, etc.

Some people explain some sections of the Bible to mean the opposite of what it's clearly stating, and that's worthy of being corrected.

And also, many Christians just aren't that polite. When they disagree, they get mean about it. Not exactly Christlike behavior.
gone fishin
2008-08-11 14:02:58 UTC
Christianity has many denominations but generally accepted "essential doctrine." The differences come into play with "non-essential doctrine," rituals and practices. The confusion is not of God.

I would say that as within any field or discipline, there are various ways of interpreting the same data. I would say there are always personalities which conflict and don't.

But mainly, I would say that we choose what we believe for a reason: It's because it is what we believe the Bible says. When it comes to other religions, whether I would consider them false gospels or not depends on whether they accept what I consider "essential doctrine."
2008-08-11 14:01:02 UTC
Many Christians like to turn the lords words to there will and not that of God..All you need to know is

In the beginning was the Word, and the word was with God, and the word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and with out him nothing was made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

John 1: 1-4

The only way to make sure that false gospel is not spread around is to read your bible and pray and meditate on the word of god..(truth)..

Use reference to your words. make sure you know what you speak. If you dont know the answer then have them look it up with you and pray on it together so the lord may reveal the truth to you both.

God Bless...
2008-08-11 14:36:58 UTC
The Holy Scriptures, quite mysterious they are. The problem that arises with the understanding of these Scriptures is a simple one. They are Spiritual ..... and no one can understand things of the Spirit without a Spiritual mind. Almost every mind on this planet is carnal, and a carnal mind is only good for that which is carnal. So it seems the first thing we must do is to acquire a Spiritual mind. But how can this be done ? We are all born with carnal minds, all we know is carnal, material, and far from Spiritual. What shall we do ? Might I make a suggestion ? Let us turn to these Holy Scriptures, and see if there is an answer to our dilemma.

We find in the third chapter of John, a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus. Upon approaching Jesus, ( In the middle of the night so as not to be seen ) he made the simple statement, " No man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him. " Jesus' replay was somewhat shocking, " Jesus said unto him, " Very, very, I say unto thee, except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God. " A rather strange statement to make in conjunction to the previous statement made by Nicodemus. What could Jesus have meant by this odd statement. If we pursue a bit farther we find Jesus saying these words, " That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit, is Spirit. " So we can conclude from this that the understanding of the things of the Spirit are given only to those who are born of the Spirit.

Now, if you will acquire for yourself a good study Bible, ( I suggest the NELSON STUDY BIBLE NKJV ) and diligently study, in prayer, asking for wisdom, knowledge, and understanding of the will of God, I am quite sure you will discover the meaning to the phrase, " You must be born again.

God be with you,

William, a Bond-servant Of Christ


2008-08-11 14:13:36 UTC
The message of the Bible is a simple one! Jesus died for our sins accroding to the scriptures, and that he was buried and that he rose again the 3rd day, according to the scriptures.

The Bible tells us to try the spirits to see if they come from God. That is anyone comes preaching anything different than that which I wrote above, then that individual is a false prophet, preacher or teacher.

You can paint the strips of a tiger! But that dont change its characteristic!

Just because it looks like a sheep, walks like a sheep, and feels like a sheep! Doesnt mean its a sheep! Its a wolf in sheeps clothing.

The Road to Salvation is my introduction to the above! Anything different-is false!
2008-08-14 09:03:00 UTC
That is Exact ally why Jesus did not leave us just a book, actually he did not physically leave a book at all.

Jesus left us the Catholic Church, who gave us the Bible through the Holy Spirit.

If all Jesus wanted us to have was a book, he would have just written a book. Fact is, he left us his Disciples and the Structure of the Catholic Church.
Light and Truth
2008-08-11 13:56:30 UTC
20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.

2 Pet 1:21

21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake [as they were] moved by the Holy Ghost.

Elder James E. Faust, The Keys That Never Rust, Ensign (CR), November 1994, p.72

I strongly counsel all who have membership in this church to follow the teachings and counsel of those who now have the keys as prophets, seers, and revelators. They are the ones who will inspire us to deal with the vicissitudes of our time. I plead with all not to try to selectively invoke gospel principles or scripture to wrongly justify spiritual disobedience, or to separate themselves from the responsibilities of covenants and ordinances contrary to the counsel of those who have the prophetic voice in the Church. The scriptures and doctrines of the Church are not, as Peter warned, “of any private interpretation.
Woody S
2008-08-11 14:07:02 UTC
Its crap.

They mean, my way is the correct way. There will always be differences of opinion. If we all want to become "One" as Jesus put it, we are going to have to realize that the bible is very symbolic in places, and because of this subject to interpretation.

I suppose you could say that God Himself knows the correct one interpretation, but its complete Hubris to say that you and God share that same one interpretation. There could be some potatoe farmer in the mid-west who has a better understanding of how God understands it.
2008-08-11 14:03:38 UTC
The reason is a lot of people thought God,s way was to

hard ,so they went out and built a church and taught what man wanted to hear instead of what God say,s, and thats went on for

hundred,s of years so now its just a few of us that believe

the word of God,,thats how I know that time is short.
Tomorrows God
2008-08-11 14:10:45 UTC
The bible is simply a masculine view of distorted history and pure mythology. .It does contain some of God's truth but good luck in separating it from the mythology. .No one has done it yet or we would not have over 400 different denominations in our country alone. .In 1995 God gave us His truth, with the publishing of the Conversations with God book by Neale Donald Walsch..Unfortunately too many people are using the free will God gave them to ignore His truth..God bless all
New Creation
2008-08-11 14:01:05 UTC
People say the Bible.......

How about the Words of Christ spoken so clearly:

"You must be born again or you will not see the Kingdom of Heaven."

"I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father but by Me."

"Before Abraham was born, I AM."

I don't find this to be in the slightest way confusing.
Johnny Y
2008-08-11 13:59:34 UTC
You obviously have all the answers. Need I say more? Apparently, God didn't count on the fact of the human nature of disagreeing. God isn't straightforward, he's bent all over the place. Wait... that doesn't make any sense.
2008-08-11 13:55:44 UTC
You can't avoid it.

The entirety of the truth is too huge to be contained in words on a page.

God speaks His truth to us when the words in the Bible enter our minds and hearts. There are as many meanings to some of the words in the Bible as there are people to interpret them.

This makes sense to me: we're all individuals with at least a slightly (if not enormous) different take on the meaning of words and different world views from different vantage points. God speaks to all of us personally and individually, in language we can best understand Him, so of course the Bible has multiple meanings.
2008-08-14 08:55:18 UTC
The Bible is a "faith source", not a "historical source".


The 4 Gospels are about the message that

Christ gave us and not about the historical facts of Jesus.
Ken s
2008-08-11 13:58:21 UTC
Many different denominations exist because of small differences in the details of the bible, not its overall meaning. Anyone who has read it (old and new testament) will see that it clearly points to Jesus Christ as the Savior of man from our sins. The rest is small in comparison.
2008-08-11 14:04:16 UTC
problem is it was written in another language, passed down't through interpretetion and then filled with their own ideas. Just like our constitution, it stand to interpretation. But you are right, there is only one interpretation, but if i tell you, would you believe me? In the end you have to study and really analyze its context vs different translators.
2008-08-11 13:56:26 UTC
Ignore all sectarian translations and examine the original languages for yourself.

I'm a Codicologist. That means I examine ancient Greek and Coptic manuscripts and collate them into Greek and Coptic master texts, which are used by translators world-wide.

To do this requires going over every letter, every word, every phrase and every sentence while taking into account the context and the particular writers vocabullary and style.

I have been translating Greek for over 35 years and Coptic for over 20 years. I am also familar with Hebrew, Syriac, and Latin to a lesser degree.
Vote For Me
2008-08-11 13:56:41 UTC
Through the one true Church, thats how. Jesus promised, "I will build my Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it" (Matt. 16:18). Among the Christian churches, only the Catholic Church has existed since the time of Jesus. Every other Christian church is an offshoot of the Catholic Church. The Eastern Orthodox churches broke away from unity with the pope in 1054. The heretical protestant churches were established during the Reformation, which began in 1517. Only the Catholic Church existed in the tenth century, in the fifth century, and in the first century, faithfully teaching the doctrines given by Christ to the apostles, omitting nothing. The list of popes can be traced back to Peter himself, the first pope. Here is a list:

Jesus’ Church is called catholic ("universal" in Greek) because it is his gift to all people. He told his apostles to go throughout the world and make disciples of "all nations" (Matt. 28:19–20). For 2,000 years the Catholic Church has carried out this mission, preaching the good news that Christ died for all men and that he wants all of us to be members of his universal family (Gal. 3:28).

Learn more at this link:
Umbrella and Top Hat
2008-08-11 13:57:20 UTC
That is, of course, assuming it really does have only 'one meaning' in the first place.
2008-08-14 09:47:39 UTC
Start with the context, first Jesus wrote nothing He picked and trained his apostles -- bishops. they were there, some of them wrote, they have been part of the kingdom of heaven/God on earth that Jesus came to found -- the catholic church. We have a direct unbroken connection with them.

How do we know what the marines did at iwo jima?

How do we know that George washington was the first president of the united states?

Now, if teh Bible is picked up in a vaccum and read without knowing the context with out apaostolic succesion, with out the history that goes along with it, then yes there will be as many intepreatations as thsoe who read it. It's that type of document, basically an outline of salient events, and it must be understood, in context. In general we wouldn't in first grade pick up a book on the calculus take it home read it and present our interpretation to others. or even as an adult without having the history of allthe math leading up to the calculus.

This picking up the Bile and readin it and interpeting it without the hsitor wihtout the context is called protestantism, where everyone is free to aks what this book means to them; it is the very nature of protestantism.

Imaigine the professor (pastor) showing up to calculus class and saying to eveyone go home read the book and come bacck and tell me what it means to you. I think thee would be verry littel calculus being leaned, just as there is very little of what Jesus taught being learned in the rotestant bible studying fellowships. Now this is not rocket sceince it is pretty easy to grasp this about the bible jsut as we woudl apply it to calculus. People have trouble with the idea becasue fo their bias and prejudice against the cchurch that Jeus founded who have exclusive knowledge of biblical teching embedded in our doctrine, because well we were there to witness the events and we wrote it in the first place.

so, what does the bible mean to me? It measn exactly what teh kingdom of God/Heaven on earth -- the catholic church says it means. Nthing else. Everything else is nonsense.

Or is this purley an epistemological question. Hwo do we really know anything?

Sola Scriptura ?

Go get a copy of the marine corp. manual, take it home study it. Don't forget to rip out the five chapters that contradict what you are doing.

Get other people together to study it, implement it in your life, get the people who you study it with to implement it in there lives.

Oh, don’t forget to get your official marine corps manual concordance, so you can look up words and phrases like “simper fi”, “Iwo Jima”, “Helmet”, “Grenade”, and “Honor”, etc.

Now does this make you guys marines?

I think not.

You are missing pretty much everything that it means to be a marine. You haven't had the training that they have done for years you don't have the history -- the understanding of what it means to BE a marine as passed on from the founder of the marine corp to his first lieutenants and on down through the ranks through the years – the direct link to the founder of the marine corp. and writers of the manual, nor do you have the word of mouth testimony (those unwritten instructions that the founder himself – who by the way did not write the manual -- passed on to his first lieutenants, things the marines have been doing for years), nor do you have the true meaning of what the manual says. Because, of course, outside of the marine corp., the manual is MEANINGLESS.

People who belong to bible studying fellowships who believe in the doctrine of solely scripture, scripture first, scripture only -- sola scriptura are no more Christians than are the people who got together to study the marine manual are marines.

Now that you and your friends have studied the marine corp manual. Go out in front of a marine corp. recruiting station and as people walk in hand them a tract from the manual and get them to come join you. Go to a marine corp. camp and do the same thing see if they will join you marine corp. manual studying fellowship. But don't call yourselves that. Call yourselves, "marines". Go to the veterans day parade and hand out tracts from the manual there, and tell them to come to your marine barracks. Let people know that you have the way that all they have to do is study the manual with you and they too can be marines.

Oh yes and erect marine corp. manual studying colleges and graduate what?

Experts in misunderstanding the marine corp. manual.

And OHHHH yes don't forget to call yourselves not just marines but "heroes(saints)", because after all everyone who is part of your marine corp., manual studying fellowship is a "hero(saint)", after all the manual says that doesn't it? Forget about honoring real marine “Heroes(Saints)” like Colonel Louis C. Plain and Gunnery Sergeant John Basilone; or Gunnery Sergeant Donald A. Levesque (RET); or Marine Cpl. Jason Dunham ... etc.; for after all the manual tells us not to do that, right?

Then, go up to a real marine (if you dare) tell them what you are doing, and ask them what is wrong with it?
Born Again Christian
2008-08-11 13:56:39 UTC
There is only Christianity, nothing else. If you are not a true Christian, who would not understand that.

There is only one way to interpret the Bible - God's way.
2008-08-11 14:02:50 UTC
the bible is allegorical, not literal, and anyway it totally conflicts with christianity's doctrines. According to the bible, Jesus is the antichrist.
2008-08-11 13:56:36 UTC
i agree! even the same denominations cant get their story straight!
2008-08-11 13:56:10 UTC
Obviously. One would think that if God cared so much about his creation knowing the true story, he would have made it clearer.
Salvation Soldier
2008-08-11 14:02:20 UTC
Pray God will do the rest. God Bless
2008-08-11 13:56:30 UTC
any church that denies the Trinity is a cult....

churches must be biblical

Matt 28:19
Heretic in good company
2008-08-11 13:56:30 UTC
you have pretty much answered the question yourself. i agree.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.