I have heard of Imago Dei, that church is awesome. My church is pretty sweet too, but I'm in Florida, so that doesn't help much.
I looked around on the internet, and I found a church called Vintage Faith Church in Santa Cruz, CA. I scanned their theology and they sound solid... they follow the Nicene creed, which my ministry follows as well.
I don't know where Santa Cruz is, but if it's not in the right area for you, you should contact them and ask if they can recommend a church in your area. They probably have contacts with other like-minded churches all over the state & could point you in the right direction.
Hope that helps! Let me know how it turns out if you want! :)
Another church that jumped out to me in the search was Kairos, apparently in L.A. Check them out. I'll add their website too. (They remind me of my church at first glance!)
*****EDIT #2:
I agree with you totally!! Progressive evangelical, right here!! It IS possible. Quite possible. In fact, I think it's the way things SHOULD be... And I love the term "red-letter Christian." That's me. Or at least, it's my goal. :) You would love my church. Too bad you're not in Florida, lol.