You're no good at this logic thingie - give it up ;)
“Humanity was plodding along and then one day some smartarze suggested thunder was caused by an invisible man in the sky.
We've been asking for evidence ever since.
You never provided any...
Cos if you did have some you wouldn't have to pull the "Have Faith" card.
YOU are the people insisting an imaginary little hairy-nosed psychopath is swooping about in the ether doing the worst possible mayhem on innocent children... NOT I?
If I told you I had a Pixie in my pocket I'm sure you'd ask to see it..
So what we are asking is... produce your Pixie ;)”
Frank Zindler: Remember that the burden of proof is on the person alleging the existence of something.
If someone tells me that the Easter Bunny is hiding in somebody's clothes closet somewhere in North America, there is no need for me to search every closet on the continent.
The person making the claim has to produce the rabbit or stop wasting my time.