Strong's Greek Lexicon Search Results
Result of search for "heathen":
1484. ethnos eth'-nos probably from 1486; a race (as of the same habit), i.e. a tribe; specially, a foreign (non-Jewish) one (usually, by implication, pagan):--Gentile, heathen, nation, people.
1Cr 10:20 But I [say], that the things which the Gentiles (heathens) sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons, and not to Yahweh: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with demons.
1Cr 10:21 Ye cannot drink the cup of Yahweh, and the cup of demons: ye cannot be partakers of Yahweh's table, and of the table of demons.
Christmas is devil worship!
What The Bible Says About Pagan Holidays!
Yechetzqyah 16:2-3—
2 Son of man, make Yerusalem realize her abominations,
3 And say; This is what Father Yahweh says to Yerusalem: Your birth and your nativity are of the land of Canaan; your father was an Amorite, and your mother was a Hittite."
Birth and Nativity?
The people of Israyl that Yechetzqyah was prophesying to were not Canaanites. Our father Abraham was a Mesopotamian from the land of Ur. He was speaking of God worship. The birth and nativity are as old as the history of the Holy Scriptures.
The father of this pagan God worship was Amorite. The Amorite means the high one. The First Dynasty of Babylon was Amorite. That Amorite—Babylonian dynasty fell to the Hittites when they conquered Babylon. The Hittites were the third most influential of ancient Peoples of the Middle East, rivaling the Egyptians and Mesopotamians. About 1550 B.C.E., the Hittites destroyed the Babylonian capital of the Great Amorite king, Hammurabi.
Unger's Bible Dictionary, page 493, tells us:
"Hittite religion is a grand medley of Egyptian and Babylonian deities. They transported Ishtar of Nineveh as far west as Asia Minor. Marduk, the patron god of Babylon, is said on one tablet to have gone to the land of the Hittites where he sat upon his throne for twenty-four years. With Egyptian deities they also assimilated the gods of Syria and Asia Minor. Hittites early dwelt in what later became prominent centers of early Christianity: Tarsus, Iconium, Lystra, etc. The famous Ephesian Diana may have been a Hittite Artemis. Hittite gods are frequently depicted astride the backs of animals or enthroned between them. However, they are not actually presented as animals. This was evidently the arrangement in Jeroboam's cultic calves at Dan and Bethel, with Jehovah invisibly enthroned. M.F.U."
As we have previously proven, the people throughout the known pagan world, including Babylon, Egypt, and Syria, all worshiped the sun and the moon through their Gods and Goddesses. Mother and child worship was prevalent. The rebirth of this child each year was manifested in the form of an evergreen tree.
Jer 2:20 ¶ For of old time I have broken thy yoke, [and] burst thy bands; and thou saidst, I will not transgress; when upon every high hill and under every green tree thou wanderest, playing the harlot.