You have a refreshing way of asking questions in an inoffensive way that provokes thoughtful responses from believers and non-believers alike---have a star.
Here is a central concept that has not been mentioned. There were about 5000 words in the Hebrew language, about 5000 words of Aramaic, two of the principle languages of the Bible. There are over 400,000 words in our precise, Germanic, English language. That means that for every 5 words available to someone back then, there are 400 available to us now. It is pretty much the equivilent of someone with a PhD in English trying to speak with a four year-old, and explain physics and microbiology to that child.
Point two---a metaphor is no less true than a fact.
Point three---anyone who holds up a book and says---"This is all what God says" is guilty of idol worship, as far as I can tell.
Point four---Many parts of the creation story describe the "big bang" and evolution remarkably well, considering that the biblical account is about 10,000 years old.
Point five---Writing back than was a very laborious undertaking---the use of animal hides, the manufacture of inks and dyes, and all that made written material very expensive, labor-intensive, and therefore, valuable and venerated. Someone had to put a lot of effort into this stuff---you couldn't just go to your computer and print it out. You couldn't just take a sheaf of paper and a quill and some ink and write a "Declaration of Independance." No, writing was a whole big massive deal, and this is reflected in the constant referral to "The Word" being somehow holy and sacrosanct.
Lastly, atheism is very popular nowadays---if you study the Bible like a karate student studies anatomy, you will find weaknesses and contradictions easily, and often, as I did when I was in my 20's. If, however, you study it looking for truth, understanding that the Bible did not condone slavery, but just provided guidence for how people should do what they are already doing---did not condone women needing to obey men, merely told them to obey, and told the men to love and protect women, and if you understand some of these things against the backdrop of what was reality at the time, you may find that the Bible has useful concepts to share with you, if you pay attention. Good-luck---Brian