christian says "i love you" is anyone else insulted by that?
2006-06-23 16:08:13 UTC
so yeah, i get insulted when a christian says "i love you" and even when they say "ill pray for you" is it me or are those phrases basically a looking down (looking down at you as if they were higher than you) ?

are you insulted by that too?
42 answers:
2006-06-23 16:10:16 UTC
Nah, I'm so used to it I just laugh.
2006-06-23 16:33:44 UTC
First of all, are they sincere when they say this to you?

If they are then they truly love you! That is always a good thing.

Now about the prayer.A Christian is someone who has been touched by God's love when he realized that what Jesus' suffering on the cross took away his sin and and made him right again with God so he can be in Heaven when that person dies!

"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8)

This is an amazing realization of love! When you find something wonderful you then want to share it with someone you love right? Like if you watched a great movie or ate a nice restaurant. Its not because he is insulting the person but he also wants the person to experience such joy! So when a Christian finds this love he wants to share it with someone he cares about. And the sharing of love is at the heart of Christianity.

"Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him."

(1 John 4:7-9)

When a Christian genuinely says he or she loves you and will pray for you be happy. It is not meant as an insult but a way to experience a Source of wonderful joy.
2006-06-23 16:33:34 UTC
I think you your mind has told you that when a person says one thing, they actually mean another... When a Christian tells you that he will Pray for you... That is not saying yeah I am your superior. Seriously, I am a Christian, and if somebody tells me that they will pray for me, I am thankful to them, and appreciative that they are going to take time to ask God to bless me and supply for me or whatever. Now saying I love you... Seriously, I don't think I would be offended if somebody told me that they loved me...especially If it was a girl... JK! But yea...

There are Christians who have taken on the Holier than thou attitude and this is wrong... In reality A christian is no better then anybody else in the world. They are not better, yet there is a very significant difference between a Christian and a non-Christian... Christians have had there sins forgiven and paid for, and they have the assurance of heaven.
2006-06-23 16:23:31 UTC
What is it that you don't understand about loving your neighbor as yourself?

What don't you like about someone talking to God on your behalf?

Christians (followers of Christ) should always be looking up, not down at you. The basic Christian message as contained in the bible is a plan to find out what is available and how to get it. The four witness tell of Jesus life and death, how God kept his promise for a redeemer and raised Jesus from the dead, and that Jesus will return.

Having said all that, the bible is the word of God spoken by the prophets. It is not a conversion manual. The key is belief; you either belief that it is God talking to man or you don't.

Last point especially when you have Christians behaving badly, read the gospel of John focusing on the word belief.

I hope that helps.
2006-06-23 16:20:32 UTC
Oh, absolutely.

Those kinds of phrases just drip of condescending enthusiasm. It's demeaning, demoralizing, and just plain mean-spirited. It's completely disrepectful of that individual (even on a humanistic level) to throw that in someone's face.

While, in one respect, those phrases may be sincere from a devout believer and it's being done as an act of one's faith, in another respect, it is throwing your beliefs in someone's face -and insulting them if you know their beliefs do not even remotely parallel yours.

If you MUST believe that you should "love" or "pray for" another person, what is the harm is doing so silently?

Saying anything to contradict those "I love you's" and "I'll pray for you's" adds fuel to the fire and reinforces the belief that you are, in fact, a heathen. With saying, "shut up", etc. you are reinforcing their beliefs because they will believe that, with that attitude, you must need to be prayed for and loved. Somehow your life is miserable without their God, bible, or Christ in it. Even though you know that's not true and that you don't lose sleep at night over it.

It's absolutely insulting to hear things like that from Christians.

There's really not much you can say in return or retaliation unless you want to sarcastically thank them, ignore them, laugh at them, or shake your head in disbelief.

I say you should take the higher road, even if it does enrage you to hear it.

If anyone else has a better idea of how to respond, I'm open to new ideas.
2006-06-23 16:26:42 UTC
I am a Christian and I also get irritated when people say "I'll pray for you." If it's someone who I know will *actually* pray for me and isn't saying it as an insult, then I don't mind. But yes, some people do say that to look down on people... which is wrong.

I'm not sure I've ever felt offended by "I love you"...
2006-06-23 16:15:02 UTC
No I am not insulted at all, being a Christian, and knowing what it is that they mean. It is not a put down, or a look down. We really mean it, when we say that 'we love you', or that 'we will pray for you', it is the Love of God coming from Him, through our hearts to you. Satan hates us and is getting as many people as he can to get the wrong idea about us, that way he gets to spread his lies more.
2016-11-15 09:35:38 UTC
there's a particular quantity of bluster and bitterness contained in the question, yet there's a useful element in the following too. First, there is the ambigiuity about what the note 'love' potential at the same time as Christians use it; secondly, there is the problem that each and each one Christian protestations of 'love' are meaningless until eventually they're subsidized up through action. we stay in a society with an fairly selfish, self-absorbed idea of what 'love' potential. regrettably, the questioner shows precisely that variety of records of 'love': that is a few thing you in undemanding words provide once you obtain it in go back. i imagine this can be a marginally debased, cheapened, and self-serving idea of 'love'. yet he's nice to say that many christians spout the note with out heavily thinking in simple terms how a lot it calls for of them.
Farly the Seer
2006-06-23 16:14:51 UTC
I don't think you should be insulted by it. They're just trying to be kind and helpful of their fellow man. There are so many more worse things in the world than someone loving you or praying for you. It may seem intrusive sometimes, but there's no harm. They don't mean they'll pray for you as in you're broken or need it, they're just being nice. They do a lot of praying.
2006-06-23 16:16:46 UTC
I am a christian and I try to be sensitive about what I say to people. Love is as love does. I think it is better to demonstrate love by actions. And the last time I said I'll pray for you it made me uncomfortable. It would have been better to ask, would you like me to pray for you. Or maybe I could have just said nothing. I try to do what I think Jesus would do and for the most part He did what people who approached Him asked rather than seeking them out. He let others come to Him and asked what they wanted of Him . I think that's a better way. But not always. I try to be sensitive to God's Spirit.
2006-06-23 16:14:59 UTC
Not at all. Christians say those things to other Christians as well. You say "i love you" to people, but are you looking down on them? Probably not. Usually we say that to people we look up to. Is it different just because of a person's religion? Christians say "ill pray for you" to other Christians, even Christians who they think are better than themselves.
2006-06-23 16:24:07 UTC
If they said 'I love you' I would actually feel a little sorry for them that they think people they care about are going to suffer, if they say God loves you, then I'm insulted and try to remind myself that the ignorant fool obviously has not read and/or understood the Old Testament; if I hear Jesus loves you-I've seen/heard so many conflicting verses in the Bible, I would have to go by what the person was trying to get across and if they were obviously being condensending, I could easily blow it off and would probably look down on them, if they were being genuine and were concerned, again I'd feel bad for them to worry so needlessly
2006-06-23 16:13:45 UTC
I dont think I love you is insulting although a person you dont know saying I love you to you is a little creepy. But the whole I will pray for you thing makes me wanna scream!
2006-06-24 04:02:52 UTC
As an agnostic, it really doesn't insult me, it kind of annoys me but insulting? No.

I'm not threatened by their views so when someone says something along those lines, I just brush it off or thank them for praying for me. There's no reason to be offended, just move on.
2006-06-23 17:02:21 UTC
I'm a christian and I believe you should look at the source of the "I LOVE YOU". The person who states I LOVE YOU even they are Christian or atheist, Buddhist or whatever they believe. Watch how they live their lives, if you see them daily then make your own call on it. God gave us freewill to choose what we want, we should thank him for that. There are so many other things in life that can affect the acceptance of LOVE. Look inside yourself, examine who you are the answer lies within. Peace and JESUS be with you.

By Rob's Brother BRY
2006-06-23 16:22:41 UTC
No, amused.

Why do you care what they say or think? If you feel that they are somehow measuring or judging you, just relax and remember "Judge not lest ye be judged." If it makes you feel better, say that too them. They probably either be confused (if they were sincere) or pissed off (if they are a fake.)

Never let the opinions of others be the basis of your self-image. When you find yourself affected by how other people "see" you, spend some extra time thinking about your self image and understand exactly why what others think does not count.
2006-06-23 16:16:53 UTC
I'm a Christian, and only a hypocrite would call himself a "Christian" and treat you that way.

Just because you are in a garage doesn't make you a car anymore than attending a church make you a christian. My friend, just because someone calls himself a Christian doesn't make him a genuine Christian. On the day of judgment, "many will say to Jesus, "Lord, Lord" and then He will declare to them, I never knew you, you who practice lawlessness. They will be surprised to be sent to hell. The question is, if you died today, are you 100% certain you'd go to heaven?
2006-06-23 16:18:37 UTC
IM not insulted by you saying that I look down on you.i am a christian and I do love all man kind.I wasnt a born again christian all my life.i thank God that I had people to love me and to pray for me.its such a sorry that you feel insulted .i know i wouldnt do it on purpose.
2006-06-23 16:11:19 UTC
Why would you be insulted by my saying I love you. That's should make you feel good. I'm sorry if I offended you, but I do love you that's who I am. I am not looking down on you, actually it has nothing to do with you, but it has everything to do with my love for Christ.
2006-06-23 16:13:41 UTC
I love you I think is inappropriate, but I will pray for you, hey the more the better, anyone can pray for me, love is a strong feeling that you cannot have with a stranger.
2006-06-23 16:12:22 UTC
They are saying something nice to you and you are insulted? Get over it. That's the problem with too many people today. They are so easily insulted and offended at EVERYTHING! I guess the next thing you'll do is sue them.
2006-06-23 16:26:46 UTC
Sorry to hear that you would resist the effort of someone who expresses concern for you, if they do it in a superior manner then they are wrong and lack true love for you and the prayers will be unanswered, I hope they would say "I love you and will pray for you" with true compassion and concern for you. Be big enough to forgive them if they fail to be your servant,service is true love and they have not yet mastered the skills necessary to share with you the desire to serve you.
2006-06-23 16:26:36 UTC
In Isalm, "Who God likes of Mankind, makes others like him"

Also "Having others pray for you would get faster response from God"

That teach us to care of each others and not be only self centered. Thus, we feel that others could lend a shoulder or a hand for us when we needed and that others would celebrate with us our success.

It is not I have higher edge than you, but I could be benefit for you.

You should not be sensitive about it unless you are not ready to share others pain or joy and just like to be isolated.
2006-06-23 16:34:41 UTC
I can see your point, you may have percieved this person as asserting a superiority to you by as if they saw a flaw and also had the "power" to help you with it.

I am of the mind that in general religion is nonsense, but we have to keep in mind, many of these zombies are really good people and it's because the power of prayer makes them feel good about themselves.

You cannot stop a person from making the statements they choose to make, it is your choice how you percieve them and emotionally react.
2006-06-23 16:33:38 UTC
It would suggest that you aren't able to receive love or a compliment. Is tthere something in your background that would suggest an event that crimped your love 'recepters'. The bible recommends that our attitude as a christian should be one that considers the other person better than ourselves. If they have an attitude other than that they need spiritual adjustment
2006-06-23 16:24:13 UTC
Well as a witch it bothers me to hear " I'll pray for you" but I have found the a " and I'll cast a spell for you" usually shuts up the offending christian.
2006-06-23 16:12:41 UTC
no because they are being nice to you. I'm not religious but if a religious person tells me god bless you I know that mean it in the kindest way possible not trying to act like they are better than me. Telling you they are praying for you is a high act of honor for them
2006-06-23 16:16:55 UTC
If you tell every one you love them it really doesn't mean anything does it? I'll pray for you is worse if they say that to everyone then how would they have the time. So I AGREE.
2006-06-23 16:11:38 UTC
You get insulted when someone says "I love you"? I bet if they told you they hated you, you'd be offended by that too. What are you really looking for here?
2006-06-23 16:22:11 UTC
I love you. ( This is in a purely HETEROSEXUAL manner.) I'm not Christian and I probably do get higher than most Christians. If a Christian wants to love me ( and she's hot.) I always accept.
pickle head
2006-06-23 16:13:28 UTC
I'm all for being loved but as far as the prayers, I can pray for myself.
2006-06-26 01:30:40 UTC
God loves you

and i will pray for you, you can be my dad and i still will pray for you

it doesnt mean i think lesser of you
2006-06-23 16:10:40 UTC
Jesus loves you, God loves you, Jesus saves, and I'll pray for you all are sort of condescending, but I love you definately is not.
2006-06-23 16:10:56 UTC and compassion is a bad do u want us to curse and hate you? I'm confused since all religions teach love and peace.
2006-06-23 16:20:13 UTC
Isn't love a good thing, and prayer showing you care.
2006-06-23 16:11:47 UTC
If they want to waste their time praying for you, let them. It doesn't hurt you any.
2006-06-23 16:11:26 UTC
I don't love you and I'm christian.
2006-06-23 16:13:33 UTC
That is the greatest piss off.... I want to scream don't

it reminds me of a man who won't take no for an answer.

who the hell do they think they are....



2006-06-23 16:43:04 UTC
i don't mind if somebody says that they love me if they actually do.

its the sloppy sweet syrupy BS love in a handbasket that bothers me. don't pray for me niether, you wouldn't want me to use my religion to attack you, so don't use your evil fascist satanic religion to attack me. Thanks.
2006-06-23 16:11:39 UTC
yup, me too, they talk at us like we are children. and not all us christians are like that, just the fundamentalist born-again fools.
2006-06-23 16:13:55 UTC
whats better, a hug with an 'i love you' or 'i hate you' and a dirty bomb?
2006-06-23 16:11:40 UTC
say "thanks, and i'll jerk it to the thought of you."

that usually shuts them up.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.